Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

How many alcohol fueled killings in Colorado this year?

Dunno, that's another topic. Start a thread & find out.

Let's say this guy did kill her because of the pot. How many people are killed because of the war on drugs by gangs, drug dealers, in Columbia, Afghanistan, ...? I don't think you want to go down this path of counting bodies, your side has a long, long trail of them. It also has a trail of incredible invasion of our privacy without warrants in the name of tracing cash to make people's choices for them. By the "small government" party, LOL.
It still doesn't mean that the drivers were impaired by Marijuana when they crashed. All it means is that they ingested some form of marijuana within the last 30 days or so.

in another thread dumbass Katz and Thanatos stated that they believe that you are still high because of that....but yet they both claim they have experience with Pot and those who smoke it...
There's always been potheads behind the wheel, however once you legalize it either medically or recreationally, the availability will mean more use and therefore more impaired drivers.

Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths

Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths - NBC News

Again you fail to understand that testing positive for THC and being high are two completely different things. But i guess you will either continue to live in ignorance or ignore this to push your agenda.

Oh I have an agenda, okay, sorry for wanting to keep the availability of another drug out of the hands of kids to a minimum.
Once pot is legal everywhere, the availability will increase and the likliehood of kids getting started using will increase.
Excuse me for not being a cheerleader for another substance to go mainstream.
But yeah, I know, what you tweekers want is more important.

according to what i posted somewhere in the beginning of this thread in the 17 years California has had Med Pot and basically has Decriminalized it there HAS NOT been an increase in users like they thought there would be with High School kids.....most said they were already smoking it and the ones that dont said if they dont smoke it now at parties why would this make a difference?....
LSD in bong water wouldn't be the best way to gauge a dosage. A normal hit of LSD is between 90-150 micro-grams....which is the next thing to nothing....hard to measure a dosage like that in bong water. The heavy hitters would cap out at around 700 micro-grams, still very small amount to measure.....or so I've been told.

no it wasnt me.....:eusa_angel:

You remind me of a 4 way hit windowpane sort of a guy. :eusa_eh:

There's always been potheads behind the wheel, however once you legalize it either medically or recreationally, the availability will mean more use and therefore more impaired drivers.
That will depend entirely on the effectiveness of the public education program, which should include saturation publicizing of DUI pot arrests and punishments.

Public education is the way cigarette smoking was decreased by more than 50% -- in spite of the fact that cigarette addiction is more tenaciously addictive than heroin! I know this from personal experience because I smoked cigarettes for thirty-five years and public education convinced me to quit, which I did in 1985.

It should be some consolation for the Reefer Madness group to know there is a significant difference in the effects of DUI marijuana and DUI alcohol -- as any experienced highway cop will attest. Drunk drivers are aggressive, they drive erratically, and they speed. Stoned drivers are not aggressive, they are able to control their vehicle, but they tend to drive below the speed limit -- which is how the cops pick them out. (They drive slow and are smiling.)

Most of my friends and family members who quit smoking was because it became too expensive for them.....true story
5 bucks a pack for the good stuff out here....
There's always been potheads behind the wheel, however once you legalize it either medically or recreationally, the availability will mean more use and therefore more impaired drivers.
That will depend entirely on the effectiveness of the public education program, which should include saturation publicizing of DUI pot arrests and punishments.

Public education is the way cigarette smoking was decreased by more than 50% -- in spite of the fact that cigarette addiction is more tenaciously addictive than heroin! I know this from personal experience because I smoked cigarettes for thirty-five years and public education convinced me to quit, which I did in 1985.

It should be some consolation for the Reefer Madness group to know there is a significant difference in the effects of DUI marijuana and DUI alcohol -- as any experienced highway cop will attest. Drunk drivers are aggressive, they drive erratically, and they speed. Stoned drivers are not aggressive, they are able to control their vehicle, but they tend to drive below the speed limit -- which is how the cops pick them out. (They drive slow and are smiling.)

There's no doubt that alcohol impaired individuals are going to be aggressive as opposed to the docile pot smokers. However, as far as driving goes impairment is impairment and both can be dangerous on the hiway.

DD....even if they did a study and compared the 2 groups and it was proven Pot smokers are way less likely to cause a you think they would let it be known?...
Let's be honest, most people that smoke pot are either minorities, slackers, shitlibs, or some kind of assorted faggot.
There's no doubt that alcohol impaired individuals are going to be aggressive as opposed to the docile pot smokers. However, as far as driving goes impairment is impairment and both can be dangerous on the hiway.
As mentioned, ask an experienced highway cop about that.

You can also Google up L.E.A.P. (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) and ask one of those police officers who are opposed to marijuana prohibition. They will tell you what I've told you. Stoned driving is not good, but stoned drivers are not nearly as dangerous as drunk drivers.

Again -- ask a cop!

i had a Cal.Highway Patrol lady who lived on my route.....she told me once drunk drivers are absolute assholes and unfortunately are the ones who survive the accidents they cause that kill everyone else involved.....
There's always been potheads behind the wheel, however once you legalize it either medically or recreationally, the availability will mean more use and therefore more impaired drivers.

Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths

Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths - NBC News

Again you fail to understand that testing positive for THC and being high are two completely different things. But i guess you will either continue to live in ignorance or ignore this to push your agenda.

Oh I have an agenda, okay, sorry for wanting to keep the availability of another drug out of the hands of kids to a minimum.
Once pot is legal everywhere, the availability will increase and the likliehood of kids getting started using will increase.
Excuse me for not being a cheerleader for another substance to go mainstream.
But yeah, I know, what you tweekers want is more important.

Oo of course the children.

If you don't want you're kids smoking pot then be a better parent.

Teach your kid some responsibility, educate them on why it's wrong to smoke.

I don't need the Feds to tell my kids not to smoke i can do that on my own.

You seem like the type of conservative that wants the government out of peoples lives, unless people lead lifestyles that you don't agree with.

Get off your high horse and live your own life, who cares if your neighbors smoke some pot before watching a movie and passing out, their life their choices.
Can anyone read? What does this say?:


It says, "Shut the hell up, Conservatives." Pot was outlawed in 1937 as the worst drug ever and then it was legalized in 1942. America legalized "Marihuana", the Devil's Weed, the worst drug ever. Did society collapse? No. Does anyone think that producers of Marihuana were not also producing a little Marihuana on the side for themselves? Americans were smoking Marihuana when Marihuana was legalized and society did not collapse into a druggie nightmare wasteland. The United States of America emerged victorious from a two-front World War as the world's dominant nuclear superpower. Hence the title of the national agenda that made it all possible:


Are Americans capable of learning? Let's conduct a poll. Who is dumb enough to still think that marijuana should be illegal even after learning that the legalization of marihuana helped America win World War II?
Let's be honest, most people that smoke pot are either minorities, slackers, shitlibs, or some kind of assorted faggot.

Or the 1%,

or white middle class people

every demographic smokes pot.

Hence why I mentioned slackers, shitlibs, and assorted faggots. Plenty of white slackers, white shitlibs, and white faggots. No doubt you fall in one of these categories.
Can anyone read? What does this say?:


It says, "Shut the hell up, Conservatives." Pot was outlawed in 1937 as the worst drug ever and then it was legalized in 1942. America legalized "Marihuana", the Devil's Weed, the worst drug ever. Did society collapse? No. Does anyone think that producers of Marihuana were not also producing a little Marihuana on the side for themselves? Americans were smoking Marihuana when Marihuana was legalized and society did not collapse into a druggie nightmare wasteland. The United States of America emerged victorious from a two-front World War as the world's dominant nuclear superpower. Hence the title of the national agenda that made it all possible:


Are Americans capable of learning? Let's conduct a poll. Who is dumb enough to still think that marijuana should be illegal even after learning that the legalization of marihuana helped America win World War II?
The wrong side won that war.

And sorry to burst your bubble hippy, Private Ryan wasn't toking it up on the beaches of Normandy and Omaha. If that were the case, the Soviets probably would have gotten to Maginot Line before the Allies even formed a beach head.

Let's be honest, most people that smoke pot are either minorities, slackers, shitlibs, or some kind of assorted faggot.

Or the 1%,

or white middle class people

every demographic smokes pot.

Hence why I mentioned slackers, shitlibs, and assorted faggots. Plenty of white slackers, white shitlibs, and white faggots. No doubt you fall in one of these categories.

I'm a white Conservative

maybe I'm slacker, not sure what would define that, but i'm doing quite well for myself so i guess it doesn't really matter.

My point still stands... white, black, Asian, Latino, rich, poor, fat, skinny, PHD, highschool dropout, nazi, jew, conservative, liberal, gay, ambitious, slacker, Christian... any label you wanna throw out. They smoke.
Or the 1%,

or white middle class people

every demographic smokes pot.

Hence why I mentioned slackers, shitlibs, and assorted faggots. Plenty of white slackers, white shitlibs, and white faggots. No doubt you fall in one of these categories.

I'm a white Conservative

maybe I'm slacker, not sure what would define that, but i'm doing quite well for myself so i guess it doesn't really matter.

My point still stands... white, black, Asian, Latino, rich, poor, fat, skinny, PHD, highschool dropout, nazi, jew, conservative, liberal, gay, ambitious, slacker, Christian... any label you wanna throw out. They smoke.

Don't waste your time, look at his post....nothing but hateful slurs. He's just been trolling.
Can anyone read? What does this say?:


It says, "Shut the hell up, Conservatives." Pot was outlawed in 1937 as the worst drug ever and then it was legalized in 1942. America legalized "Marihuana", the Devil's Weed, the worst drug ever. Did society collapse? No. Does anyone think that producers of Marihuana were not also producing a little Marihuana on the side for themselves? Americans were smoking Marihuana when Marihuana was legalized and society did not collapse into a druggie nightmare wasteland. The United States of America emerged victorious from a two-front World War as the world's dominant nuclear superpower. Hence the title of the national agenda that made it all possible:


Are Americans capable of learning? Let's conduct a poll. Who is dumb enough to still think that marijuana should be illegal even after learning that the legalization of marihuana helped America win World War II?
The wrong side won that war.

And sorry to burst your bubble hippy, Private Ryan wasn't toking it up on the beaches of Normandy and Omaha. If that were the case, the Soviets probably would have gotten to Maginot Line before the Allies even formed a beach head.

What does that mean? "The wrong side won that war"? Would you have preferred that Nazi Germany had prevailed?

Without legal Cannabis, the American fleet wouldn't have reached Normandy or Omaha at all. The 1942 USDA film, Hemp For Victory, explains.

If hemp is not "marihuana" then why did the license to grow hemp read "Producer of Marihuana"? Because both hemp and marijuana are Cannabis Sativa. US Federal law does not make any distinction between the two. Hemp is illegal because marijuana is illegal. This is because industrial hemp has always been the real target of marijuana prohibition.

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