Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

So you want to "ban" certain products (that we know are dangerous) and NOT ban those that we are fairly certain are dangerous. Got it. Kalifornia's "problems" are a societal problem that they compound every day - good example? "medical" weed.

I'm still waiting for someone, ANYONE to address the possible legal implications of states working in direct violation of federal law and the possible consequences.....apparently, just ignore it a it will be all "good". Folks, it doesn't work that way.
I remember when the outcry first BEGAN over tobacco - way back in the dark ages of the middle 60s. People were pissed off that the "government" would try to ban cigarettes and put those stupid little "WARNING: labels on Marlboros. Fast forward to today. Most people don't smoke any longer. People began to understand that smoking was bad for you. Why would any person (with a modicum of intelligence) NOT believe that it is going to end that way for weed?

So you want to "ban" certain products (that we know are dangerous) and NOT ban those that we are fairly certain are dangerous. Got it.

is that what i said?....or is that just your interpretation of it?....i am on record here saying you ban the big 2 and i will agree to keeping Pot Illegal....until then since it is not as bad as Alcohol and Cigarets it should be decriminalized....and remember your buddy Bush and his Administration tried some shit here in California....the Pot Dispensaries are still here....what makes you think some other Republican Clown is going to fare any better?....

(1) Bush is/was not my "Buddy"

(2) The fact that these BS "clinics" are still open in Kalifornia proves my point. They use "lawyers" to skirt the intent of the law. Thats what they do.

(3) You are failing to understand that now that states are choosing to totally ignore the federal law, they, with each report of another incident, are calling attention to EVERYONE. At some point - something, whether it be rigid enforcement or legalization, has GOT to be done.

Right now Police in states that surround Colorado sit at the borders of these states and specifically look for those who have "visited" Colorado for the sole purpose of buying and transporting back to their own state. It's really not much different from the 60s when it was illegal to transport alcohol across state lines and guys would drive to Western states to buy and take home Coors beer. The difference? Beer is NOT a schedule 1 Narcotic. :D

if the people vote it in Randall what you gonna do?...i knew lots of Conservatives on my route who wanted Medical Pot and they want it Decriminalized.....and a lot said they smoked it in the past and know it is not as bad as the anti-pot people are making it out to be.....i delivered to 3 area cops who wanted it Decriminalized.....

Beer is NOT a schedule 1 Narcotic.

as many deaths as it is responsible for it should be.....
That isn't much comfort to the survivors when one pothead takes out a family of five.

it aint much comfort to family of 5 coming home from a family get together when one of your drunken friends plows into their car going the wrong way on a freeway is it?....ill tell you what Katz you list all the people killed by people driving doing Pot....ill list all the Drunk driving fatalities.....if you reach 30 ill ban myself for a month.....if i reach 30 you do the same.....lets see who is here next

The only way you can make that argument is to legalize pot and the check the stats 30 years later.

In the first three weeks after pot was "legalized" in Colorado, there were numerous auto accidents in Colorado that were attributed to "DWH" Driving high. One crash involved a high person crashing into a Denver PD patrol car. Unfortunately, the officers had no way to conduct field sobriety tests (no such thing) for pot so they weren't charged as such. The Bullshit legislature NOW has made DWH a moving violation. Go figure.

Randall i think anyone who has smoked Pot will tell you that a person who is high will get in less accidents then one who is drunk....and i notice that in all those car accidents no one ever mentions if the person was also doing something other than Pot....Katz is big on that type of shit.....she will report a guy who gets in an accident who has been drinking,doing Speed,Bath Salts and he smoked a joint....Katz will just report that the guy was doing Pot....and i believe i posted a link up top somewhere about Synthetic Pot which was just recently made illegal...and it will FUCK YOU UP and it will make you hallucinate and get violent....the guy who did the story on it said many of these stories coming out are probably because of this stuff.....because it is still out there and many HS and College kids are still getting it....right now its hard to discern this from real pot in the bloodstream....but he said they are formulating tests that will distinguish the is an excerpt....

Extent of Synthetic Marijuana Use

In the 2011 Monitoring the the Future, a survey on adolescent drug use, past year use of synthetic marijuana use was second only to use of natural marijuana in high school seniors. Roughly 36 percent of U.S. high school seniors reported past year use of natural marijuana, while over 11 percent reported use of synthetic marijuana. While the chemicals sprayed on plant material to produce synthetic marijuana were previously not easily detectable in standard drug tests, that is changing and some drug tests now include assays to identify five common compounds found in synthetic marijuana.1

The chemicals used in synthetic marijuana have a high potential for abuse and no medical benefit. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has designated the five active chemicals most frequently found in synthetic marijuana as Schedule I controlled substances, making it illegal to sell, buy, or possess them. Manufacturers of synthetic marijuana products attempt to evade these legal restrictions by substituting different chemicals in their mixtures, while the DEA continues to monitor the situation and evaluate the need for updating the list of banned cannabinoids.

Synthetic Marijuana Health Hazards and Addiction Potential

The 2012 DAWN Report from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) states that toxicity due to synthetic marijuana resulted in 11,400 cases of emergency room visits in 2010. Complications due to synthetic pot use include high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, agitation and seizures.

Synthetic marijuana abusers who have been taken to Poison Control Centers report symptoms that include rapid heart rate, vomiting, agitation, profuse sweating, confusion, and hallucinations Spice/K2 can also raise blood pressure and cause reduced blood supply to the heart (myocardial ischemia), and in a few cases it has been associated with heart attacks.

Published case reports in a 2011 edition of Pediatrics describe three teenagers who were hospitalized after using Spice/K2. The patients demonstrated varying degrees of catatonia (an inability to respond to verbal or physical stimulation - including pain) an elevated heart rate, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, headaches, excessive sweating, slowed speech, and confusion. Two of the patients recovered to normal function in three to four hours, while the third patient was kept in hospital overnight before being released.

The long-term effects of synthetic marijuana on reproduction, cancer development, memory or addiction potential are not known. One report suggest some of these products may contain heavy metal residues that may be harmful to health. Other reports claim synthetic marijuana can be addicting -- users who have had even unpleasant experiences crave additional drug. Regular users may experience withdrawal symptoms.

you are not going to get this kind of shit with real Pot....

The right-wing needs to stop being wrong. Don't Republicans hate the big overbearing Federal government? So why do Republicans love the drug war so much?

My impression of most contemporary Republicans is they typify the authoritarian personality much in the way of those Germans who came under the spell of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. Allowing the general public to function autonomously in their private lives makes these authoritarians feel insecure, whereas the imposition of life-governing rules and rigidly enforced laws occurs as a comforting substitute for the parental authority they obviously long for.

The right-wing Supreme Court's appointment of George W. Bush in 2000 was an authentic political coup. The re-election of this would-be dictator in 2004 was clear evidence of the slide toward authoritarian fascism. Fortunately our weakening Constitution was (barely) able to surmount the intentions of this war-mongering regime, but the residue of its political intentions remains in full force within the ranks of neo-fascist Republicans. For them the prospect of legal marijuana represents a weakening of authoritarian control.

So you want to "ban" certain products (that we know are dangerous) and NOT ban those that we are fairly certain are dangerous. Got it.

is that what i said?....or is that just your interpretation of it?....i am on record here saying you ban the big 2 and i will agree to keeping Pot Illegal....until then since it is not as bad as Alcohol and Cigarets it should be decriminalized....and remember your buddy Bush and his Administration tried some shit here in California....the Pot Dispensaries are still here....what makes you think some other Republican Clown is going to fare any better?....

(1) Bush is/was not my "Buddy"

(2) The fact that these BS "clinics" are still open in Kalifornia proves my point. They use "lawyers" to skirt the intent of the law. Thats what they do.

(3) You are failing to understand that now that states are choosing to totally ignore the federal law, they, with each report of another incident, are calling attention to EVERYONE. At some point - something, whether it be rigid enforcement or legalization, has GOT to be done.

Right now Police in states that surround Colorado sit at the borders of these states and specifically look for those who have "visited" Colorado for the sole purpose of buying and transporting back to their own state. It's really not much different from the 60s when it was illegal to transport alcohol across state lines and guys would drive to Western states to buy and take home Coors beer. The difference? Beer is NOT a schedule 1 Narcotic. :D

if the people vote it in Randall what you gonna do?...i knew lots of Conservatives on my route who wanted Medical Pot and they want it Decriminalized.....and a lot said they smoked it in the past and know it is not as bad as the anti-pot people are making it out to be.....i delivered to 3 area cops who wanted it Decriminalized.....

Beer is NOT a schedule 1 Narcotic.

as many deaths as it is responsible for it should be.....

Then the "people" should send Represenatives to Washington DC to do just that. Oh, that's right, they did. The president, The House and the Senate were Democrat controlled. They did NOT repeal the law. Matters NOT what happens at the state level. State law does not trump federal law.

If a person (as those in Colorado) smokes pot every day - They WILL do harm to their bodies over the long run. Just like tobacco. Only a complete and utter fool wouldn't understand that. If you smoke weed a couple of times a month, probably not so much.

The problem? When weed wasn't readily available, most folks smoked every now and again. Now that you can go (basically) to a 7-11 type place and purchase it anytime - the logical conclusion is that you will smoke more and you will do it more often. the logical outcome? Death from respiratory disease.

We, as a people, denounce smoking tobacco because there is irrefutable proof that it will kill you. Weed, over time, just like tobacco, will kill you. I have no doubt whatsoever that the results will be conclusive in time. So, instead of banning the "Marlboro Man" - we will eventually have to ban Cheech and Chong.

Randall i think anyone who has smoked Pot will tell you that a person who is high will get in less accidents then one who is drunk....and i notice that in all those car accidents no one ever mentions if the person was also doing something other than Pot....Katz is big on that type of shit.....she will report a guy who gets in an accident who has been drinking,doing Speed,Bath Salts and he smoked a joint....Katz will just report that the guy was doing Pot....and i believe i posted a link up top somewhere about Synthetic Pot which was just recently made illegal...and it will FUCK YOU UP and it will make you hallucinate and get violent....the guy who did the story on it said many of these stories coming out are probably because of this stuff.....because it is still out there and many HS and College kids are still getting it....right now its hard to discern this from real pot in the bloodstream....but he said they are formulating tests that will distinguish the is an excerpt....


That is a very important point. It hadn't occurred to me so I'm glad you posted it.

If I'm not mistaken, this synthetic pot is called "bath salts." If I'm wrong I'll appreciate being corrected. And I'll be interested in hearing from anyone who has used this synthetic marijuana.
it aint much comfort to family of 5 coming home from a family get together when one of your drunken friends plows into their car going the wrong way on a freeway is it?....ill tell you what Katz you list all the people killed by people driving doing Pot....ill list all the Drunk driving fatalities.....if you reach 30 ill ban myself for a month.....if i reach 30 you do the same.....lets see who is here next

The only way you can make that argument is to legalize pot and the check the stats 30 years later.

In the first three weeks after pot was "legalized" in Colorado, there were numerous auto accidents in Colorado that were attributed to "DWH" Driving high. One crash involved a high person crashing into a Denver PD patrol car. Unfortunately, the officers had no way to conduct field sobriety tests (no such thing) for pot so they weren't charged as such. The Bullshit legislature NOW has made DWH a moving violation. Go figure.

Randall i think anyone who has smoked Pot will tell you that a person who is high will get in less accidents then one who is drunk....and i notice that in all those car accidents no one ever mentions if the person was also doing something other than Pot....Katz is big on that type of shit.....she will report a guy who gets in an accident who has been drinking,doing Speed,Bath Salts and he smoked a joint....Katz will just report that the guy was doing Pot....and i believe i posted a link up top somewhere about Synthetic Pot which was just recently made illegal...and it will FUCK YOU UP and it will make you hallucinate and get violent....the guy who did the story on it said many of these stories coming out are probably because of this stuff.....because it is still out there and many HS and College kids are still getting it....right now its hard to discern this from real pot in the bloodstream....but he said they are formulating tests that will distinguish the is an excerpt....

Extent of Synthetic Marijuana Use

In the 2011 Monitoring the the Future, a survey on adolescent drug use, past year use of synthetic marijuana use was second only to use of natural marijuana in high school seniors. Roughly 36 percent of U.S. high school seniors reported past year use of natural marijuana, while over 11 percent reported use of synthetic marijuana. While the chemicals sprayed on plant material to produce synthetic marijuana were previously not easily detectable in standard drug tests, that is changing and some drug tests now include assays to identify five common compounds found in synthetic marijuana.1

The chemicals used in synthetic marijuana have a high potential for abuse and no medical benefit. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has designated the five active chemicals most frequently found in synthetic marijuana as Schedule I controlled substances, making it illegal to sell, buy, or possess them. Manufacturers of synthetic marijuana products attempt to evade these legal restrictions by substituting different chemicals in their mixtures, while the DEA continues to monitor the situation and evaluate the need for updating the list of banned cannabinoids.

Synthetic Marijuana Health Hazards and Addiction Potential

The 2012 DAWN Report from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) states that toxicity due to synthetic marijuana resulted in 11,400 cases of emergency room visits in 2010. Complications due to synthetic pot use include high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, agitation and seizures.

Synthetic marijuana abusers who have been taken to Poison Control Centers report symptoms that include rapid heart rate, vomiting, agitation, profuse sweating, confusion, and hallucinations Spice/K2 can also raise blood pressure and cause reduced blood supply to the heart (myocardial ischemia), and in a few cases it has been associated with heart attacks.

Published case reports in a 2011 edition of Pediatrics describe three teenagers who were hospitalized after using Spice/K2. The patients demonstrated varying degrees of catatonia (an inability to respond to verbal or physical stimulation - including pain) an elevated heart rate, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, headaches, excessive sweating, slowed speech, and confusion. Two of the patients recovered to normal function in three to four hours, while the third patient was kept in hospital overnight before being released.

The long-term effects of synthetic marijuana on reproduction, cancer development, memory or addiction potential are not known. One report suggest some of these products may contain heavy metal residues that may be harmful to health. Other reports claim synthetic marijuana can be addicting -- users who have had even unpleasant experiences crave additional drug. Regular users may experience withdrawal symptoms.

Synthetic Marijuana (Cannabis) Spice / K2 -

you are not going to get this kind of shit with real Pot....

I'm not going into what I did as a kid, but I'm not nearly as "innocent" as you might think. However, that was then and this is now :lol:

I have seen the results of friends that were "CERTAIN" that this or that wouldn't "harm" them. Remember, I grew up in the 60s. Most of those guys are now long dead and gone. So you can rationalize this any way you wish - that's your right.

I remember a very good friend of mine (a white guy) who used to try to get me to "partake" with him and when I would decline he would remind me of the lyrics to that song "My Generation" - "Hope I die before I get old" Well, he did and I am and I prefer seeing the sun rise each day......:D
(1) Bush is/was not my "Buddy"

(2) The fact that these BS "clinics" are still open in Kalifornia proves my point. They use "lawyers" to skirt the intent of the law. Thats what they do.

(3) You are failing to understand that now that states are choosing to totally ignore the federal law, they, with each report of another incident, are calling attention to EVERYONE. At some point - something, whether it be rigid enforcement or legalization, has GOT to be done.

Right now Police in states that surround Colorado sit at the borders of these states and specifically look for those who have "visited" Colorado for the sole purpose of buying and transporting back to their own state. It's really not much different from the 60s when it was illegal to transport alcohol across state lines and guys would drive to Western states to buy and take home Coors beer. The difference? Beer is NOT a schedule 1 Narcotic. :D

if the people vote it in Randall what you gonna do?...i knew lots of Conservatives on my route who wanted Medical Pot and they want it Decriminalized.....and a lot said they smoked it in the past and know it is not as bad as the anti-pot people are making it out to be.....i delivered to 3 area cops who wanted it Decriminalized.....

Beer is NOT a schedule 1 Narcotic.

as many deaths as it is responsible for it should be.....

Then the "people" should send Represenatives to Washington DC to do just that. Oh, that's right, they did. The president, The House and the Senate were Democrat controlled. They did NOT repeal the law. Matters NOT what happens at the state level. State law does not trump federal law.

If a person (as those in Colorado) smokes pot every day - They WILL do harm to their bodies over the long run. Just like tobacco. Only a complete and utter fool wouldn't understand that. If you smoke weed a couple of times a month, probably not so much.

The problem? When weed wasn't readily available, most folks smoked every now and again. Now that you can go (basically) to a 7-11 type place and purchase it anytime - the logical conclusion is that you will smoke more and you will do it more often. the logical outcome? Death from respiratory disease.

We, as a people, denounce smoking tobacco because there is irrefutable proof that it will kill you. Weed, over time, just like tobacco, will kill you. I have no doubt whatsoever that the results will be conclusive in time. So, instead of banning the "Marlboro Man" - we will eventually have to ban Cheech and Chong.

i smoked Pot for at least 30 years pretty steadily and i know a handful of others who did too.....everyone is fine....i go to the Doctor every 6 months for type 2 Diabetes and he has given me a full physical including a Lung X-Ray....he said Lungs look good for a guy my age....and the other people are doing just fine themselves....
Then the "people" should send Represenatives to Washington DC to do just that. Oh, that's right, they did. The president, The House and the Senate were Democrat controlled. They did NOT repeal the law. Matters NOT what happens at the state level. State law does not trump federal law.

If a person (as those in Colorado) smokes pot every day - They WILL do harm to their bodies over the long run. Just like tobacco. Only a complete and utter fool wouldn't understand that. If you smoke weed a couple of times a month, probably not so much.

The problem? When weed wasn't readily available, most folks smoked every now and again. Now that you can go (basically) to a 7-11 type place and purchase it anytime - the logical conclusion is that you will smoke more and you will do it more often. the logical outcome? Death from respiratory disease.

We, as a people, denounce smoking tobacco because there is irrefutable proof that it will kill you. Weed, over time, just like tobacco, will kill you. I have no doubt whatsoever that the results will be conclusive in time. So, instead of banning the "Marlboro Man" - we will eventually have to ban Cheech and Chong.
Everything you've said here is typical Reefer Madness propaganda and I challenge you to provide credible documentation to support it.

The first thing you need to know is the only marijuana which is essentially harmful to the organism is that which is contaminated by pesticides and growth-inducing hormones -- which is typical of most "dealer weed." Properly grown cannabis is benign.

Of course it's true that smoking too much marijuana could be harmful, but what is too much for me might not be too much for you. Generally speaking, marijuana use may be compared to the use of beverage alcohol in terms of frequency and volume. I.e., everyone who enjoys a beer or a little whiskey every day does not become addicted to it or suffer cirrhosis or brain-damage from it. In fact there are medical professionals who believe an ounce of whiskey every day is beneficial.

But rather than embark on a repetitious monologue on the facts about marijuana use I refer you to a book called, Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).

If you don't care enough about learning the facts to buy and read a book, then you have access to another superb source of facts on the subject of marijuana, absolutely free, by just clicking on this link: The Book « That will bring up Jack Herer's classic book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, which is very well documented and will provide you with all the facts on this controversial subject.

Again: The Book « All the facts! FREE!
The only way you can make that argument is to legalize pot and the check the stats 30 years later.

In the first three weeks after pot was "legalized" in Colorado, there were numerous auto accidents in Colorado that were attributed to "DWH" Driving high. One crash involved a high person crashing into a Denver PD patrol car. Unfortunately, the officers had no way to conduct field sobriety tests (no such thing) for pot so they weren't charged as such. The Bullshit legislature NOW has made DWH a moving violation. Go figure.

Randall i think anyone who has smoked Pot will tell you that a person who is high will get in less accidents then one who is drunk....and i notice that in all those car accidents no one ever mentions if the person was also doing something other than Pot....Katz is big on that type of shit.....she will report a guy who gets in an accident who has been drinking,doing Speed,Bath Salts and he smoked a joint....Katz will just report that the guy was doing Pot....and i believe i posted a link up top somewhere about Synthetic Pot which was just recently made illegal...and it will FUCK YOU UP and it will make you hallucinate and get violent....the guy who did the story on it said many of these stories coming out are probably because of this stuff.....because it is still out there and many HS and College kids are still getting it....right now its hard to discern this from real pot in the bloodstream....but he said they are formulating tests that will distinguish the is an excerpt....

Extent of Synthetic Marijuana Use

In the 2011 Monitoring the the Future, a survey on adolescent drug use, past year use of synthetic marijuana use was second only to use of natural marijuana in high school seniors. Roughly 36 percent of U.S. high school seniors reported past year use of natural marijuana, while over 11 percent reported use of synthetic marijuana. While the chemicals sprayed on plant material to produce synthetic marijuana were previously not easily detectable in standard drug tests, that is changing and some drug tests now include assays to identify five common compounds found in synthetic marijuana.1

The chemicals used in synthetic marijuana have a high potential for abuse and no medical benefit. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has designated the five active chemicals most frequently found in synthetic marijuana as Schedule I controlled substances, making it illegal to sell, buy, or possess them. Manufacturers of synthetic marijuana products attempt to evade these legal restrictions by substituting different chemicals in their mixtures, while the DEA continues to monitor the situation and evaluate the need for updating the list of banned cannabinoids.

Synthetic Marijuana Health Hazards and Addiction Potential

The 2012 DAWN Report from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) states that toxicity due to synthetic marijuana resulted in 11,400 cases of emergency room visits in 2010. Complications due to synthetic pot use include high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, agitation and seizures.

Synthetic marijuana abusers who have been taken to Poison Control Centers report symptoms that include rapid heart rate, vomiting, agitation, profuse sweating, confusion, and hallucinations Spice/K2 can also raise blood pressure and cause reduced blood supply to the heart (myocardial ischemia), and in a few cases it has been associated with heart attacks.

Published case reports in a 2011 edition of Pediatrics describe three teenagers who were hospitalized after using Spice/K2. The patients demonstrated varying degrees of catatonia (an inability to respond to verbal or physical stimulation - including pain) an elevated heart rate, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, headaches, excessive sweating, slowed speech, and confusion. Two of the patients recovered to normal function in three to four hours, while the third patient was kept in hospital overnight before being released.

The long-term effects of synthetic marijuana on reproduction, cancer development, memory or addiction potential are not known. One report suggest some of these products may contain heavy metal residues that may be harmful to health. Other reports claim synthetic marijuana can be addicting -- users who have had even unpleasant experiences crave additional drug. Regular users may experience withdrawal symptoms.

Synthetic Marijuana (Cannabis) Spice / K2 -

you are not going to get this kind of shit with real Pot....

I'm not going into what I did as a kid, but I'm not nearly as "innocent" as you might think. However, that was then and this is now :lol:

I have seen the results of friends that were "CERTAIN" that this or that wouldn't "harm" them. Remember, I grew up in the 60s. Most of those guys are now long dead and gone. So you can rationalize this any way you wish - that's your right.

I remember a very good friend of mine (a white guy) who used to try to get me to "partake" with him and when I would decline he would remind me of the lyrics to that song "My Generation" - "Hope I die before I get old" Well, he did and I am and I prefer seeing the sun rise each day......:D

i smoked from 1970 on for 30 years and i feel great and none of the guys i smoked with as far as i know are dead or are guy was murdered so he doesn't count....
i smoked Pot for at least 30 years pretty steadily and i know a handful of others who did too.....everyone is fine....i go to the Doctor every 6 months for type 2 Diabetes and he has given me a full physical including a Lung X-Ray....he said Lungs look good for a guy my age....and the other people are doing just fine themselves....
I'm a similar example:

I used marijuana on a fairly regular basis throughout the sixties and seventies when it was decriminalized in New York City. I stopped using it in 1982 when Reagan escalated the War on Drugs and made it a serious risk.

I'm 77 now and except for arthritic stenosis I'm in good health for my age. I should add that I also smoked cigarettes for over thirty years and quit in 1985. My heart is strong and my lungs are clear.
if the people vote it in Randall what you gonna do?...i knew lots of Conservatives on my route who wanted Medical Pot and they want it Decriminalized.....and a lot said they smoked it in the past and know it is not as bad as the anti-pot people are making it out to be.....i delivered to 3 area cops who wanted it Decriminalized.....

Beer is NOT a schedule 1 Narcotic.

as many deaths as it is responsible for it should be.....

Then the "people" should send Represenatives to Washington DC to do just that. Oh, that's right, they did. The president, The House and the Senate were Democrat controlled. They did NOT repeal the law. Matters NOT what happens at the state level. State law does not trump federal law.

If a person (as those in Colorado) smokes pot every day - They WILL do harm to their bodies over the long run. Just like tobacco. Only a complete and utter fool wouldn't understand that. If you smoke weed a couple of times a month, probably not so much.

The problem? When weed wasn't readily available, most folks smoked every now and again. Now that you can go (basically) to a 7-11 type place and purchase it anytime - the logical conclusion is that you will smoke more and you will do it more often. the logical outcome? Death from respiratory disease.

We, as a people, denounce smoking tobacco because there is irrefutable proof that it will kill you. Weed, over time, just like tobacco, will kill you. I have no doubt whatsoever that the results will be conclusive in time. So, instead of banning the "Marlboro Man" - we will eventually have to ban Cheech and Chong.

i smoked Pot for at least 30 years pretty steadily and i know a handful of others who did too.....everyone is fine....i go to the Doctor every 6 months for type 2 Diabetes and he has given me a full physical including a Lung X-Ray....he said Lungs look good for a guy my age....and the other people are doing just fine themselves....

I'm curious. I was a Traffic Manager for a trucking company for 20 tears AFTER I retired from the Army. You say you "delivered" to people. Where you a driver and, if so, how did you avoid drug testing all those years if you smoked "pretty steadily"? Just curious....
Then the "people" should send Represenatives to Washington DC to do just that. Oh, that's right, they did. The president, The House and the Senate were Democrat controlled. They did NOT repeal the law. Matters NOT what happens at the state level. State law does not trump federal law.

If a person (as those in Colorado) smokes pot every day - They WILL do harm to their bodies over the long run. Just like tobacco. Only a complete and utter fool wouldn't understand that. If you smoke weed a couple of times a month, probably not so much.

The problem? When weed wasn't readily available, most folks smoked every now and again. Now that you can go (basically) to a 7-11 type place and purchase it anytime - the logical conclusion is that you will smoke more and you will do it more often. the logical outcome? Death from respiratory disease.

We, as a people, denounce smoking tobacco because there is irrefutable proof that it will kill you. Weed, over time, just like tobacco, will kill you. I have no doubt whatsoever that the results will be conclusive in time. So, instead of banning the "Marlboro Man" - we will eventually have to ban Cheech and Chong.

i smoked Pot for at least 30 years pretty steadily and i know a handful of others who did too.....everyone is fine....i go to the Doctor every 6 months for type 2 Diabetes and he has given me a full physical including a Lung X-Ray....he said Lungs look good for a guy my age....and the other people are doing just fine themselves....

I'm curious. I was a Traffic Manager for a trucking company for 20 tears AFTER I retired from the Army. You say you "delivered" to people. Where you a driver and, if so, how did you avoid drug testing all those years if you smoked "pretty steadily"? Just curious....

Letter Carrier in the PO.....
i smoked Pot for at least 30 years pretty steadily and i know a handful of others who did too.....everyone is fine....i go to the Doctor every 6 months for type 2 Diabetes and he has given me a full physical including a Lung X-Ray....he said Lungs look good for a guy my age....and the other people are doing just fine themselves....
I'm a similar example:

I used marijuana on a fairly regular basis throughout the sixties and seventies when it was decriminalized in New York City. I stopped using it in 1982 when Reagan escalated the War on Drugs and made it a serious risk.

I'm 77 now and except for arthritic stenosis I'm in good health for my age. I should add that I also smoked cigarettes for over thirty years and quit in 1985. My heart is strong and my lungs are clear.

My Grandfather smoked 2 packs of Chesterfield a day from the time he was a kid until he died at 84 from lung cancer. My Grandmother never had a cigarette and died at 62 from heart failure. My best friend smoked two packs of Marlboro from the time he was 14 until he died at 37 from lung cancer.

Some folks can get away with it and some can't. So if you're suggesting that your experience is the norm, I will tell you that you are full of beans. Those warning labels are there for a reason.

I'm 69, close to 70. There was a time when, frankly, I didn't give a shit whether I lived or died. Then I had kids and Grand kids. Funny how your perspective changes when the Grand kids come along.
i smoked Pot for at least 30 years pretty steadily and i know a handful of others who did too.....everyone is fine....i go to the Doctor every 6 months for type 2 Diabetes and he has given me a full physical including a Lung X-Ray....he said Lungs look good for a guy my age....and the other people are doing just fine themselves....

I'm curious. I was a Traffic Manager for a trucking company for 20 tears AFTER I retired from the Army. You say you "delivered" to people. Where you a driver and, if so, how did you avoid drug testing all those years if you smoked "pretty steadily"? Just curious....

Letter Carrier in the PO.....

Doesn't really answer the question. How did you avoid detection? I worked in a Union Environment and saw several drivers lose their $65,000 a year jobs because they came up hot on random drug testing. I'm sure that the Post Office had testing as well. I'm just curious as to how you avoided being busted.
i smoked Pot for at least 30 years pretty steadily and i know a handful of others who did too.....everyone is fine....i go to the Doctor every 6 months for type 2 Diabetes and he has given me a full physical including a Lung X-Ray....he said Lungs look good for a guy my age....and the other people are doing just fine themselves....
I'm a similar example:

I used marijuana on a fairly regular basis throughout the sixties and seventies when it was decriminalized in New York City. I stopped using it in 1982 when Reagan escalated the War on Drugs and made it a serious risk.

I'm 77 now and except for arthritic stenosis I'm in good health for my age. I should add that I also smoked cigarettes for over thirty years and quit in 1985. My heart is strong and my lungs are clear.

My Grandfather smoked 2 packs of Chesterfield a day from the time he was a kid until he died at 84 from lung cancer. My Grandmother never had a cigarette and died at 62 from heart failure. My best friend smoked two packs of Marlboro from the time he was 14 until he died at 37 from lung cancer.

Some folks can get away with it and some can't. So if you're suggesting that your experience is the norm, I will tell you that you are full of beans. Those warning labels are there for a reason.

I'm 69, close to 70. There was a time when, frankly, I didn't give a shit whether I lived or died. Then I had kids and Grand kids. Funny how your perspective changes when the Grand kids come along.

the people i am referring to were people who just smoked Pot.....the ones i knew who also smoked Cigarets were coughers and seemed to get lots of colds and were never able to run very long my swimming class at Fullerton JC the coach made us, after doing laps in the pool, throw shorts and sneekers on and run out to the football field and do a lap around it and come back and dress and leave.....the only guys who could never make it were the guys who smoked and my fellow "Potheads" had no problems.....
I'm curious. I was a Traffic Manager for a trucking company for 20 tears AFTER I retired from the Army. You say you "delivered" to people. Where you a driver and, if so, how did you avoid drug testing all those years if you smoked "pretty steadily"? Just curious....

Letter Carrier in the PO.....

Doesn't really answer the question. How did you avoid detection? I worked in a Union Environment and saw several drivers lose their $65,000 a year jobs because they came up hot on random drug testing. I'm sure that the Post Office had testing as well. I'm just curious as to how you avoided being busted.
I knew a New York City police officer who was a daily pot smoker. He eventually made sergeant and retired to the Poconos*. NYPD has never drug-tested and I don't believe the Post Office does, either.

*PS: According to him the public would be amazed at how many cops smoke pot.
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Letter Carrier in the PO.....

Doesn't really answer the question. How did you avoid detection? I worked in a Union Environment and saw several drivers lose their $65,000 a year jobs because they came up hot on random drug testing. I'm sure that the Post Office had testing as well. I'm just curious as to how you avoided being busted.
I knew a New York City police officer who was a daily pot smoker. He eventually made sergeant and retired to the Poconos*. NYPD has never drug-tested and I don't believe the Post Office does, either.

*PS: According to him the public would be amazed at how many cops smoke pot.

Figures. NYPD. However, the USPS has used random drug testing since (I believe) 1981. ALL federal employees and contractors are required to submit to random drug testing.

As an agent within the DIA I had to submit to random testing but (and I don't remember the exact year) it didn't take effect until the early 80s But in my position, I was also required to submit to polygraph and examination by Psychologists on a regular basis. I believe it was Reagan that made testing mandatory. Didn't bother me - I didn't do drugs.

Hell, nearly EVERY employer REQUIRES it now.
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And I see as usual, the very first post after the OP, points fingers at alcohol :lol:

There's an increase in pot related auto fatalities (but but but but alcohol...........)

Legalizing pot will increase the availability to children ( but but but but alcohol..........)

Pot will increase an individuals risk to a heart attack (but but but but alcohol............)
By the way, if you ever want to get an idea of how ma y potheads are members here, go to the first page and look at all the "thanks" for the pro-pot posts.

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