Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

Again (as in 90% of your posts) you are wrong. The only (Nazis) are liberals. YOU are a typical Nazi. George Soros is a Nazi. "Progressive Liberals" are Nazis.

Get it now?

Most Jews I know are liberals. Here you are calling them Nazis.

In fact most all of the undesirables that the Nazis were exterminating would be liberals.

There are few words to describe your callus denigration of liberals.

But I guess that's why they call it projection.

Tough shit - get used to it. November 2014 is coming.

I'm very well accustomed to the rabid denigration tactics of the pseudo-conservatives. Nothing is more perverse than calling liberal Jewish folks Nazis.
Most Jews I know are liberals. Here you are calling them Nazis.

In fact most all of the undesirables that the Nazis were exterminating would be liberals.

There are few words to describe your callus denigration of liberals.

But I guess that's why they call it projection.

Tough shit - get used to it. November 2014 is coming.

I'm very well accustomed to the rabid denigration tactics of the pseudo-conservatives. Nothing is more perverse than calling liberal Jewish folks Nazis.

Get off your damned high horse. Just because someone embraces a particular religion doesn't make them immune from becoming "Evil" nor does it make them impervious to being in bed with the enemy.

Wake the hell up. You're as bad as those Nazis that claim "Blacks CAN'T be racist!! They are BLACK"
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I just smoked some kush on 420 and was on my add brained for the whole afternoon and evening. A six pack of beer doesn't come close. I favor full legalization of all drugs. I believe in the principle of self ownership. I am not a hypocrite like the shitlibs here. But to say pot today is like a couple beers is laughable.

As with alcohol, pot smokers have to be responsible for how much they do. If you smoked too much, it was your responsibility.

and take full responsibility for what happens wanna get in a car and are responsible if you fuck up....

That isn't much comfort to the survivors when one pothead takes out a family of five.
Depending on what and how much it is laced with, it might be detectible by one or more senses.

But yes, you'd have to be able to trust the person you are getting the pot from. However, if it's being regulated, one would hope that the pot bought in a store undergoes some form of quality control. More, if it's legal, there are legal avenues available to go after someone if they do sell you tainted marijuana. While it's illegal, who do you turn to if you get some pot laced with LSD or another hallucinogen?

Jimmy Carter of course. At the 2:40 mark.

I'd start out with some old Pink Floyd, followed by some Alan Parsons Project.

Seriously, it would have to be something you eat. Fire destroys LSD.

Hmm...would filling a bong with LSD-spiked water work?

Work for what? You'd have to drink it to feel the effects of the acid.
Just celebrate the deaths. It's sad that an innocent woman is dead but she was living with a pothead and deserved it.

No, you celebrate her death.

I'll morn her families loss and push for the husband to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
What will probably happen is that marijuana will become such a horror show that cities start passing ordinances against legal sellers. It's been done in several cities in California. The most recent was Inglewood. If you want a comparison to alcohol, there are areas, like parts of South Central that have total bans on liquor licenses by zoning laws. If a business has a license, they are grandfathered in. There are no new licenses and the existing ones can't be transferred.
"Both boys apparently got the weed from relatives, according to Gates."

This isn't a problem with the law, it's a problem with the adults in these kid's families.
Yeah, I'm sure you're right, After all - if pot were still illegal, they would have probably still had the pot laying around anyway.... :cuckoo:
If pot were legal, the kids would grow up in a world where they are told the truth about the plant from the start and no one would think that it's a big deal now, like the Shafer Commission said in 1972.

The right-wing needs to stop being wrong. Don't Republicans hate the big overbearing Federal government? So why do Republicans love the drug war so much? Do Republicans hate hippies more than they hate the big government?

Nope. They love to tell everybody that the do, but in reality they are just as much Tax and Spend as Democrats.
What will probably happen is that marijuana will become such a horror show that cities start passing ordinances against legal sellers. It's been done in several cities in California. The most recent was Inglewood. If you want a comparison to alcohol, there are areas, like parts of South Central that have total bans on liquor licenses by zoning laws. If a business has a license, they are grandfathered in. There are no new licenses and the existing ones can't be transferred.

And that's what I was asking. It is apparent that in the final two years of this poseur's reign, many, many cities (and probably a state or two - will attempt to skirt federal law and follow Colorado's example. I am not naive enough to believe that it won't happen.

However, until FEDERAL LAW is changed - and it doesn't appear that it will happen in the next 10 years or so - every municipality that is doing this is subject to prosecution by the feds. Now, we all understand that the clown in the white house won't go after these states. He "might" draw yet another "red line" in the sand - but that's about it.

The NEXT president might have a different take on the whole "breaking the law" thing. What happens then? Funny - we, as a nation, go ape shit when a NBA owner is taped, in his own home, saying shit that offends our fragile sensibility; and we demand his head on a pike.

Our states break federal law - and we celebrate it. SO much for that "Nation of Laws" crap.
Tough shit - get used to it. November 2014 is coming.

I'm very well accustomed to the rabid denigration tactics of the pseudo-conservatives. Nothing is more perverse than calling liberal Jewish folks Nazis.

Get off your damned high horse. Just because someone embraces a particular religion doesn't make them immune from becoming "Evil" nor does it make them impervious to being in bed with the enemy.

Wake the hell up. You're as bad as those Nazis that claim "Blacks CAN'T be racist!! They are BLACK"

Tough shit -

[ame=]Tripping Daisy - prick - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, I'm sure you're right, After all - if pot were still illegal, they would have probably still had the pot laying around anyway.... :cuckoo:
If pot were legal, the kids would grow up in a world where they are told the truth about the plant from the start and no one would think that it's a big deal now, like the Shafer Commission said in 1972.

The right-wing needs to stop being wrong. Don't Republicans hate the big overbearing Federal government? So why do Republicans love the drug war so much? Do Republicans hate hippies more than they hate the big government?

Nope. They love to tell everybody that the do, but in reality they are just as much Tax and Spend as Democrats.

Again, you've proven that you are a hysterical reactionary. NO ONE wants intrusion from government EXCEPT for you - when it serves those purposes that you Nazis deem "important".

I don't want ANY government telling us what to do. However, as this phony-baloney president constantly tells us - "We are a nation of Laws". So, until YOU can get the schedule 1 laws changed (and I would assume that if YOUR side were going to act - they would have done it when they had BOTH Houses), Obama needs to take his "oath" a little more seriously and enforce those laws that are being stomped on by individual states.

Will he? Of course not. He's a pussy.
If pot were legal, the kids would grow up in a world where they are told the truth about the plant from the start and no one would think that it's a big deal now, like the Shafer Commission said in 1972.

The right-wing needs to stop being wrong. Don't Republicans hate the big overbearing Federal government? So why do Republicans love the drug war so much? Do Republicans hate hippies more than they hate the big government?

Nope. They love to tell everybody that the do, but in reality they are just as much Tax and Spend as Democrats.

Again, you've proven that you are a hysterical reactionary. NO ONE wants intrusion from government EXCEPT for you - when it serves those purposes that you Nazis deem "important".

I don't want ANY government telling us what to do. However, as this phony-baloney president constantly tells us - "We are a nation of Laws". So, until YOU can get the schedule 1 laws changed (and I would assume that if YOUR side were going to act - they would have done it when they had BOTH Houses), Obama needs to take his "oath" a little more seriously and enforce those laws that are being stomped on by individual states.

Will he? Of course not. He's a pussy.

Anyone who supports the nanny states war on Americans who use non-government approved (and taxed) recreational substances is pro big government. Hands down. That war has had bipartisan support because both parties are big government nanny statist.
With all due respect, Kalifornia is rotting from within. The "Medical" clinics are the biggest sham in history. You know it and I know it. A "headache" is no reason to get a prescription for weed. I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it. It is nothing more that a scam to skirt the law.

As for Colorado, they caved to the crowd of Hippies that have co-opted that state. They violated federal law and "legalized" pot. If we had a president that lived up to his oath, the governor and the entire state house would be in jail. Unfortunately - we have a president that doesn't follow the law. No matter. Colorado will again change hands this November. What the hell happens then?

I will ask the same question that I have been asking since this nonsense began. When a republican takes the presidency back from these Nazis, what happens then? Does he follow the law and send in the National Guard to close these illegal "shops" in Colorado? Or, if it is allowed to go on - what happens when these people who are smoking every day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year develop lung cancer or COPD and begin demanding the state of Colorado assume responsibility for their illness because, after all, it was a state sponsored bill that supposedly made this crap "legal" in spite of federal law.

What liability does Colorado have when a kid ingests pot cookies and dies? After all - the "State" says it's OK to buy. They are making the statement, by their support of it, that it is a safe and legal substance, are they not? Wonder what the kids parents will say when their child is dead - it's nearly happened twice already in Colorado and once when some damned fool flew off the roof of a hotel in Colorado. Understand, this is NOT a citizen against a liquor company. Far from it. This is the STATE legalizing a product in direct violation of federal law. The legal aspects of this are mind-boggling.

Employees are being terminated for smoking weed (not ion the job) and are suing their former employers. I understand their point. How the hell can an employer in the state of Colorado fire an employee for doing something that the "state" deems "legal"?

Now, the state of Colorado is busting Columbians who are bringing in truckloads of cash to "buy into" these "head shops".

So let's assume that it gets legal in all 50 states. Just for the fun of it. What comes next? Legalize Coke? Meth? How the hell do you throw a person in prison because he is selling Hydracodine to his friends? Heroin? LSD? Hell, we can be the new Amsterdam!!! Ever been to Amsterdam? I have - it's a shithole.

Laugh at me now. Not one of you ever thought that this bullshit would get this far. NORML has been after this since the early 70s. Now, they have a president of the United States that sets the example by sating that he has smoked weed and worse yet, refuses to order his AG to enforce federal law - because he is "King"

ban Alcohol and Cigarets and im with you.....until then Pot should be Decriminalized....and California's problems have very little if anything to do with the Pot Dispensaries...

So you want to "ban" certain products (that we know are dangerous) and NOT ban those that we are fairly certain are dangerous. Got it. Kalifornia's "problems" are a societal problem that they compound every day - good example? "medical" weed.

I'm still waiting for someone, ANYONE to address the possible legal implications of states working in direct violation of federal law and the possible consequences.....apparently, just ignore it a it will be all "good". Folks, it doesn't work that way.
I remember when the outcry first BEGAN over tobacco - way back in the dark ages of the middle 60s. People were pissed off that the "government" would try to ban cigarettes and put those stupid little "WARNING: labels on Marlboros. Fast forward to today. Most people don't smoke any longer. People began to understand that smoking was bad for you. Why would any person (with a modicum of intelligence) NOT believe that it is going to end that way for weed?

So you want to "ban" certain products (that we know are dangerous) and NOT ban those that we are fairly certain are dangerous. Got it.

is that what i said?....or is that just your interpretation of it?....i am on record here saying you ban the big 2 and i will agree to keeping Pot Illegal....until then since it is not as bad as Alcohol and Cigarets it should be decriminalized....and remember your buddy Bush and his Administration tried some shit here in California....the Pot Dispensaries are still here....what makes you think some other Republican Clown is going to fare any better?....
As with alcohol, pot smokers have to be responsible for how much they do. If you smoked too much, it was your responsibility.

and take full responsibility for what happens wanna get in a car and are responsible if you fuck up....

That isn't much comfort to the survivors when one pothead takes out a family of five.

it aint much comfort to family of 5 coming home from a family get together when one of your drunken friends plows into their car going the wrong way on a freeway is it?....ill tell you what Katz you list all the people killed by people driving doing Pot....ill list all the Drunk driving fatalities.....if you reach 30 ill ban myself for a month.....if i reach 30 you do the same.....lets see who is here next
What will probably happen is that marijuana will become such a horror show that cities start passing ordinances against legal sellers. It's been done in several cities in California. The most recent was Inglewood. If you want a comparison to alcohol, there are areas, like parts of South Central that have total bans on liquor licenses by zoning laws. If a business has a license, they are grandfathered in. There are no new licenses and the existing ones can't be transferred.

Inglewood, CA Medical Marijuana Dispensaries! | MML

Inglewood Medical Marijuana Dispensaries California - Potlocator
ban Alcohol and Cigarets and im with you.....until then Pot should be Decriminalized....and California's problems have very little if anything to do with the Pot Dispensaries...

So you want to "ban" certain products (that we know are dangerous) and NOT ban those that we are fairly certain are dangerous. Got it. Kalifornia's "problems" are a societal problem that they compound every day - good example? "medical" weed.

I'm still waiting for someone, ANYONE to address the possible legal implications of states working in direct violation of federal law and the possible consequences.....apparently, just ignore it a it will be all "good". Folks, it doesn't work that way.
I remember when the outcry first BEGAN over tobacco - way back in the dark ages of the middle 60s. People were pissed off that the "government" would try to ban cigarettes and put those stupid little "WARNING: labels on Marlboros. Fast forward to today. Most people don't smoke any longer. People began to understand that smoking was bad for you. Why would any person (with a modicum of intelligence) NOT believe that it is going to end that way for weed?

So you want to "ban" certain products (that we know are dangerous) and NOT ban those that we are fairly certain are dangerous. Got it.

is that what i said?....or is that just your interpretation of it?....i am on record here saying you ban the big 2 and i will agree to keeping Pot Illegal....until then since it is not as bad as Alcohol and Cigarets it should be decriminalized....and remember your buddy Bush and his Administration tried some shit here in California....the Pot Dispensaries are still here....what makes you think some other Republican Clown is going to fare any better?....

(1) Bush is/was not my "Buddy"

(2) The fact that these BS "clinics" are still open in Kalifornia proves my point. They use "lawyers" to skirt the intent of the law. Thats what they do.

(3) You are failing to understand that now that states are choosing to totally ignore the federal law, they, with each report of another incident, are calling attention to EVERYONE. At some point - something, whether it be rigid enforcement or legalization, has GOT to be done.

Right now Police in states that surround Colorado sit at the borders of these states and specifically look for those who have "visited" Colorado for the sole purpose of buying and transporting back to their own state. It's really not much different from the 60s when it was illegal to transport alcohol across state lines and guys would drive to Western states to buy and take home Coors beer. The difference? Beer is NOT a schedule 1 Narcotic. :D
and take full responsibility for what happens wanna get in a car and are responsible if you fuck up....

That isn't much comfort to the survivors when one pothead takes out a family of five.

it aint much comfort to family of 5 coming home from a family get together when one of your drunken friends plows into their car going the wrong way on a freeway is it?....ill tell you what Katz you list all the people killed by people driving doing Pot....ill list all the Drunk driving fatalities.....if you reach 30 ill ban myself for a month.....if i reach 30 you do the same.....lets see who is here next

The only way you can make that argument is to legalize pot and the check the stats 30 years later.

In the first three weeks after pot was "legalized" in Colorado, there were numerous auto accidents in Colorado that were attributed to "DWH" Driving high. One crash involved a high person crashing into a Denver PD patrol car. Unfortunately, the officers had no way to conduct field sobriety tests (no such thing) for pot so they weren't charged as such. The Bullshit legislature NOW has made DWH a moving violation. Go figure.
If pot were legal, the kids would grow up in a world where they are told the truth about the plant from the start and no one would think that it's a big deal now, like the Shafer Commission said in 1972.

The right-wing needs to stop being wrong. Don't Republicans hate the big overbearing Federal government? So why do Republicans love the drug war so much? Do Republicans hate hippies more than they hate the big government?

Nope. They love to tell everybody that the do, but in reality they are just as much Tax and Spend as Democrats.

Again, you've proven that you are a hysterical reactionary. NO ONE wants intrusion from government EXCEPT for you - when it serves those purposes that you Nazis deem "important".

I don't want ANY government telling us what to do. However, as this phony-baloney president constantly tells us - "We are a nation of Laws". So, until YOU can get the schedule 1 laws changed (and I would assume that if YOUR side were going to act - they would have done it when they had BOTH Houses), Obama needs to take his "oath" a little more seriously and enforce those laws that are being stomped on by individual states.

Will he? Of course not. He's a pussy.

This administration isn't going to do a damn thing.

They are more interested in making it more difficult for me to get CO2 for my SodaStream.

That's no joke.
Nope. They love to tell everybody that the do, but in reality they are just as much Tax and Spend as Democrats.

Again, you've proven that you are a hysterical reactionary. NO ONE wants intrusion from government EXCEPT for you - when it serves those purposes that you Nazis deem "important".

I don't want ANY government telling us what to do. However, as this phony-baloney president constantly tells us - "We are a nation of Laws". So, until YOU can get the schedule 1 laws changed (and I would assume that if YOUR side were going to act - they would have done it when they had BOTH Houses), Obama needs to take his "oath" a little more seriously and enforce those laws that are being stomped on by individual states.

Will he? Of course not. He's a pussy.

This administration isn't going to do a damn thing.

They are more interested in making it more difficult for me to get CO2 for my SodaStream.

That's no joke.

I know you're right. That's my point. The nazi left "concerns" itself with those things that are intrusive to the common man, but look the other way when it's one of their "projects" that they feel is "necessary". " Soda Stream"???? Jesus Christ Man!!!! Don't you realize that YOU are killing the EARTH!?!?!?! :D
According to your link:

It took the police 15 minutes to arrive?

Negligence on the part of the police killed this woman!

The woman said her husband also might have taken painkillers

Eli Lilly killed this woman!!!

Religion killed this woman!!!

Kirk continued to ramble after he was placed in a patrol car where he told officers "he was the strongest in the Church of Latter-day Saints and he had killed his wife,"

The Mormons killed this woman!

To say she was a victim of cannabis or his violent behavior was caused by cannabis is a bit of a stretch.

The pot probably kept him from going on a pharmaceutical-fueled, religion-fueled killing spree!!!!!

and you want us to give up guns and rely on the police. maybe you better rethink that one.

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