Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

Once again, he said to :lalala: -- it's an oxymoron. A Liberal doesn't believe in government controlling people's personal lives; a Nazi does.

Guess which side that would seem to put you on.

I MUST add that to my sig line -

Please do. Get the word out. Put my name on it. Then think it through until you get it. :thup:

(edit) I see you did but I'm disappointed I didn't get boldface. What do I have to do here? :confused:

Well, Herr Goebbels, you might first understand that all you liberal Nazis WANT to do is control people's lives - thus your own definition. idiot.
I MUST add that to my sig line -

Please do. Get the word out. Put my name on it. Then think it through until you get it. :thup:

(edit) I see you did but I'm disappointed I didn't get boldface. What do I have to do here? :confused:

Well, Herr Goebbels, you might first understand that all you liberal Nazis WANT to do is control people's lives - thus your own definition. idiot.

That ain't my definition, Gummo. Liberal means government gets the fuck out of the way. You on the other hand.... :cuckoo:

Perhaps your viewing every post I've made on this topic in that new browser, Internet Oppositeland.
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Once again -- no link, no source, just ipse dixit. Same thing we've heard since ... .1937.

If you've never seen them, here are some studies that show adverse effects on infants during fetal development and even breastfeeding when the mother is the user:

Unfortunately, the article is not happy news for everyone, particularly the person who grows up suffering from any of the consequences mentioned. Here's just an excerpt or two:

THC crosses the placenta readily, and there is increasing evidence that it may increase rates of growth retardation, adverse neurodevelopment following prenatal exposure.

Despite the widespread use of this product, the public is not aware of the potential neurobehavioral effects of this drug on the fetus or the newborn infant.

Recent longitudinal studies suggest an increased risk of motor, social and cognitive disturbances in offspring who were exposed to cannabis prenatally. One study indicated a increased incidence of reduced head circumference in young adolescents (9-12years of age) who were exposed in utero to heavy marijuana use.10 Prenatal exposure resulted in a higher rate of low birth weight infants, and childhood leukemia. 5, 6,11 Recent studies have suggested a reduction in long and short-term memory retrieval and retention in children exposed to prenatal cannabis. These children were also weak in planning, integration and judgment skills. In a study of 42 postmortem fetal brain samples from pregnant women at mid gestation (18-22 weeks of gestational age) who voluntarily underwent saline induced abortion, a decrease in dopamine receptor (D2) mRNA expression in amygdala with significant prevalence in male fetuses. 7 Extensive marijuana exposure in utero was associated with the lowest reported mRNA levels. Unfortunately, this study did not indicate whether this change is transient or permanent.
Chronic cannabis use may cause depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder in adolescents and adults.

Sridevi Alapiti M.D.
Thomas W. Hale, Ph.D.
Infant Risk Center
There are mountains of scientific studies, Pogo. You just have to know where to find them if you really want to know what an enemy THC is to the developing human being, not to mention how it turns people depressed, anxious, and even bipolar behaviors in chronic users.

Life is hard on the body. THC is a terrible crazymaker to neural pathways in that body for reasons listed in those studies that track neurotransmitters.

Sorry. :(

The kicker to studying prenatal problems by maternal use is that researchers have a very, very difficult time trying to figure out what if any deleterious effects may be if the father is the user. You might as well try to pry a tooth from a diamond. Those kind of studies are hard to establish, and always have been. :cool:

Here's my take (and personal opinion) on this crap. I have smoked pot on several occasions when I was a kid. Didn't like it. When I left Vietnam, retrained and went to Germany, there were several times when I don't remember the previous couple of days - I drank myself into a stupor. One early morning, I woke up laying in a street in Heidleberg. I told myself then - this shit HAS to stop.

In the decades since that time, I have had a few beers (maybe 20). I don't drink, I don't smoke and I don't do drugs. My Wife and my kids and my Grand Kids have never seen me inebriated. Never once.

There are studies that claim that pot is harmless and there are studies that say that it will harm you over time. I don't know. Here's what I DO, however, know.

20-30 years from now, when these folks (primarily young people) are developing COPD, Lung Cancer, etc etc etc. It will be too late. The "Government" will begin printing labels on Pot cans telling us that "pot causes cancer" and "Nursing Mothers shouldn't smoke Marijuana" and so on and so forth. The States that "legalized" pot in spite of federal law will face BILLIONS in law suits. Finally, there will be settlements with the makers and sellers of "weed" and the American taxpayer will get not one penny, just like tobacco.

And then, just like with tobacco, we will start telling ourselves that "it won't happen to me" and 40 years after that, we will finally do away with this bullshit.

You have a VIVID imagination!

Do you support a return to alcohol prohibition? If might be THE most hypocritical one here!
Of course. But unless you're growing your own how would you know until you smoked it

Depending on what and how much it is laced with, it might be detectible by one or more senses.

But yes, you'd have to be able to trust the person you are getting the pot from. However, if it's being regulated, one would hope that the pot bought in a store undergoes some form of quality control. More, if it's legal, there are legal avenues available to go after someone if they do sell you tainted marijuana. While it's illegal, who do you turn to if you get some pot laced with LSD or another hallucinogen?

Jimmy Carter of course. At the 2:40 mark.

I'd start out with some old Pink Floyd, followed by some Alan Parsons Project.

Seriously, it would have to be something you eat. Fire destroys LSD.

Hmm...would filling a bong with LSD-spiked water work?
Just celebrate the deaths. It's sad that an innocent woman is dead but she was living with a pothead and deserved it.
If you've never seen them, here are some studies that show adverse effects on infants during fetal development and even breastfeeding when the mother is the user:

Unfortunately, the article is not happy news for everyone, particularly the person who grows up suffering from any of the consequences mentioned. Here's just an excerpt or two:

There are mountains of scientific studies, Pogo. You just have to know where to find them if you really want to know what an enemy THC is to the developing human being, not to mention how it turns people depressed, anxious, and even bipolar behaviors in chronic users.

Life is hard on the body. THC is a terrible crazymaker to neural pathways in that body for reasons listed in those studies that track neurotransmitters.

Sorry. :(

The kicker to studying prenatal problems by maternal use is that researchers have a very, very difficult time trying to figure out what if any deleterious effects may be if the father is the user. You might as well try to pry a tooth from a diamond. Those kind of studies are hard to establish, and always have been. :cool:

Here's my take (and personal opinion) on this crap. I have smoked pot on several occasions when I was a kid. Didn't like it. When I left Vietnam, retrained and went to Germany, there were several times when I don't remember the previous couple of days - I drank myself into a stupor. One early morning, I woke up laying in a street in Heidleberg. I told myself then - this shit HAS to stop.

In the decades since that time, I have had a few beers (maybe 20). I don't drink, I don't smoke and I don't do drugs. My Wife and my kids and my Grand Kids have never seen me inebriated. Never once.

There are studies that claim that pot is harmless and there are studies that say that it will harm you over time. I don't know. Here's what I DO, however, know.

20-30 years from now, when these folks (primarily young people) are developing COPD, Lung Cancer, etc etc etc. It will be too late. The "Government" will begin printing labels on Pot cans telling us that "pot causes cancer" and "Nursing Mothers shouldn't smoke Marijuana" and so on and so forth. The States that "legalized" pot in spite of federal law will face BILLIONS in law suits. Finally, there will be settlements with the makers and sellers of "weed" and the American taxpayer will get not one penny, just like tobacco.

And then, just like with tobacco, we will start telling ourselves that "it won't happen to me" and 40 years after that, we will finally do away with this bullshit.

You have a VIVID imagination!

Do you support a return to alcohol prohibition? If might be THE most hypocritical one here!

I would't have a problem with prohibition for alcohol. I don't drink so what the hell do I care? Do you have a problem with cigarettes going from $8.00 a carton in the 70s to $55.00 a carton? All in the name of "safety" and "diversion".

It's a known FACT that cigarettes kill. It's a known FACT that alcohol kills. It's a known FACT. that drugs kill.

So, since we are currently saddled with a "president" that expressed a desire to "kill" the coal industry, to make utility prices "skyrocket" and believes that we will all die from Global Warming in the next few years - why would he NOT stop the sale of Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs?

See? Some things even the Obama the Almighty won't go near.

But again - I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. What the hell do I care if they are not there any longer?
[quote =Jarlaxle ;9016218]
Harry Dresd en;90110ndogz ;9010353 said:
Poth?eads are gazelles limping along the Serengeti.

go watch "Reefer Madness" was made for people like you....[/QUOTE]

She probably thinks it's a documentary.[/QUOTE]

I never saw it. Did someone get high and shoot his wife? Get high and jump off a roof? Get high and dig out someone's eyes and eat them?
I never saw it. Did someone get high and shoot his wife? Get high and jump off a roof? Get high and dig out someone's eyes and eat them?

thats why i put it there so you can see it...if you want to know the answer to your will have to tune it in....
I never saw it. Did someone get high and shoot his wife? Get high and jump off a roof? Get high and dig out someone's eyes and eat them?

thats why i put it there so you can see it...if you want to know the answer to your will have to tune it in....

Just heard today that 4th Graders in a school in Greely Colorado were busted for selling pot for 11 dollars. Yes Sir - no unintended consequences with legalizing pot......
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I never saw it. Did someone get high and shoot his wife? Get high and jump off a roof? Get high and dig out someone's eyes and eat them?

thats why i put it there so you can see it...if you want to know the answer to your will have to tune it in....

Just heard today that 4th Graders in a school in Greely Colorado were busted for selling pot for 11 dollars. Yes Sir - no unintended consequences with legalizing pot......

It?s Legal to Sell Pot in Colorado, But Not If You?re in 4th Grade - ABC News

"Both boys apparently got the weed from relatives, according to Gates."

This isn't a problem with the law, it's a problem with the adults in these kid's families.
This proves that Reefer Madness is junk because if even half of the garbage that the right-wing spewed in Reefer Madness were true then Marihuana would not have been legalized in 1942 and the entire world would be very different today.


[ame=]Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube[/ame]
thats why i put it there so you can see it...if you want to know the answer to your will have to tune it in....

Just heard today that 4th Graders in a school in Greely Colorado were busted for selling pot for 11 dollars. Yes Sir - no unintended consequences with legalizing pot......

It?s Legal to Sell Pot in Colorado, But Not If You?re in 4th Grade - ABC News

"Both boys apparently got the weed from relatives, according to Gates."

This isn't a problem with the law, it's a problem with the adults in these kid's families.

Yeah, I'm sure you're right, After all - if pot were still illegal, they would have probably still had the pot laying around anyway.... :cuckoo:
"Both boys apparently got the weed from relatives, according to Gates."

This isn't a problem with the law, it's a problem with the adults in these kid's families.
Yeah, I'm sure you're right, After all - if pot were still illegal, they would have probably still had the pot laying around anyway.... :cuckoo:
If pot were legal, the kids would grow up in a world where they are told the truth about the plant from the start and no one would think that it's a big deal now, like the Shafer Commission said in 1972.

The right-wing needs to stop being wrong. Don't Republicans hate the big overbearing Federal government? So why do Republicans love the drug war so much? Do Republicans hate hippies more than they hate the big government?
I never saw it. Did someone get high and shoot his wife? Get high and jump off a roof? Get high and dig out someone's eyes and eat them?

thats why i put it there so you can see it...if you want to know the answer to your will have to tune it in....

Just heard today that 4th Graders in a school in Greely Colorado were busted for selling pot for 11 dollars. Yes Sir - no unintended consequences with legalizing pot......

It?s Legal to Sell Pot in Colorado, But Not If You?re in 4th Grade - ABC News

yea that also happens in the inner cities too.....i dont see anyone complaining about that...only those kids are hired by the big bad gangsters.....they are just training them for their future jobs....

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