Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

But, you think a person as filled with hate as yourself should live?

He's off the deep end at this point. Everybody but him is "Nazi". Obviously cannabis is not in his repertoire. That sounds much more like alcohol.

Again (as in 90% of your posts) you are wrong. The only (Nazis) are liberals. YOU are a typical Nazi. George Soros is a Nazi. "Progressive Liberals" are Nazis.

Get it now?

Oh I got it the first time. :cheers2:


George Soros??

In another thread I just told some other wag that there were people here equating "Nazi" with "Liberal". He didn't believe me.
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But, you think a person as filled with hate as yourself should live?

He's off the deep end at this point. Everybody but him is "Nazi". Obviously cannabis is not in his repertoire. That sounds much more like alcohol.

Again (as in 90% of your posts) you are wrong. The only (Nazis) are liberals. YOU are a typical Nazi. George Soros is a Nazi. "Progressive Liberals" are Nazis.

Get it now?
That argument doesn't even have basis in fiction, much less reality. Just stop.

What does Hitler have to do with legalizing marijuana in the US? Legal American marijuana stopped Hitler. So if you want to stop hippie liberal Nazi scum, legalize marijuana again.


Get it now?
What I think is the issue
is people who are pro-legalization NOT taking responsibility but
seeming to PUBLICLY DENY any reports of any dangers or risks with pot.

If that DENIAL stops, maybe we won't have these arguments back and forth.

Prolife people take responsibility for their beliefs and the costs involved,
or else they are outted as hypocrites.

And trying to compare with people NOT TAKING responsibility for alcohol related
risks, damaged or deaths just makes it worse.

It comes across with a negative attitude: well nobody is doing enough to stop drunk driving
so why should we take responsibility for what goes wrong with pot?

I believe if prolife prochoice and proliberty activists united around SUSTAINABLE
reforms to health care and policies on funding/responsibility,
then we WOULD solve this issue of decriminalization at the same time.

but coming across as shirking responsibility just HURTS the credibility of the people so nobody hears the arguments. I never even HEARD all the stats and arguments about decriminalization, because "all I hear" is this shirking, denial and MOCKING at any criticisms of pot as risking harm or damage.

Get rid of THAT ATTITUDE first, and maybe the discussions we NEED to have can come out in public.

I guess this is similar to the public perception that GOP is "anti women" so nobody listens to the very real dangers and stats about abortion that hurts women.

The general perception of pro-legalization is it is being pushed political for some slacker agenda that "doesn't care" about harm or risks but actively DENIES it for POLITICAL gain.

First step is to overcome that stereotype INSTEAD OF FEEDING INTO IT or it will never end!

How many alcohol fueled killings in Colorado this year?

Dunno, that's another topic. Start a thread & find out.

No - it's not another topic. The point of your thread is that Pot should not be legalized because it allegedly led to the death of someone. In 2009 alone 465 people died in Colorado in alcohol related auto accidents alone.

You cannot hide your hypocritical double standard behind "start another thread"
George Soros is largest donor behind legalization effort. What a surprise...

Billionaire George Soros behind major push for marijuana legalization ? RT USA

The elites only promote "freedom" so long as it coincides with their political agenda.

Sadly, I believe the ACA mandates prove this point.
And the subsequent Hobby Lobby case where
"equal rights" means forcing businesses to participate
in federally funded sources of birth control instead of
ALL people having "equal freedom" to fund and
participate in health care programs and decisions of our choice.

Real wake up call for people like me who truly
believed "prochoice" was about freedom from govt imposed politics.

Agenda obviously comes first. Very sad, but maybe this can be addressed publicly if this case is taken as proof of political bias and DISCRIMINATION imposed
by party abusing federal law to do so in violation of 'separation of church and state."

When people of OTHER beliefs ask to defend prochoice or separation of
church and state, it doesn't apply. So this is discrimination by creed,
by federal laws, mandates, fines and govt officials based on PARTY.

If any lawyers don't have a conflict of interest themselves,
maybe this issue could be sued on the grounds of discrimination.

But if all the big law firms are POLITICALLY DISCRIMINATORY themselves,
then who is left to cast the first stone?
What I think is the issue
is people who are pro-legalization NOT taking responsibility but
seeming to PUBLICLY DENY any reports of any dangers or risks with pot.

If that DENIAL stops, maybe we won't have these arguments back and forth.

Prolife people take responsibility for their beliefs and the costs involved,
or else they are outted as hypocrites.

And trying to compare with people NOT TAKING responsibility for alcohol related
risks, damaged or deaths just makes it worse.

It comes across with a negative attitude: well nobody is doing enough to stop drunk driving
so why should we take responsibility for what goes wrong with pot?

I believe if prolife prochoice and proliberty activists united around SUSTAINABLE
reforms to health care and policies on funding/responsibility,
then we WOULD solve this issue of decriminalization at the same time.

but coming across as shirking responsibility just HURTS the credibility of the people so nobody hears the arguments. I never even HEARD all the stats and arguments about decriminalization, because "all I hear" is this shirking, denial and MOCKING at any criticisms of pot as risking harm or damage.

Get rid of THAT ATTITUDE first, and maybe the discussions we NEED to have can come out in public.

I guess this is similar to the public perception that GOP is "anti women" so nobody listens to the very real dangers and stats about abortion that hurts women.

The general perception of pro-legalization is it is being pushed political for some slacker agenda that "doesn't care" about harm or risks but actively DENIES it for POLITICAL gain.

First step is to overcome that stereotype INSTEAD OF FEEDING INTO IT or it will never end!

Dunno, that's another topic. Start a thread & find out.

No - it's not another topic. The point of your thread is that Pot should not be legalized because it allegedly led to the death of someone. In 2009 alone 465 people died in Colorado in alcohol related auto accidents alone.

You cannot hide your hypocritical double standard behind "start another thread"

Are you suggesting that accepting "Reefer Madness" as a documentary is a prerequisite?
We've heard all of the arguments about the dangers of pot and they've been proven to not be true for the majority of the voting public. That's why the 1972 National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse concluded, "We would deemphasize marihuana as a problem."

Read the report.
1972 Shafer Commission - Table of Contents

Considering the range of social concerns in contemporary America, marihuana does not, in our considered judgment, rank very high. We would deemphasize marihuana as a problem.
Marijuana and Social Policy

So Nixon started the drug war and America's number one target since 1972 is the plant that the US Federal government says is not a problem. The US spends at least $20 billion every year to wipe out Cannabis - which is not a problem - and there is more Cannabis now of higher quality than there ever was in 1972 before the drug war.

"We would deemphasize marihuana as a problem."

Now the US Federal government wants to create a new National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse but Americans need to pressure their Congressmembers to vote to approve HR1635 to form the committee.

H.R.1635 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): National Commission on Federal Marijuana Policy Act of 2013 | | Library of Congress

But nobody even cares because they think that with all the other stuff going on in the world, why should we care about something as trivial as marijuana, right? Maybe it's time to legalize this plant which is not a problem and helped stop the Holocaust.

But the right-wing won't vote to legalize because despite all of their toothless gun rants against Obama and the BLM, right-wingers love the big government police state.
But, you think a person as filled with hate as yourself should live?

He's off the deep end at this point. Everybody but him is "Nazi". Obviously cannabis is not in his repertoire. That sounds much more like alcohol.

Again (as in 90% of your posts) you are wrong. The only (Nazis) are liberals. YOU are a typical Nazi. George Soros is a Nazi. "Progressive Liberals" are Nazis.

Get it now?

Most Jews I know are liberals. Here you are calling them Nazis.

In fact most all of the undesirables that the Nazis were exterminating would be liberals.

There are few words to describe your callus denigration of liberals.

But I guess that's why they call it projection.
Pogo im sure they have learned a thing or two over the years and are growing better stuff....back in the 70's i knew a guy who had about 10 plants growing in his back yard and even he had it labled A,B.and C for its potency...and the A stuff was better than the other 2...

The selective breeding occurred many generations ago. It was forgotten in America. Yes the Mexican dirt weed of the 70's was not very good, but on the other side of the world the cannabis plants they were growing in say Lebanon or the Kush Valley, were defiantly as potent as the plants of today.

There's no doubt that potency varies from one region to another, one supplier to another, one time to another, whatever. I have yet to hear from those who keep invoking the potency thing, what their point is. A user smokes that quantity necessary to attain the high; more potent means less smoking.

They are like the blind trying to explain what they've been told color is.
We've heard all of the arguments about the dangers of pot and they've been proven to not be true for the majority of the voting public. That's why the 1972 National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse concluded, "We would deemphasize marihuana as a problem."

Read the report.
1972 Shafer Commission - Table of Contents

Considering the range of social concerns in contemporary America, marihuana does not, in our considered judgment, rank very high. We would deemphasize marihuana as a problem.
Marijuana and Social Policy

So Nixon started the drug war and America's number one target since 1972 is the plant that the US Federal government says is not a problem. The US spends at least $20 billion every year to wipe out Cannabis - which is not a problem - and there is more Cannabis now of higher quality than there ever was in 1972 before the drug war.

"We would deemphasize marihuana as a problem."

They get themselves backed into this corner every time they try this rubber stamp commission bullshit...

LaGuardia Committee Report - 1944

Running the same play over and over and expecting different results --- instead of simply admitting Harry Anslinger was making it all up in the first place.

That's America, folks. Inconvenient situation? Don't do anything about it, just create a committee. And if the committee doesn't say what you want it to say, ignore it. But never ever admit the government was full of shit.

Now the US Federal government wants to create a new National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse but Americans need to pressure their Congressmembers to vote to approve HR1635 to form the committee.

H.R.1635 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): National Commission on Federal Marijuana Policy Act of 2013 | | Library of Congress

But nobody even cares because they think that with all the other stuff going on in the world, why should we care about something as trivial as marijuana, right? Maybe it's time to legalize this plant which is not a problem and helped stop the Holocaust.

But the right-wing won't vote to legalize because despite all of their toothless gun rants against Obama and the BLM, right-wingers love the big government police state.

I still love this post -- deserves an encore:
:lmao: Pot doesn't kill Monkeys! Monkeys kill Monkeys!!​

That would be an interesting precedent... responsibility for a death being laid on a product instead of the tool who uses the product irresponsibly.

Be careful what you wish for, Brother. :smoke:

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He's off the deep end at this point. Everybody but him is "Nazi". Obviously cannabis is not in his repertoire. That sounds much more like alcohol.

Again (as in 90% of your posts) you are wrong. The only (Nazis) are liberals. YOU are a typical Nazi. George Soros is a Nazi. "Progressive Liberals" are Nazis.

Get it now?

Most Jews I know are liberals. Here you are calling them Nazis.

In fact most all of the undesirables that the Nazis were exterminating would be liberals.

There are few words to describe your callus denigration of liberals.

But I guess that's why they call it projection.

Tough shit - get used to it. November 2014 is coming.
Our society reminds me more of Brave New World by the day. Marijuana(soma), just another sedative, another distraction; one of the many types of bread and circuses for the masses while their birth right is stolen by corrupt elites.

please set forth all effects which would justify keeping pot illegal while you can walk into your local grocery store and buy a case of beer.

I just smoked some kush on 420 and was on my add brained for the whole afternoon and evening. A six pack of beer doesn't come close. I favor full legalization of all drugs. I believe in the principle of self ownership. I am not a hypocrite like the shitlibs here. But to say pot today is like a couple beers is laughable.
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whether or not you are for or against pot you need to know what you are taking, its more than likely that it was laced and the gentlemen probably had health issues and mental issues. PEOPLE NEED TO HANDLE THEIR TRIP, not blame it and give it a bad name. condolences to the family though <3 its sad that something i support had to be involved in such a tragic situation.
As a person who believes in the Medicinal and recreational use of marijuana, and knowing many people that have been using marijuana for both uses for over 30+ years, i can personally say that i have never ever heard of a person hallucinating from marijuana. The person that committed this crime had to be under the influence of some other type of drug, because there has never been an incident reported or recorded in history of a marijuana related death. This simply makes marijuana look bad and anyone against the use of marijuana will hop on this when they can to just bash on "stoners" and "pot heads". infact, this incident sounds as if it were a set up to make pot look like a deadly drug, but people don't understand that marijuana will never go away and it has been around too long for anyone to try to control the use and cultivation of the plant.
Our society reminds me more of Brave New World by the day. Marijuana(soma), just another sedative, another distraction; one of the many types of bread and circuses for the masses while their birth right is stolen by corrupt elites.

please set forth all effects which would justify keeping pot illegal while you can walk into your local grocery store and buy a case of beer.

Simply put - Excusing bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior will get you nowhere.

Your defense is ridiculous.
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Our society reminds me more of Brave New World by the day. Marijuana(soma), just another sedative, another distraction; one of the many types of bread and circuses for the masses while their birth right is stolen by corrupt elites.

please set forth all effects which would justify keeping pot illegal while you can walk into your local grocery store and buy a case of beer.

Simply put - Excusing bad behavior by point to other bad behavior will get you nowhere.

Your defense is ridiculous.

-- says the wag who calls everything that moves "Nazi"... :eusa_whistle:
please set forth all effects which would justify keeping pot illegal while you can walk into your local grocery store and buy a case of beer.

Simply put - Excusing bad behavior by point to other bad behavior will get you nowhere.

Your defense is ridiculous.

-- says the wag who calls everything that moves "Nazi"... :eusa_whistle:

Nope. Just you liberal nazis.

Have a nice day Herr Goebbels. :badgrin:
Simply put - Excusing bad behavior by point to other bad behavior will get you nowhere.

Your defense is ridiculous.

-- says the wag who calls everything that moves "Nazi"... :eusa_whistle:

Nope. Just you liberal nazis.

Have a nice day Herr Goebbels. :badgrin:

Once again, he said to :lalala: -- it's an oxymoron. A Liberal doesn't believe in government controlling people's personal lives; a Nazi does.

Guess which side that would seem to put you on.
-- says the wag who calls everything that moves "Nazi"... :eusa_whistle:

Nope. Just you liberal nazis.

Have a nice day Herr Goebbels. :badgrin:

Once again, he said to :lalala: -- it's an oxymoron. A Liberal doesn't believe in government controlling people's personal lives; a Nazi does.

Guess which side that would seem to put you on.

I MUST add that to my sig line - please forgive me for calling you a liberal are a moronic nazi!!! :eusa_clap: :D :eusa_clap:
Nope. Just you liberal nazis.

Have a nice day Herr Goebbels. :badgrin:

Once again, he said to :lalala: -- it's an oxymoron. A Liberal doesn't believe in government controlling people's personal lives; a Nazi does.

Guess which side that would seem to put you on.

I MUST add that to my sig line -

Please do. Get the word out. Put my name on it. Then think it through until you get it. :thup:

(edit) I see you did but I'm disappointed I didn't get boldface. What do I have to do here? :confused: And btw my handle is not an acronym.
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