Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

I smoked a lot of pot back in the day, I never hallucinated.

Same here but from what I'm hearing from today's growers and users reefer is FAR more potent than it was back in the day. There are also processes available to create ultra pure THC which is truly dangerous.

I am a recovered alcoholic and drug abuser. I smoked pot and drank heavily for years. I generally insist that pot is less dangerous to life and limb that booze is but I haven't smoked any of today's stuff so I'm basing my opinion on past experience.

I work really close to one of the biggest growers in Colorado called "Medicine Man." They buy products from my retail store and I've spoken to the owner about today's marijuana. He said that one hit of his stuff is equal to an entire joint of the stuff of yesteryear. Now if you were to concentrate that potency into a piece of candy or other edible and end up eating a lot of candy or edibles then the result could potentially be dangerous.

The coffee shops in Amsterdam often see the results of American tourists who eat cannabis for the first time, mostly the results are sleep not murder. Now if you combine it with some pharmaceuticals and alcohol and throw in some wacky religious beliefs about the end of the world, who knows what that might do. The man needs to be charged with murder and put away for a long long time. I feel bad for the kids. What a terrible way to to loose your mother.

Clearly, this guy had issues unrelated to pot.
No - it's not another topic. The point of your thread is that Pot should not be legalized because it allegedly led to the death of someone. In 2009 alone 465 people died in Colorado in alcohol related auto accidents alone.

You cannot hide your hypocritical double standard behind "start another thread"

You're an idiot. This thread has no particular point. I'm neither anti nor pro pot. I simply posted a story to see how people felt about it.

Now crawl back in your hole

So all your other anti-legalization threads and posts are lies?
Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Marijuana that is ingested has a much stronger effect. It takes a little longer to hit the bloodstream, but when it does you can get seriously high.

When it is smoked it has a kind of "ceiling" - you can only get so buzzed.
This lady and her kids aren't laughing. Strains of strong pot caused this man's mind to expand too much. More than he could presently handle. It doesn't happen to all people all the time. Just some people some of the time. Especiallyl if very heavy thoughts have been bothering them and they've been trying to push them back. Pot opens that door immediately whether or not you want it to.

Some people experience a sublime flood of happiness, especially if their lives are basically mellow with just a few ups and downs. Not everyone is as fortunate and this guy is a case in point.

Drugs affect people. That's a fact. Pot is a drug because it affects people. The experiment is go eat a big fat pot brownie after someone you know has died or your wife just left you and get back to me..

emotional dodge of the question?
How dishonest.

Link your science.

You know exactly what I'm talking about. Go eat a pot brownie just after someone close to you died or your wife left you. That's where this guy was at.

You prove to me that different people in different states of mind are not affected by this narcotic differently. Your pharmacy sells you stuff too that if you take in a certain state can really mess you up. A drug is a drug. All drugs ultimately come from plants so what's the difference between one plant-based drug and another?

Pot is not a narcotic, narcotics are a man made drugs....pot is an organic drug, same with coffee, tea and tobacco..
All drugs do not come from plants, synthetics are man made...

Until the beginning of twentieth century, the substances used for the treatment of diseases were obtained from natural sources. Natural sources include plants, animals, and minerals. Among the natural sources, plants were mainly used. Sometimes minerals and occasionally animals were used for the same purpose. Nowadays most of the drugs are manufactured in the laboratory, i.e. synthetic drugs. Microorganisms also serve as a source of a large number of drugs.

Where do drugs come from? Sources of Drugs!
You're an idiot. This thread has no particular point. I'm neither anti nor pro pot. I simply posted a story to see how people felt about it.

Now crawl back in your hole

So all your other anti-legalization threads and posts are lies?
Were you lying then or are you lying now?


And yet neither of you can provide proof.

Your task is difficult though since said proof DOES NOT EXIST
I can see the pros & cons of BOTH sides of the legalization debate. I am not nor have I ever been committed to either position.

Course nodog & synth claim otherwise and that alone is proof for the uninformed. Their typical type of supporters & followers I might add.
I smoked a lot of pot back in the day, I never hallucinated.

Same here but from what I'm hearing from today's growers and users reefer is FAR more potent than it was back in the day. There are also processes available to create ultra pure THC which is truly dangerous.

I am a recovered alcoholic and drug abuser. I smoked pot and drank heavily for years. I generally insist that pot is less dangerous to life and limb that booze is but I haven't smoked any of today's stuff so I'm basing my opinion on past experience.

I work really close to one of the biggest growers in Colorado called "Medicine Man." They buy products from my retail store and I've spoken to the owner about today's marijuana. He said that one hit of his stuff is equal to an entire joint of the stuff of yesteryear. Now if you were to concentrate that potency into a piece of candy or other edible and end up eating a lot of candy or edibles then the result could potentially be dangerous.

i have tried the stuff of today....i cant agree with that......sounds more like a sales pitch....
I smoked a lot of pot back in the day, I never hallucinated.

Same here but from what I'm hearing from today's growers and users reefer is FAR more potent than it was back in the day. There are also processes available to create ultra pure THC which is truly dangerous.

I am a recovered alcoholic and drug abuser. I smoked pot and drank heavily for years. I generally insist that pot is less dangerous to life and limb that booze is but I haven't smoked any of today's stuff so I'm basing my opinion on past experience.

I work really close to one of the biggest growers in Colorado called "Medicine Man." They buy products from my retail store and I've spoken to the owner about today's marijuana. He said that one hit of his stuff is equal to an entire joint of the stuff of yesteryear. Now if you were to concentrate that potency into a piece of candy or other edible and end up eating a lot of candy or edibles then the result could potentially be dangerous.

i have tried the stuff of today....i cant agree with that......sounds more like a sales pitch....

No kidding, what I would give for some Columbian red bud at 40 bucks and oz. that would kick your azz...
The smoke today is overpriced and not as good as they claim...
How many alcohol fueled killings in Colorado this year?

Dunno, that's another topic. Start a thread & find out.

It's germaine to the topic. If you compare alcohol-related deaths to marijuana-related deaths, you will probably find alcohol comes out way ahead on the death match. Since you are trying to argue that a pot-related death justifies pot being illegal, then one has to apply that exact same "logic" to another drug which is legal and see if that argument holds water.

When we do this, we find your argument doesn't hold a drop.

He'd rather try to lie his way out of this one
Marijuana that is ingested has a much stronger effect. It takes a little longer to hit the bloodstream, but when it does you can get seriously high.

When it is smoked it has a kind of "ceiling" - you can only get so buzzed.

it definitely is different....
Same here but from what I'm hearing from today's growers and users reefer is FAR more potent than it was back in the day. There are also processes available to create ultra pure THC which is truly dangerous.

I am a recovered alcoholic and drug abuser. I smoked pot and drank heavily for years. I generally insist that pot is less dangerous to life and limb that booze is but I haven't smoked any of today's stuff so I'm basing my opinion on past experience.

I work really close to one of the biggest growers in Colorado called "Medicine Man." They buy products from my retail store and I've spoken to the owner about today's marijuana. He said that one hit of his stuff is equal to an entire joint of the stuff of yesteryear. Now if you were to concentrate that potency into a piece of candy or other edible and end up eating a lot of candy or edibles then the result could potentially be dangerous.

i have tried the stuff of today....i cant agree with that......sounds more like a sales pitch....

No kidding, what I would give for some Columbian red bud at 40 bucks and oz. that would kick your azz...
The smoke today is overpriced and not as good as they claim...

well im sure the growers have learned a thing or 2 over the years,so i bet there is some really good stuff out there.....but the times i took a hit or 2 off of some of todays stuff was not like smoking a whole joint of some thai or some good Columbo....half assed pot yes....but not the better stuff....
emotional dodge of the question?
How dishonest.

Link your science.

You know exactly what I'm talking about. Go eat a pot brownie just after someone close to you died or your wife left you. That's where this guy was at.

You prove to me that different people in different states of mind are not affected by this narcotic differently. Your pharmacy sells you stuff too that if you take in a certain state can really mess you up. A drug is a drug. All drugs ultimately come from plants so what's the difference between one plant-based drug and another?

Pot is not a narcotic, narcotics are a man made drugs....pot is an organic drug, same with coffee, tea and tobacco..
All drugs do not come from plants, synthetics are man made...

Until the beginning of twentieth century, the substances used for the treatment of diseases were obtained from natural sources. Natural sources include plants, animals, and minerals. Among the natural sources, plants were mainly used. Sometimes minerals and occasionally animals were used for the same purpose. Nowadays most of the drugs are manufactured in the laboratory, i.e. synthetic drugs. Microorganisms also serve as a source of a large number of drugs.

Where do drugs come from? Sources of Drugs!

Opium is a organic substance that contains the narcotics morphine and codeine.
In the article:

>> An Observatory Park woman urged police in a 911 call to hurry while her husband ranted about eating marijuana candy and the end of the world moments before he allegedly shot her to death. <<

It doesn't even say he ate the candy. It says "ranted about" it. He also ranted about being the strongest Mormon. And who knows what else.

It also says immediately thereafter:
>> The woman said her husband also might have taken painkillers, according to a search warrant affidavit released Thursday. <<

Finally at the end:
>> A detective who spoke to Kirk after the shooting said he "appeared to be under the influence of some type of controlled substance and/or prescription pill based upon his speech patterns, his inability to focus and his pupils," the affidavit said. <<

To conclude out of all this that the candy -- not some commercial drug, not gun culture, not his own psychological mental scrap heap, but candy that was simply purchased, is solely responsible, is the fodder of hair-on-fire sensationalist headline writers and gullible idiots who swallow their swill without thinking.

This thread gets a TBB award. It's irresponsible.
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Same here but from what I'm hearing from today's growers and users reefer is FAR more potent than it was back in the day. There are also processes available to create ultra pure THC which is truly dangerous.

I am a recovered alcoholic and drug abuser. I smoked pot and drank heavily for years. I generally insist that pot is less dangerous to life and limb that booze is but I haven't smoked any of today's stuff so I'm basing my opinion on past experience.

I work really close to one of the biggest growers in Colorado called "Medicine Man." They buy products from my retail store and I've spoken to the owner about today's marijuana. He said that one hit of his stuff is equal to an entire joint of the stuff of yesteryear. Now if you were to concentrate that potency into a piece of candy or other edible and end up eating a lot of candy or edibles then the result could potentially be dangerous.

i have tried the stuff of today....i cant agree with that......sounds more like a sales pitch....

No kidding, what I would give for some Columbian red bud at 40 bucks and oz. that would kick your azz...
The smoke today is overpriced and not as good as they claim...

Those were the days. Late 70's? When we finally got something better than Mexican dirt weed. The stains that are popular today have been cultivated and developed by humans for thousands of years. What make anyone think that some kind of great strides have been made to increase the amount of resin in any particular strain. They haven't. Good growing techniques increase the yield in terms of weight but not the psychoactive effect, or the % of hash per ounce.

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