Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

Return negs are NOT post specific. You called me a liar. Every person that called me a liar got negged right back regardless of the content of their post.

So stop whining like a bitch about it & move on.

You ARE a liar. You lied about the article, then even lied about lying about it. Ain't no way around that.

And then you neg for getting called on your own bullshit instead of owning it.

That makes you a coward as well.

Where is the lie? You guys have gone out so far on a limb it's unreal.

You called the title a lie. It is a supposition of the story. A conclusion. It CAN NOT BE A LIE. Or everyone would be a liar every time they draw a conclusion and express it.

Here comes the spin, right on cue -- a "supposition". Considering where you pull this shit from, that's spelled "suppository".

You put it out as a statement of fact. And it's not; it's bullshit. A conclusion leading from no basis. That makes you a liar, and the fact that you can't own up to it makes you a coward.

Stop whining or I'll hit ya again in 48 douchebag

So you're saying, not only are you too much of a coward to admit you fucked up now, you'll be the same amount of coward in 48.

Bring it on daddio. Check the numbers, do the math. :popcorn:

Because rationality and truth are far more important than your pissant rep number.

Btw anybody else that got negged by the OP lemme know and I'll make it up. :thup:

How's that for a plan that backfired, Grumps?
Well, it is a know fact that pot can cause psychosis in some, but hey KBN needs his fix.
So much whining....

Ima go out on a limb here and suggest that were he NOT stoned his wife would be alive today.

I stand behind my op so you may continue your whinefest.

Funny people here blame everything from violent games or movies to the lack of god or simply blaming the gun itself but god forbid someone draw a logical conclusion from the story.

You guys are a joke
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So much whining....

Ima go out on a limb here and suggest that were he NOT stoned his wife would be alive today.

I stand behind my op so you may continue your whinefest.

Funny people here blame everything from violent games or movies to the lack of god or simply blaming the gun itself but god forbid someone draw a logical conclusion from the story.

You guys are a joke

You're the joke here, liar. You have no logical conclusion. The story not only doesn't blame the murder on cannabis -- it doesn't even say he ingested any. You made that part up. Then you cherrypicked your own red herring. Idiot.
So much whining....

Ima go out on a limb here and suggest that were he NOT stoned his wife would be alive today.

I stand behind my op so you may continue your whinefest.

Funny people here blame everything from violent games or movies to the lack of god or simply blaming the gun itself but god forbid someone draw a logical conclusion from the story.

You guys are a joke

You're the joke here, liar. You have no logical conclusion. The story not only doesn't blame the murder on cannabis -- it doesn't even say he ingested any. You made that part up. Then you cherrypicked your own red herring. Idiot.

LISTEN to the 911 call jackass.
[ame=]Was hubby high on pot when he allegedly killed wife? - YouTube[/ame]

I didn't make shit up
The fucking hell you didn't.

Your thread title: Legal pot in Colorado claims it's [sic] first victim

You have NO basis for that conclusion. None. Nor does the article or headline make it. You're a liar.

Let's face it, you fucked up. You posted bullshit and got called out on it. :eusa_boohoo:

What's more, you negged this:

-- so it's clear who's faulty logic is exposed. Liar.

Return negs are NOT post specific. You called me a liar. Every person that called me a liar got negged right back regardless of the content of their post.

So stop whining like a bitch about it & move on.

You ARE a liar. You lied about the article, then even lied about lying about it. Ain't no way around that.

And then you neg for getting called on your own bullshit instead of owning it.

That makes you a coward as well.

"Return negs are not post specific"? BULLSHIT. All negs are post specific. So you chose one that embarrassed your logic. Not that you had much choice considering this sorry-ass thread.

Fuck you and your though process. Or should I say, absence thereof. Melt down all you like but there's nowhere to point that finger except in the fucking mirror.
You fucked up; OWN it.

You mean he lied again about what he negged?

Is this where I pretend to be shocked.

This guy has lied more in one day than any politician I know of has lied in a career.
So much whining....

Ima go out on a limb here and suggest that were he NOT stoned his wife would be alive today.

I stand behind my op so you may continue your whinefest.

Funny people here blame everything from violent games or movies to the lack of god or simply blaming the gun itself but god forbid someone draw a logical conclusion from the story.

You guys are a joke

You're the joke here, liar. You have no logical conclusion. The story not only doesn't blame the murder on cannabis -- it doesn't even say he ingested any. You made that part up. Then you cherrypicked your own red herring. Idiot.

LISTEN to the 911 call jackass.
[ame=]Was hubby high on pot when he allegedly killed wife? - YouTube[/ame]

I didn't make shit up

Even if I could ever sit through that voice, Nancy Grace is no more a credible source than your cockamamie article or the horseshit conclusion you drew from nothing. Show me evidence. Not some talking head wacko known for making shit up.

The 911 call is clearly confused info -- it refers to "smoking" marijuana, which contradicts the story of his "buying candy". And again there's no evidence that he ingested either way. And even if there was such evidence, cherrypicking that out of every other possible factor is STILL bullshit logic, especially given all we know about THC. A 911 operator getting police to the scene isn't a source of accurate evidence, dumbass. It's a call for help in a crisis. It's a third party relaying info she's just been told, and relaying it in a hurry.

Further, your lying talking head contradicts her own expert (2:58) with nothing more solid than "that's not true! that's not true!". Please.

Let's face it -- somebody wanted to sell papers, and a TV show, made a suggestion that leads to no credible conclusion, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker. The article never described it as "pot claims victim" -- you made the leap for them.

They played you like a cheap banjo. Maybe you need to spend less time watching hacks like Nancy Fucking Grace.
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Listen to the fucking 911 tape pogo.

Forget the host & listen to the tape. Unless of course you want to continue with this farce that I lied.

You guys couldn't prove I lied so I PROVED I didn't. Now show that courage you said I was lacking and watch the fucking tape.
[ame=]Was hubby high on pot when he allegedly killed wife? - YouTube[/ame]

1:30 into the video the dispatcher tells the responding officers that her husband has consumed the drug.

Or ignore it and encourage others to jump on the liar neg bandwagon.
Woman killed in Observatory Park home said husband ate pot candy - The Denver Post

While on 911the wife said her husband ate some pot laced candy and was hallucinating. Then he shot her.

Is there a correlation between ingesting marijuana and psychotically and violently killing your wife and/or family when we take a look at the masses?

If the the answer is an overwhelming and astounding "no", then I suggest you blame this man's actions on some other underlying mental issues unrelated to the marijuana. That would be the logical and rational thing to do.

I suggest you as well as the other MORONS in this thread FUCK OFF.

No where in my op did I suggest anything. I posted a link and highlighted what the title of the link said. Nowhere did I offer an opinion.

You jackasses are so damn eager to argue you make shit up as you go.

You went beyond "suggesting", you drew a conclusion: "Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim".

You formed an opinion and expressed your opinion. You have every right to do that. However, you can't express an opinion and then come back and say you didn't. It doesn't work like that.
Is there a correlation between ingesting marijuana and psychotically and violently killing your wife and/or family when we take a look at the masses?

If the the answer is an overwhelming and astounding "no", then I suggest you blame this man's actions on some other underlying mental issues unrelated to the marijuana. That would be the logical and rational thing to do.

I suggest you as well as the other MORONS in this thread FUCK OFF.

No where in my op did I suggest anything. I posted a link and highlighted what the title of the link said. Nowhere did I offer an opinion.

You jackasses are so damn eager to argue you make shit up as you go.

You went beyond "suggesting", you drew a conclusion: "Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim".

You formed an opinion and expressed your opinion. You have every right to do that. However, you can't express an opinion and then come back and say you didn't. It doesn't work like that.

I was talking about having no opinion on the legality of pot. Nodog insinuated that I had an agenda about the legality of it and it snowballed from there.
Was hubby high on pot when he allegedly killed wife? - YouTube

1:30 into the video the dispatcher tells the responding officers that her husband has consumed the drug.

Or ignore it and encourage others to jump on the liar neg bandwagon.

I already noted that part -- she (the third party) says the wife advises that he's been "SMOKING" marijuana. That doesn't sync with the rest of your story that he "bought some candy". Obviously a 911 call is not a source of accurate evidence; that comes when the Law gets there -- not from a relay of third party info over the fucking police radio.

Holy shit you are dense.

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