Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

Woman killed in Observatory Park home said husband ate pot candy - The Denver Post

While on 911the wife said her husband ate some pot laced candy and was hallucinating. Then he shot her.

She is not the victim of legalized marijuana. She is the victim of a man with a gun. It is the gun that is the problem here, not pot. In the Netherlands, pot has been legal for years and this doesn't happen because the people don’t have lots of guns around. If this guy hadn't had a gun, his family would have been safe.

As well, pot alone does not make anyone hallucinate. There had to be something else, like the pain killers mentioned in the article.
no 2 is something that seems to be under reported when Pot is concerned.....a guy will do something stupid after drinking, doing speed and Bath Salts and oh by the way he smoked some Pot the Pot will be the only thing mentioned....Katz is big on doing that...

Far more likely is that he went and got the cannabis -- in whatever form -- to counteract what the painkillers were doing to him. Whether he got the chance to do that, or whether he did but it wasn't enough, we don't know. But that doesn't stop ignorami like the OP and Nancy Grace from making it up.

Nancy Grace at least makes money from this bullshit. The OP - not so much.

I wouldn't go so far as to try and guess why he purchased the marijuana. The guy seems like he was crazy and from what I have seen, people don't go berserk when they use marijuana. It is theoretically possible but since it is the police who fucked up and took 15 minutes to get to the scene, then we have to figure they are wanting to re-direct the blame. Also, the prohibition of marijuana helps fund their employment.

Sure, good reasoning. Still, if you were taking painkillers that were bringing demons into your brain (he said it was the "end of the world" and first asked his wife to shoot him, none of which sounds like cannabis) ---- then you might want something to calm you down and settle those demons. Were he in a hospital they'd give him a sedative; same thing. I'd bet he was trying to self-medicate for that reason, and either didn't get a chance to use it, or used it and the commercial drugs were just too powerful.

If anything we could build at least as good a case that the cannabis for sale in Colorado isn't strong enough.
So OP is just backing down off everything he/she posted.

Appears the only useful thing about this thread was to expose a liar

Backing down isn't happening. I just see 0 point in discussing anything any further. I found video to prove my point but idiots choose to ignore it. There is nothing further to say. If 911 calls are now going to be discredited the discussion is moot
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The video wasn't part of the OP anyway. It's neg-boy's desperate attempt to cover up his own gullible bullshit.
Let's see your science on this please.

I'll try to hold uproarious laughter until you produce it.

This lady and her kids aren't laughing. Strains of strong pot caused this man's mind to expand too much. More than he could presently handle. It doesn't happen to all people all the time. Just some people some of the time. Especiallyl if very heavy thoughts have been bothering them and they've been trying to push them back. Pot opens that door immediately whether or not you want it to.

Some people experience a sublime flood of happiness, especially if their lives are basically mellow with just a few ups and downs. Not everyone is as fortunate and this guy is a case in point.

Drugs affect people. That's a fact. Pot is a drug because it affects people. The experiment is go eat a big fat pot brownie after someone you know has died or your wife just left you and get back to me..

So, maybe people should be registered and licensed before they can use pot.

They should have to take a class.

Those that are being treated for mental illness shouldn't be allowed to buy pot.

Those that committed domestic violence shouldn't be allowed to buy pot.

Do you think felons should be allowed to use and buy pot?

If those laws were applied to pot usage, they'd need to be applied to the use of alcohol too as it is also a potentially dangerous drug.
So OP is just backing down off everything he/she posted.

Appears the only useful thing about this thread was to expose a liar

Backing down isn't happening. I just see 0 point in discussing anything any further. I found video to prove my point but idiots choose to ignore it. There is nothing further to say. If 911 calls are now going to be discredited the discussion is moot


A 911 call has one purpose: to get help to the scene. Details beyond the address and what type of situation to be prepared for, are neither needed nor expected except as a guideline. Further, we don't have the 911 call; we hear the operator relaying what she thinks the 911 caller said. Crucial difference.
So OP is just backing down off everything he/she posted.

Appears the only useful thing about this thread was to expose a liar

Backing down isn't happening. I just see 0 point in discussing anything any further. I found video to prove my point but idiots choose to ignore it. There is nothing further to say. If 911 calls are now going to be discredited the discussion is moot

The video doesn't support the original article you posted. Nancy contradicted the 911 call.
Woman killed in Observatory Park home said husband ate pot candy - The Denver Post

While on 911the wife said her husband ate some pot laced candy and was hallucinating. Then he shot her.

She is not the victim of legalized marijuana. She is the victim of a man with a gun. It is the gun that is the problem here, not pot. In the Netherlands, pot has been legal for years and this doesn't happen because the people don’t have lots of guns around. If this guy hadn't had a gun, his family would have been safe.

As well, pot alone does not make anyone hallucinate. There had to be something else, like the pain killers mentioned in the article.

Yeah, you're's the "guns" fault. Idiot. He would have beaten her to death with a shovel. Moron.
Woman killed in Observatory Park home said husband ate pot candy - The Denver Post

While on 911the wife said her husband ate some pot laced candy and was hallucinating. Then he shot her.

She is not the victim of legalized marijuana. She is the victim of a man with a gun. It is the gun that is the problem here, not pot. In the Netherlands, pot has been legal for years and this doesn't happen because the people don’t have lots of guns around. If this guy hadn't had a gun, his family would have been safe.

As well, pot alone does not make anyone hallucinate. There had to be something else, like the pain killers mentioned in the article.

Yeah, you're's the "guns" fault. Idiot. He would have beaten her to death with a shovel. Moron.

Not unless he smoked pot first
Another video bullshit clue: Grace declares that before ingesting (?) marijuana, "everything was fine, they went to a soccer game just 72 hours earlier"..

72 hours??
Woman killed in Observatory Park home said husband ate pot candy - The Denver Post

While on 911the wife said her husband ate some pot laced candy and was hallucinating. Then he shot her.

She is not the victim of legalized marijuana. She is the victim of a man with a gun. It is the gun that is the problem here, not pot. In the Netherlands, pot has been legal for years and this doesn't happen because the people don’t have lots of guns around. If this guy hadn't had a gun, his family would have been safe.

As well, pot alone does not make anyone hallucinate. There had to be something else, like the pain killers mentioned in the article.

Yeah, you're's the "guns" fault. Idiot. He would have beaten her to death with a shovel. Moron.

Your premise assumes that his intention was to kill her -- as opposed to a general chaos of violence in his head. And in spite of the fact that minutes earlier he pleaded for her to kill him.

Just shows the simplistic thought level you're employing. Moron.
What pot does to your mind is it immediately unhinges any doors to any vaults of repressed issues and they all come flooding out at once. Edible pot is the worst for this because unlike smoking it, it stays in your body for days sometimes, making and keeping you high as a kite.

Let's see your science on this please.

I'll try to hold uproarious laughter until you produce it.

This lady and her kids aren't laughing. Strains of strong pot caused this man's mind to expand too much. More than he could presently handle. It doesn't happen to all people all the time. Just some people some of the time. Especiallyl if very heavy thoughts have been bothering them and they've been trying to push them back. Pot opens that door immediately whether or not you want it to.

Some people experience a sublime flood of happiness, especially if their lives are basically mellow with just a few ups and downs. Not everyone is as fortunate and this guy is a case in point.

Drugs affect people. That's a fact. Pot is a drug because it affects people. The experiment is go eat a big fat pot brownie after someone you know has died or your wife just left you and get back to me..

All the sweets and fats and starch you eat affect you and will cause you to die young.

Go on a diet, please.

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