Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

Golly. All those people smoking pot while undergoing chemo...those poking them with the treatment better watch out. ;)

Pot makes ya mellow, not murderous. Unless some crack is in there with it.
Is there a correlation between ingesting marijuana and psychotically and violently killing your wife and/or family when we take a look at the masses?

If the the answer is an overwhelming and astounding "no", then I suggest you blame this man's actions on some other underlying mental issues unrelated to the marijuana. That would be the logical and rational thing to do.

I suggest you as well as the other MORONS in this thread FUCK OFF.

No where in my op did I suggest anything. I posted a link and highlighted what the title of the link said. Nowhere did I offer an opinion.

You jackasses are so damn eager to argue you make shit up as you go.

You went beyond "suggesting", you drew a conclusion: "Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim".

You formed an opinion and expressed your opinion. You have every right to do that. However, you can't express an opinion and then come back and say you didn't. It doesn't work like that.

He can lie all he wants - and then neg folks for calling him on it.

It's America ... people have the right to lie if they want.

He even lied about something I quoted ...

I guess once you start lying, it just gets harder and harder to stop.
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Is there a correlation between ingesting marijuana and psychotically and violently killing your wife and/or family when we take a look at the masses?

If the the answer is an overwhelming and astounding "no", then I suggest you blame this man's actions on some other underlying mental issues unrelated to the marijuana. That would be the logical and rational thing to do.

I suggest you as well as the other MORONS in this thread FUCK OFF.

No where in my op did I suggest anything. I posted a link and highlighted what the title of the link said. Nowhere did I offer an opinion.

You jackasses are so damn eager to argue you make shit up as you go.

You went beyond "suggesting", you drew a conclusion: "Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim".

You formed an opinion and expressed your opinion. You have every right to do that. However, you can't express an opinion and then come back and say you didn't. It doesn't work like that.

Actually that's not an opinion, it's something that resembles a factual statement. Except it's an island that has no bridge to reach it. OP flew this one in by Bullshit Helicopter.
Was hubby high on pot when he allegedly killed wife? - YouTube

1:30 into the video the dispatcher tells the responding officers that her husband has consumed the drug.

Or ignore it and encourage others to jump on the liar neg bandwagon.

I already noted that part -- she (the third party) says the wife advises that he's been "SMOKING" marijuana. That doesn't sync with the rest of your story that he "bought some candy". Obviously a 911 call is not a source of accurate evidence; that comes when the Law gets there -- not from a relay of third party info over the fucking police radio.

Holy shit you are dense.

A 911 call is not a sourse of accurate evidence?

And then you call me dense?

I suggest you as well as the other MORONS in this thread FUCK OFF.

No where in my op did I suggest anything. I posted a link and highlighted what the title of the link said. Nowhere did I offer an opinion.

You jackasses are so damn eager to argue you make shit up as you go.

You went beyond "suggesting", you drew a conclusion: "Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim".

You formed an opinion and expressed your opinion. You have every right to do that. However, you can't express an opinion and then come back and say you didn't. It doesn't work like that.

I was talking about having no opinion on the legality of pot. Nodog insinuated that I had an agenda about the legality of it and it snowballed from there.

I went back and read the post to which you responded:

Is there a correlation between ingesting marijuana and psychotically and violently killing your wife and/or family when we take a look at the masses?

If the the answer is an overwhelming and astounding "no", then I suggest you blame this man's actions on some other underlying mental issues unrelated to the marijuana. That would be the logical and rational thing to do.

It seems like you are not staying with the flow of the discussion. Your thread titled answers the question that was asked. You made the conclusion that the lady's death is the result of marijuana use. You have to keep in mind that the police fucked up by taking 15 minutes to get there and also that the war on drugs funds their employment. Of course there is going to be some blow back from the police. However, I don't see any stories being published about people getting killed by drunk drivers and we know that happens all the time. Also, alcohol, not pot, increases the likelihood of domestic abuse.

It is impossible to say that the lady's is the "first victim" unless you agree that marijuana use was the cause.
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Was hubby high on pot when he allegedly killed wife? - YouTube

1:30 into the video the dispatcher tells the responding officers that her husband has consumed the drug.

Or ignore it and encourage others to jump on the liar neg bandwagon.

the 911 dispatched stated she was told he smoked MJ, the crazy broad on the show said eaten a MJ cookie or brownie, and the OP states it was candy laced MJ...sounds to me like demonization without the facts or hysteria over dislike of a certain drug..
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Was hubby high on pot when he allegedly killed wife? - YouTube

1:30 into the video the dispatcher tells the responding officers that her husband has consumed the drug.

Or ignore it and encourage others to jump on the liar neg bandwagon.

I already noted that part -- she (the third party) says the wife advises that he's been "SMOKING" marijuana. That doesn't sync with the rest of your story that he "bought some candy". Obviously a 911 call is not a source of accurate evidence; that comes when the Law gets there -- not from a relay of third party info over the fucking police radio.

Holy shit you are dense.

A 911 call is not a sourse of accurate evidence?

And then you call me dense?


You could be right -- "dense" may not be deep enough.

A 911 call is for the purpose of responding to an emergency. The pertinent info is where (2112 South St. Paul St.) and what to expect (gun threat, marital dispute). Everything else is dressing. Nobody in any criminal case anywhere is going to base their evidence on what a 911 operator said by way of dressing in instructing LE.

So much whining....

Ima go out on a limb here and suggest that were he NOT stoned his wife would be alive today.

I stand behind my op so you may continue your whinefest.

Funny people here blame everything from violent games or movies to the lack of god or simply blaming the gun itself but god forbid someone draw a logical conclusion from the story.

You guys are a joke

You're the joke here, liar. You have no logical conclusion. The story not only doesn't blame the murder on cannabis -- it doesn't even say he ingested any. You made that part up. Then you cherrypicked your own red herring. Idiot.

LISTEN to the 911 call jackass.
[ame=]Was hubby high on pot when he allegedly killed wife? - YouTube[/ame]

I didn't make shit up

So the police said he was smoking marijuana?

Not only that but the article in your original post contradict a lot of what Nancy said as well. Anslinger himself could have filed that report.

"He ate a Marijuana cookie and that made him kill his wife"
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The "neg bandwagon" :lmao:

Got news for ya chump -- everybody taking issue with your bullshit thread has higher rep now than when you started handing out negs because you can't admit you fucked up. Including me.

There are three important points to consider:

1. That this guy had major issues unrelated to smoking pot.
2. That he was under the influence of other drugs in addition to pot.
3. I can't remember the 3rd thing, my short term memory is bad for some reason.

no 2 is something that seems to be under reported when Pot is concerned.....a guy will do something stupid after drinking,doing speed and Bath Salts and oh by the way he smoked some Pot the Pot will be the only thing mentioned....Katz is big on doing that...
Dunno, that's another topic. Start a thread & find out.

No - it's not another topic. The point of your thread is that Pot should not be legalized because it allegedly led to the death of someone. In 2009 alone 465 people died in Colorado in alcohol related auto accidents alone.

You cannot hide your hypocritical double standard behind "start another thread"

You're an idiot. This thread has no particular point. I'm neither anti nor pro pot. I simply posted a story to see how people felt about it.

Now crawl back in your hole

????!!! You were the one who chose the title of the thread!! "Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim"
There are three important points to consider:

1. That this guy had major issues unrelated to smoking pot.
2. That he was under the influence of other drugs in addition to pot.
3. I can't remember the 3rd thing, my short term memory is bad for some reason.

no 2 is something that seems to be under reported when Pot is concerned.....a guy will do something stupid after drinking, doing speed and Bath Salts and oh by the way he smoked some Pot the Pot will be the only thing mentioned....Katz is big on doing that...

Far more likely is that he went and got the cannabis -- in whatever form -- to counteract what the painkillers were doing to him. Whether he got the chance to do that, or whether he did but it wasn't enough, we don't know. But that doesn't stop ignorami like the OP and Nancy Grace from making it up.

Nancy Grace at least makes money selling this bullshit. The OP - not so much.

Once again, when some nut goes off half cocked and shoots people up, the gun fetishists will point out -- correctly -- that psychoactive prescription drugs are often a factor. Here's another case with those same drugs but this time --- all of a sudden not a factor.

Again, and this is what I got negged for -- having it both ways: priceless
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There had to have been something else in the pot.

The pot nowadays is NOT the same pot from the 60's.
There are three important points to consider:

1. That this guy had major issues unrelated to smoking pot.
2. That he was under the influence of other drugs in addition to pot.
3. I can't remember the 3rd thing, my short term memory is bad for some reason.

no 2 is something that seems to be under reported when Pot is concerned.....a guy will do something stupid after drinking, doing speed and Bath Salts and oh by the way he smoked some Pot the Pot will be the only thing mentioned....Katz is big on doing that...

Far more likely is that he went and got the cannabis -- in whatever form -- to counteract what the painkillers were doing to him. Whether he got the chance to do that, or whether he did but it wasn't enough, we don't know. But that doesn't stop ignorami like the OP and Nancy Grace from making it up.

Nancy Grace at least makes money from this bullshit. The OP - not so much.

I wouldn't go so far as to try and guess why he purchased the marijuana. The guy seems like he was crazy and from what I have seen, people don't go berserk when they use marijuana. It is theoretically possible but since it is the police who fucked up and took 15 minutes to get to the scene, then we have to figure they are wanting to re-direct the blame. Also, the prohibition of marijuana helps fund their employment.

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