Legal question....

And somehow this is tied to collusion with russia.
Any day now.....
Breaking news FBI..................ahhhh........another false alarm............but tomorrow.........................tomorrow............we love you ............tomorrow...

It's only a day away......................

Mueller has just raided the house of Trumps milk man.

Turns out those are not really his kids.
They have another Breaking news story on Russia Collusion. Seems Trump uses the Mulligan too often on the golf course. Leaked by Caddies of Trump that in the last outing he used the Mulligan 50 times.........They say the Mulligan was done in order to gain Russian influence in golf courses in Siberia.....
Whores are for Rich people, the Handmaid's Tale.
And women with money can get abortions, no questions asked. But poor women are forced into motherhood due to a weakened planned parenthood.

And somehow this is tied to collusion with russia.
That would be via Cohen, who probably was involved with real-estate deals with Russians.

That has nothing to do with the election and russia collusion. Anyone can have real estate deals with estonians, chinese, australia....etc.
And somehow this is tied to collusion with russia.
Any day now.....
Breaking news FBI..................ahhhh........another false alarm............but tomorrow.........................tomorrow............we love you ............tomorrow...

It's only a day away......................

Mueller has just raided the house of Trumps milk man.

Turns out those are not really his kids.
They have another Breaking news story on Russia Collusion. Seems Trump uses the Mulligan too often on the golf course. Leaked by Caddies of Trump that in the last outing he used the Mulligan 50 times.........They say the Mulligan was done in order to gain Russian influence in golf courses in Siberia.....

Uh oh.. ...that's the new big one.
I don't think she asked for money , do you have a link she did?
since when do prostitutes not ask for money?

A whore asking for money?

That never happens

Whores are in it if for the art

Everyone knows that
LMAO!!! You are on a roll today.

....can you refer me to whores that don't charge for their services? LOL!
You need to make up your mind.

Is she a whore who got paid for sex, or an extortionist which demanded money for silence?

And what does all this have to do with russia collusion and the election.
Seems a Russian bought a property in Palm Beach..........Bought by a Trump Real estate and sold for ..............wait for it.....................MONEY..........................

The HORROR.............A real estate organization sold a home for a profit, after buying it when the owner filed Bankruptcy...............AND HE WAS RUSSIAN...............OMFG.

So let's say I'm the President and I like whores. Just a hypothetical. I'm not really the President and I'm not into whores. This story has no particular relevance mind you. In fact, I have no idea why I'm posting this in the political forum.

Anyhew, so this whore says she is going to talk if I don't pay her, so I pay her a lot of money.

Isn't that blackmail?

I will now await the super duper smart lawyer types that run our country who can distinguish between porn and prostitution, cuz porn is artsy and all, so it should be legal while prostitution has no real artistic value, therefore, it should not be legal. In fact, it's just yucky. So the next time any of you want to hire a prostitute just film it and I reckon they can't arrest you.

Damn they are so smart it almost makes me want to cry.

In fact, it does.
It is, but Cohen setting up a nondisclosure agreement for Stormy Daniels' silence in exchange for money is perfectly legal and quite common. So, if the angle is that Stormy Daniels is blackmailing Trump, I don't see it.

Either way, the Get-Trump Mafia is barking up an empty tree. The Stormy story has embarrassment value only for Trup. They may have a campaign finance violation on Cohen, but if Trump paid him for the contract, the only thing the Get-Trump Mafia has is embarrassment and maybe proof that Trump lied to the press, but that is not perjury.

Trump is a lying whoremonger.

So, in essence, Trump is Bill Clinton minus perjury.
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Blackmail: the act of threatening to harm someone or someone's reputation unless the person does as you say, or a payment made to someone who has threatened to harm you or your reputation if you fail to pay the person.

Blackmail, per se, is not a crime. The disclosure and publication of truthful embarrassing, or commercially valuable information is generally not a crime. But Non-Disclosure Agreements ("NDA's") are a common tool for preventing the release of harmful or commercially valuable/harmful information under these circumstances, in exchange for the payment of a valuable consideration.

So assume that a woman has an adulterous episode with a public personage whose reputation would be badly harmed by disclosure of the episode. With nothing stopping her, the woman is free to publish her truthful account, and to commercially benefit from such disclosure. But the public personage may propose an NDA, whereby she agrees to remain silent in exchange for the payment of a significant amount of money (or other considerations).

It is not "blackmail," nor is it illegal in any way.

In the case in point, the Woman subsequently realized that she could make a lot more money by the disclosure than the amount she was paid. However, having signed the agreement and taken the money, it is fully binding on her. Her publicity-seeking lawyer makes the "case" that because the public personage in question did not personally sign the agreement, it is not binding ON HER. This is poppycock. Because she signed and took the money, case closed as far as she's concerned. If Trump HAD NOT PAID her to date, HE MIGHT BE ABLE TO CLAIM that the agreement was not binding ON HIM, because he never signed it (i.e., that he was excused from paying the money NOW), but this has nothing to do with whether the NDA is binding on HER, which it clearly is.

The reason why they are taking such pains to render the NDA void is because if she MAKES ANY MONEY from the disclosures, in any form, then the money will quickly and totally be taken by Trump and his lawyers, as DAMAGES for her breaching the valid and binding NDA.

One of the significant questions on my mind is, why is Daniels' lawyer, who has shown himself to be nothing but an incompetent, publicity-seeking charlatan, on every news network every day, giving his opinions on a wide range of topics, most of whom have nothing to do with him or his client?
I don't think she asked for money , do you have a link she did?
since when do prostitutes not ask for money?

A whore asking for money?

That never happens

Whores are in it if for the art

Everyone knows that
LMAO!!! You are on a roll today.

....can you refer me to whores that don't charge for their services? LOL!
You need to make up your mind.

Is she a whore who got paid for sex, or an extortionist which demanded money for silence?

Wrong again.

All I have to do is pay taxes and buy over rated health insurance at outrageous premiums and then die.
So let's say I'm the President and I like whores. Just a hypothetical. I'm not really the President and I'm not into whores. This story has no particular relevance mind you. In fact, I have no idea why I'm posting this in the political forum.

Anyhew, so this whore says she is going to talk if I don't pay her, so I pay her a lot of money.

Isn't that blackmail?

I will now await the super duper smart lawyer types that run our country who can distinguish between porn and prostitution, cuz porn is artsy and all, so it should be legal while prostitution has no real artistic value, therefore, it should not be legal. In fact, it's just yucky. So the next time any of you want to hire a prostitute just film it and I reckon they can't arrest you.

Damn they are so smart it almost makes me want to cry.

In fact, it does.
It is, but Cohen setting up a nondisclosure agreement for Stormy Daniels' silence in exchange for money is perfectly legal and quite common. So, if the angle is that Stormy Daniels is blackmailing Trump, I don't see it.

Either way, the Get-Trump Mafia is barking up an empty tree. The Stormy story has embarrassment value only for Trup. They may have a campaign finance violation on Cohen, but if Trump paid him for the contract, the only thing the Get-Trump Mafia has is embarrassment and maybe proof that Trump lied to the press, but that is not perjury.

Trump is a lying whoremonger.

So, in essence, Trump is Bill Clinton minus perjury.
Trump is also the guy that got the North Korean Dictator to cross over the Demilitarized zone for the first time ever.
So let's say I'm the President and I like whores. Just a hypothetical. I'm not really the President and I'm not into whores. This story has no particular relevance mind you. In fact, I have no idea why I'm posting this in the political forum.

Anyhew, so this whore says she is going to talk if I don't pay her, so I pay her a lot of money.

Isn't that blackmail?

I will now await the super duper smart lawyer types that run our country who can distinguish between porn and prostitution, cuz porn is artsy and all, so it should be legal while prostitution has no real artistic value, therefore, it should not be legal. In fact, it's just yucky. So the next time any of you want to hire a prostitute just film it and I reckon they can't arrest you.

Damn they are so smart it almost makes me want to cry.

In fact, it does.
It is, but Cohen setting up a nondisclosure agreement for Stormy Daniels' silence in exchange for money is perfectly legal and quite common. So, if the angle is that Stormy Daniels is blackmailing Trump, I don't see it.

Either way, the Get-Trump Mafia is barking up an empty tree. The Stormy story has embarrassment value only for Trup. They may have a campaign finance violation on Cohen, but if Trump paid him for the contract, the only thing the Get-Trump Mafia has is embarrassment and maybe proof that Trump lied to the press, but that is not perjury.

Trump is a lying whoremonger.

So, in essence, Trump is Bill Clinton minus perjury.
Trump is also the guy that got the North Korean Dictator to cross over the Demilitarized zone for the first time ever.
No he didn't.........didn't you get the talking points memos geesh.......

It's South Korea that did it........because they were worried Psycho Trump would Nuke the world.

If that doesn't work..........give China Credit.............

If that doesn't work.......used the unconfirmed Nuclear Accident in N. Korea........

If that doesn't work............Say Stormy...........

Got it...............
Awwwww...........she did it because Trumps balls weren't going into the hole on the Golf Course.

She felt sorry for him and was consoling him on a terrible Golf Game.

She was doing God's work that day........and there is a aura about her. Doing God's work on her back saved a poor souls life that day.

Did Trump actually ask what par for that hole was?
So let's say I'm the President and I like whores. Just a hypothetical. I'm not really the President and I'm not into whores. This story has no particular relevance mind you. In fact, I have no idea why I'm posting this in the political forum.

Anyhew, so this whore says she is going to talk if I don't pay her, so I pay her a lot of money.

Isn't that blackmail?

I will now await the super duper smart lawyer types that run our country who can distinguish between porn and prostitution, cuz porn is artsy and all, so it should be legal while prostitution has no real artistic value, therefore, it should not be legal. In fact, it's just yucky. So the next time any of you want to hire a prostitute just film it and I reckon they can't arrest you.

Damn they are so smart it almost makes me want to cry.

In fact, it does.
It is, but Cohen setting up a nondisclosure agreement for Stormy Daniels' silence in exchange for money is perfectly legal and quite common. So, if the angle is that Stormy Daniels is blackmailing Trump, I don't see it.

Either way, the Get-Trump Mafia is barking up an empty tree. The Stormy story has embarrassment value only for Trup. They may have a campaign finance violation on Cohen, but if Trump paid him for the contract, the only thing the Get-Trump Mafia has is embarrassment and maybe proof that Trump lied to the press, but that is not perjury.

Trump is a lying whoremonger.

So, in essence, Trump is Bill Clinton minus perjury.
Trump is also the guy that got the North Korean Dictator to cross over the Demilitarized zone for the first time ever.

But then he ran back across to NK screaming. "These people are nutz, THEY BELIEVE WHORES"
Awwwww...........she did it because Trumps balls weren't going into the hole on the Golf Course.

She felt sorry for him and was consoling him on a terrible Golf Game.

She was doing God's work that day........and there is a aura about her. Doing God's work on her back saved a poor souls life that day.

Did Trump actually ask what par for that hole was?
He had been drinking Vodka..........was too drunk to remember. But rumor had it that the Vodka came from Russia.......

I don't know..........Something Collusional is going on her...........
So let's say I'm the President and I like whores. Just a hypothetical. I'm not really the President and I'm not into whores. This story has no particular relevance mind you. In fact, I have no idea why I'm posting this in the political forum.

Anyhew, so this whore says she is going to talk if I don't pay her, so I pay her a lot of money.

Isn't that blackmail?

I will now await the super duper smart lawyer types that run our country who can distinguish between porn and prostitution, cuz porn is artsy and all, so it should be legal while prostitution has no real artistic value, therefore, it should not be legal. In fact, it's just yucky. So the next time any of you want to hire a prostitute just film it and I reckon they can't arrest you.

Damn they are so smart it almost makes me want to cry.

In fact, it does.
It is, but Cohen setting up a nondisclosure agreement for Stormy Daniels' silence in exchange for money is perfectly legal and quite common. So, if the angle is that Stormy Daniels is blackmailing Trump, I don't see it.

Either way, the Get-Trump Mafia is barking up an empty tree. The Stormy story has embarrassment value only for Trup. They may have a campaign finance violation on Cohen, but if Trump paid him for the contract, the only thing the Get-Trump Mafia has is embarrassment and maybe proof that Trump lied to the press, but that is not perjury.

Trump is a lying whoremonger.

So, in essence, Trump is Bill Clinton minus perjury.
Trump is also the guy that got the North Korean Dictator to cross over the Demilitarized zone for the first time ever.
No he didn't.........didn't you get the talking points memos geesh.......

It's South Korea that did it........because they were worried Psycho Trump would Nuke the world.

If that doesn't work..........give China Credit.............

If that doesn't work.......used the unconfirmed Nuclear Accident in N. Korea........

If that doesn't work............Say Stormy...........

Got it...............
no it wasn't, the South Korean president stated credit to Trump, so, Are you calling him a liar? was Sarcasm...............
Awwwww...........she did it because Trumps balls weren't going into the hole on the Golf Course.

She felt sorry for him and was consoling him on a terrible Golf Game.

She was doing God's work that day........and there is a aura about her. Doing God's work on her back saved a poor souls life that day.

Did Trump actually ask what par for that hole was?
He had been drinking Vodka..........was too drunk to remember. But rumor had it that the Vodka came from Russia.......

I don't know..........Something Collusional is going on her...........

Never Drink and Drive! Drinking and putting?........... I'z OK
So let's say I'm the President and I like whores. Just a hypothetical. I'm not really the President and I'm not into whores. This story has no particular relevance mind you. In fact, I have no idea why I'm posting this in the political forum.

Anyhew, so this whore says she is going to talk if I don't pay her, so I pay her a lot of money.

Isn't that blackmail?

I will now await the super duper smart lawyer types that run our country who can distinguish between porn and prostitution, cuz porn is artsy and all, so it should be legal while prostitution has no real artistic value, therefore, it should not be legal. In fact, it's just yucky. So the next time any of you want to hire a prostitute just film it and I reckon they can't arrest you.

Damn they are so smart it almost makes me want to cry.

In fact, it does.
It is, but Cohen setting up a nondisclosure agreement for Stormy Daniels' silence in exchange for money is perfectly legal and quite common. So, if the angle is that Stormy Daniels is blackmailing Trump, I don't see it.

Either way, the Get-Trump Mafia is barking up an empty tree. The Stormy story has embarrassment value only for Trup. They may have a campaign finance violation on Cohen, but if Trump paid him for the contract, the only thing the Get-Trump Mafia has is embarrassment and maybe proof that Trump lied to the press, but that is not perjury.

Trump is a lying whoremonger.

So, in essence, Trump is Bill Clinton minus perjury.
Trump is also the guy that got the North Korean Dictator to cross over the Demilitarized zone for the first time ever.
No he didn't.........didn't you get the talking points memos geesh.......

It's South Korea that did it........because they were worried Psycho Trump would Nuke the world.

If that doesn't work..........give China Credit.............

If that doesn't work.......used the unconfirmed Nuclear Accident in N. Korea........

If that doesn't work............Say Stormy...........

Got it...............
no it wasn't, the South Korean president stated credit to Trump, so, Are you calling him a liar? was Sarcasm...............
ahhhh, gotcha. very good, I'll delete the post.
Awwwww...........she did it because Trumps balls weren't going into the hole on the Golf Course.

She felt sorry for him and was consoling him on a terrible Golf Game.

She was doing God's work that day........and there is a aura about her. Doing God's work on her back saved a poor souls life that day.

Did Trump actually ask what par for that hole was?
He had been drinking Vodka..........was too drunk to remember. But rumor had it that the Vodka came from Russia.......

I don't know..........Something Collusional is going on her...........

Never Drink and Drive! Drinking and putting?........... I'z OK
It is stated that when Tump fell down drunk on the 16th hole that he agreed to let Russia change the results of the election. Stormy was just there to seal the deal.

But a team of 12 spies from Russia were at the 16th hole.........then went on to hack the DNC and changed the entire election........

Trump was paid him some Stormy and a case of Vodka.
The guy that brought the vodka has been identified.........Undercover camera's caught him on a flight using the same tactics.


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