Legislators Call For 9/11-Style Commission To Investigate Jan. 6 Attack On U.S. Capitol


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2015
Yes! Do it! Never forget. All of those responsible, including Trump MUST be held accountable. This cannot happen again

Legislators Call For 9/11-Style Commission To Investigate Jan. 6 Attack On U.S. Capitol | HuffPost

Multiple senators said Sunday that they support an investigation into the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol attack, a day after a majority of Republicans in the Senate voted to acquit the president in his impeachment trial.

House Democrats serving as impeachment managers presented significant evidence linking President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn his election loss and his violent rhetoric with the deadly insurrection on Jan. 6. On Saturday, 50 Democrats and 7 Republicans in the Senate found Trump guilty of inciting the insurrection, falling short of the 67-vote threshold needed to convict him.

I believe that there is bipartisan support . Do it!
Go for it.

I'd enjoy seeing Pelosi lose the gavel, and possibly her chair.
Result of the investigation:
  • people are fed-up with Congress
  • people get mad
  • people riot
Fking Congress has had an approval rating that speaks to how really bad it is and this has been the case for years:

"A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job Congress is doing."

Congress' approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record.

This points to how long Congress has had this reputation and why people are fed-up:

Congress and the Public

Go for it.

I'd enjoy seeing Pelosi lose the gavel, and possibly her chair.
And you think that would happen because of this? I doubt it. More likely we will keep the House, and the Senate because Trump and his Q crowd are going to get behind more extreamists like MTG in the primaries, many of whom will not beelectable.
Result of the investigation:
  • people are fed-up with Congress
  • people get mad
  • people riot
Fking Congress has had an approval rating that speaks to how really bad it is and this has been the case for years:

"A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job Congress is doing."

Congress' approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record.

This points to how long Congress has had this reputation and why people are fed-up:

Congress and the Public

And your solution is what exactly? Let the thugs take over? Mob rule?
Go for it.

I'd enjoy seeing Pelosi lose the gavel, and possibly her chair.
And you think that would happen because of this? I doubt it. More likely we will keep the House, and the Senate because Trump and his Q crowd are going to get behind more extreamists like MTG in the primaries, many of whom will not beelectable.

She would have to explain, under oath, why it was necessary to push through this recent impeachment, without doing due diligence in the Judicial and Intelligence committees.
Result of the investigation:
  • people are fed-up with Congress
  • people get mad
  • people riot
Fking Congress has had an approval rating that speaks to how really bad it is and this has been the case for years:

"A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job Congress is doing."

Congress' approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record.

This points to how long Congress has had this reputation and why people are fed-up:

Congress and the Public

And your solution is what exactly? Let the thugs take over? Mob rule?

Let the thugs take over? Mob rule?

Mob Rule?

Pretty much describes how Trump was impeached.....

Go for it.

I'd enjoy seeing Pelosi lose the gavel, and possibly her chair.
And you think that would happen because of this? I doubt it. More likely we will keep the House, and the Senate because Trump and his Q crowd are going to get behind more extreamists like MTG in the primaries, many of whom will not beelectable.

She would have to explain, under oath, why it was necessary to push through this recent impeachment, without doing due diligence in the Judicial and Intelligence committees.
There was no need for any of that. Trump committed his crime on liv. e TV. Not only on Jan.6 but for months leading up to it. The ensuing riot was on live TV. There was never any question as to what happened. Yes you can argue about the extent to which there was cause and effect between Trumps words and the insurection, but further investigation would not have resolved that. Investigation may have uncovered the extent to which the riot was coordinated, and pre planned and by who, but that does not change the fact that Trump had been fomenting this thing from before the elections with his lies about fraud.
“Legislators Call For 9/11-Style Commission To Investigate Jan. 6 Attack On U.S. Capitol”

And appropriately so.

It’s understood that conservatives, Republicans, and others on the right want this shameful display of rightwing violence and terrorism to be swept under the rug and forgotten about, but that would be as reprehensible and wrong as the attack itself against America’s democracy by Trump-incited thugs and criminals.
Result of the investigation:
  • people are fed-up with Congress
  • people get mad
  • people riot
Fking Congress has had an approval rating that speaks to how really bad it is and this has been the case for years:

"A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job Congress is doing."

Congress' approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record.

This points to how long Congress has had this reputation and why people are fed-up:

Congress and the Public

And your solution is what exactly? Let the thugs take over? Mob rule?

Let the thugs take over? Mob rule?

Mob Rule?

Pretty much describes how Trump was impeached.....


As much as it pains me, I agree with Moscow Mitch on this. It's a Civilian Court matter now. We can't let anyone from traitorous actions like that just by allowing them to resign. This needs to be concluded in a Court of Law which does have juristiction.
As much as it pains me, I agree with Moscow Mitch on this. It's a Civilian Court matter now. We can't let anyone from traitorous actions like that just by allowing them to resign. This needs to be concluded in a Court of Law which does have juristiction.
Waste of time, no evidence also, the House managers should all be brought up on charges of presenting false evidence. This whole impeachment was a circus however, it did set a precedent to go after and impeach just about any former office holder. We could 'impeach' George Washington for being a slaver. We could 'impeach' JFK for killing Marilyn Monroe. We should impeach the sitting Speaker (Pelosi) for telling lie after lie about POTUS. How about Maxine (maxi lips) Watters for telling people to go after Trumps cabinet? Be real careful with this one Daryl.
As much as it pains me, I agree with Moscow Mitch on this. It's a Civilian Court matter now. We can't let anyone from traitorous actions like that just by allowing them to resign. This needs to be concluded in a Court of Law which does have juristiction.
Waste of time, no evidence also, the House managers should all be brought up on charges of presenting false evidence. This whole impeachment was a circus however, it did set a precedent to go after and impeach just about any former office holder. We could 'impeach' George Washington for being a slaver. We could 'impeach' JFK for killing Marilyn Monroe. We should impeach the sitting Speaker (Pelosi) for telling lie after lie about POTUS. How about Maxine (maxi lips) Watters for telling people to go after Trumps cabinet? Be real careful with this one Daryl.

We could just throw more dung at the wall and hope that something will stick

This investigative commission is really necessary. The nation MUST get to the bottom of what happened, and investigations of this type MUST involve witnesses testifying UNDER OATH.

This sort of investigation of other issues should be carried out in a similar fashion. I, for one, would like to see Congress appoint a similar committee to investigate possible corruption in our law-enforcement and judicial systems.
This investigative commission is really necessary. The nation MUST get to the bottom of what happened, and investigations of this type MUST involve witnesses testifying UNDER OATH.

This sort of investigation of other issues should be carried out in a similar fashion. I, for one, would like to see Congress appoint a similar committee to investigate possible corruption in our law-enforcement and judicial systems.

So...Why didn't ANY of the 'Impeachment managers" get to the bottom of what happened? All we saw were doctored cropped videos to make their 'Orange Man Bad' guilty. None of it worked and they had NO evidence and NO information about this so-called riot. Hey, I wonder if Kamala set up a bail fund for them like she did with Antifa and BLM......Probably not....
Result of the investigation:
  • people are fed-up with Congress
  • people get mad
  • people riot
Fking Congress has had an approval rating that speaks to how really bad it is and this has been the case for years:

"A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job Congress is doing."

Congress' approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record.

This points to how long Congress has had this reputation and why people are fed-up:

Congress and the Public

And your solution is what exactly? Let the thugs take over? Mob rule?

People were venting their frustration with no intent by the vast majority other then the fact that they want their grievances addressed.

Result of the investigation:
  • people are fed-up with Congress
  • people get mad
  • people riot
Fking Congress has had an approval rating that speaks to how really bad it is and this has been the case for years:

"A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job Congress is doing."

Congress' approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record.

This points to how long Congress has had this reputation and why people are fed-up:

Congress and the Public

And your solution is what exactly? Let the thugs take over? Mob rule?

People were venting their frustration with no intent by the vast majority other then the fact that they want their grievances addressed.


That may be attributed to the Protesters but the Rioters are beyond that definition. And I don't call the Jan6th invaders Rioters. They are insurrectionists with no other thought than to overthrow the legally elected Government.
This investigative commission is really necessary. The nation MUST get to the bottom of what happened, and investigations of this type MUST involve witnesses testifying UNDER OATH.

This sort of investigation of other issues should be carried out in a similar fashion. I, for one, would like to see Congress appoint a similar committee to investigate possible corruption in our law-enforcement and judicial systems.

So...Why didn't ANY of the 'Impeachment managers" get to the bottom of what happened? All we saw were doctored cropped videos to make their 'Orange Man Bad' guilty. None of it worked and they had NO evidence and NO information about this so-called riot. Hey, I wonder if Kamala set up a bail fund for them like she did with Antifa and BLM......Probably not....
Get to the bottom of what happened ? It's on hours and hours of film and news reports. Trump can be seen and heard stoaking the anger with lies about election fraud for months. He wipped then into a frenzy on Jan. 6th. He stoop back and watched the rampage for 3 1/2 hours after lit the fuse, then finally said,n half heartyedly "go home" but added that "we love you, your very special" Sure, thereis more to be learned, such as how this was planned and coordinated and by who. But that has little to do with the case against Trump
This investigative commission is really necessary. The nation MUST get to the bottom of what happened, and investigations of this type MUST involve witnesses testifying UNDER OATH.

This sort of investigation of other issues should be carried out in a similar fashion. I, for one, would like to see Congress appoint a similar committee to investigate possible corruption in our law-enforcement and judicial systems.

So...Why didn't ANY of the 'Impeachment managers" get to the bottom of what happened? All we saw were doctored cropped videos to make their 'Orange Man Bad' guilty. None of it worked and they had NO evidence and NO information about this so-called riot. Hey, I wonder if Kamala set up a bail fund for them like she did with Antifa and BLM......Probably not....
Get to the bottom of what happened ? It's on hours and hours of film and news reports. Trump can be seen and heard stoaking the anger with lies about election fraud for months. He wipped then into a frenzy on Jan. 6th. He stoop back and watched the rampage for 3 1/2 hours after lit the fuse, then finally said,n half heartyedly "go home" but added that "we love you, your very special" Sure, thereis more to be learned, such as how this was planned and coordinated and by who. But that has little to do with the case against Trump

With all of the denial and trump's record of never having anyone testify under oath and surrender requested documents, four years of slipping, sliding, and slithering, it is an absolute must to make everyone involved testify under oath and introduce evidence. A record must be produced for all to see. Remember, we are dealing with trump supporters who are easily led and have only limited intelligence.
With all of the denial and trump's record of never having anyone testify under oath and surrender requested documents, four years of slipping, sliding, and slithering, it is an absolute must to make everyone involved testify under oath and introduce evidence. A record must be produced for all to see. Remember, we are dealing with trump supporters who are easily led and have only limited intelligence.
Anyone else notice the suspiciously non-precise Marxist crap this lefty lemming always spews? ^^^^^^^^^^^

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