Legislators Say Biden Election Win Not Legitimate

Hopefully this will get the ball rolling in the right direction.

---Texas Republican Party passes resolution denying legitimacy of Biden's victory in presidential election---

Joe Biden is your President

He’s Donald Trumps President to
We saw the election being stolen on election night. And then there was there evidence from 2000 Mules.
I know you believe that you saw the election being stolen. It wasn't and that's a fact. You have no evidence. You embraced the big lie that trump pushed. It was what you wanted to hear, even if it wasn't true. I guess the joke's on you. And Trump is the jokester.
I know you believe that you saw the election being stolen. It wasn't and that's a fact. You have no evidence. You embraced the big lie that trump pushed. It was what you wanted to hear, even if it wasn't true. I guess the joke's on you. And Trump is the jokester.
They are thuggish trump toadies.
Many Trump endorsed Republican candidates are winning. Most were favorites anyway. Here is the disturbing part. These candidates support the view that Trump won the election and the coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021. If they didn't believe that, they would not have gotten Trump's endorsement.

In other words, Republicans running for office -- governor, secretary of state, state legislatures, U.S. Congress, etc. -- support the attempted overthrow of the elected government on Jan. 6, 2021.
Republicans have gone off the deep end!

CNN reports, "The Republican Party of Texas over the weekend adopted a resolution at its state convention that rejects President Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election, further aligning the state party establishment with former President Donald Trump in pushing false election claims.

“We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States,” reads the resolution."

Republicans are just as nuts in Missouri.

"Eric Greitens, a leading contender for the Republican Senate nomination in Missouri, released a new video in which he is depicted as hunting RINOs (Republicans in Name Only)," CNN.

"I’m Eric Greitens, Navy SEAL, and today we’re going RINO hunting.” Greitens says as he walks down a sidewalk with a gun in hand.

The video cuts to a house where Greitens, surrounded by what looks like a tactical unit, waits by the door. “The RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by the stripes of cowardice,” says Greitens. The unit smashes the door down and throws what looks like a smoke grenade. Greitens strides through the door. “Join the MAGA crew,” he says. “Get a RINO hunting permit. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.”

Greitens is a former governor of Missouri. According to Wikipedia, "In February 2018, Greitens was charged with felony invasion of privacy and later with campaign-related offenses. He was indicted on felony charges of computer tampering in April 2018;[8] all charges were dropped in May 2018. Greitens resigned from office on June 1, 2018,[9] after the Missouri General Assembly commenced a special session to consider impeachment."

The Jan. 6 select committee made its most forceful case on Thursday that former Republican President Donald Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election was more than an affront to the democratic process — it was a crime.

What is wrong with the Republican Party?
Hopefully this will get the ball rolling in the right direction.

---Texas Republican Party passes resolution denying legitimacy of Biden's victory in presidential election---

Texas Republicans are even dumber than you are. Their bullshit agenda will be their undoing.

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