Lerner to GOP candidate: We'll drop charges if you promise never to run again

The case against Lerner will be made bit by bit. Then she will be offered the same deal as every other criminal. Testify against your superiors or go to prison on your own.
Al Salvi for Senate Committee, its treasurer
COMPLAINANT: Asa K. Keener (MUR 4365)
Internal (MUR 4534)

SUBJECT: Failure to report loans; failure to file 48 hour notices; failure to properly disclose campaign activity
DISPOSITION: Close the file
DOCUMENTS ON PUBLIC RECORD: General Counsel's Brief (dated March 18, 1997), Respondent's Brief (dated May 27, 1997); General Counsel's report (dated August 20, 1997); Certification of vote by Commissioners (dated September 9, 1997); General Counsel's Report (dated January 6, 1998); Certification of vote by Commissioners (dated January 8, 1998); Decision of U.S. Court of Appeals in FEC v. Al Salvi for Senate Committee; and Certification of vote by Commissioners (dated April 17, 2000)
This complaint was actually brought by an Asa Keener(along with his wife), whom later was found guilty of the offense of conspiracy to exploit a vulnerable adult and conspired to commit the offense of theft of property of a value exceeding $10,000.00, both felonies. They did this to her parents. They were also ordered to return over $100,000
Doesn't sound like the individual that brought the complaint was actually an upstanding citizen. Was the complaint real? Who knows, but I would question it.
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When the facts show guilt.....we liberals prosecute. Until then, we call accusations what they are. Unfounded............all the way to straight-up BS.

Funny, You didnt have that attitude when Bush was President. Convenient eh?
Hmmm. I hate predictions. But....I predict that Salvi is full of shit.

And....lets make sure you know that she was not with the IRS at the time. Pay attention, nutters.

Yeah, I cant imagine anyone being that stupid. I think you may be right
When the facts show guilt.....we liberals prosecute. Until then, we call accusations what they are. Unfounded............all the way to straight-up BS.

Funny, You didnt have that attitude when Bush was President. Convenient eh?

Well then, what is the statute of limitations on War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity?

Lets have a House investigation into the talking points (and how the compliant so-call liberal media parroted them) that were used to convenience the country that the invasion and occupation of Iraq was necessary and just. Then if we find a crime was committed, charge him.

Like that will ever happen, even in a Democratic controlled House......never mind.
When the facts show guilt.....we liberals prosecute. Until then, we call accusations what they are. Unfounded............all the way to straight-up BS.

Funny, You didnt have that attitude when Bush was President. Convenient eh?

I invite you to point me to the cases of prosecutions during the Bush administration.

And, dummy of all dummies, you won't find any instances of me saying anything about accusations against George Bush. You are doing to me what nutters do to Obama. You are having a delusional discussion with the imaginary Lone Laugher that you have dreamt up in your mind. The real one wasn't even here when Bush was POTUS.
What the IRS did was wrong, but it's apples and oranges because there weren't these same - politically charged non-profit, but supposedly not alinged to an individual candidate - entities when Bushii was potus, because Citizens United hadn't come down.

Further, bushii did manipulate the DOJ for political advantage

Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, not that what the IRS did was right, but I really doubt Obama wouldn't isolate himself from dirty hands like a mafia don if he was doing anything dirty, and even if he did, the RWs here salivating over "impeachment" is fantasy.
Perhaps they should offer Lerner immunity??

I wonder what interesting things she would tell??
Hmmm. I hate predictions. But....I predict that Salvi is full of shit.

And....lets make sure you know that she was not with the IRS at the time. Pay attention, nutters.

She worked for the FEC, she learned early to abuse power, I think you are full of shit.


The source is full of shit. The source's source is a disgruntled loser. I submit that no such threats were made...and that the was no illegal activity that resulted is the election of Dick Durbin.

Thanks for your intense opinion. You fucking imbecile.

And....why do so many nutters use LIBERAL comedians for avatars? Is it some kind of weird jealous obsession?

It's mainly because most conservative comedians, suck.
Perhaps they should offer Lerner immunity??

I wonder what interesting things she would tell??

Maybe she would spill the beans on exactly why the IRS audited the NAACP during the Bush administration.

She worked for the FEC, she learned early to abuse power, I think you are full of shit.


The source is full of shit. The source's source is a disgruntled loser. I submit that no such threats were made...and that the was no illegal activity that resulted is the election of Dick Durbin.

Thanks for your intense opinion. You fucking imbecile.

And....why do so many nutters use LIBERAL comedians for avatars? Is it some kind of weird jealous obsession?

It's mainly because most conservative comedians, suck.

Wait...there are Conservative Comedians?

The source is full of shit. The source's source is a disgruntled loser. I submit that no such threats were made...and that the was no illegal activity that resulted is the election of Dick Durbin.

Thanks for your intense opinion. You fucking imbecile.

And....why do so many nutters use LIBERAL comedians for avatars? Is it some kind of weird jealous obsession?

It's mainly because most conservative comedians, suck.

Wait...there are Conservative Comedians?

Dennis Miller?
Hmmm. I hate predictions. But....I predict that Salvi is full of shit.

And....lets make sure you know that she was not with the IRS at the time. Pay attention, nutters.

She worked for the FEC, she learned early to abuse power, I think you are full of shit.


The source is full of shit. The source's source is a disgruntled loser. I submit that no such threats were made...and that the was no illegal activity that resulted is the election of Dick Durbin.

Thanks for your intense opinion. You fucking imbecile.

And....why do so many nutters use LIBERAL comedians for avatars? Is it some kind of weird jealous obsession?

Wow! Another dumb fuck liberal imbecile tell others who they can have and cannot have as an avatar.

Can't believe you can't actually type, no wonder your opinions are so fucking stupid. Thanks for your mind numbing opinion.
What the IRS did was wrong, but it's apples and oranges because there weren't these same - politically charged non-profit, but supposedly not alinged to an individual candidate - entities when Bushii was potus, because Citizens United hadn't come down.

Further, bushii did manipulate the DOJ for political advantage

Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, not that what the IRS did was right, but I really doubt Obama wouldn't isolate himself from dirty hands like a mafia don if he was doing anything dirty, and even if he did, the RWs here salivating over "impeachment" is fantasy.

You do realize that bill clinton asked for the resignations of all 93 US Attorneys, don't you? Why was this a great idea in 1993 but criminal in 2006?

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