Lesbian Marrieds & Their 3 Adopted Kids Die. 3 Kids Still Missing

Doped on Benadryl. Are you sure you want to go with that?
That's what I'm gathering from the news. The story said the coroner found booze in lesbo mom 1 & the femme one and both kids they had results for in toxicology had a significant amount of Benadryl. Take a significant amount of benadryl & get back to me on how feisty you'd feel.

This may have been murder one. Like I said, at least the man lesbian had the decency to take the edge off. But then again, if the kids were alert at least some of them might have escaped or swam to shore. Traumatized for sure, but alive. That man dyke didn't want them to have options. I think it's because dead men tell no tales. Part of me wonders if the LGBT club isn't privately breathing a sigh of relief that none of the kids survived to talk to the press?

Look, there are plenty of heterosexuals who kill their own children too. PLENTY. Mental illness does not discriminate.
Doped on Benadryl. Are you sure you want to go with that?
That's what I'm gathering from the news. The story said the coroner found booze in lesbo mom 1 & the femme one and both kids they had results for in toxicology had a significant amount of Benadryl. Take a significant amount of benadryl & get back to me on how feisty you'd feel.

This may have been murder one. Like I said, at least the man lesbian had the decency to take the edge off. But then again, if the kids were alert at least some of them might have escaped or swam to shore. Traumatized for sure, but alive. That man dyke didn't want them to have options. I think it's because dead men tell no tales. Part of me wonders if the LGBT club isn't privately breathing a sigh of relief that none of the kids survived to talk to the press?

Look, there are plenty of heterosexuals who kill their own children too. PLENTY. Mental illness does not discriminate.
But heterosexuals don't declare openly at an adoption interview that they try to copulate with the same gender. Or that they have a contract like these two did that banishes a father from the home for life.

Hetero people aren't declaring intent to perversions or to deprive children straight across the table.
Doped on Benadryl. Are you sure you want to go with that?
That's what I'm gathering from the news. The story said the coroner found booze in lesbo mom 1 & the femme one and both kids they had results for in toxicology had a significant amount of Benadryl. Take a significant amount of benadryl & get back to me on how feisty you'd feel.

This may have been murder one. Like I said, at least the man lesbian had the decency to take the edge off. But then again, if the kids were alert at least some of them might have escaped or swam to shore. Traumatized for sure, but alive. That man dyke didn't want them to have options. I think it's because dead men tell no tales. Part of me wonders if the LGBT club isn't privately breathing a sigh of relief that none of the kids survived to talk to the press?

Look, there are plenty of heterosexuals who kill their own children too. PLENTY. Mental illness does not discriminate.
But heterosexuals don't declare openly at an adoption interview that they try to copulate with the same gender. Or that they have a contract like these two did that banishes a father from the home for life.

Hetero people aren't declaring intent to perversions or to deprive children straight across the table.

So you think that ALL homosexuals are perverts? I think the majority of them are just like anyone else, except they prefer to have sex with their own sex. Who cares? That doesn't necessarily make them a pervert. In fact, I would even say that most lesbian relationships are based more on friendship than on the sex because women tend to be focused more on the emotional aspects of relationships. Some of them may have simply had some bad experiences with men too, which kind of makes them not trust men anymore. I've read that lesbian couples have sex often than most heterosexual married couples. I've met gay people that just lived normal lives, go to work, come home, have dinner, go to bed. Nothing perverted unless you are spying in their bedroom windows while they are doing it!
Doped on Benadryl. Are you sure you want to go with that?
That's what I'm gathering from the news. The story said the coroner found booze in lesbo mom 1 & the femme one and both kids they had results for in toxicology had a significant amount of Benadryl. Take a significant amount of benadryl & get back to me on how feisty you'd feel.

This may have been murder one. Like I said, at least the man lesbian had the decency to take the edge off. But then again, if the kids were alert at least some of them might have escaped or swam to shore. Traumatized for sure, but alive. That man dyke didn't want them to have options. I think it's because dead men tell no tales. Part of me wonders if the LGBT club isn't privately breathing a sigh of relief that none of the kids survived to talk to the press?

Look, there are plenty of heterosexuals who kill their own children too. PLENTY. Mental illness does not discriminate.
But heterosexuals don't declare openly at an adoption interview that they try to copulate with the same gender. Or that they have a contract like these two did that banishes a father from the home for life..

So you think that gays announce at the adoption interview their sex lives? LOL- you do have sex on the brain.

And there is no contract that bans a father from the home ever.

Even when a woman remarries a new husband, the biological father of her children is not banned from their home by the marriage contract between the new couple- even though they might ban him from their home if he or they are jerks.
I cannot imagine the mental state it would take to do something like this, not just to your own self, but to others and to children.

I agree- sad and tragic. Unfortunately it does happen both with adoptive parents and biological parents.

The only reassuring thing is that this is very rare- the times it does happen it is so shocking it gets lots of press coverage.
Doped on Benadryl. Are you sure you want to go with that?
That's what I'm gathering from the news. The story said the coroner found booze in lesbo mom 1 & the femme one and both kids they had results for in toxicology had a significant amount of Benadryl. Take a significant amount of benadryl & get back to me on how feisty you'd feel.

This may have been murder one. Like I said, at least the man lesbian had the decency to take the edge off. But then again, if the kids were alert at least some of them might have escaped or swam to shore. Traumatized for sure, but alive. That man dyke didn't want them to have options. I think it's because dead men tell no tales. Part of me wonders if the LGBT club isn't privately breathing a sigh of relief that none of the kids survived to talk to the press?

Look, there are plenty of heterosexuals who kill their own children too. PLENTY. Mental illness does not discriminate.
But heterosexuals don't declare openly at an adoption interview that they try to copulate with the same gender. Or that they have a contract like these two did that banishes a father from the home for life.

Hetero people aren't declaring intent to perversions or to deprive children straight across the table.

So you think that ALL homosexuals are perverts? I think the majority of them are just like anyone else, except they prefer to have sex with their own sex. Who cares? That doesn't necessarily make them a pervert. In fact, I would even say that most lesbian relationships are based more on friendship than on the sex because women tend to be focused more on the emotional aspects of relationships. Some of them may have simply had some bad experiences with men too, which kind of makes them not trust men anymore. I've read that lesbian couples have sex often than most heterosexual married couples. I've met gay people that just lived normal lives, go to work, come home, have dinner, go to bed. Nothing perverted unless you are spying in their bedroom windows while they are doing it!

It is really weird. I certainly don't go around imagining what kind of sex people I know are having- straight or gay.

But the people who are obsessively anti-gay seem to spend a whole lot of time speculating about what kind of sex gay people are having.
Syriusly must be getting desperate in this discussion. She's fallen back on the deepest trick in the LGBT cult bag of tricks: "If you oppose us, you must be closeted gay". That usually does the trick with most, eh Syriusly?

Except we're talking about how doing gay stuff is an outward sign of mental illness and how mental illness just killed 6 kids from what looks like murder 1.

So you think that ALL homosexuals are perverts? I think the majority of them are just like anyone else, except they prefer to have sex with their own sex. Who cares?

Yes, attempting to copulate with the same sex as a woman (while using dildos often, a sign of closeted hetero behavior, and femmes seeking mannish counterparts) are perversions of normal functioning. Yes. Absolutely.

Who cares? Adoption agents looking for particularly overt signs that a person isn't quite all right in the head
Syriusly must be getting desperate in this discussion. She's fallen back on the deepest trick in the LGBT cult bag of tricks: "If you oppose us, you must be closeted gay". That usually does the trick with most, eh Syriusly?d

I wouldn't know. Since I didn't do that.

I do wonder why you fantasize about the sex lives of gays and lesbians quite so much.
Meanwhile- here is what you claimed:
You can't be discriminated against because of your "sexual preferences." What if your sexual preference is for young children, or goats?

And ever since then I have pointed out that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats.
The law doesn't mention exceptions like goats or children or dead people, bigot..
And ever since then I have pointed out that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
Except we're talking about how doing gay stuff is an outward sign of mental illness and how mental illness just killed 6 kids from what looks like murder 1.

No- you are the one talking about 'gay stuff'- stop listening to what the voices in your head are telling you.

Getting married is not a sign of mental illness- no matter how you try to portray it.

Did mental illness kill those kids? Or was the driver just an asshole murderer? I don't know we will ever know.

But you will use this tragedy- as you always do- to attack gays and lesbians.

No tragedy is too big or too small for you to use to attack gays and their children.
Meanwhile- here is what you claimed:
You can't be discriminated against because of your "sexual preferences." What if your sexual preference is for young children, or goats?

And ever since then I have pointed out that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats.
The law doesn't mention exceptions like goats or children or dead people, bigot..
And ever since then I have pointed out that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats

You are one of the most dishonest posters/spin artists for the cult of LGBT on this board.

You know Aba was talking about how these things are argued in court. The blinders are on the lady of Justice precisely because she cannot mire herself in subjective argument. She must weigh things objectively.

If you can legitimize and give special rights to a minority behavior that is repugnant to the majority, citing the 14th Amendment, no matter how repugnant other minority behaviors are, you do not enjoy the luxury of suddenly applying a subjective shield against those other repugnant behaviors.

Aba is merely echoing your cult's mantra that anyone opposed to (just their) repugnant sexual behaviors is a "bigot". Your being opposed to other sexual behaviors YOU don't like subjectively, is in the purest and fairest sense of the game, bigotry on your behalf. Ergo, according to YOUR rules in this game, you ARE a bigot against other sexual orientations that most agree are not acceptable as normal.
Meanwhile- here is what you claimed:
You can't be discriminated against because of your "sexual preferences." What if your sexual preference is for young children, or goats?

And ever since then I have pointed out that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats.
The law doesn't mention exceptions like goats or children or dead people, bigot..
And ever since then I have pointed out that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
As I said before, I am a bigot loud and proud. You are a bigot, meek and mild.

And one who can't read the law as written, no less.
The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats

You are one of the most dishonest posters/spin artists for the cult of LGBT on this board.

Being called 'dishonest' by you is like being called a jerk by Adolf Hitler.

It is an honor.
The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats

If you can legitimize and give special rights to a minority behavior that is repugnant to the majority, citing the 14th Amendment,

And by 'special rights' you mean treating people legally exactly the same.

This is what pisses you off- that gay Americans are being treated legally the same as straight Americans.

Because at your core- you are a bigot who wants to be able to discriminate against gays- in order to harm them- and their children.
Meanwhile- here is what you claimed:
You can't be discriminated against because of your "sexual preferences." What if your sexual preference is for young children, or goats?

And ever since then I have pointed out that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats.
The law doesn't mention exceptions like goats or children or dead people, bigot..
And ever since then I have pointed out that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
As I said before, I am a bigot loud and proud. You are a bigot, meek and mild.

And one who can't read the law as written, no less.

You say lots of bullshit.

I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats

If you can legitimize and give special rights to a minority behavior that is repugnant to the majority, citing the 14th Amendment,

And by 'special rights' you mean treating people legally exactly the same.

This is what pisses you off- that gay Americans are being treated legally the same as straight Americans.

Because at your core- you are a bigot who wants to be able to discriminate against gays- in order to harm them- and their children.
The law doesn't mention homos, bigot.

But maybe you're too close to the prejudice.
The law doesn't mention exceptions like goats or children or dead people, bigot..
And ever since then I have pointed out that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
As I said before, I am a bigot loud and proud. You are a bigot, meek and mild.

And one who can't read the law as written, no less.

You say lots of bullshit.

I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
You can't read the law as written. No goats. No children. No dead people. No homos.

The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats

If you can legitimize and give special rights to a minority behavior that is repugnant to the majority, citing the 14th Amendment,

And by 'special rights' you mean treating people legally exactly the same.

This is what pisses you off- that gay Americans are being treated legally the same as straight Americans.

Because at your core- you are a bigot who wants to be able to discriminate against gays- in order to harm them- and their children.
The law doesn't mention homos, bigot.
Oh it still does- but since Lawrence v. Texas it doesn't matter.

The courts took away your ability to throw gays in prison for being gay.

Suck it up.
And ever since then I have pointed out that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
The law does not mention anything about consenting or goats, bigot.
I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
As I said before, I am a bigot loud and proud. You are a bigot, meek and mild.

And one who can't read the law as written, no less.

You say lots of bullshit.

I am glad to say it again: that if you can't tell the difference between consensual sex between adults- and child rape- then you are a danger and a risk to children.

And clearly also goats
You can't read the law as written. No goats. No children. No dead people. No homos.


Don't blame the law on your inability to understand the concept of consent

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