Less unhappy today than an Nov 22, 1963


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
I was a naive 1o yearold

doidmt now what a lecher JFK was - althouhjy - yo his credit - he was trying to mernd fences with Jackie when he was shat
Machining the splines on the drive gear for an experimental aircraft fuel pump on a vertical shaper. I'd worked till three AM the previous morning, gone home, closed my eyes for a few minutes, came back in at 7AM for an engineering class, then went back into the shop to finish out the week. The weather, for the week before Thanksgiving, was extraordinarily summer like. Almost bizaare. Then having to listen to Cronkite announce Kennedy's death on the radio made it even more unreal.
I dink vodka - and havengtdonethatfofr abougt 3 weeks........................
The press in 63 never covered any political figure like they do now.

Both FDR and JFK would be crucified in the press of today. Both were noted bed hoppers.

Just the way it was back then.
The press in 63 never covered any political figure like they do now.

Both FDR and JFK would be crucified in the press of today. Both were noted bed hoppers.

Just the way it was back then.

Only if they were Republicans IMO. Look how long the MSM tried to avoid the Edwards story the Enquirer was reporting, and recall Newsweek spiking the story of Slick Willie and Lewinsky.
my teacher - who wasgruff anyway - respondded to a kinockat thedoor- spkoke to a nun fora few minutes - then told the class : "The President has been shot".

Remember it like yesterday.

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