Lessons from the UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda, 25 years after the genocide it failed to stop


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The United Nations deployment to Rwanda seemed like a straightforward peacekeeping mission back in 1993.

A lightly armed force of approximately 2,500 peacekeepers would help implement the Arusha Agreement, a 1993 peace accord that ended the civil war between Rwanda’s Hutu government and the Tutsi liberation movement, the Rwandan Patriotic Front.

Instead of overseeing national reconciliation, U.N. soldiers became eyewitnesses to genocide.

Disregarding the 1993 Arusha Accord, Hutu forces began to target Tutsis for extermination after a plane carrying Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana crashed on the evening of April 6, 1994. In the power vacuum created by his death, Rwanda’s Hutu political elite launched a long-planned campaign of genocide.
Lessons from the UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda, 25 years after the genocide it failed to stop

And yet, no one mentions that the Peace Keepers are rendered useless from the get go unless it's self defense.

*****SAD SMILE*****

The United Nations deployment to Rwanda seemed like a straightforward peacekeeping mission back in 1993.

A lightly armed force of approximately 2,500 peacekeepers would help implement the Arusha Agreement, a 1993 peace accord that ended the civil war between Rwanda’s Hutu government and the Tutsi liberation movement, the Rwandan Patriotic Front.

Instead of overseeing national reconciliation, U.N. soldiers became eyewitnesses to genocide.

Disregarding the 1993 Arusha Accord, Hutu forces began to target Tutsis for extermination after a plane carrying Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana crashed on the evening of April 6, 1994. In the power vacuum created by his death, Rwanda’s Hutu political elite launched a long-planned campaign of genocide.
Lessons from the UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda, 25 years after the genocide it failed to stop

And yet, no one mentions that the Peace Keepers are rendered useless from the get go unless it's self defense.
They didn’t just fail, they helped it occur.

They had all the civilians go to a town where the UN could establish a defensive perimeter. As Hutu forces approached with machetes the UN commander was ordered to retreat. He complied, leaving the Hutu’s to hack to death tens of thousands men, women, and children.

I know one gal who somehow survived by a miracle.
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