Lessons of History and Trying To Avoid the Same Mistakes

Judge Jeanine was put in a very awkward situation on-air when she was muckraking against the new COVID vaccine booster when her own co-worker reminded her — and ALL their viewers — that Jeanine herself has been vaccinated. Oops!
Ron DeSantis has contradicted the wording of the six-week abortion ban that he himself signed into law in April, insisting that women who terminate their pregnancies will not be criminalized under the prohibition.

The Florida governor and Republican White House hopeful told CBS Evening News that women would not be liable for fines and imprisonment under the ban. Only doctors who perform abortions would be targeted.
“We have no criminal penalty. The penalties are for the physician,” he said.

Yet the wording of the law is written broadly enough that it could be interpreted as applying not only to doctors but also to pregnant women. It says that “any person who willfully performs, or actively participates in a termination of pregnancy” in violation of the new law can be charged with a felony.

(full article online)

A jury on Friday acquitted three men charged over a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) and violently overthrow the state government before the 2020 election, AP reports.

Why it matters: The three men, William Null, Michael Null and Eric Molitor, were the last of 14 people who faced charges in state or federal court over the scheme, which prosecutors alleged was an example of "domestic terrorism."

  • After the jury's verdicts Friday, nine of those charged were convicted and five were cleared.
  • The Null brothers and Molitor were found not guilty of providing support for a terrorist act and a weapon charge.
What they're saying: Michigan Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a statement that the verdict was not what the state had hoped for but that "the successes we have achieved throughout these cases, in both state and federal courts, sends a clear message that acts of domestic terrorism will not be tolerated in our state."

  • "We remain committed to combatting acts of domestic terrorism, and the proactive work on this joint action undoubtedly saved lives," Nessel said.
The big picture: Five people either pleaded guilty to or were found guilty of state charges for their roles in the plot. They are serving 131 years collectively in prison. Four men pleaded guilty to or were found guilty of federal charges.

  • Those found guilty of federal charges included Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr, who were found guilty in August 2022 for conspiring to kidnap and for conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction in the form of a bomb.

  • Fox, one of the ringleaders of the scheme, was sentenced to 16 years in prison, and co-leader Croft Jr. received a 19-year prison sentence.


In his latest gaffe-laden speech, the disgraced ex-president served up a self-own for the ages, warning that "cognitively impaired" President Joe Biden could lead the country into "World War TWO" if he wins re-election. "Just think of it. We would be in World War TWO very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man, and far more devastating than any war," Trump said out loud with his own mouth into a microphone in front of people and rolling cameras. Directly after rewriting perhaps the largest chapter in world history from the last 100 years, Trump then appeared to suggest he was polling far better than Barack Obama — who is definitely not running for a third term, because, well you know, he legally cannot do so — in his quest to retake the White House next year. A very stable and in no way cognitively impaired genius!
[ MTG has the Confederate States of America in her heart and in her mind ]

In February, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a “national divorce” between red and blue states. Now, she’s taking her call for a schism even further by encouraging states to outright “consider seceding from the union.”

On Monday, Greene (R-Ga.) wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that “if the Biden admin refuses to stop the invasion of cartel led human and drug trafficking into our country, states should consider seceding from the union.”

“From Texas to New York City to every town in America, we are drowning from Biden’s traitorous America last border policies,” Greene added.

The most notable attempt at secession in U.S. history is, of course, that of the 11 southern Confederate states who split from the union in an attempt to stave the abolition of slavery in their territories. The Confederacy was handily defeated in the Civil War. Yet, some modern-day Republicans have begun to view secession as a favorable alternative to actually doing the job of representative governance.

In March, Texas Republicans introduced a bill that would place a referendum for the state’s secession from the United States on the 2024 ballot. The measure would allow Texans to vote on “whether or not the State should investigate the possibility of Texas independence, and present potential plans to the Legislature.”

In 2022, failed Ohio congressional candidate J.R. Majewski called for states where a majority of voters had supported Trump to split from the country.

“I didn’t want to be a hype beast,” Majewski said during a live stream, “ but I’ve had it in my back pocket to say that every state that went red should secede from the United States.”

“To me, secession is not out there. It’s all about how you frame the dialogue though. You can’t just, you know, obviously you’re talking to me, different story, but the general population, you know, we have to break ‘em in easy,” Majewski added.

While Majewski failed to make it into elected office, Greene’s repeated calls for succession have not gone unnoticed by her colleagues in the House. “I have a news flash Marjorie, Seceding didn’t go so well for y’all last time. You would know that if your side READ books instead of banning them. Section 3 says levying war against the U.S. is treason,” tweeted Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.).

“Start working for the UNITED States of America or do us a favor and secede YOURSELF from Congress,” Bowman added.

(full article online)

A disturbing trend in recent years has been the growing number of invariably right-wing local sheriffs who believe that they have the power to unilaterally decide which laws to ignore and which to enforce. In this case, Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen in New Mexico has declared that Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's emergency ban on the right to carry firearms in most public places around Albuquerque is "unconstitutional" and will not be enforced. In other words, he has seized for himself power that is supposed to be invested in the court system. This is lawlessness of the worst form, and Allen should be immediately removed from office.

(full article online)

This week’s recap:

On Sept. 14, 2017, Trump repeated his “both sides” claims about the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville that resulted in the murder of a counter-protester. Trump had been justifiably slammed for his comments a month earlier saying there were “very fine people on both sides” of the events in Charlottesville—comments that were hard for many Americans to take given the deadly violence and the unforgettable images of torch-bearing neo-Nazis chanting “Jews will not replace us.”

Trump’s September comments came on the same day he was signing a congressional resolution condemning white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups. He signed it, but he just couldn’t let it go without defending his earlier remarks.

Here’s why this story reminds us of why Trump is too dangerous to let him back in power:

  • Trump stubbornly refuses to admit to being wrong. He denies reality and he lies to create his own reality. His continued lies about the 2020 election being stolen fueled the attack on the U.S. Capitol and continue to provoke rage among his supporters.
  • Trump defended his remarks by pointing to “very fine people” who were in Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue glorifying Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and other right-wing leaders have declared a “war on woke”—and are actually passing laws against honest teaching about racism in our history and institutions.
  • Trump’s MAGA movement is infested with antisemitism, anti-LGBTQ bigotry, white nationalism, and Christian nationalism. The antisemitic “replacement theory” chanted by neo-Nazis in Charlottesville and spouted by bigoted mass murderers in city after city has also been promoted on Fox News and other right-wing outlets. Trump himself had dinner with the openly antisemitic Kanye West and the outrageously bigoted anti-democracy white nationalist Nick Fuentes.
  • Trump family members appear on the same stages as far-right activists calling for civil war and execution of Trump’s opponents. Trump himself told members of the gleefully violent Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” – which they did until they answered his call to be “wild” on Jan. 6.

People For The American Way
[ Insulting Jews in 2020, insulting them now. Surely it will get him some more Jewish votes, in his mind ]

Former U.S. President Donald Trumpattacked American Jewish voters who supported Joe Biden in the 2020 election, in a Rosh Hashanah greeting posted Monday to his Truth Social media platform.

“Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed false narratives! Let’s hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward! Happy New Year!” wrote the Republican, who is running for a second consecutive time against Democratic rival Biden for the White House in 2024.

Trump then shared a flyer from a group, JEXIT (Jews Exiting the Democrat Party), formed in 2018 to counter what its supporters believe is the Democratic Party’s abandonment of Israel and the American Jewish community. The post lists Trump’s achievements for Israel and the Jewish community during his time as the president from 2017 to 2021.

They include moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem; recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights; recognizing Israeli sovereignty over communities in Judea and Samaria; signing an executive order for Judaism to be a nationality in addition to a religion so as to fall under the protections of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; and signing the “Never Again” Holocaust education bill into law.

A poll on the 2020 election showed that 77% of Jewish voters chose Biden over Trump and a Jewish Electoral Institute survey from June of this year found that 72% of Jewish voters favor Biden for the 2024 race versus 22% supporting Trump.

However, nationally Trump leads Biden by 1 percentage point (50-49), according to a CBS News poll published on Sunday.

Ramaswamy embodies the GOP’s current crisis. Republicans haven’t issued a platform since 2016, and it shows. What the party stands for is no longer central to its identity. Enraptured by Trump, the GOP’s vanguard longs above all for outsiders who promise to rebuke the left, upend the political system, and restore America to lost glory. The details are to be filled in later. In today’s GOP, positive messages and government experience are out; novelty, conspiracy theory, and a sense of foreboding are in. “It is not ‘Morning in America,’” Ramaswamy told Pence. “We live in a dark moment, and we have to confront the fact that we’re in an internal sort of cold cultural civil war.”

This vision—America on the precipice in a war that promises to destroy the country and all of Western civilization—has put Ramaswamy at the vanguard of the Republican Party’s newest “New Right.”1 Ramaswamy speaks for those Republicans, many of them young and very online, who believe that the GOP ought to be remade in Trump’s image.

In the New Right’s view, Reagan-era Republicans had a few accomplishments between 1980 and 2008 but have had little useful to say in the years since. That is why the New Right network—which includes media and technology personalities such as Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, and David Sacks, and legacy institutions such as the Heritage Foundation—wants radically to revise the Right’s positions on foreign intervention, free markets, and limited government.

The first thing to say about the New Right is that it can get weird. Its ranks are composed almost entirely of men. They inhabit a social-media cocoon where they talk a lot about manhood, and strength, and manliness, and push-ups, and masculinity, and virility, and weight-lifting, and testosterone. “Wrestling should be mandated in middle schools,” write Arthur Milikh and Scott Yenor in the collection Up from Conservatism. “Students could learn to build and shoot guns as part of a normal course of action in schools and learn how to grow crops and prepare them for meals. Every male student could learn to skin an animal and every female to milk a cow.”

(full article online)


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