Let Conservatives keep their kids out of college


May 5, 2018
Yes indeed, conservatives hate the idea of their offspring being exposed to all those socialist/communist ideas. So, keep them away. Thing is, it's a challenge to teach quantum Physics in the basement. Things like music, art, philosophy, history are non-starters anyway, so no problem. There's always Trump U. Oops, no there's not.

Thing is, it's a challenge to teach quantum Physics in the basement.
First of all, it’s really not, you dimwit. There is this thing called “the internet”. It has endless volumes of free information. Including everything you ever wanted to know about “Quantum Physics”. There is also these things called “books”. :laugh:

Second...less than 0.0001% of the population will ever take a Quantum Physics class and fewer still will ever use it in an actual career. Dumb ass.
Indeed, you don't need a Commie professor to attain a degree these days.
As long as it's in a serious field that society needs I am ok with college as long as the socialist trash like feminism and marxist economic ideas are left out of the persons education.

80% of the side trash should be removed from the requirements so the student can focus on becoming the doctor, scientist, engineer, etc.

I am not against history or art but why add years onto ones education that they may not be able to afford? We have a huge debt problem in this country and one needs that jobs fast to be able to break even.
As long as it's in a serious field that society needs I am ok with college as long as the socialist trash like feminism and marxist economic ideas are left out of the persons education.

80% of the side trash should be removed from the requirements so the student can focus on becoming the doctor, scientist, engineer, etc.

I am not against history or art but why add years onto ones education that they may not be able to afford? We have a huge debt problem in this country and one needs that jobs fast to be able to break even.

Stop overpaying all those Communist profs capitalist dollars, and lower the fees.
If only more of the kids in US universities were majoring in useful fields. Quantum physics? You're more likely to find a major in lesbian dance therapy.
Yes indeed, conservatives hate the idea of their offspring being exposed to all those socialist/communist ideas. So, keep them away. Thing is, it's a challenge to teach quantum Physics in the basement. Things like music, art, philosophy, history are non-starters anyway, so no problem. There's always Trump U. Oops, no there's not.
The problem is that Trump's base is caught up in a race to the bottom that could swallow up the entire country. There's a ton of money invested in making Trump sheep hate education, and sicknesses tend to spread.
Yes indeed, conservatives hate the idea of their offspring being exposed to all those socialist/communist ideas. So, keep them away. Thing is, it's a challenge to teach quantum Physics in the basement. Things like music, art, philosophy, history are non-starters anyway, so no problem. There's always Trump U. Oops, no there's not.

Well, a conservative with no college degree still in most cases has better common sense and grasp of reality than most leftists, who having gotten their degree in the arts, in most cases probably then greatly overestimates themselves for the rest of their life while being dumber than a box of hammers.

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