Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call

Putin is proud of all of you easily emotionally manipulated Trumpette sheep. You do his bidding well.

You continue to prove you don't have a brain even the size of a pea inside your head.

Putin's ultimate goal, our enemies' ultimate goal, is to divide and tear apart this nation.


The Russians LITERALLY conned Democrats / snowflakes using social media into organizing for them and marching for them!

The Russians LITERALLY paid Liberal groups Antifa, BLM, & the Black Fist to spread racial division and violence.

Hillary LITERALLY bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy, information illegally used to target Trump & his team.

Democrats LITERALLY sent reps to Ukraine and collected 'dirt' on Manafort and used it against him and Trump.

Are you REALLY so STUPID that you cannot comprehend that illegally destroying (in violation of existing laws governing the destruction of classified material) thousands of SUBPOENAED official documents that had not been submitted for archival - as per the FOIA & Federal Records Act - constitutes LIERALLY thousands of criminal counts of Illegal Destruction of Classified documents, violations of the FOIA & FRA, and Obstruction, that Hillary should have been I dicted and sentenced to prison instead of being on the ballot?!

Democrats LITERALLY committed every crime they have accused Trump of doing for r years, and partisan idiots like you have been supporting them and defending them despite the overwhelming evidence of their crimes.

Jonathon Gruber was right - Socialist Democrats are dumb as dirt, the Democratic party counts on morons like you to get away with what they do, & you have helped the Democrats divide this nation far more than Putin ever hoped to when they started interfering in 2014!


You are the one who has demonstrated no brains. You act like a wind up doll who is wound up every day by Trump. I* sere no evidence of any brain activity except to repeat the same crazy lies over and over.

Putin backed Trump because he knew Trump would divide this country. That is why the Russians hacked the DNC servers.


The Russians hacked the DNC servers and launched a successful phishing attack against Podesta. Manafort gave a associate with ties to Russian Intelligence internal polling data and campaign strategy. Russians bought social media ads supporting Trump. Even after the election Russian social media bots put out pro-Trump propaganda.

Steele's report was based on information that was not provided by the Russians. It was based on his contacts in Russia. Steele was a former intelligence agent who worked for the good guys. Several aspects of the report were proven true. The report correctly stated that Russia was interfering in our elections. The US investigation into Russian interference was not known publicly. Also the report correctly reported that a employee of the Russian Embassy in Washington was a spy. He was forced back to Moscow for being a spy.

The fact is that Hillary Clinton had every right to delete personal e-mails. There was no obstruction no matter how much you wish it to be so. Comey's decision was the correct one and the IG did not fault the decision.

Trump is the one who has obstructed. He refuses to accept the constitutionally granted checks and balances on a President. You are the partisan idiot who parrots the same line over and over. Trump has had 2 AGs and even a political hack like Barr cannot find any crimes. You are the one who is as dumb as dirt. You accept any conspiracy theory as fact. You are crazy.
BB, you and Hillary lost. The sooner you accept that the sooner we can move on and stop the treason BS...

Since I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, I was a loser before the voting started. America was the loser no matter who won. Holding Trump accountable is not treason. It is as American as apple pie. You are the treasonous one as you refuse to hold Trump accountable.
So you chickened out. So Trump is partially your responsibility.
What you quoted was an FEC website. That is NOT the law, dumbass.
Moron, this is the law I posted...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

The red text highlights your error. There was nothing of value exchanged. NOTHING!

The information requested was in accordance with a criminal investigation of corruption, and had to do with Biden's son, and not Biden. The fact that Biden may have used his influence to stop the investigation of his son is the crime, and being a political opponent does not absolve him of responsibility, nor make it a "thing of value".

You libtards lump them together, so it is your error that is causing your confusion.


"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

You need to seek out professional help with your lack of reading comprehension.

I said, "The fact that Biden may have used his influence to stop the investigation of his son is the crime, and being a political opponent does not absolve him of responsibility, nor make it a "thing of value"."

Why are you claiming I am wrong, when I stated that as fact?

You get dumber by the post! Go get a Q-tip and shove it in your ear. If you see brown stuff, it is obviously the shit you have for brains leaking out!

Seek medical attention!

Holyfuckingshit :eusa_doh:

You calling your claim a "fact" does not make it a fact.

Trying to eliminate candidates from the same election one is running in -- benefits their campaign. That makes it a "thing of value."

So, if I run for president, I cannot be prosecuted because doing so will be seen as a "thing of value" to my opponent?

Do you realize how stupid you are?
when did he ask for an investigation into the bidens??? and how would you know if the US is investigating anyone let alone hunter???
and so far no one has accused hunter of committing any crimes,,,
and he is withing his authority to withhold money,,and it never came up in the phone call because thats not why he did,,

you have to broaden your sources ,,,
"when did he ask for an investigation into the bidens???"

Dayum, you brain-dead cultists sure do sport wood for Trump. :ack-1:

There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it.

that is well withing his authority, he is POTUS after all,,,and as an american citizen I demand that he follow up on it,,,
not his fault joe thought running for office would protect him
a) It's not in his authority to break the law which states you can't solicit foreign aid to benefit your own campaign.
b) You idiotically denied he asked Zelensky to investigate the Bidens. Hopefully, now you know better.
he is president trump first not candidate trump,,and like I said biden isnt protected because hes running for office,,

I dont see where he asked for an investigation for biden,,,

the big deal is going to be the DNC colluding with ukrainian officials to effect the 2016 election,,,

He's still campaigning for an upcoming election and therefore, bound by campaign finance laws. He's doesn't get to break those laws for any reason. The president is not above the law.

hes bound by his oath of office first,,,
There were concentration camps during WWII to detain Japanese Americans - arguably there were concentration camps even earlier to detain native Americans, before the term was coined - so how on earth could you say, "That could never happen here"?

Gee, I don't know, maybe because I'd like to think we've evolved in the last century... but apparently we haven't. That's my whole point.

Still, you stubbornly refuse to get my point. At this point in Hitler's rule he had every institution of the state and society aligned with, and following exclusively, his will.

Not really. 1937, Hitler was still treading very carefully against the industrial and military establishments. For instance, before Neville Chamberlain gave him everything he wanted at Munich, Hitler was facing a near revolt among his General over his plan to invade Czechoslovakia. General Beck, who was the chief of Staff, resigned over what he considered an ill-advised plan.

Beck would eventually join von Staufenberg in the July 20, 1944 assassination attempt, and was forced to kill himself. (I'll get back to that later.)

Decry people unwilling to speak up as you will, what has happened in Germany in the 1930s hasn't happened, and will not happen, in the U.S., and that's because American institutions of democratic governance and the rule of law are far more resilient than the German ones were back then. And that is why Trump is not, and will not likely become, Hitler. And yes, speak out, find many more willing to speak out, make it a rising chorus of "Resist!" That sure will help.

Will it? Frankly, say what you want about Germany, the main reason why it went nuts was because from 1914 to 1933, it was battered on all sides by war, incompetent government and economic travails. At one point, it got so bad people were resorting to cannibalism. From 1933 to 1939, Hitler made things a lot better for the average German.

All it took for the Red Hats to yell "Heil" was having a scary black man in the White House.

The one thing we have that the Germans had in that period. Pearl-clutching sissies like you who claimed it was going to all turn out okay...
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There were concentration camps during WWII to detain Japanese Americans - arguably there were concentration camps even earlier to detain native Americans, before the term was coined - so how on earth could you say, "That could never happen here"?

Gee, I don't know, maybe because I'd like to think we've evolved in the last century... but apparently we haven't. That's my whole point.

Still, you stubbornly refuse to get my point. At this point in Hitler's rule he had every institution of the state and society aligned with, and following exclusively, his will.

Not really. 1937, Hitler was still treading very carefully against the industrial and military establishments. For instance, before Neville Chamberlain gave him everything he wanted at Munich, Hitler was facing a near revolt among his General over his plan to invade Czechoslovakia. General Beck, who was the chief of Staff, resigned over what he considered an ill-advised plan.

Beck would eventually join von Staufenberg in the July 20, 1944 assassination attempt, and was forced to kill himself. (I'll get back to that later.)

Decry people unwilling to speak up as you will, what has happened in Germany in the 1930s hasn't happened, and will not happen, in the U.S., and that's because American institutions of democratic governance and the rule of law are far more resilient than the German ones were back then. And that is why Trump is not, and will not likely become, Hitler. And yes, speak out, find many more willing to speak out, make it a rising chorus of "Resist!" That sure will help.

Will it? Frankly, say what you want about Germany, the main reason why it went nuts was because from 1914 to 1933, it was battered on all sides by war, incompetent government and economic travails. At one point, it got so bad people were resorting to cannibalism. From 1933 to 1939, Hitler made things a lot better for the average German.

All it took for the Red Hats to yell "Heil" was having a scary black man in the White House.

The one thing we have that the Germans had in that period. Pearl-clutching sissies like you who claimed it was going to all turn out okay...

"That could never happen here" while it had already happened is patently nonsensical. Perhaps you need to look up the meaning of "never". Gee, indeed.

I don't know how often I must say it for the truth to sink in: I am talking "institutions", and their resilience. Individuals objecting does not at all counter my point. The way it turned out in Germany was such that a few months after Hitler's rise to power, there no longer was a Republic. Again, an assassination attempt so catastrophically inept as to barely scratch the target does not counter that.

BTW, when you are making up things I am not saying and would never say, and attribute them to me, do try to sound less stupid than it's "going to all turn out okay." For if you do, it would appear you try to hurt my feelings in order to bolster your failed argument. Actually, I do hold that the damage Trump has done and will do is immense. Just that he'll turn into Hitler, and he'll turn the Republic into a Reich is too hysterical to even consider seriously.
"That could never happen here" while it had already happened is patently nonsensical. Perhaps you need to look up the meaning of "never". Gee, indeed.

I don't know how often I must say it for the truth to sink in: I am talking "institutions", and their resilience. Individuals objecting does not at all counter my point. The way it turned out in Germany was such that a few months after Hitler's rise to power, there no longer was a Republic. Again, an assassination attempt so catastrophically inept as to barely scratch the target does not counter that.

Actually, the only reason why the July 20 plot failed was because the Generals didn't support it. After the war, when they asked guys like Guderian and Von Rundstat why they didn't support the July 20 plot, they said, "A German General doesn't do such things!"

I'm not seeing where the "institutions" are doing much more to Trump than the "institutions" of Germany did much to stop Hitler.

But that's okay, buddy, you keep clutching your pearls...
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BTW, when you are making up things I am not saying and would never say, and attribute them to me, do try to sound less stupid than it's "going to all turn out okay." For if you do, it would appear you try to hurt my feelings in order to bolster your failed argument. Actually, I do hold that the damage Trump has done and will do is immense. Just that he'll turn into Hitler, and he'll turn the Republic into a Reich is too hysterical to even consider seriously.

Yes, yes, I know you need to clutch to your "it's going to all be okay" philosophy as you impotently flail around.
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What you quoted was an FEC website. That is NOT the law, dumbass.
Moron, this is the law I posted...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

The red text highlights your error. There was nothing of value exchanged. NOTHING!

The information requested was in accordance with a criminal investigation of corruption, and had to do with Biden's son, and not Biden. The fact that Biden may have used his influence to stop the investigation of his son is the crime, and being a political opponent does not absolve him of responsibility, nor make it a "thing of value".

You libtards lump them together, so it is your error that is causing your confusion.


"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

You need to seek out professional help with your lack of reading comprehension.

I said, "The fact that Biden may have used his influence to stop the investigation of his son is the crime, and being a political opponent does not absolve him of responsibility, nor make it a "thing of value"."

Why are you claiming I am wrong, when I stated that as fact?

You get dumber by the post! Go get a Q-tip and shove it in your ear. If you see brown stuff, it is obviously the shit you have for brains leaking out!

Seek medical attention!

Holyfuckingshit :eusa_doh:

You calling your claim a "fact" does not make it a fact.

Trying to eliminate candidates from the same election one is running in -- benefits their campaign. That makes it a "thing of value."

He sought oppo research on an opponent. He would have to pay for that in real life. So he did seek something of value from the president of Ukraine.
I'm not seeing where the "institutions" are doing much more to Trump than the "institutions" of Germany did much to stop Hitler.

Even if those institutions are currently doing as little as you are "seeing", they still exist, while three years into Hitler's reign they did not, not as independent entities. In the U.S., the courts still rule, at times even against the would-be Dear Leader, the other party still exists, legislates and investigates, an independent press still uncovers dirt as opposed to adulating the Fuehrer, law enforcement still works under legal guidance, not the Fuehrer's will, trade unions still act even while the Fuehrer disagrees. How come you (and, seemingly, IM2) know so little about Germany in 1933/4/5, and, based on that ignorance, speak with such monumental confidence?

Equating Trump to Hitler is dumb and ignorant. The damage Trump is doing still is manifold, and that damage manifests itself very prominently in his followers' loss of sound judgment, access to reality, and moral fiber. Sadly, that damage is compounded by the fact that some on the other side take Trump's reign as a license resolutely to ditch facts and reality, and thus they lose whatever sense of perspective and sound judgment they may have possessed as well. That's no way to protect and keep the Republic. Rather, that's a way to jump into the same swamp of otherworldly insanity that devours the GOP.
There were concentration camps during WWII to detain Japanese Americans - arguably there were concentration camps even earlier to detain native Americans, before the term was coined - so how on earth could you say, "That could never happen here"?

Gee, I don't know, maybe because I'd like to think we've evolved in the last century... but apparently we haven't. That's my whole point.

Still, you stubbornly refuse to get my point. At this point in Hitler's rule he had every institution of the state and society aligned with, and following exclusively, his will.

Not really. 1937, Hitler was still treading very carefully against the industrial and military establishments. For instance, before Neville Chamberlain gave him everything he wanted at Munich, Hitler was facing a near revolt among his General over his plan to invade Czechoslovakia. General Beck, who was the chief of Staff, resigned over what he considered an ill-advised plan.

Beck would eventually join von Staufenberg in the July 20, 1944 assassination attempt, and was forced to kill himself. (I'll get back to that later.)

Decry people unwilling to speak up as you will, what has happened in Germany in the 1930s hasn't happened, and will not happen, in the U.S., and that's because American institutions of democratic governance and the rule of law are far more resilient than the German ones were back then. And that is why Trump is not, and will not likely become, Hitler. And yes, speak out, find many more willing to speak out, make it a rising chorus of "Resist!" That sure will help.

Will it? Frankly, say what you want about Germany, the main reason why it went nuts was because from 1914 to 1933, it was battered on all sides by war, incompetent government and economic travails. At one point, it got so bad people were resorting to cannibalism. From 1933 to 1939, Hitler made things a lot better for the average German.

All it took for the Red Hats to yell "Heil" was having a scary black man in the White House.

The one thing we have that the Germans had in that period. Pearl-clutching sissies like you who claimed it was going to all turn out okay...
maybe we have, just not in your preferred way.
So, if I run for president, I cannot be prosecuted because doing so will be seen as a "thing of value" to my opponent?

Of course not. You can be prosecuted for anything. The issue here is the sitting President using the power of their office to dig up "dirt" on an opponent. You people turning a blind eye to this for spurious, partisan reasons are really fucking this country in the ass with your idiocy.

The real problem here isn't that Trump's actions weren't impeachable. It's that Democrats spent the bulk of their political capital on the Russian nonsense (and similar nothing-burgers) and now that they finally have their smoking gun, they're the boy who cried wolf.
So, if I run for president, I cannot be prosecuted because doing so will be seen as a "thing of value" to my opponent?

Of course not. You can be prosecuted for anything. The issue here is the sitting President using the power of their office to dig up "dirt" on an opponent. You people turning a blind eye to this for spurious, partisan reasons are really fucking this country in the ass with your idiocy.

The real problem here isn't that Trump's actions weren't impeachable. It's that Democrats spent the bulk of their political capital on the Russian nonsense (and similar nothing-burgers) and now that they finally have their smoking gun, they're the boy who cried wolf.

If Biden or his son committed a crime, it is not "dirt", dumbass!
So, if I run for president, I cannot be prosecuted because doing so will be seen as a "thing of value" to my opponent?

Of course not. You can be prosecuted for anything. The issue here is the sitting President using the power of their office to dig up "dirt" on an opponent. You people turning a blind eye to this for spurious, partisan reasons are really fucking this country in the ass with your idiocy.

The real problem here isn't that Trump's actions weren't impeachable. It's that Democrats spent the bulk of their political capital on the Russian nonsense (and similar nothing-burgers) and now that they finally have their smoking gun, they're the boy who cried wolf.

If Biden or his son committed a crime, it is not "dirt", dumbass!

Sure it is, dipshit.
Moron, this is the law I posted...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

The red text highlights your error. There was nothing of value exchanged. NOTHING!

The information requested was in accordance with a criminal investigation of corruption, and had to do with Biden's son, and not Biden. The fact that Biden may have used his influence to stop the investigation of his son is the crime, and being a political opponent does not absolve him of responsibility, nor make it a "thing of value".

You libtards lump them together, so it is your error that is causing your confusion.


"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

You need to seek out professional help with your lack of reading comprehension.

I said, "The fact that Biden may have used his influence to stop the investigation of his son is the crime, and being a political opponent does not absolve him of responsibility, nor make it a "thing of value"."

Why are you claiming I am wrong, when I stated that as fact?

You get dumber by the post! Go get a Q-tip and shove it in your ear. If you see brown stuff, it is obviously the shit you have for brains leaking out!

Seek medical attention!

Holyfuckingshit :eusa_doh:

You calling your claim a "fact" does not make it a fact.

Trying to eliminate candidates from the same election one is running in -- benefits their campaign. That makes it a "thing of value."

So, if I run for president, I cannot be prosecuted because doing so will be seen as a "thing of value" to my opponent?

Do you realize how stupid you are?
"when did he ask for an investigation into the bidens???"

Dayum, you brain-dead cultists sure do sport wood for Trump. :ack-1:

There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it.

that is well withing his authority, he is POTUS after all,,,and as an american citizen I demand that he follow up on it,,,
not his fault joe thought running for office would protect him
a) It's not in his authority to break the law which states you can't solicit foreign aid to benefit your own campaign.
b) You idiotically denied he asked Zelensky to investigate the Bidens. Hopefully, now you know better.
he is president trump first not candidate trump,,and like I said biden isnt protected because hes running for office,,

I dont see where he asked for an investigation for biden,,,

the big deal is going to be the DNC colluding with ukrainian officials to effect the 2016 election,,,

He's still campaigning for an upcoming election and therefore, bound by campaign finance laws. He's doesn't get to break those laws for any reason. The president is not above the law.

hes bound by his oath of office first,,,
What part of, a president is not above the law, don't you understand?
that is well withing his authority, he is POTUS after all,,,and as an american citizen I demand that he follow up on it,,,
not his fault joe thought running for office would protect him
a) It's not in his authority to break the law which states you can't solicit foreign aid to benefit your own campaign.
b) You idiotically denied he asked Zelensky to investigate the Bidens. Hopefully, now you know better.
he is president trump first not candidate trump,,and like I said biden isnt protected because hes running for office,,

I dont see where he asked for an investigation for biden,,,

the big deal is going to be the DNC colluding with ukrainian officials to effect the 2016 election,,,

He's still campaigning for an upcoming election and therefore, bound by campaign finance laws. He's doesn't get to break those laws for any reason. The president is not above the law.

hes bound by his oath of office first,,,
What part of, a president is not above the law, don't you understand?

and the law says he is responsible for our security,,,
a) It's not in his authority to break the law which states you can't solicit foreign aid to benefit your own campaign.
b) You idiotically denied he asked Zelensky to investigate the Bidens. Hopefully, now you know better.
he is president trump first not candidate trump,,and like I said biden isnt protected because hes running for office,,

I dont see where he asked for an investigation for biden,,,

the big deal is going to be the DNC colluding with ukrainian officials to effect the 2016 election,,,

He's still campaigning for an upcoming election and therefore, bound by campaign finance laws. He's doesn't get to break those laws for any reason. The president is not above the law.

hes bound by his oath of office first,,,
What part of, a president is not above the law, don't you understand?

and the law says he is responsible for our security,,,
Which he has to uphold within the confines of the law. For example, while he is securing the border, he can't just order unarmed border crossers be shot and killed. According to your idiocy, he can violate the law and do so anyway because it could fall under the category of security.

he is president trump first not candidate trump,,and like I said biden isnt protected because hes running for office,,

I dont see where he asked for an investigation for biden,,,

the big deal is going to be the DNC colluding with ukrainian officials to effect the 2016 election,,,

He's still campaigning for an upcoming election and therefore, bound by campaign finance laws. He's doesn't get to break those laws for any reason. The president is not above the law.

hes bound by his oath of office first,,,
What part of, a president is not above the law, don't you understand?

and the law says he is responsible for our security,,,
Which he has to uphold within the confines of the law. For example, while he is securing the border, he can't just order unarmed border crossers be shot and killed. According to your idiocy, he can violate the law and do so anyway because it could fall under the category of security.

dont change the subject,,,

and someone else brought up a point that biden is not running for office, he is running for the dem nomination,,,
so all you excuses are irrelevant,,,
The real problem here isn't that Trump's actions weren't impeachable. It's that Democrats spent the bulk of their political capital on the Russian nonsense (and similar nothing-burgers) and now that they finally have their smoking gun, they're the boy who cried wolf.

Did you read the Mueller report? For if you did, there is no excuse for calling it a "nothing-burger".

Naw, there is no excuse for that either way.
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The real problem here isn't that Trump's actions weren't impeachable. It's that Democrats spent the bulk of their political capital on the Russian nonsense (and similar nothing-burgers) and now that they finally have their smoking gun, they're the boy who cried wolf.

Did you read the Mueller report? For if you did, there is no excuse for calling it a "nothing-burger".

Ultimately, it was worse, far-worse, than nothing.

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