Let"s talk violence, baggers

So you are freaking out about the shooting? the guy was a nut who did it

why do you ignore all the rightwing violence and talk of violence even by your orange hued shitgibbon *president who talked about second amendment solutions

so you are crapping your pants now rubes?


Pro-Trump couple who shot a protester outside a Milo Yiannopoulos event are charged with assault after 'provoking confrontation' with their victim

Couple charged in shooting outside right-wing event | Daily Mail Online

As most of this crazy violence comes from the far right usually one could expect any number of them 'arming up' for 'defense of the realm' or whatever other non-existent batshit they perceive. One only need read some of the posts here to see how out there some of these people are. They'd love to see someone do violence in their name, because most of them are far too scared to do it themselves. Which is good, that is what laws do, they tamp down the crazy to acceptable levels by offering up harsh consequences for the radical right-wrongs who slip a gear.


Tell that to the LEO's in Dallas, Baton Rouge, and many other major cities, the Democratic supported BLM marched in.


So you are freaking out about the shooting? the guy was a nut who did it

why do you ignore all the rightwing violence and talk of violence even by your orange hued shitgibbon *president who talked about second amendment solutions

so you are crapping your pants now rubes?


Pro-Trump couple who shot a protester outside a Milo Yiannopoulos event are charged with assault after 'provoking confrontation' with their victim

Couple charged in shooting outside right-wing event | Daily Mail Online

Courts will decide not you cuppy cakes.
Yeah, and when they're found guilty, you'll say the courts are full of partisan Democrats that need to be fired.
The courts are full of partisan democrats that need to be fired.
May I suggest reading Article III of the U.S. Constitution?
So you are freaking out about the shooting? the guy was a nut who did it

why do you ignore all the rightwing violence and talk of violence even by your orange hued shitgibbon *president who talked about second amendment solutions

so you are crapping your pants now rubes?


Pro-Trump couple who shot a protester outside a Milo Yiannopoulos event are charged with assault after 'provoking confrontation' with their victim

Couple charged in shooting outside right-wing event | Daily Mail Online
A. The dude was a Trump hating leftist! Deal with it.


At least you are honest about using violence , don't cry when your side is on the receiving end . also not to bright with the demoghrics shifting and people have long memories
you reap what you sow

Sow! When all the blacks who have been throwing bricks get a few in their noggins you won't squeal like a stuck pig! Got it!
James Hodgkinson was a Democrat agent radicalized in the same isis agents are radicalized.

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