Let the countdown begin...

I don't think Trump would win the Republican nomination.
This was shown yesterday on Twitter when his "pre-announcement" was made about him announcing on Nov 14th.
At least half of the responses from known conservatives was negative. Including mine.
DeSantis for President
What's that got to do with the election in three days?
C'mon... your giant Trump photo followed by 4 other giant Trump photos.
You made it about Trump.
I made the point it isn't about Trump
Again what does that have to do with the election in three days. Oh, feel free to copy those pics if you like.
Again what does that have to do with the election in three days. Oh, feel free to copy those pics if you like.
I don't want Trump to run, so I won't be copying any of them.
Policy-wise... Trump was pretty solid. He did a lot of good things. But his damn mouth and ego was his downfall.
His colossal ego was front and center throughout his term and is why he lost.

As far as this election... I HOPE the Republicans have a field day. But I am not holding my breath.
Polls today are essentially worthless. The past 4 elections they have been totally wrong.
I will not underestimate the power of virtue signaling and the liberal hive mind. They have the numbers nationally.
The only way Republicans gain is if Democrats switch votes. That is not something you can predict.
But I sure hope they do. The madness has to end.
The blue bird of Twitter has turned into the red bird of Twitter and it's crapping all over leftists! Yay! You filth are reaping what you have sown.
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The joke's on you, Bubba. Your party founded the Klan, not mine. I belong to the party that kicked your confederate asses and broke your shit.
Actually, from my best info, the confeds were in the right. They absolutely-- and this I am CERTAIN of-- had the right to secede. Lincoln had no right to do the things he did to put down the South.. much less allow 600,000 killed over his cause. And the North was just as racist as the South, didn't want Blacks taking their jobs and etc..

The Northern soldiers would not have fought in the war (a lot of them) if they'd known it was about freeing the slaves. A lot of them didn't find that out until the bogus Gettysburg Address.. which Lincoln apparently did for political reasons, so he could get support for a not-going-2-well civil war...
I don't think Trump would win the Republican nomination.
This was shown yesterday on Twitter when his "pre-announcement" was made about him announcing on Nov 14th.
At least half of the responses from known conservatives was negative. Including mine.
DeSantis for President
If people don't like Trump, they really don't like DeSantis either

So I distrust everything you say from now on

sory about that..
Actually, from my best info, the confeds were in the right. They absolutely-- and this I am CERTAIN of-- had the right to secede. Lincoln had no right to do the things he did to put down the South.. much less allow 600,000 killed over his cause. And the North was just as racist as the South, didn't want Blacks taking their jobs and etc..

The Northern soldiers would not have fought in the war (a lot of them) if they'd known it was about freeing the slaves. A lot of them didn't find that out until the bogus Gettysburg Address.. which Lincoln apparently did for political reasons, so he could get support for a not-going-2-well civil war...

I understand that. But when responding to leftist idiots like winco, you have to frame the narrative in terms their brainwashed minds are accustomed to. The Confederate were fighting for state's rights and Lincoln was pretty much a tyrant. The left will always consider the Confederates to be the "bad guys." But reminding them that they were Democrats kinda pisses them off.
Two more days communists! Get your depends ready and remember that number!

One day left communists, here is your theme song.

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