Let the illegals in?


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2012
Americans are under no moral obligation to admit huge numbers of people who have no particular right to be here just because the Democrats need 30 million new voters.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
It's not about letting illegals in. It's about what to do with the millions already here. Most would agree that deporting all of them is an unrealistic goal.

I personally believe that they should be given a path to citizenship, but not ahead of those who have come here legally.

A majority of them are here to stay. If the big worry is them voting Democrat, try giving them a reason to vote Republican.
We "allowed" them in so we could pay less for cleaning ladies, landscapers and construction.
They're already here.
Let the illegals in?

Americans are under no moral obligation to admit huge numbers of people who have no particular right to be here just because the Democrats need 30 million new voters.

You really have no clue.

Only our southern border is secure. The others are wide open.

Most illegals came here legally and work in jobs that Americans either cannot or will not do.

As long as employers here keep inviting them, they'll keep coming.

And, as long as US citizens keep buying drugs, the drug cartels will keep bringing drugs in.
It's not about letting illegals in. It's about what to do with the millions already here. Most would agree that deporting all of them is an unrealistic goal.

I personally believe that they should be given a path to citizenship, but not ahead of those who have come here legally.

A majority of them are here to stay. If the big worry is them voting Democrat, try giving them a reason to vote Republican.

To do that, the republicans would have to give them more than democrats do.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

no problem with that.....but it would be nice if they would sign the guest book.....
Americans are under no moral obligation to admit huge numbers of people who have no particular right to be here just because the Democrats need 30 million new voters.

There are just as many Republicans wanting those votes as Democrats. :eusa_whistle:
It's not about letting illegals in. It's about what to do with the millions already here. Most would agree that deporting all of them is an unrealistic goal.

I personally believe that they should be given a path to citizenship, but not ahead of those who have come here legally.

A majority of them are here to stay. If the big worry is them voting Democrat, try giving them a reason to vote Republican.
Unrealistic? Eisenhower, Hoover and Truman did it with far less and we send people to the moon but we cannot send million back across the border?:cuckoo:
The should be deported and get in live with those who have been waiting by the law to get it. That is the right thing to do.
Let the illegals in?

Americans are under no moral obligation to admit huge numbers of people who have no particular right to be here just because the Democrats need 30 million new voters.

You really have no clue.

Only our southern border is secure. The others are wide open.

Most illegals came here legally and work in jobs that Americans either cannot or will not do.

As long as employers here keep inviting them, they'll keep coming.

And, as long as US citizens keep buying drugs, the drug cartels will keep bringing drugs in.

Give me ONE example of a job that Americans "cannot" or "will not" do? 12 million aliens are not picking lettuce. Your are trying to compare drugs to illegal aliens? You may be right. Americans are addicted to drugs as businesses is addicted to cheap labor.
We "allowed" them in so we could pay less for cleaning ladies, landscapers and construction.
They're already here.

So that contribute to millions of Americans on welfare, food stamps, free health care, subsidizes housing and unemployment insurance that YOU are paying for. Plus that cleaning lady, etc you are also subsidizing her American born children. :confused:
No benefits from illegal immigration and Comp. Immig. Reform but criminals. You know high class white collar criminals.
No one is saying that you have a moral obligation, but why would you want to delude yourself into thinking that there is an alternative option? By all means, would you suggest that people who have lived here for decades should just pack their bags and leave? I don’t think we need to increase our immigration quota but I think we need to ‘wipe the slate clean’.

Because they committed a crime and have been enjoying the fruits of that criminal act for decades. Not only did they commit a crime initially be entering the country, but continued to commit a crime every day as one continuous act for as long as they were here.

In addition that crime, they have committed additional crimes like fraud, identity theft, tax evasion and possibly additional crimes as well.
Americans are under no moral obligation to admit huge numbers of people who have no particular right to be here just because the Democrats need 30 million new voters.

If the greedy bastards would not hire the illegals they would not be here..........You're just trying to shift the blame on the real reason they live here...
It's not about letting illegals in. It's about what to do with the millions already here. Most would agree that deporting all of them is an unrealistic goal.

I personally believe that they should be given a path to citizenship, but not ahead of those who have come here legally.

A majority of them are here to stay. If the big worry is them voting Democrat, try giving them a reason to vote Republican.

To do that, the republicans would have to give them more than democrats do.

When the GOP has been in power, how much was it reduced????
It's not about letting illegals in. It's about what to do with the millions already here. Most would agree that deporting all of them is an unrealistic goal.
I absolutely agree that deporting them would be unrealistic. However, if we implement a policy whereby any employer who hires illegals will face jail time, no exceptions, then there will be no need to deport anyone. These folks will leave on their own free will as they have no source of income.
Can't have it boths ways...cheap labor to work [and die] in the fields, pick the crops, be maids/housekeepers, yard workers etc on 'slave' wages and then complain about all the illegals in the country.

There is a song;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JAjJB6Tt_M]Deportees - Paddy Reilly - YouTube[/ame]
"Let them in"? We all know the drill here, about laws, integrity and yadda yadda...Do we have a choice? I mean, really? There is this-back-
and-forth argument about history, Anglos and Hispanics, historical revisionists and of course, the millennials and this confounded notion of "globalism" we can 't shake with immigration laws. IF I could click my ruby slippers together and resolve this: Illegal immigration would end. And Hispanic immigrants wouldn’t be trying to use their culture/ethnicity as an excuse not to acclimate, or to dominate political or culturally. I feel like a old babushka caught up in Stalingrad during the German invasion, I don't care about the politics or the self righteous arguments, all I see is the pounding away of the invaders to the culture I grew up in and love. Except, the Mexicans aren't using guns, they use the might of numbers. Immigration wise or birth wise. But, what is the answer? I am non violent, and realize the folly of our political system. What is the answer? Neither laws, voting or violence seems to work here…I am not wise enough to find another option.
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It's not about letting illegals in. It's about what to do with the millions already here. Most would agree that deporting all of them is an unrealistic goal.
I absolutely agree that deporting them would be unrealistic. However, if we implement a policy whereby any employer who hires illegals will face jail time, no exceptions, then there will be no need to deport anyone. These folks will leave on their own free will as they have no source of income.

For the same reason deportation en masse is not a realistic proposition..niether is making a law requiring jail time for employers that knowingly hire Illega aliens - Inforcement.

There would have to be a whole new divison of the Justice department to carry out all the investgations, indictments, procecutions, and jailing of the millions of empolyers suspected of this crime.

Numbers and money.

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