Let The Record Show

I just think he did a whole lot better job as president

how exactly?

than the whacko currently occupying the white house.

how is biden a whacko? what proof have you other than the orange man baby & his 3rd grade nicknames?
proof? our eyes and minds are OPEN....unlike yours

View attachment 509629
the whacko currently occupying the white house, and its criminal family are completely compromised....
The wacko is in Florida crashing weddings to whine about votes...
best to crash weddings than to grope little girls...you know, the way xiden does
It was Trump accused of raping a 13 year old
AND a 12 year old.

Is that how you identify?

Yes and it was how I was born. Why is that such a hard concept for you to grasp?
the fact that you dont recognize that she is a good hearted young woman with disabilities [she posted that info] whos only fault is disagreeing with you makes you feel entitled to be cruel .... i'll tell you what punk....starting now i am going to troll you constantly !:cool:

Aww,.. thank you but that's not necessary. You're really sweet though. :smiliehug:
Would a sane person tell the corn pop story and children stroking his blonde leg hairs?
It’s a yes or no question.

I can tell you that's not just a no that's a hell no in my own personal opinion.
the recession recovery could have been better… had it not been for the scum demonRATS doing everything they could to slow that recovery
TRUMP saved AMERICAS economy, and beijing xiden has killed it in 6 months
at least $30.00 more to fill the gas tank
200% mark up in lumber prices
food costs up 30%
everything the average AMERICAN needs, the price has sky rocketed....thanx to the scum demonRATS

Trump saved an economy with full employment, 4.7% unemployment and dropping, following an unprecedented 76 consecutive months of job growth??

You nuts are getting nuttier. :cuckoo:
I just think he did a whole lot better job as president

how exactly?

than the whacko currently occupying the white house.

how is biden a whacko? what proof have you other than the orange man baby & his 3rd grade nicknames?
proof? our eyes and minds are OPEN....unlike yours

View attachment 509629
the whacko currently occupying the white house, and its criminal family are completely compromised....
The wacko is in Florida crashing weddings to whine about votes...
best to crash weddings than to grope little girls...you know, the way xiden does
It was Trump accused of raping a 13 year old
and plenty of pics actually showing xiden groping little girls with scared expressions on their faces
you are really a piece of shit for deflecting, and DENYING.....
'accused' is a different word, btw, wheres your link?
I just think he did a whole lot better job as president

how exactly?

than the whacko currently occupying the white house.

how is biden a whacko? what proof have you other than the orange man baby & his 3rd grade nicknames?
proof? our eyes and minds are OPEN....unlike yours

View attachment 509629
the whacko currently occupying the white house, and its criminal family are completely compromised....
The wacko is in Florida crashing weddings to whine about votes...
best to crash weddings than to grope little girls...you know, the way xiden does

you mean like donny's buddy - epstein? how about matt gaetz?
you are being delusional...billy the pedophile clinton and barrag-o hung out on epstein island
your deflection and denial do nothing to hide what an idiot you are....if they are GOP, guilty b4 trial...that's your fucked up mentality
I just think he did a whole lot better job as president

how exactly?

than the whacko currently occupying the white house.

how is biden a whacko? what proof have you other than the orange man baby & his 3rd grade nicknames?
proof? our eyes and minds are OPEN....unlike yours

View attachment 509629
the whacko currently occupying the white house, and its criminal family are completely compromised....
The wacko is in Florida crashing weddings to whine about votes...
best to crash weddings than to grope little girls...you know, the way xiden does
It was Trump accused of raping a 13 year old
and plenty of pics actually showing xiden groping little girls with scared expressions on their faces
you are really a piece of shit for deflecting, and DENYING.....
'accused' is a different word, btw, wheres your link?
Pictures misrepresented by Conservative Propaganda

The girls PARENTS said there was nothing improper
I voted for Trump on China trade policy. I agree with you I thought he was doing a great job.

I voted for Trump twice and like you think he did an outstanding job. What Biden is doing sure isn't outstanding or even good. The man is an incompetent ass and it shows.
the former president cared only himself and the stock market.

One's sitting on a lonely toilet in Florida and the other is at all-time highs.
For a man you say only though of himself he sure did a great job for America.

Before the very convenient Chines virus this country was doing great. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this county and a great economy. All that with Trump at the helm.

Oh and your all time high guy is a fucking disaster. He's made a mess of the border, which Trump had handled quite well.

He's added 1.9 trillion to the debt/deficit?? He's got we tax payers bailing out Union pension funds and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

He's on a high all right. Hell he's a fucking disaster and I sure hope we can survive four very expensive years of the Biden/Harris shit show.
Maybe in your world they call games at halftime, but not in the real world.
in the real world, people don't get MURDERED for trespassing
in the real world, people don't shoot a weapon w/out aiming...not just random
so when exactly do you call your games? after the first minute?
in the real world, people don't get MURDERED for trespassing... Yes, they do.
in the real world, people don't shoot a weapon w/out aiming...not just random...Sure they do, just ask dick cheney and his scatter shot rifle.
so when exactly do you call your games? after the first minute? At the end of the game like all normal people and knuckle dragging maga fuckups ain't normal.
the only THING not normal, is YOU....deny, deflect, twist to suit....what a brain dead mentality....thanx 4 the laughs....your game ended b4 it started
I just think he did a whole lot better job as president

how exactly?

than the whacko currently occupying the white house.

how is biden a whacko? what proof have you other than the orange man baby & his 3rd grade nicknames?
proof? our eyes and minds are OPEN....unlike yours

View attachment 509629
the whacko currently occupying the white house, and its criminal family are completely compromised....
The wacko is in Florida crashing weddings to whine about votes...
best to crash weddings than to grope little girls...you know, the way xiden does

you mean like donny's buddy - epstein? how about matt gaetz?
you are being delusional...billy the pedophile clinton and barrag-o hung out on epstein island
your deflection and denial do nothing to hide what an idiot you are....if they are GOP, guilty b4 trial...that's your fucked up mentality
English please
I just think he did a whole lot better job as president

how exactly?

than the whacko currently occupying the white house.

how is biden a whacko? what proof have you other than the orange man baby & his 3rd grade nicknames?
proof? our eyes and minds are OPEN....unlike yours

View attachment 509629
the whacko currently occupying the white house, and its criminal family are completely compromised....
The wacko is in Florida crashing weddings to whine about votes...
best to crash weddings than to grope little girls...you know, the way xiden does
It was Trump accused of raping a 13 year old
and plenty of pics actually showing xiden groping little girls with scared expressions on their faces
you are really a piece of shit for deflecting, and DENYING.....
'accused' is a different word, btw, wheres your link?

That's your dementia. No girl or woman has ever accused Biden of sexually groping them as children.
I just think he did a whole lot better job as president

how exactly?

than the whacko currently occupying the white house.

how is biden a whacko? what proof have you other than the orange man baby & his 3rd grade nicknames?
proof? our eyes and minds are OPEN....unlike yours

View attachment 509629
the whacko currently occupying the white house, and its criminal family are completely compromised....
The wacko is in Florida crashing weddings to whine about votes...
best to crash weddings than to grope little girls...you know, the way xiden does

you mean like donny's buddy - epstein? how about matt gaetz?
you are being delusional...billy the pedophile clinton and barrag-o hung out on epstein island
your deflection and denial do nothing to hide what an idiot you are....if they are GOP, guilty b4 trial...that's your fucked up mentality
^^^ More delusions.

Proving for the millionth time that cons are simply insane. :cuckoo:
I just think he did a whole lot better job as president

how exactly?

than the whacko currently occupying the white house.

how is biden a whacko? what proof have you other than the orange man baby & his 3rd grade nicknames?
proof? our eyes and minds are OPEN....unlike yours

View attachment 509629
the whacko currently occupying the white house, and its criminal family are completely compromised....
The wacko is in Florida crashing weddings to whine about votes...
best to crash weddings than to grope little girls...you know, the way xiden does

you mean like donny's buddy - epstein? how about matt gaetz?
you are being delusional...billy the pedophile clinton and barrag-o hung out on epstein island
your deflection and denial do nothing to hide what an idiot you are....if they are GOP, guilty b4 trial...that's your fucked up mentality
English please
are you really that stupid, you can't read english? my guess is you never got out of pre-k
First of all I'm a female so please be aware of that when referencing my gender. Second of all, despite what a lot of people on here have been led to believe about me,.. I don't think that Trump is a saint and I don't think he's perfect. I just think he did a whole lot better job as president than the whacko currently occupying the white house. Okay playtime, let's discuss,.. like civil adults if we're going to be friendly towards each other as people.
Don't let all the angry virgins get you down. They call EVERYBODY a Trumpster.
First of all I'm a female so please be aware of that when referencing my gender. Second of all, despite what a lot of people on here have been led to believe about me,.. I don't think that Trump is a saint and I don't think he's perfect. I just think he did a whole lot better job as president than the whacko currently occupying the white house. Okay playtime, let's discuss,.. like civil adults if we're going to be friendly towards each other as people.

Well, Trump had 4 years, Biden's had 6 months.

Let's talk Trump after 6 months.

What had Trump done in the first 6 months, and what has Biden done in the first six months in order to be able to compare?

And, is the presidency a good way for the country, or should the presidency be changed because it's not fit for the 21st century?
put Isis on its heels for starters .....

Oh, that's HILARIOUS.

The Russians did way, WAY more than the US did in Syria. The US didn't give much of a damn about Syria, not enough oil there to bother with.

Trump told people how great he'd done against ISIS without doing anything much at all. Typical Trump. I can't believe anyone even thinks he did much there.
First of all I'm a female so please be aware of that when referencing my gender. Second of all, despite what a lot of people on here have been led to believe about me,.. I don't think that Trump is a saint and I don't think he's perfect. I just think he did a whole lot better job as president than the whacko currently occupying the white house. Okay playtime, let's discuss,.. like civil adults if we're going to be friendly towards each other as people.

Well, Trump had 4 years, Biden's had 6 months.

Let's talk Trump after 6 months.

What had Trump done in the first 6 months, and what has Biden done in the first six months in order to be able to compare?

And, is the presidency a good way for the country, or should the presidency be changed because it's not fit for the 21st century?
put Isis on its heels for starters .....

Oh, that's HILARIOUS.

The Russians did way, WAY more than the US did in Syria. The US didn't give much of a damn about Syria, not enough oil there to bother with.

Trump told people how great he'd done against ISIS without doing anything much at all. Typical Trump. I can't believe anyone even thinks he did much there.
He blew up a confirmed terrorist. And he put the Army on the offensive side.
I just think he did a whole lot better job as president

how exactly?

than the whacko currently occupying the white house.

how is biden a whacko? what proof have you other than the orange man baby & his 3rd grade nicknames?
proof? our eyes and minds are OPEN....unlike yours

View attachment 509629
the whacko currently occupying the white house, and its criminal family are completely compromised....
The wacko is in Florida crashing weddings to whine about votes...
best to crash weddings than to grope little girls...you know, the way xiden does

you mean like donny's buddy - epstein? how about matt gaetz?
you are being delusional...billy the pedophile clinton and barrag-o hung out on epstein island
your deflection and denial do nothing to hide what an idiot you are....if they are GOP, guilty b4 trial...that's your fucked up mentality

i've said a million times that ANYBODY - whether slick willy, or donny, or douchowitz - or a british prince were ever found to be part of epstein's vile activities - they should be nailed to the wall.

would you? even if donny WERE part of that? btw, asswipe .... i didn't vote for bill clinton, so my conscience is crystal clear.

is yours?
First of all I'm a female so please be aware of that when referencing my gender. Second of all, despite what a lot of people on here have been led to believe about me,.. I don't think that Trump is a saint and I don't think he's perfect. I just think he did a whole lot better job as president than the whacko currently occupying the white house. Okay playtime, let's discuss,.. like civil adults if we're going to be friendly towards each other as people.
Presidential rankings say nooooooo.

Using polls again?

It's ranking, not a poll.


Where do the rankings come from?

C-Span Survey.


Survey = poll cupcake.

Clearly you were public schooled.

It's ranking dude, not a poll.

How did they get the ranking? Based on what data?

Total Scores/Overall Rankings | C-SPAN Survey on Presidents 2021 | C-SPAN.org

Exactly they take a poll of historians.

Thanks for clarifying.

Ask again when you need more help.
I just think he did a whole lot better job as president

how exactly?

than the whacko currently occupying the white house.

how is biden a whacko? what proof have you other than the orange man baby & his 3rd grade nicknames?
proof? our eyes and minds are OPEN....unlike yours

View attachment 509629
the whacko currently occupying the white house, and its criminal family are completely compromised....
The wacko is in Florida crashing weddings to whine about votes...
best to crash weddings than to grope little girls...you know, the way xiden does
It was Trump accused of raping a 13 year old


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