Let the spin begin

I'm much in favor of a 300 yard wide "buffer zone", between the international border and a fence or wall, which is guarded by armed troops with orders to do whatever they deem necessary to keep illegals from coming into our country. And if we could add a moat with alligators, that'd be good, too...

Maybe we can use the East German model.
It's all related. To note, at one point Trump did bring up mandatory e-verify and the Republicans shut him down.

I use e-verify for both of my businesses.

I think it should be mandatory, as well, and I also support the harshest of penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens...
You're absolutely correct!

Unfortunately, this administration has done absolutely nothing to address that part of the problem, as well.

Well, if the democrats won't do it, the Republicans should...

Neither party has went after the companies that hire these illegals and neither party will.
you took the covid vaxx didn't you.

I covered this. I got the first shot because I had tickets to two concerts I had bought pre-covid and the Republican governor of Ohio told me I could not attend them unless I did.

I got the single shot and that was it. I never believed in them.
The democrats deserve that flogging...

And it's up to us to stop them.

We can't fix the problems in countries to our south. That's their job. It's our job to protect our borders and stop those who would flagrantly break our laws to come here...

I'm much in favor of a 300 yard wide "buffer zone", between the international border and a fence or wall, which is guarded by armed troops with orders to do whatever they deem necessary to keep illegals from coming into our country. And if we could add a moat with alligators, that'd be good, too...

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The border is something like 2000 miles long. Good luck establishing a 300 yard buffer zone. Try to use eminent domain on all those people living in that area.

As for illegal entry. Most of these people request asylum. Something that is protected.

Why instead of making unfeasible and frankly immoral suggestions not do something like increasing the amount of judges dealing with those requests by an order of 10. This would reduce the time it takes to process all these requests from its current 6 years. It stands to reason that the mere fact that a request for asylum being abjudicated in months instead of years would drastically reduce the problems.

It is both cheaper and more practical since it would garner bipartisan support. But guess what. Republicans would reject it,because it would actually be something akin to actually fixing the problem.
The US gov't. is the largest employer in the country, and hand out more candy to illegals than all other employers combined.

Some, but few of them are here if not for the employers willing to hire them. One can not live here on what you can get from the government.
I covered this. I got the first shot because I had tickets to two concerts I had bought pre-covid and the Republican governor of Ohio told me I could not attend them unless I did.

I got the single shot and that was it. I never believed in them.
apparently one was enough. Thank you for your response. There is evidence, they're researching now, that the covid vaxx is behind some brain imbalances.
Some, but few of them are here if not for the employers willing to hire them. One can not live here on what you can get from the government.

Not only are illegals doing it, but so are US citizens. Cut the crap.

Like I said The US gov't. is the largest employer in the country and hand out more free candy to illegals than ALL other employers combined.
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Not only are illegals doing it, but so are US citizens. Cut the crap.

Doing what?

Like I said The US gov't. is the largest employer in the country and hand out more free candy to illegals than ALL other employers combined.

One can not live here on what you can get from the government. One must have a job to do that.
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99% of America doesn't care about the so called insurrection
I, for one, would be interested in seeing the sourcing that the poser Lass provides us on this assertion.
None of us want to be exposed to just another unvetted, unsupported, unsourced opinion. Hell, those are easy to find.
We want solid reliable data upon which we become better informed and able to make improved decisions.
We sincerely hope that the poster Lass understands and accepts that as a responsible duty for contributing on American social media.

So, with that said, what do you have for us to rely on poster Lass?

Those on the left simply don't have a legitimate bitch about what Republicans do at this point..."
Ummm, I demur.
If Republicans...or for that matter any adherent to any political stripe commits a crime, well, we patriotic responsible Americans....right, left, or independent.... "do have a legitimate bitch."

THAT....is a requirement of good citizenship.

Again, for the slow kids in the room, the left won't let us forget it happened...
Though I cannot claim to be on "the left" (they don't want me) as the poster Canon Shooter suggests ---I won't shy away from inclusion in the "slow kids" constituency. So stipulated.

But, with that.....I would urge all patriotic Americans....be they fast, slow, or in between.....to NOT let the seditionists attack on the Capitol on January 6th be forgotten. To be sure, 900+ arrests, and many convictions, and guilty pleas later.....the memory does have a good chance of being embedded in our history and narrative of the end of the disgraced Presidents' administration. Still, we all see the scramble to dismiss, diminish, and deflect by the embarrassed RightFielders.

Patriotic Americans loyal to this great nation.....must keep the memory and the threats of January 6th ever present. Ever present until we have as much of full accountability as we can achieve under our legal system.


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