Let There Be Peace Already

Right on. Lets face it, this Israeli genocide of the Palestinians is not an issue we should just ignore. I feel it my moral obligation to let the world see the facts.

Lets talk about Israel's "slow but steady" genocide of the Palestinians. How about we consider documented facts for a change. As you can see in 1948there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And today there are only just under 6 million of them left.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - ProCon.org
If this genocide of Palestinians by Israel doesn't cease immediatly, there soon will be only about 10 million poor souls left. Practically extinct. Damn shame.

Very Interesting graphs and predictions M,moreover nice to see you at least acknowledge that Palestinians exist within Israel and outside......what is interesting is the forecast of Palestinian population growth within Israel in the coming years.

Only one (maybe) a year and a half ago and it did not explode.What else you got?

Hilarious...first the idiot asshole claims there are no anti-tank rockets - and gets caught as a lying piece of shit.

Then the idiot asshole claims that while the arabs in gaza have them, they are not firing them - and gets caught as a lying piece of shit.

Third the idiot asshole claims that there are no anti-tank rockets being fired at tanks - and gets caught as a lying piece of shit.

Does this moron actually believe it is earning respect here, by continually getting its ass kicked, and trying to weasel around its de-bunked lies?

This is like listening to hamas/hez terrorist spokesmen, who always claim "victory" even after losing 10x the number of fighters as their enemy, just hilarious.

Or actually closer to Baghdad Bob's exhortations: "there are no american troops in Iraq, because if there were - we would be destroying them!"

Perhaps we should just call tin-fuckbrain "Baghdad Bob", its much closer to the true nature of this sack of shit than any other descriptive one can conjure.

Your foulmouthing,makes your arguements null and void.......you need to curb your swearing. the:cool:
Oh thank you theliq. Why of course there are Palestinians both inside & ouside of Israel. And growing in numbers by leaps & bounds. Guess Israel's gonna have to step up that "slow but steady" genocide the Palestinians & their supporters tell us about.

Right on. Lets face it, this Israeli genocide of the Palestinians is not an issue we should just ignore. I feel it my moral obligation to let the world see the facts.

If this genocide of Palestinians by Israel doesn't cease immediatly, there soon will be only about 10 million poor souls left. Practically extinct. Damn shame.

Very Interesting graphs and predictions M,moreover nice to see you at least acknowledge that Palestinians exist within Israel and outside......what is interesting is the forecast of Palestinian population growth within Israel in the coming years.

Oh thank you theliq. Why of course there are Palestinians both inside & ouside of Israel. And growing in numbers by leaps & bounds. Guess Israel's gonna have to step up that "slow but steady" genocide the Palestinians & their supporters tell us about.

Right on. Lets face it, this Israeli genocide of the Palestinians is not an issue we should just ignore. I feel it my moral obligation to let the world see the facts.

Very Interesting graphs and predictions M,moreover nice to see you at least acknowledge that Palestinians exist within Israel and outside......what is interesting is the forecast of Palestinian population growth within Israel in the coming years.


Well in the past yes but now it's nearing the end game for reconcilliation.......it's just stupid tit for tat.....killings.:cool:
Right on. Amazing how we are in agreement lately. It's a game of "Tit for tat." And Israel is to blame for allowing that when they have the capability to put it to an end. Shame on Israel for their Zionist agenda.

Oh thank you theliq. Why of course there are Palestinians both inside & ouside of Israel. And growing in numbers by leaps & bounds. Guess Israel's gonna have to step up that "slow but steady" genocide the Palestinians & their supporters tell us about.

Very Interesting graphs and predictions M,moreover nice to see you at least acknowledge that Palestinians exist within Israel and outside......what is interesting is the forecast of Palestinian population growth within Israel in the coming years.


Well in the past yes but now it's nearing the end game for reconcilliation.......it's just stupid tit for tat.....killings.:cool:
If you do not want to be informed, no one can force you, Rhodes. You can be wrong on this for the next 20 years if you prefer. If you would like to understand this, the facts are easily available

#1 - I've personally seen the turkish census' firsthand

#2 - from my link, which you were obviously too lazy to read through:

"According to Justin McCarthy, in 1860, there were 411,000 Arabs in Palestine, in 1890 there were 553,000, in 1914 there were 738,000, but in 1918 there were only 689,000. As there was no census in several of those years, it is not clear how he draws these conclusions McCarthy tells us that these numbers have been adjusted for undercounting of women and children, accounting for the differences between McCarthy's figures and census data. The drop during the war may have been caused by famine and disease as McCarthy claims, but he doesn't note that in 1922, the British census listed only 660,641 Arab Palestinians (Christians and Arabs, see table below) nor does he explain the drop from 1918. Perhaps the earlier figures include areas of Palestine not included in the mandate or other overestimates."

btw - Blogs are not reliable sources.

And biased books are?

Oh dear....you aren't trying very hard, are you?

I tell you what you come up with a decent explanation as to why we should ignore the fact that Palestinians made up around 90% of the population of the area for 2,000 years years, and I'll reply to it.

Forget blogs, please try and stick to authoritive sources.
Right on. Amazing how we are in agreement lately. It's a game of "Tit for tat." And Israel is to blame for allowing that when they have the capability to put it to an end. Shame on Israel for their Zionist agenda.

Oh thank you theliq. Why of course there are Palestinians both inside & ouside of Israel. And growing in numbers by leaps & bounds. Guess Israel's gonna have to step up that "slow but steady" genocide the Palestinians & their supporters tell us about.

Well in the past yes but now it's nearing the end game for reconcilliation.......it's just stupid tit for tat.....killings.:cool:

It's a little more complicated than that M:cool:
Can you tell me why Israel continues to play this "tit for tat" Palestinian game instead of communicating with the Palestinians like king Hussein did to put an end to it? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Right on. Amazing how we are in agreement lately. It's a game of "Tit for tat." And Israel is to blame for allowing that when they have the capability to put it to an end. Shame on Israel for their Zionist agenda.

Well in the past yes but now it's nearing the end game for reconcilliation.......it's just stupid tit for tat.....killings.:cool:

It's a little more complicated than that M:cool:
I tell you what you come up with a decent explanation as to why we should ignore the fact that Palestinians made up around 90% of the population of the area for 2,000 years years, and I'll reply to it.

If you are so clueless and ignorant as to believe that the grandparents and descendents of the vast majority of pal arabs living in the west bank, gaza, or in greenline israel for that matter actually were not from egypt, syria or jordan, there really is nothing to discuss with you.
Rhodes -

No, I'm not clueless or ignorant about this topic - I've actually published extensively on it, and in major American publications.

The question remains - given Palestinians living in Palestine today can trace their history back generation-through-generation through 3,000 years of permanant habitation in cities like Akko, Jericho and Jerusalem, why do you refuse to consider their claims to the land?

This has been proven by genetic testing, and is a plain, simple historical fact.
Quite true. Those were the indigenous Jewish Palestinians whom the Muslim Palestinians stole their land.

Rhodes -

No, I'm not clueless or ignorant about this topic - I've actually published extensively on it, and in major American publications.

The question remains - given Palestinians living in Palestine today can trace their history back generation-through-generation through 3,000 years of permanant habitation in cities like Akko, Jericho and Jerusalem, why do you refuse to consider their claims to the land?

This has been proven by genetic testing, and is a plain, simple historical fact.
The question remains - given Palestinians living in Palestine today can trace their history back generation-through-generation through 3,000 years of permanant habitation in cities like Akko, Jericho and Jerusalem, why do you refuse to consider their claims to the land? This has been proven by genetic testing, and is a plain, simple historical fact.

Except its BS, and no one buys it. You can claim whatever you want, there is no fact-based evidence for such nonsense, and the pal arabs themselves admit that they immigrated in large numbers in the late 19th and 20th century into the levant.

As for 3,000 years ago, the jews can claim the land was theirs 5,000 years ago, so if you want to go that route, you're outgunned there as well.
Rhodes -

No, it's a fact, and not even particularly disputed.

I notice a lot of extremists seem to cling to the idea that all populations are frozen, that time stuck in Year 0 AD and since then no one should have entered or left the Levant.

That really is childish, and staggeringly ignorant.

No race is frozen in time; peoples move, migrate and merge with others over time quite naturally. Te further we go back in history, the more we seen entire peoples moving and merging - that does not mean they do not exist, and that does not mean we can not identify distinct peoples living on distinct areas of land.

Linguistically, Finns are related to Hungarians.

So would you say we are one people?

Would you say Hungarians don't exist?

Of course not.

People who work with history understand it is a fluid concept.

Of course some Palestinians have had contact with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and of course many have family there. So what? Is that wrong?

Do you not think a lot of Jews have blood from Spain or Poland or Russia or Yemen? Why do you think Yemeni Jews are darker than Polish Jews?

It just doesn't matter.

Jews are Jews and Palestinians are Palestinians, and both have genetic code in the Levant that an be traced back 3,000 years.

If you don't get that - that's fine. Be wrong.
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Rhodes -

No, it's a fact, and not even particularly disputed.

I notice a lot of extremists seem to cling to the idea that all populations are frozen, that time stuck in Year 0 AD and since then no one should have entered or left the Levant.

That really is childish, and staggeringly ignorant.

No race is frozen in time; peoples move, migrate and merge with others over time quite naturally. Te further we go back in history, the more we seen entire peoples moving and merging - that does not mean they do not exist, and that does not mean we can not identify distinct peoples living on distinct areas of land.

Linguistically, Finns are related to Hungarians.

So would you say we are one people?

Would you say Hungarians don't exist?

Of course not.

People who work with history understand it is a fluid concept.

Of course some Palestinians have had contact with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and of course many have family there. So what? Is that wrong?

Do you not think a lot of Jews have blood from Spain or Poland or Russia or Yemen? Why do you think Yemeni Jews are darker than Polish Jews?

It just doesn't matter.

Jews are Jews and Palestinians are Palestinians, and both have genetic code in the Levant that an be traced back 3,000 years.

If you don't get that - that's fine. Be wrong.

Let's see now, you claim that the same exact people can claim their ancestry back 3,000 - to what, exactly? And what proves that those are EXACTLY the same people living in jerusalem or the WB for 3,000 consecutive years?

You claimed in this post that populations are fluid - after claiming earlier that these same people stayed exactly in the same land for 3,000 years. Make up your mind which line you want to go with... :eusa_boohoo:
Rhodes -

This isn't difficult to understand - unless you genuinely do not WANT to understand.

Genetic tests have confirmed that the people who live in Palestine are extremely closely related to the people who lived in the Levant 3,000 years ago.

We also know that people have moved into the Levant from Saudi Arabia and Egypt since time began.

These patterns are true of most countries around the world - from Poland to Taiwan, from Paraguay to Rwanda.

Why anyone would single out Palestine for special attention can only be race politics.
Rhodes -

No, I'm not clueless or ignorant about this topic - I've actually published extensively on it, and in major American publications.

The question remains - given Palestinians living in Palestine today can trace their history back generation-through-generation through 3,000 years of permanant habitation in cities like Akko, Jericho and Jerusalem, why do you refuse to consider their claims to the land?

This has been proven by genetic testing, and is a plain, simple historical fact.

it doesn't even matter who was there 3000 years ago, land was taken from people in the creation of Israel, that's pretty simple. It doesn't matter whether it was an Arab, a Jew or a Mongolian who lived there 3000 years ago.
Eh, Ima. With all due respect to your very fine brain, land was taken from people in the creation of any country. Case in point: All Muslim countries are stolen lands from the indigenous populations.

Rhodes -

No, I'm not clueless or ignorant about this topic - I've actually published extensively on it, and in major American publications.

The question remains - given Palestinians living in Palestine today can trace their history back generation-through-generation through 3,000 years of permanant habitation in cities like Akko, Jericho and Jerusalem, why do you refuse to consider their claims to the land?

This has been proven by genetic testing, and is a plain, simple historical fact.

it doesn't even matter who was there 3000 years ago, land was taken from people in the creation of Israel, that's pretty simple. It doesn't matter whether it was an Arab, a Jew or a Mongolian who lived there 3000 years ago.
Eh, Ima. With all due respect to your very fine brain, land was taken from people in the creation of any country. Case in point: All Muslim countries are stolen lands from the indigenous populations.

So cool of you to finally admit that Israel was made with stolen land. :cool:
Hey Ima, did you know that Columbus discovered America? Yes, & if you don't believe it just ask any native American Indian who's family was here when Columbus arrived. Jeesh! Do you get it yet???

Eh, Ima. With all due respect to your very fine brain, land was taken from people in the creation of any country. Case in point: All Muslim countries are stolen lands from the indigenous populations.

So cool of you to finally admit that Israel was made with stolen land. :cool:

Have you ever - and I mean ever - posted anything of any substance at all?

Can we see a link?

90% of your posts seem to be flailing blindly in the dark, and the other 10% rhetorical questions you don't want answers to and clearly don't understand yourself.

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