Let There Be Peace Already

Nah, I guess not. Most of my posts have only received over 500 replies. Whenever you don't understand my comments please advise & I will try to dumb it down for you. Thanks.


Have you ever - and I mean ever - posted anything of any substance at all?

Can we see a link?

90% of your posts seem to be flailing blindly in the dark, and the other 10% rhetorical questions you don't want answers to and clearly don't understand yourself.

Your posts are dumbed down.

I just think maybe you could try a little harder to actually discuss the topic sensibly, rather than just posting snide remarks and comments about how smart you are.

In all honesty - I don't think I've ever seen you post a fact.
The question remains - given Palestinians living in Palestine today can trace their history back generation-through-generation through 3,000 years of permanant habitation in cities like Akko, Jericho and Jerusalem, why do you refuse to consider their claims to the land? This has been proven by genetic testing, and is a plain, simple historical fact.

Except its BS, and no one buys it. You can claim whatever you want, there is no fact-based evidence for such nonsense, and the pal arabs themselves admit that they immigrated in large numbers in the late 19th and 20th century into the levant.

As for 3,000 years ago, the jews can claim the land was theirs 5,000 years ago, so if you want to go that route, you're outgunned there as well.

You are so FULL OF SHIT
Hey Ima, did you know that Columbus discovered America? Yes, & if you don't believe it just ask any native American Indian who's family was here when Columbus arrived. Jeesh! Do you get it yet???

Eh, Ima. With all due respect to your very fine brain, land was taken from people in the creation of any country. Case in point: All Muslim countries are stolen lands from the indigenous populations.

So cool of you to finally admit that Israel was made with stolen land. :cool:

Well that is much in dispute.......re Columbus.......I think the Vikings and the Pacific peoples arrived earlier....but the Native Americans discovered America.....why would you assume WRONGLY that Europeans discovered America.

You do need educating really....as for your incredible statement regarding Muslims !!!!!!!!! what you FORGOT TO MENTION THAT JEWS stole lands from the Caananites,Moabites etc,.

Not good enough M,not good enough at all.

Theliq educating the pro-Israel lobby.......of cause he is,as he flys higher and higher
Eh, Ima. With all due respect to your very fine brain, land was taken from people in the creation of any country. Case in point: All Muslim countries are stolen lands from the indigenous populations.

This really is very, very funny.

Would you mind telling us who stole land when Ethiopia was settled?

How about Thailand?

How about Italy?

Surely in literally dozens of cases the indigenous people of the land ARE the creators of the country?
Eh, Ima. With all due respect to your very fine brain, land was taken from people in the creation of any country. Case in point: All Muslim countries are stolen lands from the indigenous populations.

This really is very, very funny.

Would you mind telling us who stole land when Ethiopia was settled?

How about Thailand?

How about Italy?

Surely in literally dozens of cases the indigenous people of the land ARE the creators of the country?

Poor old M,Sia, he seems not to realize that Islam is a religion and local populations converted to Islamism.

By his way of thinking,all Christian countries were stolen,all Buddist countries were stolen ad-nausium,it's complete shit M says really,and regrettably makes no sense.

Hey Ima, did you know that Columbus discovered America? Yes, & if you don't believe it just ask any native American Indian who's family was here when Columbus arrived. Jeesh! Do you get it yet???

Eh, Ima. With all due respect to your very fine brain, land was taken from people in the creation of any country. Case in point: All Muslim countries are stolen lands from the indigenous populations.

So cool of you to finally admit that Israel was made with stolen land. :cool:

This thread isn't about America, it's about the ME. If everyone jumps off a cliff, you gonna jump too? If everyone is convicted of rape, you gonna start raping too? ...
Eh, Ima. With all due respect to your very fine brain, land was taken from people in the creation of any country. Case in point: All Muslim countries are stolen lands from the indigenous populations.

This really is very, very funny.

Would you mind telling us who stole land when Ethiopia was settled?

How about Thailand?

How about Italy?

Surely in literally dozens of cases the indigenous people of the land ARE the creators of the country?

Poor old M,Sia, he seems not to realize that Islam is a religion and local populations converted to Islamism.

By his way of thinking,all Christian countries were stolen,all Buddist countries were stolen ad-nausium,it's complete shit M says really,and regrettably makes no sense.

I'm doing some research for a paper on the mid-East and need some background information about various religions. Only one question for now: How did the religion of Islam spread to countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and a host of others?
LOL. The religion of Islam spread by the loving & peaceful words of the followers of Mohammed. They talked about how they were adamantly against religions conquering indigenous peoples lands & religions that spread by force where people were givin a choice of convert, leave or be killed.

This really is very, very funny.

Would you mind telling us who stole land when Ethiopia was settled?

How about Thailand?

How about Italy?

Surely in literally dozens of cases the indigenous people of the land ARE the creators of the country?

Poor old M,Sia, he seems not to realize that Islam is a religion and local populations converted to Islamism.

By his way of thinking,all Christian countries were stolen,all Buddist countries were stolen ad-nausium,it's complete shit M says really,and regrettably makes no sense.

I'm doing some research for a paper on the mid-East and need some background information about various religions. Only one question for now: How did the religion of Islam spread to countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and a host of others?
Okay. I apologize for not dumbing my statement down enough for you. Try to think real real hard now. You see, it means that somebody already was living in all lands that became countries even before the land was given a country name. Get it yet?

land was taken from people in the creation of any country

I tell you what, MJB - why don't you edit this statement so that it makes sense even to you, and then we can look at what you come up with.
Okay. I apologize for not dumbing my statement down enough for you. Try to think real real hard now. You see, it means that somebody already was living in all lands that became countries even before the land was given a country name. Get it yet?

land was taken from people in the creation of any country

I tell you what, MJB - why don't you edit this statement so that it makes sense even to you, and then we can look at what you come up with.

Do you mean like all of the Palestinians living in Palestine before it legally became Palestine.
Problem here is that first of all there NEVER was any COUNTRY named Palestine. And there NEVER were any indigenous Muslim Palestinians in the land. There were however Jewish indigenous Palestinians. Is that who mean?

Okay. I apologize for not dumbing my statement down enough for you. Try to think real real hard now. You see, it means that somebody already was living in all lands that became countries even before the land was given a country name. Get it yet?

I tell you what, MJB - why don't you edit this statement so that it makes sense even to you, and then we can look at what you come up with.

Do you mean like all of the Palestinians living in Palestine before it legally became Palestine.

Please try and post like an adult.

land was taken from people in the creation of any country

How was land taken from people in the creation of Ethiopia?

of Italy?

of Thailand?

of Ireland?

of Iceland?

of Sweden?

of Bhutan?
Problem here is that first of all there NEVER was any COUNTRY named Palestine. And there NEVER were any indigenous Muslim Palestinians in the land. There were however Jewish indigenous Palestinians. Is that who mean?

Really stupid, childish posting.

There was no country called Palestine in antiquity because there no countries at all in antiquity.
Problem here is that first of all there NEVER was any COUNTRY named Palestine. And there NEVER were any indigenous Muslim Palestinians in the land. There were however Jewish indigenous Palestinians. Is that who mean?

Okay. I apologize for not dumbing my statement down enough for you. Try to think real real hard now. You see, it means that somebody already was living in all lands that became countries even before the land was given a country name. Get it yet?

Do you mean like all of the Palestinians living in Palestine before it legally became Palestine.

The Jews were only a few percent of Palestine's population. Who were all those other people?
Problem here is that first of all there NEVER was any COUNTRY named Palestine. And there NEVER were any indigenous Muslim Palestinians in the land. There were however Jewish indigenous Palestinians. Is that who mean?

Do you mean like all of the Palestinians living in Palestine before it legally became Palestine.

The Jews were only a few percent of Palestine's population. Who were all those other people?
Good question. Thanks for asking. It is important everyone learns the truth about this issue. There were lots of others indigenous to the land. And not a single Muslim Palestinian among them. Why is that?

Are Palestinians the Indigenous People of Palestine? DR.Rivka Shpak Lissak | Rivka Shpak Lissak

Problem here is that first of all there NEVER was any COUNTRY named Palestine. And there NEVER were any indigenous Muslim Palestinians in the land. There were however Jewish indigenous Palestinians. Is that who mean?

Do you mean like all of the Palestinians living in Palestine before it legally became Palestine.

The Jews were only a few percent of Palestine's population. Who were all those other people?

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