Let's Adopt Mexico's Voting Laws


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2012
So. Cal.
No problem. Everyone gets a National ID card, provided for free, including any search for documentation, by the US, and they go door to door to do it. Problem solved.

There is ZERO reason or standard that requires the Government to do the leg work required to make yourself eligible to vote, never has been and never needs to be.

You want to vote? Get your lazy ass to the registrar and sign up and get your documentation. You need ID for most things now a days the excuse that blacks minorities and poor can't get ID is a baldfaced lie. How do they drive? How do they bank? How do they buy cigarettes and booze? How do they cash their welfare or Government check? How do they cash their refund check from the IRS? How do they use food stamps? What do they do if a cop stops them on the street? How exactly did they register originally to vote?
While we're at it, we might as well adopt their ban on negative campaign ads.
I especially like the message at the bottom of the picture. Nailed it.
Would you "states rights" guys be happy with the Federal Government mandating a common picture ID card for voting and issuing it to Alabamans and Missourians?
Would you "states rights" guys be happy with the Federal Government mandating a common picture ID card for voting and issuing it to Alabamans and Missourians?
How many adults do you know who can't already prove who they are? (legal adults, that is).
Would you "states rights" guys be happy with the Federal Government mandating a common picture ID card for voting and issuing it to Alabamans and Missourians?
How many adults do you know who can't already prove who they are? (legal adults, that is).
How many adults do you know who like Lesbian porn? We don't decide laws based upon well everyone I know has a driver's license.
Would you "states rights" guys be happy with the Federal Government mandating a common picture ID card for voting and issuing it to Alabamans and Missourians?
How many adults do you know who can't already prove who they are? (legal adults, that is).

Not sure what your point is.

If we're going to adopt the Mexican model, apparently (not sure), the government issues the same voter's card to every registrant. I would be just giddy if we did that and also standardized the voting devices as well...

Not sure federal __________________ will pass muster with anyone (you could fill that in for everything the feds do).
Would you "states rights" guys be happy with the Federal Government mandating a common picture ID card for voting and issuing it to Alabamans and Missourians?
How many adults do you know who can't already prove who they are? (legal adults, that is).
How many adults do you know who like Lesbian porn? We don't decide laws based upon well everyone I know has a driver's license.
Another feeble attempt to distract. Care to try again?

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