Let's All Agree On This At Least: Isis Is Islamic...is, Is, Is!

BTW -- arguing about the religious purity of these pirates just makes me believe that you have lost any sense of self-preservation. EVERY time an established religion has been hijacked by the power of an ARMED STATE ---- it has been perverted. Happened in Spain and Europe with the Inquisitions and Crusades.. Shouldn't be wasting time with diagnosing the degree of lunacy for these movements.

Even 10% of 2 Billion Muslims is 200,000,000 adherents or sympathizers.. The ones who are not satisfied to PRACTICE Islam, but want to give it the power of force by embedded it into a form of governance.. Either in the MIDEAST or in Europe or Canada..
Do bears crap in the woods?

Of course it is. They are devout Muslims following Mohamad's teachings to the T. Just like Al Queda, Hamas, ISIS and all the other so called "extremist" organizations, who are simply just doing what the Koran tells them to do. But ignorant delusional people here in the West think they know Islam and Mohammad better.
Ask yourself this moj', if ISIS was so Islamic, why are all the other Islamic countries and groups shooting at them?

Muslims have been killing each other for the past 1400 years. Each side in the conflict simply claims the other side is "not muslim"

The TRUE statement is "muslims are not permitted to kill muslims"------however the problem can be overcome----by EDICT OF TAKFIR-----declare the other side-----
Do bears crap in the woods?

Of course it is. They are devout Muslims following Mohamad's teachings to the T. Just like Al Queda, Hamas, ISIS and all the other so called "extremist" organizations, who are simply just doing what the Koran tells them to do. But ignorant delusional people here in the West think they know Islam and Mohammad better.


They even have their own clerics to say they are in correct submission.

The (Sunni of course - The others are killed outright.) ones who don't submit to them as they go along their way.

ISIS Executes 13 Sunni Clerics for Refusal To Join Them
The Muslim organization in that sign never existed. But THIS one does..

ASMA SOCIETY American Society for Muslim Advancement

The American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) is a New-York based nonprofit organization founded in 1997 to elevate the discourse on Islam and foster environments in which Muslims thrive. We are dedicated to strengthening an authentic expression of Islam based on cultural and religious harmony through interfaith collaboration, youth and women’s empowerment, and arts and cultural exchange.

We believe all human beings are created equal. We are guided by compassion and mercy to work in collaboration with others for the common good to create just and peaceful societies.

There will be a large fraction of Western Muslims that sympathize with the establishment of an Islamic State. But organizations like this one will define the indigenous Muslim communities in America and elsewhere who we must not alienate or discriminate against.

The problem is sorting the friends from the fanatics..

We really want to make this worse than it really is??
The sign never existed..

snopes.com Islamic Agenda Sign

you actually had to check? sheeeesh

It's bad enough-----flac----you write very well---but you are confused

I checked because CONTENT on USMB is a precious item. And it's YOUR responsibility to vet stuff like this honestly and impartially. That's what Message Boards are for --- No??

^ ^ ^
What a bunch of nice boyscouts. What's there not to love about these Islamists? Oh but wait, "they're not really Muslims, are they?!" <wink wink>
Do bears crap in the woods?

Of course it is. They are devout Muslims following Mohamad's teachings to the T. Just like Al Queda, Hamas, ISIS and all the other so called "extremist" organizations, who are simply just doing what the Koran tells them to do. But ignorant delusional people here in the West think they know Islam and Mohammad better.


They even have their own clerics to say they are in correct submission.

The (Sunni of course - The others are killed outright.) ones who don't submit to them as they go along their way.

ISIS Executes 13 Sunni Clerics for Refusal To Join Them

Again, doing exactly what their prophet Mohammad did with those that did not "submit or convert" to "Islam". Hence the root of Islam, to submit.
Goodness, what is WRONG with some of you people, anyway? You aren't being fair to poor, beleaguered Islam.

ISIS is about as Islamic as the Pope is Catholic.
The Muslim organization in that sign never existed. But THIS one does..

ASMA SOCIETY American Society for Muslim Advancement

The American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) is a New-York based nonprofit organization founded in 1997 to elevate the discourse on Islam and foster environments in which Muslims thrive. We are dedicated to strengthening an authentic expression of Islam based on cultural and religious harmony through interfaith collaboration, youth and women’s empowerment, and arts and cultural exchange.

We believe all human beings are created equal. We are guided by compassion and mercy to work in collaboration with others for the common good to create just and peaceful societies.

There will be a large fraction of Western Muslims that sympathize with the establishment of an Islamic State. But organizations like this one will define the indigenous Muslim communities in America and elsewhere who we must not alienate or discriminate against.

The problem is sorting the friends from the fanatics..

yeah------right..... lets pretend. My interaction with muslims began more than 50
years ago. (ie---when I was a kid----the first kid was a kid---14-----son of a Pakistani diplomat-----after that----lots of medical school graduates-----thus I know the REAL
stuff. ----because I am short---dark haired and generally taciturn------what people call
"non threatening" No one ever seems hesitant to tell me what he really thinks
The Muslim organization in that sign never existed. But THIS one does..

ASMA SOCIETY American Society for Muslim Advancement

The American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) is a New-York based nonprofit organization founded in 1997 to elevate the discourse on Islam and foster environments in which Muslims thrive. We are dedicated to strengthening an authentic expression of Islam based on cultural and religious harmony through interfaith collaboration, youth and women’s empowerment, and arts and cultural exchange.

We believe all human beings are created equal. We are guided by compassion and mercy to work in collaboration with others for the common good to create just and peaceful societies.

There will be a large fraction of Western Muslims that sympathize with the establishment of an Islamic State. But organizations like this one will define the indigenous Muslim communities in America and elsewhere who we must not alienate or discriminate against.

The problem is sorting the friends from the fanatics..

yeah------right..... lets pretend. My interaction with muslims began more than 50
years ago. (ie---when I was a kid----the first kid was a kid---14-----son of a Pakistani diplomat-----after that----lots of medical school graduates-----thus I know the REAL
stuff. ----because I am short---dark haired and generally taciturn------what people call
"non threatening" No one ever seems hesitant to tell me what he really thinks

I was beginning to believe every word you said until you coughed up that "non-threatening" part.. :lol:
The Muslim organization in that sign never existed. But THIS one does..

ASMA SOCIETY American Society for Muslim Advancement

The American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) is a New-York based nonprofit organization founded in 1997 to elevate the discourse on Islam and foster environments in which Muslims thrive. We are dedicated to strengthening an authentic expression of Islam based on cultural and religious harmony through interfaith collaboration, youth and women’s empowerment, and arts and cultural exchange.

We believe all human beings are created equal. We are guided by compassion and mercy to work in collaboration with others for the common good to create just and peaceful societies.

There will be a large fraction of Western Muslims that sympathize with the establishment of an Islamic State. But organizations like this one will define the indigenous Muslim communities in America and elsewhere who we must not alienate or discriminate against.

The problem is sorting the friends from the fanatics..

yeah------right..... lets pretend. My interaction with muslims began more than 50
years ago. (ie---when I was a kid----the first kid was a kid---14-----son of a Pakistani diplomat-----after that----lots of medical school graduates-----thus I know the REAL
stuff. ----because I am short---dark haired and generally taciturn------what people call
"non threatening" No one ever seems hesitant to tell me what he really thinks

I was beginning to believe every word you said until you coughed up that "non-threatening" part.. :lol:

the "non threatening" part---is the MOST true statement----I will explain----I am short---
have dark hair----and in my youth wore it up in a kind of chignon (spelling?)----I worked with lots of people from south east asia in a part of the USA-----in which the females average something like 5'7" ----I looked
"normal" to short little people from south east asia and even my hair looked normal---non threatening. Do I intimidate YOU???-----<good>

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