Let's Be Honest: Opposition to Religious Freedom Laws Is Based on Anti-Religious Hate and Bigotry

The Bible say to give unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasars.

This is the United States... A Constitutional Republic, wherein THE PEOPLE GOVERN OURSELVES.

What "WE" are doing is deciding what the Law is... and what we are FIGHTING is Relativism, wherein a corrupt judiciary strips THE PEOPLE OF THEIR MEANS TO GOVERN THEMSELVES on the basis of addle-minded, invalid reasoning... and no Christian is obligated to obey any law which undermines their God-given Rights... and what's more, is that it is the SACRED RESPONSIBILITY of every Christian to FIGHT THE EVIL WHICH SEEKS TO TAKE FROM THEM WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN THEM.

Now, this is all VERY SIMPLE:

Christ says that marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. It's not even a remotely debatable point.

YOU SAY that Christ got it wrong... that whatever man says 'in law', trumps whatever Christ said. So, from your own mouth, the US Legal Code represents Christianity.


Thus, adding to the EVIDENCE WHICH STANDS AS Everest over the denials which seek to undermine the law of nature which requires that Conservative and Christian are AXIOMATIC SYNONYMS!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

See how that works?

Whoooa! Simmer down there, Hulk :laugh:

Sorry, but the only person that knows the status of my relationship with God is me.

Also, that Caesar line had nothing to do with the situation. The part of the Bible I was referring to was actually in Romans:

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

I encourage you to read further in this chapter. You might learn something.

It's all about obeying the laws of the land.

I'm sorry that we disagree, but I wish you the best. Try to put a handle on that anger. :smile:

You still don't know crapola about the Bible and you're far too easy :)

Acts 5:27-29 “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” But Peter and the apostles replied “We must obey God rather than men.
You still don't know crapola about the Bible and you're far too easy :)

Acts 5:27-29 “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” But Peter and the apostles replied “We must obey God rather than men.

Oh wow, yet another two parts of the Bible that conflict. Since neither can be proven as more correct than the other since they come from the same source, I guess it's a draw. Or are you going to insist on being 'right' again, SassyLassy? :wink_2:

I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)
The Bible say to give unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasars.

This is the United States... A Constitutional Republic, wherein THE PEOPLE GOVERN OURSELVES.

What "WE" are doing is deciding what the Law is... and what we are FIGHTING is Relativism, wherein a corrupt judiciary strips THE PEOPLE OF THEIR MEANS TO GOVERN THEMSELVES on the basis of addle-minded, invalid reasoning... and no Christian is obligated to obey any law which undermines their God-given Rights... and what's more, is that it is the SACRED RESPONSIBILITY of every Christian to FIGHT THE EVIL WHICH SEEKS TO TAKE FROM THEM WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN THEM.

Now, this is all VERY SIMPLE:

Christ says that marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. It's not even a remotely debatable point.

YOU SAY that Christ got it wrong... that whatever man says 'in law', trumps whatever Christ said. So, from your own mouth, the US Legal Code represents Christianity.


Thus, adding to the EVIDENCE WHICH STANDS AS Everest over the denials which seek to undermine the law of nature which requires that Conservative and Christian are AXIOMATIC SYNONYMS!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

See how that works?

Whoooa! Simmer down there, Hulk :laugh:

Sorry, but the only person that knows the status of my relationship with God is me.

Also, that Caesar line had nothing to do with the situation. The part of the Bible I was referring to was actually in Romans:

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

I encourage you to read further in this chapter. You might learn something.

It's all about obeying the laws of the land.

I'm sorry that we disagree, but I wish you the best. Try to put a handle on that anger. :smile:
Secular Law in America trumps the Bible.

End of story.
And you claim to be a Christian? God's word tells us that we should obey God rather than man. What part of that don't you understand?
God does not tell you to disobey the secular authority, little buddy. Your own inner Mr.Rightgod tells you that.

Exactly. In fact, read Romans, chapter 13. God in fact demands the opposite.
What if the government ordered all Christians to report to extermination camps? Will you obey them?

Well played :)
I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.
The Bible say to give unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasars.

This is the United States... A Constitutional Republic, wherein THE PEOPLE GOVERN OURSELVES.

What "WE" are doing is deciding what the Law is... and what we are FIGHTING is Relativism, wherein a corrupt judiciary strips THE PEOPLE OF THEIR MEANS TO GOVERN THEMSELVES on the basis of addle-minded, invalid reasoning... and no Christian is obligated to obey any law which undermines their God-given Rights... and what's more, is that it is the SACRED RESPONSIBILITY of every Christian to FIGHT THE EVIL WHICH SEEKS TO TAKE FROM THEM WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN THEM.

Now, this is all VERY SIMPLE:

Christ says that marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. It's not even a remotely debatable point.

YOU SAY that Christ got it wrong... that whatever man says 'in law', trumps whatever Christ said. So, from your own mouth, the US Legal Code represents Christianity.


Thus, adding to the EVIDENCE WHICH STANDS AS Everest over the denials which seek to undermine the law of nature which requires that Conservative and Christian are AXIOMATIC SYNONYMS!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

See how that works?

Whoooa! Simmer down there, Hulk :laugh:

Sorry, but the only person that knows the status of my relationship with God is me.

Also, that Caesar line had nothing to do with the situation. The part of the Bible I was referring to was actually in Romans:

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

I encourage you to read further in this chapter. You might learn something.

It's all about obeying the laws of the land.

I'm sorry that we disagree, but I wish you the best. Try to put a handle on that anger. :smile:
Secular Law in America trumps the Bible.

End of story.
And you claim to be a Christian? God's word tells us that we should obey God rather than man. What part of that don't you understand?
God does not tell you to disobey the secular authority, little buddy. Your own inner Mr.Rightgod tells you that.

Exactly. In fact, read Romans, chapter 13. God in fact demands the opposite.
What if the government ordered all Christians to report to extermination camps? Will you obey them?
And the trap snaps shut on both Mr.Right and the Lass.

That is an exception that proves the rule.

What if the government ordered all Americans to respect each others civil rights in the commerce of goods and services av?
More deflection. How tiresome. Why can't you answer a simple question?
Now if a Christian is forced to deliver a pizza to a gay that happens to be a violation of the Christians Liberty

On the other hand if a Christian forces a woman to deliver a baby after she has been raped this does not violate her Freedom...somehow ....

Whoooa! Simmer down there, Hulk :laugh:

Sorry, but the only person that knows the status of my relationship with God is me.

False... the only one that knows the true nature of your relationship with God, is God.

And I'm not concerned with your relationship with God. I'm concerned with your means to influence the Reader's of this board, with the deceit you're sellin'.

Also, that Caesar line had nothing to do with the situation. The part of the Bible I was referring to was actually in Romans:

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

That's what I mean... because a half ago you said this...

The Bible also says to obey the laws of the land.

Which is the OPPOSITE of what ya just said.

(Reader, what you're witnessing in the above contributor's 'feelings' is EVIL.)
I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

I destroyed you, it was obvious and of you're into it for "ratings" you're more of an egomaniac that I figured. You're one of those bozos that gets creamed and is too stupid to realize you got creamed. Get over yourself already
The Bible say to give unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasars.

This is the United States... A Constitutional Republic, wherein THE PEOPLE GOVERN OURSELVES.

What "WE" are doing is deciding what the Law is... and what we are FIGHTING is Relativism, wherein a corrupt judiciary strips THE PEOPLE OF THEIR MEANS TO GOVERN THEMSELVES on the basis of addle-minded, invalid reasoning... and no Christian is obligated to obey any law which undermines their God-given Rights... and what's more, is that it is the SACRED RESPONSIBILITY of every Christian to FIGHT THE EVIL WHICH SEEKS TO TAKE FROM THEM WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN THEM.

Now, this is all VERY SIMPLE:

Christ says that marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. It's not even a remotely debatable point.

YOU SAY that Christ got it wrong... that whatever man says 'in law', trumps whatever Christ said. So, from your own mouth, the US Legal Code represents Christianity.


Thus, adding to the EVIDENCE WHICH STANDS AS Everest over the denials which seek to undermine the law of nature which requires that Conservative and Christian are AXIOMATIC SYNONYMS!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

See how that works?

Whoooa! Simmer down there, Hulk :laugh:

Sorry, but the only person that knows the status of my relationship with God is me.

Also, that Caesar line had nothing to do with the situation. The part of the Bible I was referring to was actually in Romans:

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

I encourage you to read further in this chapter. You might learn something.

It's all about obeying the laws of the land.

I'm sorry that we disagree, but I wish you the best. Try to put a handle on that anger. :smile:
And you claim to be a Christian? God's word tells us that we should obey God rather than man. What part of that don't you understand?
God does not tell you to disobey the secular authority, little buddy. Your own inner Mr.Rightgod tells you that.

Exactly. In fact, read Romans, chapter 13. God in fact demands the opposite.
What if the government ordered all Christians to report to extermination camps? Will you obey them?
And the trap snaps shut on both Mr.Right and the Lass.

That is an exception that proves the rule.

What if the government ordered all Americans to respect each others civil rights in the commerce of goods and services av?
More deflection. How tiresome. Why can't you answer a simple question?
You were answered clearly, and now you snivel like an 11 year old. :)
The Bible say to give unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasars.

This is the United States... A Constitutional Republic, wherein THE PEOPLE GOVERN OURSELVES.

What "WE" are doing is deciding what the Law is... and what we are FIGHTING is Relativism, wherein a corrupt judiciary strips THE PEOPLE OF THEIR MEANS TO GOVERN THEMSELVES on the basis of addle-minded, invalid reasoning... and no Christian is obligated to obey any law which undermines their God-given Rights... and what's more, is that it is the SACRED RESPONSIBILITY of every Christian to FIGHT THE EVIL WHICH SEEKS TO TAKE FROM THEM WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN THEM.

Now, this is all VERY SIMPLE:

Christ says that marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. It's not even a remotely debatable point.

YOU SAY that Christ got it wrong... that whatever man says 'in law', trumps whatever Christ said. So, from your own mouth, the US Legal Code represents Christianity.


Thus, adding to the EVIDENCE WHICH STANDS AS Everest over the denials which seek to undermine the law of nature which requires that Conservative and Christian are AXIOMATIC SYNONYMS!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

See how that works?

Whoooa! Simmer down there, Hulk :laugh:

Sorry, but the only person that knows the status of my relationship with God is me.

Also, that Caesar line had nothing to do with the situation. The part of the Bible I was referring to was actually in Romans:

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

I encourage you to read further in this chapter. You might learn something.

It's all about obeying the laws of the land.

I'm sorry that we disagree, but I wish you the best. Try to put a handle on that anger. :smile:
God does not tell you to disobey the secular authority, little buddy. Your own inner Mr.Rightgod tells you that.

Exactly. In fact, read Romans, chapter 13. God in fact demands the opposite.
What if the government ordered all Christians to report to extermination camps? Will you obey them?
And the trap snaps shut on both Mr.Right and the Lass.

That is an exception that proves the rule.

What if the government ordered all Americans to respect each others civil rights in the commerce of goods and services av?
More deflection. How tiresome. Why can't you answer a simple question?
You were answered clearly, and now you snivel like an 11 year old. :)
You answered nothing! I asked you to refute anything from the article. I'm still waiting.
The heart land of America, with the re-invention of the religious liberty freedom laws into acceptable legislation for all Americans in the 21st century, has turned mightily in the right direction.

In 2016, the far right cons are going to be even more sorely disappointed and by 2020 their significance in politics will be almost null.
Whoooa! Simmer down there, Hulk :laugh:

Sorry, but the only person that knows the status of my relationship with God is me.

Also, that Caesar line had nothing to do with the situation. The part of the Bible I was referring to was actually in Romans:

1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

I encourage you to read further in this chapter. You might learn something.

It's all about obeying the laws of the land.

I'm sorry that we disagree, but I wish you the best. Try to put a handle on that anger. :smile:
Exactly. In fact, read Romans, chapter 13. God in fact demands the opposite.
What if the government ordered all Christians to report to extermination camps? Will you obey them?
And the trap snaps shut on both Mr.Right and the Lass.

That is an exception that proves the rule.

What if the government ordered all Americans to respect each others civil rights in the commerce of goods and services av?
More deflection. How tiresome. Why can't you answer a simple question?
You were answered clearly, and now you snivel like an 11 year old. :)
You answered nothing! I asked you to refute anything from the article. I'm still waiting.
You don't get "just once more." That is over forever.
I destroyed you, it was obvious and of you're into it for "ratings" you're more of an egomaniac that I figured. You're one of those bozos that gets creamed and is too stupid to realize you got creamed. Get over yourself already

You have a lot of guts pretending like that, considering anybody can just look at our post history at anytime.

Not to pull a Fox Mulder, but, the truth is out there.

And I'm not "in it" for the ratings, though I must admit, debating you was pretty good for my stats :wink_2:
I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

I destroyed you, it was obvious and of you're into it for "ratings" you're more of an egomaniac that I figured. You're one of those bozos that gets creamed and is too stupid to realize you got creamed. Get over yourself already
We are laughing at you. Having lost the point, you attack the personality, nothing new for folks like you.
I destroyed you, it was obvious and of you're into it for "ratings" you're more of an egomaniac that I figured. You're one of those bozos that gets creamed and is too stupid to realize you got creamed. Get over yourself already

You have a lot of guts pretending like that, considering anybody can just look at our post history at anytime.

Not to pull a Fox Mulder, but, the truth is out there.

And I'm not "in it" for the ratings, though I must admit, debating you was pretty good for my stats :wink_2:

Did you state eating shellfish is an abomination? Yes you did. Did I prove you wrong? Why yes I did.

Case closed :)
What if the government ordered all Christians to report to extermination camps? Will you obey them?
And the trap snaps shut on both Mr.Right and the Lass.

That is an exception that proves the rule.

What if the government ordered all Americans to respect each others civil rights in the commerce of goods and services av?
More deflection. How tiresome. Why can't you answer a simple question?
You were answered clearly, and now you snivel like an 11 year old. :)
You answered nothing! I asked you to refute anything from the article. I'm still waiting.
You don't get "just once more." That is over forever.
I accept your surrender. Thanks for playing.
I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

Eating Shellfish is not an abomination... dumbass. It is STUPID. And the admonishment to not do so, comes from the same reasoning as the one forbidding sexual behavior between people of the same gender. It will KILL YA! And it has done so, for most of human history and it is STILL DOING SO. See: THE HIV / AIDs.

Now I was up in Hyannis not too terribly long ago and sat down for a lovely cold water Lobster and a plate of steamers.

I subsequently spent the next 24 hours, begging for sweet death.

Now in case you think that I did so before the miracle of modern medicine, that was last year.

Shell fish are bottom feeders which consume feces, and as a result their biological setup is designed in such a way which is dangerous to the human system. The admonishment is today, every bit as relevant as it was then.

It's the same one which every human understands regarding jumping off a cliff and flapping one's arms. The difference is that life threatening bacteria isn't as obvious as "Ug" laing at the bottom of the canyon with his head, arms and legs pointing in the wrong direction, with the new jagged ends sticking out of his skin.
I would not call it hatred. I would say it stems from a basic need to force people to conform to whatever they see as 'right' and 'correct' thought.

In a few cases I would say you're correct, but my experience has been that in most cases liberals clearly seem to despise/mock people of faith and ardently reject God and the Bible.

Which Bible? Do you prefer the abridged version? The King James? If so, why do you reject the original Bible?
I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

Eating Shellfish is not an abomination... dumbass. It is STUPID. And the admonishment to not do so, comes from the same reasoning as the one forbidding sexual behavior between people of the same gender. It will KILL YA! And it has done so, for most of human history and it is STILL DOING SO. See: THE HIV / AIDs.

Now I was up in Hyannis not too terribly long ago and sat down for a lovely cold water Lobster and a plate of steamers.

I subsequently spent the next 24 hours, begging for sweet death.

Now in case you think that I did so before the miracle of modern medicine, that was last year.

Shell fish are bottom feeders which consume feces, and as a result their biological setup is designed in such a way which is dangerous to the human system. The admonishment is today, every bit as relevant as it was then.

It's the same one which every human understands regarding jumping off a cliff and flapping one's arms. The difference is that life threatening bacteria isn't as obvious as "Ug" laing at the bottom of the canyon with his head, arms and legs pointing in the wrong direction, with the new jagged ends sticking out of his skin.
I call lobsters sea cockroaches.
I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

Eating Shellfish is not an abomination... dumbass. It is STUPID. And the admonishment to not do so, comes from the same reasoning as the one forbidding sexual behavior between people of the same gender. It will KILL YA! And it has done so, for most of human history and it is STILL DOING SO. See: THE HIV / AIDs.

Now I was up in Hyannis not too terribly long ago and sat down for a lovely cold water Lobster and a plate of steamers.

I subsequently spent the next 24 hours, begging for sweet death.

Now in case you think that I did so before the miracle of modern medicine, that was last year.

Shell fish are bottom feeders which consume feces, and as a result their biological setup is designed in such a way which is dangerous to the human system. The admonishment is today, every bit as relevant as it was then.

It's the same one which every human understands regarding jumping off a cliff and flapping one's arms. The difference is that life threatening bacteria isn't as obvious as "Ug" laing at the bottom of the canyon with his head, arms and legs pointing in the wrong direction, with the new jagged ends sticking out of his skin.
I call lobsters sea cockroaches.

I call them delicious :)

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