Let's Be Honest: Opposition to Religious Freedom Laws Is Based on Anti-Religious Hate and Bigotry

I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

Eating Shellfish is not an abomination... dumbass. It is STUPID. And the admonishment to not do so, comes from the same reasoning as the one forbidding sexual behavior between people of the same gender. It will KILL YA! And it has done so, for most of human history and it is STILL DOING SO. See: THE HIV / AIDs.

Now I was up in Hyannis not too terribly long ago and sat down for a lovely cold water Lobster and a plate of steamers.

I subsequently spent the next 24 hours, begging for sweet death.

Now in case you think that I did so before the miracle of modern medicine, that was last year.

Shell fish are bottom feeders which consume feces, and as a result their biological setup is designed in such a way which is dangerous to the human system. The admonishment is today, every bit as relevant as it was then.

It's the same one which every human understands regarding jumping off a cliff and flapping one's arms. The difference is that life threatening bacteria isn't as obvious as "Ug" laing at the bottom of the canyon with his head, arms and legs pointing in the wrong direction, with the new jagged ends sticking out of his skin.
I call lobsters sea cockroaches.

I call them delicious :)
If I want mercury poisoning, I'll eat a thermometer.
I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

Eating Shellfish is not an abomination... dumbass. It is STUPID. And the admonishment to not do so, comes from the same reasoning as the one forbidding sexual behavior between people of the same gender. It will KILL YA! And it has done so, for most of human history and it is STILL DOING SO. See: THE HIV / AIDs.

Now I was up in Hyannis not too terribly long ago and sat down for a lovely cold water Lobster and a plate of steamers.

I subsequently spent the next 24 hours, begging for sweet death.

Now in case you think that I did so before the miracle of modern medicine, that was last year.

Shell fish are bottom feeders which consume feces, and as a result their biological setup is designed in such a way which is dangerous to the human system. The admonishment is today, every bit as relevant as it was then.

It's the same one which every human understands regarding jumping off a cliff and flapping one's arms. The difference is that life threatening bacteria isn't as obvious as "Ug" laing at the bottom of the canyon with his head, arms and legs pointing in the wrong direction, with the new jagged ends sticking out of his skin.
I call lobsters sea cockroaches.

I call them delicious :)
If I want mercury poisoning, I'll eat a thermometer.

It's probably too late to worry about that now.
And the trap snaps shut on both Mr.Right and the Lass.

That is an exception that proves the rule.

What if the government ordered all Americans to respect each others civil rights in the commerce of goods and services av?
More deflection. How tiresome. Why can't you answer a simple question?
You were answered clearly, and now you snivel like an 11 year old. :)
You answered nothing! I asked you to refute anything from the article. I'm still waiting.
You don't get "just once more." That is over forever. I bet yu will say, "I accept your surrender," because you lost. :lol:
I accept your surrender. Thanks for playing.
we know of no examples in the animal kingdom of two animals of the same gender living together as a romantic couple--this is simply unheard of in nature

So much wrong in your post, so I won't try to answer all of it, but the part quoted above is bullshit,
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


So the Progressives are advising the Reader of this forum that Humanity should be regulated upon the base animalistic instincts.


You can NOT make this crap up!
Did you state eating shellfish is an abomination? Yes you did. Did I prove you wrong? Why yes I did.

Case closed :)
Case Revisited:

It was the set up of your argument's demise. I played a long game, knowing the outcome from the start. You said the Bible stated that homosexuality was an 'abomination'. I stated that the Bible says that eating shellfish is, as well. You stated the part of the Bible I was referring to isn't believed anymore by Christians, and that shellfish is not an abomination. I reminded you that your claim came from the exact same part of the Bible, thus negating your claim against gays as well. It was a good trap, and you did exactly what you were supposed to do to ensure my victory.

It was a victory for both gays and shellfish, as well.

I suggest anybody who likes to laugh take a look at the conversation. Lassy gets really worked up. It was a fun one. :wink_2:
Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

Eating Shellfish is not an abomination... dumbass. It is STUPID. And the admonishment to not do so, comes from the same reasoning as the one forbidding sexual behavior between people of the same gender. It will KILL YA! And it has done so, for most of human history and it is STILL DOING SO. See: THE HIV / AIDs.

Now I was up in Hyannis not too terribly long ago and sat down for a lovely cold water Lobster and a plate of steamers.

I subsequently spent the next 24 hours, begging for sweet death.

Now in case you think that I did so before the miracle of modern medicine, that was last year.

Shell fish are bottom feeders which consume feces, and as a result their biological setup is designed in such a way which is dangerous to the human system. The admonishment is today, every bit as relevant as it was then.

It's the same one which every human understands regarding jumping off a cliff and flapping one's arms. The difference is that life threatening bacteria isn't as obvious as "Ug" laing at the bottom of the canyon with his head, arms and legs pointing in the wrong direction, with the new jagged ends sticking out of his skin.
I call lobsters sea cockroaches.

I call them delicious :)
If I want mercury poisoning, I'll eat a thermometer.

It's probably too late to worry about that now.
You are probably correct. I do like my tuna.
Did you state eating shellfish is an abomination? Yes you did. Did I prove you wrong? Why yes I did.

Case closed :)
Case Revisited:

It was the set up of your argument's demise. I played a long game, knowing the outcome from the start. You said the Bible stated that homosexuality was an 'abomination'. I stated that the Bible says that eating shellfish is, as well. You stated the part of the Bible I was referring to isn't believed anymore by Christians, and that shellfish is not an abomination. I reminded you that your claim came from the exact same part of the Bible, thus negating your claim against gays as well. It was a good trap, and you did exactly what you were supposed to do to ensure my victory.

It was a victory for both gays and shellfish, as well.

I suggest anybody who likes to laugh take a look at the conversation. Lassy gets really worked up. It was a fun one. :wink_2:

Homosexuality is still against God's word, eating shellfish isn't. You may go now, dunce
Did you state eating shellfish is an abomination? Yes you did. Did I prove you wrong? Why yes I did.

Case closed :)
Case Revisited:

It was the set up of your argument's demise. I played a long game, knowing the outcome from the start. You said the Bible stated that homosexuality was an 'abomination'. I stated that the Bible says that eating shellfish is, as well. You stated the part of the Bible I was referring to isn't believed anymore by Christians, and that shellfish is not an abomination. I reminded you that your claim came from the exact same part of the Bible, thus negating your claim against gays as well. It was a good trap, and you did exactly what you were supposed to do to ensure my victory.

It was a victory for both gays and shellfish, as well.

I suggest anybody who likes to laugh take a look at the conversation. Lassy gets really worked up. It was a fun one. :wink_2:
There are Jewish laws. Then there are moral laws. We are no longer under Jewish law, but the moral laws, such as the ten commandments, are still to be obeyed. So, you're not as smart as you think.
Did you state eating shellfish is an abomination? Yes you did. Did I prove you wrong? Why yes I did.

Case closed :)
Case Revisited:

It was the set up of your argument's demise. I played a long game, knowing the outcome from the start. You said the Bible stated that homosexuality was an 'abomination'. I stated that the Bible says that eating shellfish is, as well. You stated the part of the Bible I was referring to isn't believed anymore by Christians, and that shellfish is not an abomination. I reminded you that your claim came from the exact same part of the Bible, thus negating your claim against gays as well. It was a good trap, and you did exactly what you were supposed to do to ensure my victory.

It was a victory for both gays and shellfish, as well.

I suggest anybody who likes to laugh take a look at the conversation. Lassy gets really worked up. It was a fun one. :wink_2:
There are Jewish laws. Then there are moral laws. We are no longer under Jewish law, but the moral laws, such as the ten commandments, are still to be obeyed. So, you're not as smart as you think.

They were Mosaic and Ceremonial laws directed at the Jews, they never applied to the Gentiles and they were rescinded by the New Covenant to bring the Gentiles and Jews closer together.
Homosexuality is still against God's word, eating shellfish isn't. You may go now, dunce

But your claim of it being considered an 'abomination' was destroyed. That's all I argued against. I won. You're just changing the fight to something else now.

You're a lot of fun.
Did you state eating shellfish is an abomination? Yes you did. Did I prove you wrong? Why yes I did.

Case closed :)
Case Revisited:

It was the set up of your argument's demise. I played a long game, knowing the outcome from the start. You said the Bible stated that homosexuality was an 'abomination'. I stated that the Bible says that eating shellfish is, as well. You stated the part of the Bible I was referring to isn't believed anymore by Christians, and that shellfish is not an abomination. I reminded you that your claim came from the exact same part of the Bible, thus negating your claim against gays as well. It was a good trap, and you did exactly what you were supposed to do to ensure my victory.

It was a victory for both gays and shellfish, as well.

I suggest anybody who likes to laugh take a look at the conversation. Lassy gets really worked up. It was a fun one. :wink_2:
There are Jewish laws. Then there are moral laws. We are no longer under Jewish law, but the moral laws, such as the ten commandments, are still to be obeyed. So, you're not as smart as you think.

They were Mosaic and Ceremonial laws directed at the Jews, they never applied to the Gentiles and they were rescinded by the New Covenant to bring the Gentiles and Jews closer together.
That too. :)
I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

Eating Shellfish is not an abomination... dumbass. It is STUPID. And the admonishment to not do so, comes from the same reasoning as the one forbidding sexual behavior between people of the same gender. It will KILL YA! And it has done so, for most of human history and it is STILL DOING SO. See: THE HIV / AIDs.

Now I was up in Hyannis not too terribly long ago and sat down for a lovely cold water Lobster and a plate of steamers.

I subsequently spent the next 24 hours, begging for sweet death.

Now in case you think that I did so before the miracle of modern medicine, that was last year.

Shell fish are bottom feeders which consume feces, and as a result their biological setup is designed in such a way which is dangerous to the human system. The admonishment is today, every bit as relevant as it was then.

It's the same one which every human understands regarding jumping off a cliff and flapping one's arms. The difference is that life threatening bacteria isn't as obvious as "Ug" laing at the bottom of the canyon with his head, arms and legs pointing in the wrong direction, with the new jagged ends sticking out of his skin.
I call lobsters sea cockroaches.

I LOVE Sea-Cockroaches... but clams will NEVER AGAIN pass my lips.
I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

Eating Shellfish is not an abomination... dumbass. It is STUPID. And the admonishment to not do so, comes from the same reasoning as the one forbidding sexual behavior between people of the same gender. It will KILL YA! And it has done so, for most of human history and it is STILL DOING SO. See: THE HIV / AIDs.

Now I was up in Hyannis not too terribly long ago and sat down for a lovely cold water Lobster and a plate of steamers.

I subsequently spent the next 24 hours, begging for sweet death.

Now in case you think that I did so before the miracle of modern medicine, that was last year.

Shell fish are bottom feeders which consume feces, and as a result their biological setup is designed in such a way which is dangerous to the human system. The admonishment is today, every bit as relevant as it was then.

It's the same one which every human understands regarding jumping off a cliff and flapping one's arms. The difference is that life threatening bacteria isn't as obvious as "Ug" laing at the bottom of the canyon with his head, arms and legs pointing in the wrong direction, with the new jagged ends sticking out of his skin.
I call lobsters sea cockroaches.

I LOVE Sea-Cockroaches... but clams will NEVER AGAIN pass my lips.
And it was a HUNGRY man, who first ate an oyster. Lol.
Homosexuality is still against God's word, eating shellfish isn't. You may go now, dunce

But your claim of it being considered an 'abomination' was destroyed. That's all I argued against. I won. You're just changing the fight to something else now.

You're a lot of fun.

So you proved that God was wrong?

WOW! Would ya care to run that by me? I know that you'll be hesitant to do so ... given your recent humiliation, but if your argument is sound, ya have nothing to fear. So set aside that fear... and let's see whatcha got.
I'm still giggling over when you claimed eating shellfish was still an abomination. Don't tell me you've forgotten that shellacking already AHAHAHAHAHA

You're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less :)

Oh I remember that discussion! It might have been the VERY first one I ever had here. It seems I pointed out that the "homosexuality is abominable" argument comes from the same place in the Bible as the shellfish line that you discredited. People laughed, and I got my first 5 or so 'Thank You' ratings on my posts. You eventually quit posting. Good times.. for me.

Eating Shellfish is not an abomination... dumbass. It is STUPID. And the admonishment to not do so, comes from the same reasoning as the one forbidding sexual behavior between people of the same gender. It will KILL YA! And it has done so, for most of human history and it is STILL DOING SO. See: THE HIV / AIDs.

Now I was up in Hyannis not too terribly long ago and sat down for a lovely cold water Lobster and a plate of steamers.

I subsequently spent the next 24 hours, begging for sweet death.

Now in case you think that I did so before the miracle of modern medicine, that was last year.

Shell fish are bottom feeders which consume feces, and as a result their biological setup is designed in such a way which is dangerous to the human system. The admonishment is today, every bit as relevant as it was then.

It's the same one which every human understands regarding jumping off a cliff and flapping one's arms. The difference is that life threatening bacteria isn't as obvious as "Ug" laing at the bottom of the canyon with his head, arms and legs pointing in the wrong direction, with the new jagged ends sticking out of his skin.
I call lobsters sea cockroaches.

I LOVE Sea-Cockroaches... but clams will NEVER AGAIN pass my lips.
And it was a HUNGRY man, who first ate an oyster. Lol.

Homosexuality is still against God's word, eating shellfish isn't. You may go now, dunce

But your claim of it being considered an 'abomination' was destroyed. That's all I argued against. I won. You're just changing the fight to something else now.

You're a lot of fun.

Now you're just being stupid, sin is sin whatever you call it. Do you often resort to straw man arguments and word games when you're losing...badly?
Homosexuality is still against God's word, eating shellfish isn't. You may go now, dunce

But your claim of it being considered an 'abomination' was destroyed. That's all I argued against. I won. You're just changing the fight to something else now.

You're a lot of fun.

Now you're just being stupid, sin is sin whatever you call it. Do you often resort to straw man arguments and word games when you're losing...badly?

All Leftists do...
Expecting Christians to treat others well, regardless of their belief that the "others" are sinners, is hardly attacking their religion. Expecting a separation of church and state is not attacking Christianity. If anything, these incidents are people claiming to be Christians attacking those who think differently than they do. I don't expect other people to conform to my beliefs.

What about adulterers? What about thieves and liars? Do they bake wedding cakes for adulterers, thieves, liars, those who curse, and break the Sabbath? If they do any of those things, why do they only discriminate against the sin of homosexuality? Selective discrimination is still discrimination.

Christianity expects you to show respect for others, whether you agree with their beliefs or not. The behavior of those who will not serve gays, is not very Christian at all. If offends my Christianity that they chose to single out one group as sinners.
Now you're just being stupid, sin is sin whatever you call it. Do you often resort to straw man arguments and word games when you're losing...badly?

The recorded content of the conversation speaks for itself :wink_2:

As for your 'word games' deflection, it's a habit of mine to find a person's verbal inconsistencies and make them known.
I also like the challenge of setting up a person's argument to destroy itself. You gave me great enjoyment in both of these categories :laugh:

If you don't like word games, make sure to word your argument with irrefutable language. Otherwise, I'll dismantle it publicly.

If you recall, I've never said homosexual acts weren't sinful, but the context you used to support that claim was incorrect. I merely let you in on that detail.

I seriously do like you, despite your flaws. I think you're a semi decent way of passing the time between actual challenges. Like I said, you're fun. Let's do this again sometime :thup:
Now you're just being stupid, sin is sin whatever you call it. Do you often resort to straw man arguments and word games when you're losing...badly?

The recorded content of the conversation speaks for itself :wink_2:

As for your 'word games' deflection, it's a habit of mine to find a person's verbal inconsistencies and make them known.
I also like the challenge of setting up a person's argument to destroy itself. You gave me great enjoyment in both of these categories :laugh:

If you don't like word games, make sure to word your argument with irrefutable language. Otherwise, I'll dismantle it publicly.

If you recall, I've never said homosexual acts weren't sinful, but the context you used to support that claim was incorrect. I merely let you in on that detail.

I seriously do like you, despite your flaws. I think you're a semi decent way of passing the time between actual challenges. Like I said, you're fun. Let's do this again sometime :thup:

Again, you got creamed and are now trying to save face. I've been at this for nearly 10 years, you're small taters Johnny Come Lately. Also, I could care less how you feel about me. Stick to the issues and stop being ignorant when you get shellacked

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