Let's be honest, there isn't one decent Democratic candidate for President, is there?

I can't imagine any of these pygmies having a chance against the giant that is Trump.

Chance or not, there isn't a democrat running that I'd want to use to even scrape the mud off my boots with! I've seen better candidates at the bottom of a pig trough.

When the Brits sent their worst scum to exile on the Australian continent, they were of a far better stock than the best Democrat in Washington today.

Democrats: we should us them to tie to the fronts of our armored vehicles going into combat to take the first incoming rounds and IEDs then use the remains to feed our bomb-sniffing dogs with. At least finally, we'd be able to say they finally did something for their country we could be proud of.
Anyone who says "Any Dem gets my vote" is so fucking stupid he's not worth talking to.

In what universe is the eventual Democratic candidate any of your business anyway? You've got an orange fool to worry about. You make your decisions, and we'll make ours. OK?
Anyone who says "Any Dem gets my vote" is so fucking stupid he's not worth talking to.
You see we have knowledge about the policy that the Democrats want... You would not understand, brainwashed functional moron. All you know is ridiculous conspiracy theories character assassination that have no basis in the real world. Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty. These people there is no evidence against them you idiot. Just garbage propaganda.
From my many years on active duty serving under Reagan Bush and Clinton white republican men are like a cult. They feed off the other. Their favorite pass time is how to keep Americans from tax money. And how to spend tax money. Boring if you ask me.
If one candidate stood up and said:

I think it's a bad idea to abort the next generation

I think it's a bad idea to wage war against successful people

I think it's a bad idea to get the government more involved in people's healthcare

I think it's a bad idea to impeach a President who hasn't broken any laws

I think it's a bad idea to put the rights of transexuals above the rights of everyone else, including women who want to compete in sports

I think it's a bad idea to make up wild stories about Russia

Then he or she might have a chance.
Typical Rightwing male, trying to control women.
I can't imagine any of these pygmies having a chance against the giant that is Trump.
The giant lying fraud con man scumbag who knew all he had to do was parrot your garbage propaganda aw, brainwash functional moron. Any one of the democratic candidates would be better for the country and the world than this stupid asshole. Everyone in the world knows it but you brainwashed idiots....


Bernie is not winning this time either. He didn't win last time and he's not winning this time.
What will the Democrats do after Trump wins in 2020?

They're self-destructing, their reliance on racism and sexual deviancy has passed critical mass and they have no unifying platforms outside of hoping criminal illegal alien swarms kill off Whitey, which isn't much of a crowd pleaser outside of the DNC.

I think patriots and moderates need to be think about 'After Trump' themselves; if he had a stroke or just decided he's done what he could and retires, just who are they left with? Jeb Bush? Lil Marco? I don't see any 'winners' on the opposition side, either. Right wing sociopaths are no more appealing than left wing ones, and in fact are distinctions without a difference, just whining Burb Brats hiding behind ideologies nobody but themselves buy into..
I can't imagine any of these pygmies having a chance against the giant that is Trump.

Bloomberg is actually not a bad choice. He has good business acumen.... a stern foreign policy and and more common sense than all the rest of them put together....
He started too late though.

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I can't imagine any of these pygmies having a chance against the giant that is Trump.

Bloomberg it's actually not a bad choice. He has good business acumen.... a stern foreign policy and and more common sense than all the rest of them put together....
He started too late though.


Bloomberg is a chucklehead, IMHO, a modern day Dr. Raymond Cocteau. His attempted micromanagement of New Yorkers' coke consumption is symptomatic of this totalitarian doofus.

Although that being said, he would still be a more competent President than any other Dem in the field.
Bloomberg is basically saying "Hey I'm 77 and I'm a mega billionaire. I'm gonna chuck $200 million of my own money cuz I know I can beat these Democrat chumps!"

can’t take money with you when you die. I personally think it’s a Hail Mary attempt, and if it doesn’t work he’ll still be a billionaire
Why not right? He's 77 and still healthy enough for one more whoop de do.

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