Let's be objective. Two guys running for POTUS, we want the most capable right?

That is likely what it boils down to. As Jimmy Carter put it, and as Ronald Reagan tossed back at him, folks will be basing their vote on whether they're better off now compared to 4 years ago? Or 3.75 years to be precise, I suppose that's the easiest way people have to judge accomplishments.
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The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.

So what has Trump accomplished in 3.75 years - SERIOUSLY? He's pissed off our allies, took a dump on every international agreement we had, utterly botched the pandemic response and divided us like no other person in US history.
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.

Biden - Made America a lot less great.
President Trump - Made America great again.

It really is a tail of 40 years of failure. And of course, now with dementia, Biden may even be losing his signature ability of sniffing girls soon.
Kanye and Mike Tyson 2020 !

I'm partial to the Busey/ Meatloaf ticket :D

48 years of mediocrity vs. 3.75 years of ignorance, arrogance, authoritarianism, bigotry, division and national embarrassment.

That's one shitty choice, but I have to go with the former.
so during the obama and biden era we had no division?......we had no riots because of something the police did?....
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.

So what has Trump accomplished in 3.75 years - SERIOUSLY? He's pissed off our allies, took a dump on every international agreement we had, utterly botched the pandemic response and divided us like no other person in US history.

. . . honestly? I could go on. . . but if you make a statement as daft as that? It is because you don't understand that folks are put into that office to keep things screwed up, continue the corruption, the war, the awfulness in the world, and not to get stuff done, not to make solutions for the little folks, it upsets the apple cart.
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.
so - just to be clear - we start off with "2 generic guys running, most qualified"

then the post is about trump doing in 3.75 years what biden couldn't do in 48. while i agree 100%, we kinda go from a "remove names" to parading them around more quickly than a liberal gets triggered.
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.

Neither would get hired because they are both too old.
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.
I’ll take the one not responsible for the deaths of over 200,000 Americans.

Guess you won't be voting for the pandemic or the Chinese then because that's what killed 200,000 people. That's what pandemics do, kill. No one could stop what happened no matter how hard you want to blame Trump. The Chinese are to blame. They are the ones who loosed that virus on the world.

Grow up.
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.

So what has Trump accomplished in 3.75 years - SERIOUSLY? He's pissed off our allies, took a dump on every international agreement we had, utterly botched the pandemic response and divided us like no other person in US history.

I can help.

"These reckless media smears were completely detached from the reality of Trump’s accomplishments in his first seven months. His tax and deregulation policies had created a record-setting economy. Unemployment rates for minorities had reached historic lows. He had strengthened the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and even shattered the leftist claims of a Trump-Russia collusion when he punished Putin’s murderous ally Bashar al-Assad with a devastating Tomahawk missile strike. Trump was also well on his way to destroying the Islamic caliphate in eight months—something Barack Obama had failed to accomplish with five years of feeble military efforts. The bizarre and baseless media attacks on the president were intended to halt Trump’s progress and shake the loyalty of his 63 million political sup- porters. Instead, Trump continued to rack up policy victories, while the media attacks actually intensified his public support. "
Horowitz, "Blitz," Ch.3
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.
I’ll take the one not responsible for the deaths of over 200,000 Americans.

Let's see who says you're a dope:

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak” Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

“Connecticut Governor Praises Trump's Reopening Guidelines https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bronsonstocking/2020/04/24/ct-gov-praises-trumps-reopening-guidelines-n2567597

“On Fox News Friday night, Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett told Tucker Carlson that text messages she's been receiving from Governor Whitmer have not been pleasant ever since the Democratic state lawmaker credited President Trump for her personal recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus. The lawmaker now faces a censure from her Democratic colleagues for crediting the president for her recovery.” Whitmer Sent Unpleasant Text Messages To Dem Lawmaker Who Thanked Trump for Her Coronavirus Recovery

“Democratic lawmaker who endorsed Trump: 'Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near'

A Georgia Democratic lawmaker who recently announced he is supporting President Trump in November lashed out at Democrats for “using and abusing” the black community and taking its vote for granted for “far too long.” Democratic lawmaker who endorsed Trump: 'Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near'

“I will not allow the Democrats to bully me into submission,” state Rep. Vernon Jones said.

Democrat Phil Murphy, Governor of New Jersey: GOVERNOR MURPHY: First of all, Mr. President, to you and your team, we’re incredibly honored to be here. I thank you for the enormous help in our darkest hour of need: ventilators; as you could see, PPE; testing sites. Now, I think, we’re going to be in a very good place thanks to you and your team as it relates to expanding testing dramatically so that we’ll be able to begin to take those steps to reopen. Remarks by President Trump in a Meeting with Governor Murphy of New Jersey | The White House

“Gov. Inslee owes US Army, Feds an apology

A week ago, Jay Inslee slammed our federal government for not doing enough for our state.

“The fact is, we cannot get as much help as we would like from the federal government”, he said.

This was a week after the United States Army, under orders from the Trump administration, sent hundreds of soldiers to build a 250-bed hospital at the Century Link Field Events Center.

That hospital has sat empty ever since. Not one patient. On Wednesday, Inslee announced that he wanted the facility disassembled and sent back to the federal government. How much do you think think this assembly and disassembly is costing taxpayers? No one will give me a figure.

Earlier this week, Inslee announced that he is returning 400 ventilators to the feds that we don’t need.

A week ago, he said the administration wasn’t doing enough for our state. Now, it’s clear, they’ve done way too much. A person of integrity would apologize for his phony criticism. That apology, of course, will never come.” Dori: Gov. Inslee owes US Army, Feds an apology

“President Donald Trump granted Michigan’s request for a major disaster declaration Saturday as the coronavirus outbreak worsens, the same day as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that more federal medical supplies already have arrived in the state.

The White House announced the approval early Saturday, March 28.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer sought a major disaster declaration on Thursday. Saturday morning, she noted that more than 112,000 N-95 masks had just arrived from the strategic national stockpile.” Trump approves Michigan disaster declaration; Whitmer says more supplies on the way in coronavirus fight

The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.
I’ll take the one not responsible for the deaths of over 200,000 Americans.

Let's see who says you're a dope:

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak” Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

“Connecticut Governor Praises Trump's Reopening Guidelines https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bronsonstocking/2020/04/24/ct-gov-praises-trumps-reopening-guidelines-n2567597

“On Fox News Friday night, Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett told Tucker Carlson that text messages she's been receiving from Governor Whitmer have not been pleasant ever since the Democratic state lawmaker credited President Trump for her personal recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus. The lawmaker now faces a censure from her Democratic colleagues for crediting the president for her recovery.” Whitmer Sent Unpleasant Text Messages To Dem Lawmaker Who Thanked Trump for Her Coronavirus Recovery

“Democratic lawmaker who endorsed Trump: 'Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near'

A Georgia Democratic lawmaker who recently announced he is supporting President Trump in November lashed out at Democrats for “using and abusing” the black community and taking its vote for granted for “far too long.” Democratic lawmaker who endorsed Trump: 'Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near'

“I will not allow the Democrats to bully me into submission,” state Rep. Vernon Jones said.

Democrat Phil Murphy, Governor of New Jersey: GOVERNOR MURPHY: First of all, Mr. President, to you and your team, we’re incredibly honored to be here. I thank you for the enormous help in our darkest hour of need: ventilators; as you could see, PPE; testing sites. Now, I think, we’re going to be in a very good place thanks to you and your team as it relates to expanding testing dramatically so that we’ll be able to begin to take those steps to reopen. Remarks by President Trump in a Meeting with Governor Murphy of New Jersey | The White House

“Gov. Inslee owes US Army, Feds an apology

A week ago, Jay Inslee slammed our federal government for not doing enough for our state.

“The fact is, we cannot get as much help as we would like from the federal government”, he said.

This was a week after the United States Army, under orders from the Trump administration, sent hundreds of soldiers to build a 250-bed hospital at the Century Link Field Events Center.

That hospital has sat empty ever since. Not one patient. On Wednesday, Inslee announced that he wanted the facility disassembled and sent back to the federal government. How much do you think think this assembly and disassembly is costing taxpayers? No one will give me a figure.

Earlier this week, Inslee announced that he is returning 400 ventilators to the feds that we don’t need.

A week ago, he said the administration wasn’t doing enough for our state. Now, it’s clear, they’ve done way too much. A person of integrity would apologize for his phony criticism. That apology, of course, will never come.” Dori: Gov. Inslee owes US Army, Feds an apology

“President Donald Trump granted Michigan’s request for a major disaster declaration Saturday as the coronavirus outbreak worsens, the same day as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that more federal medical supplies already have arrived in the state.

The White House announced the approval early Saturday, March 28.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer sought a major disaster declaration on Thursday. Saturday morning, she noted that more than 112,000 N-95 masks had just arrived from the strategic national stockpile.” Trump approves Michigan disaster declaration; Whitmer says more supplies on the way in coronavirus fight

Just think. The lefty loons on this board don't think Trump did anything. He had his head in the sand.

Just goes to show you can't fix stupid.
48 years of mediocrity vs. 3.75 years of ignorance, arrogance, authoritarianism, bigotry, division and national embarrassment.

That's one shitty choice, but I have to go with the former.

No kidding, someone sure enjoys being mediocre.

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