‘Let’s Burn This Place Down’: Left Calls For Violence After Treasonous SCOTUS Abortion Leak

once a protest extends and interferes with other's freedoms and rights, it is no longer a protest. it is a riot.
Sorta like Antifa and other liberal extremists blocking roadways / highways, believing they have the legal right to do so and getting pissed off afterwards when they get hit by a car...

Why are you disregarding all the Antifa and black lives matter members there dressed as Trump supporters who were actually doing the property damage and violence? Trump supporters didn't storm the capitol, they were let in peacefully after the capitol police opened doors for them.

Because he is scum
I am not a Conservative...I mock conservatives....ACCURATELY...

Notice how you dodged every policy I brought up?

This is why I call you a bitch

You mock what you believe conservatives are, which exposes both your ignorance and your bigotry simultaneously. Quite a trick! It may be the only thing you're good at.

What I find hilarious is the black thug wannabe tendency to burn down their own infrastructure, such as fast food joints, pharmacies, grocery stores and the like, and to then whine and moan about lack of said infrastructure in their neighborhoods. Monkeys at the zoo treat their digs better than some of this human ghetto trash. Of course, robbing their own necessary neighborhood infrastructure on the regular is their norm, so there you go. It's sort of like a people taking themselves hostage and then offing themselves when their demands are laughed at. I would say this tendency is tragicomic, but really more comic than tragic.

They are the so called missing link.

Society has to accept that and create a hierarchy that works.
What I find hilarious is the black thug wannabe tendency to burn down their own infrastructure, such as fast food joints, pharmacies, grocery stores and the like, and to then whine and moan about lack of said infrastructure in their neighborhoods.

This is all part of the left's "plantation management" strategy. Keep 'em poor, ignorant, unarmed, addicted, and dependent. It's been working for them for 50+ years.
The USSC should just go ahead and release the decision to reverse Roe-V-Wade, thereby thwarting the liberal extremist ploy to intimidate Justices and pressure the court.

Just do it...

Just do it....
I guess its fun to pretend to care about black neighborhoods...but....none of what you are talking about compares to Conservatives storming the Capitol in a coordinated effort with ELECTED MEMBERS OF CONGRESS to try to overturn an election...talk about butt hurt....

However, I find it funny how you dic suckers are so upset about finding out who leaked the Supreme Court decision instead of just celebrating the decision...

Why are Conservatives so triggered about all of this good news being shared early??
Never happened. Even those convicted were not convicted of what you just said. Liar.
....none of what you are talking about compares to Conservatives storming the Capitol in a coordinated effort

Oh Please . . . some coordinated effort: the rally crowd went to the capitol to protest the fraud election and show support to Pence to hopefully hold off the certification until more investigations could be done, and for the most part it was peaceful until the police let them in and the FBI instigated a riot.

Now the Left is planning another violent national riot of burning, looting and maiming countrywide to protest the Supreme Court because they finally put the power of abortions smartly back into the State's hands? I cannot think of anything more anathema to democracy than the Left's constant Mob Rule of threatening the nation and holding all hostage every time something doesn't go their way.
I guess its fun to pretend to care about black neighborhoods...but....none of what you are talking about compares to Conservatives storming the Capitol in a coordinated effort with ELECTED MEMBERS OF CONGRESS to try to overturn an election...talk about butt hurt....

However, I find it funny how you dic suckers are so upset about finding out who leaked the Supreme Court decision instead of just celebrating the decision...

Why are Conservatives so triggered about all of this good news being shared early??
I guess its fun to pretend to care about black neighborhoods...but..
Isnt it up to the black people, living in black neighborhoods to be responsible for their neighborhoods? Yeah, i think it is, why the fuck should i care if black people dont give a shit.
I believe that your energy will change dramatically if the people who stormed the Capitol..looked like this....

View attachment 639913

Which makes you ENTIRELY FULL OF SHIT...

Meanwhile, I was against police shooting unarmed people long before Ashli stormed the Capitol...long before you dic suckers were taught to worship Donald Trump....

that is because I am consistent on my positions.....
Yeah, you're so consistent that you defend burning looting and murdering during the better part of a year, insurrection at a federal courthouse by BLM/Antifa in Portland, and the occupation of six blocks of Seattle, denying citizens their rights for six weeks. Yeah, your consistency is noted. Moron, and don't project your homosexual tendencies onto people just because you disagree.
You think your pic compares with the summer of 2020 and BLM/Antifa riots and insurrection? You actually advocate the left stating they should "burn the SC to the ground?" You should seek counseling.

Biff and the rest of his sick freaks on the Left show their true colors whenever anything doesn't go their way. These are not civilized intelligent people but dirty little rotten thugs, and need to be treated that way. They are all cracking up now that Obumma 2.0 has flown apart bashed to pieces by the inept ministrations of their puppet-master Biddum.
You mean a la Ashli Babbitt? Funny how the right is now against protests.

She wasn't starting fires, but she stupidly tried to breach the obvious barricade set up forcing the police to shoot her.

Peaceful protests are fine and legal it is violent ones that are bad.
The left is having an emotional epic meltdown over this treasonous leak. Nevertheless, they can now throw out all their accusations that Trump promoted violence. They are now showing their true colors when they don't get their way. Read their own words in the link.

Let us know when there's violence, ok?

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