‘Let’s Burn This Place Down’: Left Calls For Violence After Treasonous SCOTUS Abortion Leak

I guess its fun to pretend to care about black neighborhoods...but....none of what you are talking about compares to Conservatives storming the Capitol in a coordinated effort with ELECTED MEMBERS OF CONGRESS to try to overturn an election...talk about butt hurt....

However, I find it funny how you dic suckers are so upset about finding out who leaked the Supreme Court decision instead of just celebrating the decision...

Why are Conservatives so triggered about all of this good news being shared early??
It was a draft dumbass, it hasn't been decided yet. But I'm sure the loons will storm the Supreme Court and you won't say a word.
The Court needs to prepare for protest

They lied about their intentions on Roe v Wade

They knew the issue was a powder keg issue……they just lit the fuse
The left is having an emotional epic meltdown over this treasonous leak. Nevertheless, they can now throw out all their accusations that Trump promoted violence. They are now showing their true colors when they don't get their way. Read their own words in the link.

I haven't seen or heard a single call for violence, other than from the lying, questionable source, you've linked to: the Federalist:

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

Those Democrats on the steps are clearly inciting violence and insurrection. All those participating should be removed from office and barred from every holding public office ever again.
'Let's burn this place down'

Robert's just needs to release the decision to prevent liberals from ratcheting up pressure and calls for violent opposition.

'Roe-v-Wade is overturned and is a matter for the states to decide, as it always has been Constitutionally.'

Just do it
The right is not against protests. Once again liberals are projecting. Legal, peaceful protests are a form of free speech, and we all know liberals favor censorship and control over personal choice and freedoms.

I would not call what these radical left extremist pansies are doing 'protests' as much as engaging in 'highly volatile public emotional meltdowns' as a result of not getting their way and having their personal agendas / opinions opposed.
Exactly. The left is engaging in a public meltdown.

Now, If this had been the right... they would have by now marched on the SC, and tried to hang an SC Judge or two, amIright?
'Let's burn this place down'

Robert's just needs to release the decision to prevent liberals from ratcheting up pressure and calls for violent opposition.

'Roe-v-Wade is overturned and is a matter for the states to decide, as it always has been Constitutionally.'

Just do it

You know that Roberts is in the minority, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he had a hand in the leak.

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