Let’s check in with the vaccinated


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
How are those fully vaxxed and boosted brave volunteers for Big Pharma medical experimentation doing?




How are those fully vaxxed and boosted brave volunteers for Big Pharma medical experimentation doing?


View attachment 841414


View attachment 841415

I'm doing well thanks. Fully vaxxed. Got covid last month, very mild case. Didn't even give it to the Mrs. Or grandkids.

FYI, if you don't vax you're still part of the experiment, the control group.
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The first is an allegation by coincidence.

The Dutch claim is an allegation without evidence.
What evidence would suffice?

You know how they do trials for drugs and vaccines right? They just inject it into a group and carefully look at every side effect and medical condition that pops up. Then they compare it to the control group. Any increase compared to the control group is then attributed to the drug/Vax. Such as a 10% increase in <side_effect_1>.

There is usually no way to know for sure if the drug/Vax caused the issue in any given case, it’s just a “risk factor”.

The FDA does these tests for new drugs and vaccines for ten years before they can make the determination if it is safe. Well, until 2020 when they threw established science out the window in favor of fear mongering, and Big Pharma corporate profits.

The EUA waived these tests, so all people taking the COVID vaxxes are essentially doing the testing phase, with zero accountability for the Big Pharma corporation.

So as of now, there is zero evidence the vaccines are “Safe” because no ten year study has been done. That has been the standard for a hundred years.

Did you sign up for this experiment?
I'm doing well thanks. Fully vaxxed. Got covid last month, very mild case. Didn't even give it to the Mrs. Or grandkids.

FYI, if you don't vax you're still part of the experiment, the control group.
You got COVID, sounds about right. Most vaxxies I know got COVID anyway because it isn’t even a vaccine. Several also had terrible adverse reactions.

I‘m a pure blood, and never got COVID.
You got COVID, sounds about right. Most vaxxies I know got COVID anyway because it isn’t even a vaccine. Several also had terrible adverse reactions.

I‘m a pure blood, and never got COVID.
You're a lucky guy, hope you live forever. Not all the Unjabbed are so lucky.
90% of the country has at least one vax. And about 80% of the country has had Covid.

This is why the OP does not work: "There is usually no way to know for sure if the drug/Vax caused the issue in any given case, it’s just a “risk factor”."
90% of the country has at least one vax. And about 80% of the country has had Covid.

This is why the OP does not work: "There is usually no way to know for sure if the drug/Vax caused the issue in any given case, it’s just a “risk factor”."
Poor Horsey , one of our resident Vaccine Conspiracy Trolls . Still believes the shots were correctly tested and are safe and not contaminated with poisons .
A basic course in logic and probability might help , but your best hope for recovery will come from reading the summaries of scientific research papers .

It is not much use letting your mind wander if you do not know how to think .
Good luck with rehabilitation .
Poor Horsey , one of our resident Vaccine Conspiracy Trolls . Still believes the shots were correctly tested and are safe and not contaminated with poisons .
A basic course in logic and probability might help , but your best hope for recovery will come from reading the summaries of scientific research papers .

It is not much use letting your mind wander if you do not know how to think .
Good luck with rehabilitation .
Tell us what you believe and why. Expose your reasoning to the scrutiny of the forum.

Did you catch COVID or not?
I'm doing well thanks. Fully vaxxed. Got covid last month, very mild case. Didn't even give it to the Mrs. Or grandkids.

FYI, if you don't vax you're still part of the experiment, the control group.
the vaccination does not stop you from getting Covid-19, nor spreading it if you do get it.
FYI, you took an experimental injection, not a vaccination.
What evidence would suffice?
Anecdotally , the multitude of perfectly healthy friends family and acquaintances around me developing some manner of myocardia in the last few years....
I‘m a pure blood, and never got COVID.
never vaxxed, caught Covid twice, basically the flu, 2nd time not as bad ,stayed on my farm , didn't spread it

the cure seems far more damaging than the illness

90% of the country has at least one vax. And about 80% of the country has had Covid.

This is why the OP does not work: "There is usually no way to know for sure if the drug/Vax caused the issue in any given case, it’s just a “risk factor”."
Sure there is. If you never got the jab then you know it didn't cause harm or kill you.
Anecdotally , the multitude of perfectly healthy friends family and acquaintances around me developing some manner of myocardia in the last few years....

never vaxxed, caught Covid twice, basically the flu, 2nd time not as bad ,stayed on my farm , didn't spread it

the cure seems far more damaging than the illness

Congratulations, you have built natural immunity. Natural Immunity is the best immunity.

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