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Lets Deal With Documented Facts For A Change

I don't get paid, and in fact, my wife gets majorly pissed off.

Note that I don't support the official government position on many issues.

But I do understand you: You can't refute what I post, so you try to obfuscate.
i think we both should give more to our wives then!

same here!

as for obfuscation; that's almost universal here, including you
Oh now I get it. Those Zionists in Israel were paid to fabricate this documented list of Islamic terrorist attacks all over the world. They never happened folks' right eots? Very cleaver those Zionists. You gotta love eots. Heh Heh.

Israelis paid to Troll & Censor internet

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJHEaXywW_8]Israelis paid to Troll & Censor internet - YouTube[/ame]
you are a vile self hating anti jew

quit this anti zionist hasbara at once
OMG! You mean Israel Is Stealing Palestinian Land??? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here on this board. So tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that Israel is now stealing?

Let me get this right.... Arabs launch missiles rockets and mortars at civilian targets and Israel defends herself and that is terrorism?

Arabs CHOSE to locate launch sites on tenement roof tops, school yards and hospital grounds and when the Israelis retaliate THAT is terror attacks?

And you want to be taken seriously, right?

LOL!!!!!!!!!! Apparently both your historical perspective, as well as an appreciation for fundamental cause-n-effect are hopelessly skewed....the Palestinian population has been under siege for sixty years and you ask why they "launch missiles"??? What did you expect---maybe greeting cards??? Given the fact that Israel is built on stolen soil---there is no "right of self defense"...invariably whatever the ruthless Jews undertake it is called self-defense....you need to do two things: find a history book, and explore the relevant details of international law....definitional terrorism...and cause-n-effect.....sigh
OMG! You mean Israel Is Stealing Palestinian Land??? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here on this board. So tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that Israel is now stealing?

over 2,000 years from 70 A.D. till 20th century....the west bank that is

much of the rest was never ever jewish.....that was almost all stolen for the very first time, especially the coast which was NEVER at all very jewish
OMG! You mean Israel Is Stealing Palestinian Land??? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here on this board. So tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that Israel is now stealing?


LOL!!!!!!!!!! Apparently both your historical perspective, as well as an appreciation for fundamental cause-n-effect are hopelessly skewed....the Palestinian population has been under siege for sixty years and you ask why they "launch missiles"??? What did you expect---maybe greeting cards??? Given the fact that Israel is built on stolen soil---there is no "right of self defense"...invariably whatever the ruthless Jews undertake it is called self-defense....you need to do two things: find a history book, and explore the relevant details of international law....definitional terrorism...and cause-n-effect.....sigh
OMG! You mean Israel Is Stealing Palestinian Land??? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here on this board. So tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that Israel is now stealing?

over 2,000 years from 70 A.D. till 20th century....the west bank that is

much of the rest was never ever jewish.....that was almost all stolen for the very first time, especially the coast which was NEVER at all very jewish

do you consider acquisition through war to be stealing land in all cases? Do you believe settlement of an area which is inhabited by others generally to be stealing?Are population migrations ever not stealing the land of people if those people still reside in the area? What defines the kind of ownership which excludes other people's right to settle? I just want to make sure I understand what makes any settlement here different from the settling of, for example, the US or Australia or much of Europe.
I'm still laughing over Seal's legitimate ridicule of your powers of observation Hoss....you a dummy
Your opinion of me as well as Seal's opinion is what I strive for. Perpetually.

Oh I believe that you "strive"...you are merely unconscious of the lingering effect...stupidity is ultimately involuntary....hahahahahahahahaha owwwwwww my tummy hurt from laughing
Readers with a good memory will quickly pick up that Skitt is using the same shtick he has used on this board and other boards. His poor tummy is always hurting. Maybe he doesn't get anough to eat. I hear they are giving out free food at the post offices in Manhattan so maybe Skitt had better run over there for a handout so he can fill up his poor tummy and it wouldn't hurt for a while because of a lack of food. Skitt doesn't realize his stupidity by coming on message boards with a basketful of screen names and then expecting the readers not to guess that it is only Skitzoid with his multiple personalities. Bellevue seems to be finding him one of their most difficult cases to treat. Too bad they put him on out patient status or else he would still be able to eat there and fill up his tummy.
Your opinion of me as well as Seal's opinion is what I strive for. Perpetually.

Oh I believe that you "strive"...you are merely unconscious of the lingering effect...stupidity is ultimately involuntary....hahahahahahahahaha owwwwwww my tummy hurt from laughing
Readers with a good memory will quickly pick up that Skitt is using the same shtick he has used on this board and other boards. His poor tummy is always hurting. Maybe he doesn't get anough to eat. I hear they are giving out free food at the post offices in Manhattan so maybe Skitt had better run over there for a handout so he can fill up his poor tummy and it wouldn't hurt for a while because of a lack of food. Skitt doesn't realize his stupidity by coming on message boards with a basketful of screen names and then expecting the readers not to guess that it is only Skitzoid with his multiple personalities. Bellevue seems to be finding him one of their most difficult cases to treat. Too bad they put him on out patient status or else he would still be able to eat there and fill up his tummy.

Last I checked this board does not allow duplicate user names and the last official statement I recall on calling some one out was that IF you suspect someone has multiple user names you are to report the info to Mods with your supposed evidence.
Someone mentioned International law as justification for terror attacks on Israel.
You are aware that according to the UN and most Countries on this world Israel is a recognized Sovereign State? Free to determine their own laws and policy. Free to defend their nation from any and all attackers including terrorists?

Using the logic of the Arab sympathizers The United States must disband and return ALL of its land to various Indian tribes. Return at least 5 States to Mexico. Europe must disband all their Countries and return the different sections to certain tribal groups. Or if they stay as nations must return any land ever added by Conquest.

Palestine is not a State. It is not a Sovereign nation. It and its occupants have no legal right to claim any part of Israel nor do they have a legal right to complain if Israel annexes parts of the territories. All attacks against Israel by INTERNATIONAL law are terror attacks. Those conducting them are terrorists.

Further since the Arabs SPECIFICALLY target civilian populations, schools, hospitals, Day care centers, civilian bus lines, Civilian eateries, they are making specific attacks AS TERRORISTS for the purpose to instill terror. Since they make these attacks from civilian buildings, schools and Hospitals Israel has every right under INTERNATIONAL law to retaliate against the launch sites.

Palestine has had 64 years to form a Government. They REFUSE to do so. Israel even tried to help them form a Government at least 3 times. The Arabs refuse to do so. Since the Territory is not a Nation State the land is available for a Nation State to annex it into their Country. Settlers from Israel are free to form communities in the area and to then Petition to Join Israel. All legal under International law.

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But don't you recognize yet that 'documented facts" are virtual anathema to the Jewish mindset???? Zionists manifest a peculiar phobia for facts, to this end they have poured living history into the Zio-spin-cycle, and it emerges as an unrecognizable info-mercial for Israel---complete with requisite halo

quick question -- are you saying that the events recorded on that page didn't happen?

people killed by conflict is objective, and can be broken down into combatants and civilians.

value of property destroyed by conflict is objective.

"terrorist attack" is a subjective opinion and usually determined by those with the most and biggest guns.
OMG! You mean Israel Is Stealing Palestinian Land??? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here on this board. So tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that Israel is now stealing?
OMG! You mean Israel Is Stealing Palestinian Land??? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here on this board. So tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that Israel is now stealing?

over 2,000 years from 70 A.D. till 20th century....the west bank that is

much of the rest was never ever jewish.....that was almost all stolen for the very first time, especially the coast which was NEVER at all very jewish

do you consider acquisition through war to be stealing land in all cases? Do you believe settlement of an area which is inhabited by others generally to be stealing?Are population migrations ever not stealing the land of people if those people still reside in the area? What defines the kind of ownership which excludes other people's right to settle? I just want to make sure I understand what makes any settlement here different from the settling of, for example, the US or Australia or much of Europe.

two hundred years or more, for one thing.

other, non-western, cultures have different ideas of property, land ownership, and borders for another.

you are aware, i hope, that during the settlement of those aforementioned areas, slavery and indentured servitude was "in vogue". shall we wind the cclock back on that too.
Lets see a show of hands. How many think the Fort Hood attack was not a terrorist attack?

It was definitely a terrorist attack, and a sign that Ameican Muslims are traitors.

would you mind horribly if, when we are done discussing what nidal hasan proves about american muslims, that we discuss what michael milken and bernie madoff proves about american jews.

perhaps the ft, hood shooting proves that if you demonise, ostracise, and degrade people of a different class for a period of time, as you are doing now, that some of them, particularly those prone to mental illness, may lash out violently.
OMG! You mean Israel Is Stealing Palestinian Land??? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here on this board. So tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that Israel is now stealing?
OMG! You mean Israel Is Stealing Palestinian Land??? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here on this board. So tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that Israel is now stealing?

over 2,000 years from 70 A.D. till 20th century....the west bank that is

much of the rest was never ever jewish.....that was almost all stolen for the very first time, especially the coast which was NEVER at all very jewish

do you consider acquisition through war to be stealing land in all cases? Do you believe settlement of an area which is inhabited by others generally to be stealing?Are population migrations ever not stealing the land of people if those people still reside in the area? What defines the kind of ownership which excludes other people's right to settle? I just want to make sure I understand what makes any settlement here different from the settling of, for example, the US or Australia or much of Europe.
yes and much of the world too including USA

but in the case of israel it is still going on and the whole zionist project was theft and ethnic cleansingby design and intended to be permanent

not all zionists felt that; only klepto-zionists but they are the govt and its getting ever worse

now aborigines, native americans and former slaves have equal rights

that can never happen in israel with non jews....never ever
Someone mentioned International law as justification for terror attacks on Israel.
You are aware that according to the UN and most Countries on this world Israel is a recognized Sovereign State? Free to determine their own laws and policy. Free to defend their nation from any and all attackers including terrorists?

Using the logic of the Arab sympathizers The United States must disband and return ALL of its land to various Indian tribes. Return at least 5 States to Mexico. Europe must disband all their Countries and return the different sections to certain tribal groups. Or if they stay as nations must return any land ever added by Conquest.

Palestine is not a State. It is not a Sovereign nation. It and its occupants have no legal right to claim any part of Israel nor do they have a legal right to complain if Israel annexes parts of the territories. All attacks against Israel by INTERNATIONAL law are terror attacks. Those conducting them are terrorists.

Further since the Arabs SPECIFICALLY target civilian populations, schools, hospitals, Day care centers, civilian bus lines, Civilian eateries, they are making specific attacks AS TERRORISTS for the purpose to instill terror. Since they make these attacks from civilian buildings, schools and Hospitals Israel has every right under INTERNATIONAL law to retaliate against the launch sites.

Palestine has had 64 years to form a Government. They REFUSE to do so. Israel even tried to help them form a Government at least 3 times. The Arabs refuse to do so. Since the Territory is not a Nation State the land is available for a Nation State to annex it into their Country. Settlers from Israel are free to form communities in the area and to then Petition to Join Israel. All legal under International law.
i have never ever read such rubbish.........not even here

arrogance with ignorance = american neo con artiste sargeant
Lets see a show of hands. How many think the Fort Hood attack was not a terrorist attack?

It was definitely a terrorist attack, and a sign that Ameican Muslims are traitors.

would you mind horribly if, when we are done discussing what nidal hasan proves about american muslims, that we discuss what michael milken and bernie madoff proves about american jews.

perhaps the ft, hood shooting proves that if you demonise, ostracise, and degrade people of a different class for a period of time, as you are doing now, that some of them, particularly those prone to mental illness, may lash out violently.

I take that as one raised hand. I really did not expect to see one. You probably did not raise it very high as it must have felt very heavy.
It was definitely a terrorist attack, and a sign that Ameican Muslims are traitors.

would you mind horribly if, when we are done discussing what nidal hasan proves about american muslims, that we discuss what michael milken and bernie madoff proves about american jews.

perhaps the ft, hood shooting proves that if you demonise, ostracise, and degrade people of a different class for a period of time, as you are doing now, that some of them, particularly those prone to mental illness, may lash out violently.

I take that as one raised hand. I really did not expect to see one. You probably did not raise it very high as it must have felt very heavy.

no, you didn't see me raise my hand.

you saw me make a facetious comment about what i would call your lack of intelligence or tour bigotry, and perhaps they go hand in hand, about your willingness to tar all muslims with the nidal hasen brush.

you also saw me act like an american who had taken an oath to support and defend the constitution. that oath had no expiration date, and while there are certain differences within the UCMJ, the concept that a man is innocent until proven guilty holds. i am content to let the court martial determine his guilt.
Someone mentioned International law as justification for terror attacks on Israel.
You are aware that according to the UN and most Countries on this world Israel is a recognized Sovereign State? Free to determine their own laws and policy. Free to defend their nation from any and all attackers including terrorists?

....are you aware that recognition of Israel by this same UN violated the letter of its own charter...apparently not....are you equally aware of article #51 of the charter that Israel signed and routinely violates??? It uphold the right of native population to take up arms to defend their territory...

Using the logic of the Arab sympathizers The United States must disband and return ALL of its land to various Indian tribes. Return at least 5 States to Mexico. Europe must disband all their Countries and return the different sections to certain tribal groups. Or if they stay as nations must return any land ever added by Conquest.

....the obvious problem with this packaged-logic is that international law--in its present form---was non-existent when Europeans stole indian lands...the Zionist-Nazis helped themselves to lands that had been occupied by Palestinian Arabs since the late 7th century...and this act of piracy was recognized by the UN...helllooooo stupid

Palestine is not a State. It is not a Sovereign nation. It and its occupants have no legal right to claim any part of Israel nor do they have a legal right to complain if Israel annexes parts of the territories. All attacks against Israel by INTERNATIONAL law are terror attacks. Those conducting them are terrorists.

...invoking semantics is another Zionist exercise in stupidity...nation/state criteria hardly applied to the native Americans either...or for that matter the Jewish kingdoms that are cited as justification by Israel....Christ you're really none too bright

Further since the Arabs SPECIFICALLY target civilian populations, schools, hospitals, Day care centers, civilian bus lines, Civilian eateries, they are making specific attacks AS TERRORISTS for the purpose to instill terror. Since they make these attacks from civilian buildings, schools and Hospitals Israel has every right under INTERNATIONAL law to retaliate against the launch sites.

...this is meaningnless accusation considering the fact that the IDF specialize in targeting civilians....can you say ( hypocrite )???

Palestine has had 64 years to form a Government. They REFUSE to do so. Israel even tried to help them form a Government at least 3 times. The Arabs refuse to do so. Since the Territory is not a Nation State the land is available for a Nation State to annex it into their Country. Settlers from Israel are free to form communities in the area and to then Petition to Join Israel. All legal under International law.

"they refuse to do so"????? You cannot be this fkg stupid....actually maybe you can

What;s really funny is that you didn't disprove ANYTHING he just said. Instead you made an immature comment. So let me ask you, can you disprove anything in the post you quoted?
would you mind horribly if, when we are done discussing what nidal hasan proves about american muslims, that we discuss what michael milken and bernie madoff proves about american jews.

perhaps the ft, hood shooting proves that if you demonise, ostracise, and degrade people of a different class for a period of time, as you are doing now, that some of them, particularly those prone to mental illness, may lash out violently.

I take that as one raised hand. I really did not expect to see one. You probably did not raise it very high as it must have felt very heavy.

no, you didn't see me raise my hand.

you saw me make a facetious comment about what i would call your lack of intelligence or tour bigotry, and perhaps they go hand in hand, about your willingness to tar all muslims with the nidal hasen brush.

you also saw me act like an american who had taken an oath to support and defend the constitution. that oath had no expiration date, and while there are certain differences within the UCMJ, the concept that a man is innocent until proven guilty holds. i am content to let the court martial determine his guilt.

Before you are so quick to make judgement of my intelligence you should go back and see what I said. I try very hard to be politically correct as it is something that fine upstanding people such as yourself watch for so closely.
I take that as one raised hand. I really did not expect to see one. You probably did not raise it very high as it must have felt very heavy.

no, you didn't see me raise my hand.

you saw me make a facetious comment about what i would call your lack of intelligence or tour bigotry, and perhaps they go hand in hand, about your willingness to tar all muslims with the nidal hasen brush.

you also saw me act like an american who had taken an oath to support and defend the constitution. that oath had no expiration date, and while there are certain differences within the UCMJ, the concept that a man is innocent until proven guilty holds. i am content to let the court martial determine his guilt.

Before you are so quick to make judgement of my intelligence you should go back and see what I said. I try very hard to be politically correct as it is something that fine upstanding people such as yourself watch for so closely.
Don't sweat Seal or Codger and their remarks. When they are bested, the profanity and threats are just their way of whimpering and crying.
OMG! You mean Israel Is Stealing Palestinian Land??? I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here on this board. So tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that Israel is now stealing?

over 2,000 years from 70 A.D. till 20th century....the west bank that is

much of the rest was never ever jewish.....that was almost all stolen for the very first time, especially the coast which was NEVER at all very jewish

do you consider acquisition through war to be stealing land in all cases? Do you believe settlement of an area which is inhabited by others generally to be stealing?Are population migrations ever not stealing the land of people if those people still reside in the area? What defines the kind of ownership which excludes other people's right to settle? I just want to make sure I understand what makes any settlement here different from the settling of, for example, the US or Australia or much of Europe.

two hundred years or more, for one thing.

other, non-western, cultures have different ideas of property, land ownership, and borders for another.

you are aware, i hope, that during the settlement of those aforementioned areas, slavery and indentured servitude was "in vogue". shall we wind the cclock back on that too.

I'm wondering how you came up with "200" years. It seems rather arbitrary. Is there something about the 200th year which then precludes others' settling which was absent in year 199? How long had there been native Americans on the north American continent before European settlers settled in? What about Aborigines in Australia?

Since you bring up that these are Western cultures and that non-Western cultures have different ideas, which idea should be applied to the mid East? Are there distinctions between the Turkish standard, the European one and the Egyptian one? What about the Greek or Roman one?

If you are against rewinding the clock then are you saying that you want to start from zero right now and accept facts on the ground as they are, or do you simply want to rewind to a particular spot and no further?

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