Let's Deal with Documented History For A Change

I'm still trying to figure out how Israel is stealing "Palestinian land" when there were no Muslims at all in ancient Israel.

It's rather like trying to figure out why the land should belong to Jewish Europeans when Judaism didn't exist in either ancient Europe or ancient Canaan (before the Hebrew invasion).

Because that is who the land was given to by the Owners under their mandate. Just as the previous owners asked the European Jews to migrate to the land and work it to make it fertile, in return they could buy the land and hold title to it. The "Palestinians" were also made the same offer and refused it because it meant paying taxes and serving in the military. In effect forfeiting all rights to claim the land at a later date.
I'm still trying to figure out how Israel is stealing "Palestinian land" when there were no Muslims at all in ancient Israel.

you missed it-----there is a jerk on these messagesboards who is still scratching
her head over Mendel and his sweet/pea experiments who claims Muslims---
who----by virtue of rape and enslavement and child confiscation ---managed to
mix into the Jewish gene pool-----can now CLAIM to be inheritors of jewish land.
A very interesting genetic study has also demonstrated that there is an extensive
admixture of sub-Saharan genetic material in the muslim populations
of Saudi Arabia and Egypt-----by virtue of the many millennia of Arabian slave trade and
Egytian slave trade Thus Egypt and Saudi Arabia inherit Africa be patient----
Yemen owns Ethiopia------the genetic admixture----also based ----earlier----when Yemeni
jews (ie before the invasion of the worshippers of the rapist of mecca)----on intermarriage
between Yemeni jews and Ethiopians (that Solomon and Sheba thing and Haile Salassi
"lion of Judah" legend has an historic basis many times over) Now that I think about it---
I own part of Ethiopia------but the elegant logic of our very own ---enmity

if our best poster would actually take a GOOD LOOK at genetic studies
over the past 40 years-----I and hubby would end up owning half the world----
in fact all humans would own ALL OF THE WORLD

MORE hate speech.
But not to fear, I don't mind posting it again for you, irosie. :D

First, please read articles:


Many surprised by genetic and cultural links between Palestinians and Jews | God Reports

Then secondly watch films:

Then thirdly, accept truth.

David Ben Gurion:
"There is no doubt there is a lot of Jewish blood in the veins of the fellaheen. They had to choose between their religion or their land, and they loved the land so much that they chose their land."

Now that we know that Palestinians are not just Jews' semitic cousins, they are genetically Jews themselves, the kids of Bar Kochba, what does this mean for discussion of a Palestinian Right of Return?

1. Ben-Gurion, David & Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. The Land of Israel in the Past and in the Present. The Yiddish version, New York, 1918.

2. Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. Populations of Our Land. Warsaw: The Labor Committee of "Brit Hanoar" and the World Khaluts Center, 1932.

3. Writings of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, Vol. no. 5 – Population of the Land of Israel – Tel Aviv: Mitspeh Publishing, 1936 (identical contents to source 2).

4. Ben-Gurion, David. An Inquiry into the Origins of the Fellahin. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

5. Belkind, Israel. Arabs in the Land of Israel. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

6. Misinai, Tsvi. The Road Map to the Third Intifada – The roots and solution to the Problem of the Holy Land. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006.

7. Yarden, Elon. A Common Homeland Not a Disputed Territory. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006. (Contains sources 4 and 5 as appendices).

8. Yarden, Elon. Zion in Justice Shall be Redeemed (An Alternative to the Oslo Accords). Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, Tel Aviv, 2002.

9. Misinai, Tsvi. Brother Shall Not Lift Sword Against Brother. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2007. (The book is a shortened version of source 6, written in a popular style).

10. Writings of Ber Borokhov, Volume 1. Kibbuts Meukhad Publishing, 1955.

11. Oral Telling of Samaritan Traditions, Yitskhak Ben Tsvi, A.B. Samaritan News, Volume 370-371, page 8, October 8, 1985.

12. ???? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? – ???? ????, ???? ??????? ??????? – ????? ????? ??????? ???"?, ??? ?????. http://daat.ac.il/daat/israel/yehuda/mehkare-9-baruhl.PDF

13. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes M. F. Hammer, A. J. Redd, E. T. Wood, M. R. Bonner, H. Jarjanazi, T. Karafet, S. Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. Oppenheim, M. A. Jobling, T. Jenkins, H. Ostrer, and B. Bonne-Tamir PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA(, Volume 67, No. 12, pp 6769-6774, June 6, 2000. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

14. High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure and substantial overlap with haplotypes of Jews Almut Nebel • Dvora Filon • Deborah A. Weiss • Michael Weale • Marina Faerman • Ariella Oppenheim • Mark G. Thomas Human Genetics, Volume 107, pp 630-641, 2000. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/tcga/tcgapdf/Nebel-HG-00-IPArabs.pdf

15. The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East Almut Nebel, Dvora Filon, Bernd Brinkmann, Partha P. Majumder, Marina Faerman, and Ariella Oppenheim American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 69, pp 1095-1112, 2001. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1274378

16. Genetics of congenital deafness in the Palestinian population: multiple connection 26 alleles with shared origins in the Middle East. Shanin H, Walsh T, Sobe T, Lynch E, King MC, Avraham KB, Kanaan M. Human Genetics 110(3):284-9, Mar 2002. http://www.tau.ac.il/~karena/manuscriptspdf/2002/Shahin_et_al_2002.pdf

17. The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness With Other Mediterranean Populations Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Nagah Elaiwa, Carlos Silvera, Ahmed Rostom, Juan Moscoso, Eduardo Gómez-Casado, Luis Allende, Pilar Varela, and Jorge Martínez-Laso Human Immunology 62, 889-900 (2001) http://kinoko.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~dura...ness_With_Other_Mediterranean_Populations.pdf 18. Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians Robin McKie, science editor, The Observer, Sunday 25 November 2001 Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians | World news | The Observer 19. The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin Biology Direct Biology Direct | Full text | The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms 20. Bohm, David. Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Routledge, 198[/QUOTE]

THE PALESTINIANS ARE DESCENDED FROM ANCIENT JEWS, to an even greater degree than modern Jews are.

So their claims to "eretz Israel" are .... dunno .... some might even claim MORE solid that modern Jewish claims? At any rate, they are clearly an indigenous people.

sorry, lost the Hebrew in that one citation.
Last edited by a moderator:
I'm still trying to figure out how Israel is stealing "Palestinian land" when there were no Muslims at all in ancient Israel.

you missed it-----there is a jerk on these messagesboards who is still scratching
her head over Mendel and his sweet/pea experiments who claims Muslims---
who----by virtue of rape and enslavement and child confiscation ---managed to
mix into the Jewish gene pool-----can now CLAIM to be inheritors of jewish land.
A very interesting genetic study has also demonstrated that there is an extensive
admixture of sub-Saharan genetic material in the muslim populations
of Saudi Arabia and Egypt-----by virtue of the many millennia of Arabian slave trade and
Egytian slave trade Thus Egypt and Saudi Arabia inherit Africa be patient----
Yemen owns Ethiopia------the genetic admixture----also based ----earlier----when Yemeni
jews (ie before the invasion of the worshippers of the rapist of mecca)----on intermarriage
between Yemeni jews and Ethiopians (that Solomon and Sheba thing and Haile Salassi
"lion of Judah" legend has an historic basis many times over) Now that I think about it---
I own part of Ethiopia------but the elegant logic of our very own ---enmity

if our best poster would actually take a GOOD LOOK at genetic studies
over the past 40 years-----I and hubby would end up owning half the world----
in fact all humans would own ALL OF THE WORLD

I don't mind posting it again for you, irosie. :D

First, please read article:
Many surprised by genetic and cultural links between Palestinians and Jews | God Reports
That will tell you where to get a copy of the study. I have a membership on JSTOR and will go online and look for it in a bit.

Then secondly watch film:

Palestinian people - Part 1 - YouTube
Palestinian people - Part 1 - YouTube

Then thirdly, accept truth.

David Ben Gurion:
"There is no doubt there is a lot of Jewish blood in the veins of the fellaheen. They had to choose between their religion or their land, and they loved the land so much that they chose their land."

Now that we know that Palestinians are not just Jews' semitic cousins, they are genetically Jews themselves, the kids of Bar Kochba, what does this mean for discussion of a Palestinian Right of Return?

1. Ben-Gurion, David & Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. The Land of Israel in the Past and in the Present. The Yiddish version, New York, 1918.

2. Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. Populations of Our Land. Warsaw: The Labor Committee of "Brit Hanoar" and the World Khaluts Center, 1932.

3. Writings of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, Vol. no. 5 – Population of the Land of Israel – Tel Aviv: Mitspeh Publishing, 1936 (identical contents to source 2).

4. Ben-Gurion, David. An Inquiry into the Origins of the Fellahin. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

5. Belkind, Israel. Arabs in the Land of Israel. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

6. Misinai, Tsvi. The Road Map to the Third Intifada – The roots and solution to the Problem of the Holy Land. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006.

7. Yarden, Elon. A Common Homeland Not a Disputed Territory. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006. (Contains sources 4 and 5 as appendices).

8. Yarden, Elon. Zion in Justice Shall be Redeemed (An Alternative to the Oslo Accords). Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, Tel Aviv, 2002.

9. Misinai, Tsvi. Brother Shall Not Lift Sword Against Brother. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2007. (The book is a shortened version of source 6, written in a popular style).

10. Writings of Ber Borokhov, Volume 1. Kibbuts Meukhad Publishing, 1955.

11. Oral Telling of Samaritan Traditions, Yitskhak Ben Tsvi, A.B. Samaritan News, Volume 370-371, page 8, October 8, 1985.

12. ???? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? – ???? ????, ???? ??????? ??????? – ????? ????? ??????? ???"?, ??? ?????. http://daat.ac.il/daat/israel/yehuda/mehkare-9-baruhl.PDF

13. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes M. F. Hammer, A. J. Redd, E. T. Wood, M. R. Bonner, H. Jarjanazi, T. Karafet, S. Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. Oppenheim, M. A. Jobling, T. Jenkins, H. Ostrer, and B. Bonne-Tamir PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA(, Volume 67, No. 12, pp 6769-6774, June 6, 2000. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

14. High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure and substantial overlap with haplotypes of Jews Almut Nebel • Dvora Filon • Deborah A. Weiss • Michael Weale • Marina Faerman • Ariella Oppenheim • Mark G. Thomas Human Genetics, Volume 107, pp 630-641, 2000. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/tcga/tcgapdf/Nebel-HG-00-IPArabs.pdf

15. The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East Almut Nebel, Dvora Filon, Bernd Brinkmann, Partha P. Majumder, Marina Faerman, and Ariella Oppenheim American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 69, pp 1095-1112, 2001. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1274378

16. Genetics of congenital deafness in the Palestinian population: multiple connection 26 alleles with shared origins in the Middle East. Shanin H, Walsh T, Sobe T, Lynch E, King MC, Avraham KB, Kanaan M. Human Genetics 110(3):284-9, Mar 2002. http://www.tau.ac.il/~karena/manuscriptspdf/2002/Shahin_et_al_2002.pdf

17. The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness With Other Mediterranean Populations Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Nagah Elaiwa, Carlos Silvera, Ahmed Rostom, Juan Moscoso, Eduardo Gómez-Casado, Luis Allende, Pilar Varela, and Jorge Martínez-Laso Human Immunology 62, 889-900 (2001) http://kinoko.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~dura...ness_With_Other_Mediterranean_Populations.pdf 18. Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians Robin McKie, science editor, The Observer, Sunday 25 November 2001 Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians | World news | The Observer 19. The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin Biology Direct Biology Direct | Full text | The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms 20. Bohm, David. Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Routledge, 198

It has been, Sally. I told you it was on a television program in Israel. There is an entire nascent peace movement growing out of this. You Tube has quite a bit on it. There are articles. Google "Oppenheim genetics" and see what you come up with. She has done a number of studies. Watch the videos I posted and see where they lead you.

Don't worry, they won't bite. I think you will actually probably enjoy them:




THE PALESTINIANS ARE DESCENDED FROM ANCIENT JEWS, to an even greater degree than modern Jews are.

So their claims are .... dunno .... some might even claim MORE solid that modern Jewish claims? At any rate, they are clearly the indigenous people.[/QUOTE]

Now, since Israel and the "Palestinian" Arabs have been in the news for a long, long time, this would be some earth shattering finding. However, Amity can't seem to find us one single article in any major publications around the world, let alone an article in a leading journal that top geneticists in the world read along with the ensuing meetings to discuss these new findings. So, as far as we can ascertain, Amity's buddies are not going to swarm into Israel and take over the area for Islam, which is what the bottom line is for them here.
Sally, really. You need to solve your problems. As Coyote and others patiently explained to you, these are very major publications.
Sally, really. You need to solve your problems. As Coyote and others patiently explained to you, these are very major publications.

Not according to a doctor I spoke to. Now show us a major journal. Coyote is not an expert in the field of genetics, and Coyote is biased for the Palestinians, as the viewers are aware. Meanwhile, your friends are not going to sayshay into Israel to take over no matter if you get to ten thousands posts at the end of this month.

I am sure that many of the posters and viewers would asgree that something like this would be very, very important because of what is going on over there. Has anyone even seen a peep out of one of the major media outlets, such as Der Spiegel, the New York Times, etc.? I certainly haven't.
I'm still trying to figure out how Israel is stealing "Palestinian land" when there were no Muslims at all in ancient Israel.

you missed it-----there is a jerk on these messagesboards who is still scratching
her head over Mendel and his sweet/pea experiments who claims Muslims---
who----by virtue of rape and enslavement and child confiscation ---managed to
mix into the Jewish gene pool-----can now CLAIM to be inheritors of jewish land.
A very interesting genetic study has also demonstrated that there is an extensive
admixture of sub-Saharan genetic material in the muslim populations
of Saudi Arabia and Egypt-----by virtue of the many millennia of Arabian slave trade and
Egytian slave trade Thus Egypt and Saudi Arabia inherit Africa be patient----
Yemen owns Ethiopia------the genetic admixture----also based ----earlier----when Yemeni
jews (ie before the invasion of the worshippers of the rapist of mecca)----on intermarriage
between Yemeni jews and Ethiopians (that Solomon and Sheba thing and Haile Salassi
"lion of Judah" legend has an historic basis many times over) Now that I think about it---
I own part of Ethiopia------but the elegant logic of our very own ---enmity

if our best poster would actually take a GOOD LOOK at genetic studies
over the past 40 years-----I and hubby would end up owning half the world----
in fact all humans would own ALL OF THE WORLD

MORE hate speech.
But not to fear, I don't mind posting it again for you, irosie. :D

First, please read articles:

The lost Palestinian Jews | JPost | Israel News

Many surprised by genetic and cultural links between Palestinians and Jews | God Reports

Then secondly watch films:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQCr7GaVMWA]Palestinians of Jewish Origin higher resolution - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StlMl077Ei8]Jewish signs found among Palestinians (english subtitles) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs0-RGJ_CFA]Interview with Tsvi Misinai on "The Jewish Roots of the Arab Population in the Land of Israel" - YouTube[/ame]

Then thirdly, accept truth.

David Ben Gurion:
"There is no doubt there is a lot of Jewish blood in the veins of the fellaheen. They had to choose between their religion or their land, and they loved the land so much that they chose their land."

Now that we know that Palestinians are not just Jews' semitic cousins, they are genetically Jews themselves, the kids of Bar Kochba, what does this mean for discussion of a Palestinian Right of Return?

1. Ben-Gurion, David & Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. The Land of Israel in the Past and in the Present. The Yiddish version, New York, 1918.

2. Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. Populations of Our Land. Warsaw: The Labor Committee of "Brit Hanoar" and the World Khaluts Center, 1932.

3. Writings of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, Vol. no. 5 – Population of the Land of Israel – Tel Aviv: Mitspeh Publishing, 1936 (identical contents to source 2).

4. Ben-Gurion, David. An Inquiry into the Origins of the Fellahin. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

5. Belkind, Israel. Arabs in the Land of Israel. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

6. Misinai, Tsvi. The Road Map to the Third Intifada – The roots and solution to the Problem of the Holy Land. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006.

7. Yarden, Elon. A Common Homeland Not a Disputed Territory. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006. (Contains sources 4 and 5 as appendices).

8. Yarden, Elon. Zion in Justice Shall be Redeemed (An Alternative to the Oslo Accords). Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, Tel Aviv, 2002.

9. Misinai, Tsvi. Brother Shall Not Lift Sword Against Brother. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2007. (The book is a shortened version of source 6, written in a popular style).

10. Writings of Ber Borokhov, Volume 1. Kibbuts Meukhad Publishing, 1955.

11. Oral Telling of Samaritan Traditions, Yitskhak Ben Tsvi, A.B. Samaritan News, Volume 370-371, page 8, October 8, 1985.

12. ???? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? – ???? ????, ???? ??????? ??????? – ????? ????? ??????? ???"?, ??? ?????. http://daat.ac.il/daat/israel/yehuda/mehkare-9-baruhl.PDF

13. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes M. F. Hammer, A. J. Redd, E. T. Wood, M. R. Bonner, H. Jarjanazi, T. Karafet, S. Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. Oppenheim, M. A. Jobling, T. Jenkins, H. Ostrer, and B. Bonne-Tamir PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA(, Volume 67, No. 12, pp 6769-6774, June 6, 2000. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

14. High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure and substantial overlap with haplotypes of Jews Almut Nebel • Dvora Filon • Deborah A. Weiss • Michael Weale • Marina Faerman • Ariella Oppenheim • Mark G. Thomas Human Genetics, Volume 107, pp 630-641, 2000. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/tcga/tcgapdf/Nebel-HG-00-IPArabs.pdf

15. The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East Almut Nebel, Dvora Filon, Bernd Brinkmann, Partha P. Majumder, Marina Faerman, and Ariella Oppenheim American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 69, pp 1095-1112, 2001. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1274378

16. Genetics of congenital deafness in the Palestinian population: multiple connection 26 alleles with shared origins in the Middle East. Shanin H, Walsh T, Sobe T, Lynch E, King MC, Avraham KB, Kanaan M. Human Genetics 110(3):284-9, Mar 2002. http://www.tau.ac.il/~karena/manuscriptspdf/2002/Shahin_et_al_2002.pdf

17. The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness With Other Mediterranean Populations Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Nagah Elaiwa, Carlos Silvera, Ahmed Rostom, Juan Moscoso, Eduardo Gómez-Casado, Luis Allende, Pilar Varela, and Jorge Martínez-Laso Human Immunology 62, 889-900 (2001) http://kinoko.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~dura...ness_With_Other_Mediterranean_Populations.pdf 18. Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians Robin McKie, science editor, The Observer, Sunday 25 November 2001 Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians | World news | The Observer 19. The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin Biology Direct Biology Direct | Full text | The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms 20. Bohm, David. Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Routledge, 198

THE PALESTINIANS ARE DESCENDED FROM ANCIENT JEWS, to an even greater degree than modern Jews are.

So their claims to "eretz Israel" are .... dunno .... some might even claim MORE solid that modern Jewish claims? At any rate, they are clearly an indigenous people.

sorry, lost the Hebrew in that one citation.[/QUOTE]

Lots of interesting information here, thanks for posting.
challenge----you said nothing----PEOPLE hood is not determined by "BLOOD"----
it is determined by the ETHOS of the people. The most vigorous hybridization
of HUMANS over the past ten thousand years has been created by the
practice of slavery----the most active in slave trade over the past several thousand---
probably 4 thousand years has been accomplished by the people described in the
bible as ISHMAELITES-----in general the people who today we call "arabs" ''
Ishmaelites do not BECOME jews by raping and enslaving them----people who '
enslave---do not INHERIT----the land of the parents of the people they enslave nor
to they become a member of the ethnic group of the people they rape and/or
enslave-------but they DO GET INTO THEIR GENE POOL. Syrians are chock full
of GREEK GENE POOL--------Assad should claim Greece. BTW----Saudi Arabia
is also chock full of parts of the gene pool of ancient jews-----do I get an oil well?
Last edited:
Do you see this folks? "Palestinians are clearly an indigenous people." Now THAT"S funny!

you missed it-----there is a jerk on these messagesboards who is still scratching
her head over Mendel and his sweet/pea experiments who claims Muslims---
who----by virtue of rape and enslavement and child confiscation ---managed to
mix into the Jewish gene pool-----can now CLAIM to be inheritors of jewish land.
A very interesting genetic study has also demonstrated that there is an extensive
admixture of sub-Saharan genetic material in the muslim populations
of Saudi Arabia and Egypt-----by virtue of the many millennia of Arabian slave trade and
Egytian slave trade Thus Egypt and Saudi Arabia inherit Africa be patient----
Yemen owns Ethiopia------the genetic admixture----also based ----earlier----when Yemeni
jews (ie before the invasion of the worshippers of the rapist of mecca)----on intermarriage
between Yemeni jews and Ethiopians (that Solomon and Sheba thing and Haile Salassi
"lion of Judah" legend has an historic basis many times over) Now that I think about it---
I own part of Ethiopia------but the elegant logic of our very own ---enmity

if our best poster would actually take a GOOD LOOK at genetic studies
over the past 40 years-----I and hubby would end up owning half the world----
in fact all humans would own ALL OF THE WORLD

MORE hate speech.
But not to fear, I don't mind posting it again for you, irosie. :D

First, please read articles:

The lost Palestinian Jews | JPost | Israel News

Many surprised by genetic and cultural links between Palestinians and Jews | God Reports

Then secondly watch films:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQCr7GaVMWA]Palestinians of Jewish Origin higher resolution - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StlMl077Ei8]Jewish signs found among Palestinians (english subtitles) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs0-RGJ_CFA]Interview with Tsvi Misinai on "The Jewish Roots of the Arab Population in the Land of Israel" - YouTube[/ame]

Then thirdly, accept truth.

David Ben Gurion:
"There is no doubt there is a lot of Jewish blood in the veins of the fellaheen. They had to choose between their religion or their land, and they loved the land so much that they chose their land."

Now that we know that Palestinians are not just Jews' semitic cousins, they are genetically Jews themselves, the kids of Bar Kochba, what does this mean for discussion of a Palestinian Right of Return?

1. Ben-Gurion, David & Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. The Land of Israel in the Past and in the Present. The Yiddish version, New York, 1918.

2. Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak. Populations of Our Land. Warsaw: The Labor Committee of "Brit Hanoar" and the World Khaluts Center, 1932.

3. Writings of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, Vol. no. 5 – Population of the Land of Israel – Tel Aviv: Mitspeh Publishing, 1936 (identical contents to source 2).

4. Ben-Gurion, David. An Inquiry into the Origins of the Fellahin. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

5. Belkind, Israel. Arabs in the Land of Israel. Tel Aviv: Khermon Publishing, 1969.

6. Misinai, Tsvi. The Road Map to the Third Intifada – The roots and solution to the Problem of the Holy Land. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006.

7. Yarden, Elon. A Common Homeland Not a Disputed Territory. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2006. (Contains sources 4 and 5 as appendices).

8. Yarden, Elon. Zion in Justice Shall be Redeemed (An Alternative to the Oslo Accords). Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, Tel Aviv, 2002.

9. Misinai, Tsvi. Brother Shall Not Lift Sword Against Brother. Tel Aviv: Liad Publishing, 2007. (The book is a shortened version of source 6, written in a popular style).

10. Writings of Ber Borokhov, Volume 1. Kibbuts Meukhad Publishing, 1955.

11. Oral Telling of Samaritan Traditions, Yitskhak Ben Tsvi, A.B. Samaritan News, Volume 370-371, page 8, October 8, 1985.

12. ???? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? – ???? ????, ???? ??????? ??????? – ????? ????? ??????? ???"?, ??? ?????. http://daat.ac.il/daat/israel/yehuda/mehkare-9-baruhl.PDF

13. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes M. F. Hammer, A. J. Redd, E. T. Wood, M. R. Bonner, H. Jarjanazi, T. Karafet, S. Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. Oppenheim, M. A. Jobling, T. Jenkins, H. Ostrer, and B. Bonne-Tamir PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA(, Volume 67, No. 12, pp 6769-6774, June 6, 2000. Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

14. High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure and substantial overlap with haplotypes of Jews Almut Nebel • Dvora Filon • Deborah A. Weiss • Michael Weale • Marina Faerman • Ariella Oppenheim • Mark G. Thomas Human Genetics, Volume 107, pp 630-641, 2000. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/tcga/tcgapdf/Nebel-HG-00-IPArabs.pdf

15. The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East Almut Nebel, Dvora Filon, Bernd Brinkmann, Partha P. Majumder, Marina Faerman, and Ariella Oppenheim American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 69, pp 1095-1112, 2001. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1274378

16. Genetics of congenital deafness in the Palestinian population: multiple connection 26 alleles with shared origins in the Middle East. Shanin H, Walsh T, Sobe T, Lynch E, King MC, Avraham KB, Kanaan M. Human Genetics 110(3):284-9, Mar 2002. http://www.tau.ac.il/~karena/manuscriptspdf/2002/Shahin_et_al_2002.pdf

17. The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness With Other Mediterranean Populations Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Nagah Elaiwa, Carlos Silvera, Ahmed Rostom, Juan Moscoso, Eduardo Gómez-Casado, Luis Allende, Pilar Varela, and Jorge Martínez-Laso Human Immunology 62, 889-900 (2001) http://kinoko.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~dura...ness_With_Other_Mediterranean_Populations.pdf 18. Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians Robin McKie, science editor, The Observer, Sunday 25 November 2001 Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians | World news | The Observer 19. The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin Biology Direct Biology Direct | Full text | The origin of Eastern European Jews revealed by autosomal, sex chromosomal and mtDNA polymorphisms 20. Bohm, David. Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Routledge, 198

THE PALESTINIANS ARE DESCENDED FROM ANCIENT JEWS, to an even greater degree than modern Jews are.

So their claims to "eretz Israel" are .... dunno .... some might even claim MORE solid that modern Jewish claims? At any rate, they are clearly an indigenous people.

sorry, lost the Hebrew in that one citation.

Lots of interesting information here, thanks for posting.[/QUOTE]
Do you see this folks? "Palestinians are clearly an indigenous people." Now THAT"S funny!

MORE hate speech.
But not to fear, I don't mind posting it again for you, irosie. :D

First, please read articles:

your articles are not news to me Aenmity The fact of forced conversion to islam
is CERTAINLY well known to me------in fact---sorta up close. I alluded to it----
you must have missed it. You are advocating invasion and LAND CLAIM---
based on child confiscation I am not at all surprised----you are consistent in your
"morality" My own mother-in-law who was born in a shariah cesspit-----
ended up in "Palestine" ahead of other members of her family for CAUSE----
she was rescued from the vile filth you advocate-----child confiscation under the vile
filth of shariah law. The fact that jews were forced into the stink even in Arabia is---
well known. SO???? you consider it a basis for "land claim" There are reports
coming out of south east asia and even Egypt of more child confiscation----I am not
surprised at your delight

my mother-in-law became on "orphan" by virtue of the death of her father---at about
age ten or eleven. By the filth of the law you like-----she was liable for confiscation--
this problem was so prevalent in Shariah cesspits-----that jews took action whenever
possible-----so way back circa 1930-----the little girl was grabbed up and quickly married---
to a nice boy about age 15 and yanked out of town -----for the perilous journey to
Palestine------dates were not recorded ----death dates are unobtainable ---births were
not registered-----therefore I provide estimates. It probably took the kids ten years---
in the care of the boy's father-----to finally make it out of aden----make their way to Egypt--
and manage to sneak into Palestine -----circa 1940 According to the filth you advocate--
my little mother-in-law,, now dead-----was a CRIMINAL By shariah law she could
have been executed -----but probably just chained down, raped and used to produce
muslim kids.-----thus mixing her genes up with the rest of the YEMENI population-----
thanks for laying a red flag over the DHMMI ORPHAN law.

you have finally contributed something to the discussion. There are jewish genes ALL
over the muslim world SO? Christian and hindu too. -----the amount of
sub-Saharan genetic material that got inserted into the gene pool of Saudi Arabia is
remarkable-----especially since Saudis have a bit of a negative attitude to
ABEDS you actually want to award land to nations based on their respective
gene pools? You may have to give parts of Asia to American Indians

there is enough GENE STUFF in the literature for any people to make just about any
land claim

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