Let’s discuss the evidence of corruption by Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden

An FBI informant has been charged with fabricating a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and a Ukrainian energy company, a claim that is central to the Republican impeachment inquiry in Congress.

Alexander Smirnov falsely reported to the FBI in June 2020 that executives associated with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million each in 2015 or 2016, prosecutors said in an indictment. Smirnov told his handler that an executive claimed to have hired Hunter Biden to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems,” according to court documents.

Prosecutors say Smirnov in fact had only routine business dealings with the company in 2017 and made the bribery allegations after he “expressed bias” against Joe Biden while he was a presidential candidate.

Lets start with 3 east ones,

1) Americore Health wrote a check to Jim Biden for $600k. 3 checks of $200k. $200k went to Joe. No loan paperwork.

2) 20 shell companies. Why? If everything is legit, why did the Biden’s make 20 companies with no employees, investments, products, services, or payrolls.

3) Suspicious Acitivity reports from bank to DOJ on Biden’s: 170 SARS.

Rarely does anyone get more than 1 or 2. This is 170 SARS over 6 banks and dozens of accounts.



This is what we call


Ok, let’s discuss. Just these 3 seem like enough to investigate.

James Biden says President Biden had no involvement in his business deals​

The president’s brother, questioned Wednesday by House committees, said President Biden was never part of his work​

Sworn testimony:

“I have had a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures,” he said, according to a copy of his opening statement obtained by The Washington Post. “Joe Biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities. None.”

He testified that he has kept his professional life separate from their personal relationship, adding, “I never asked my brother to take any official action on behalf of me, my business associates, or anyone else.”
For what? It's been a year now and nothing has come out.
Well, the neat thing about MAGA World™ is that when nothing happens and they can't prove shit, they can just pretend that the entire planet is corrupt, except them. Easy peasy.

MAGA means never having to say you're responsible.
An FBI informant has been charged with fabricating a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and a Ukrainian energy company, a claim that is central to the Republican impeachment inquiry in Congress.

Alexander Smirnov falsely reported to the FBI in June 2020 that executives associated with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million each in 2015 or 2016, prosecutors said in an indictment. Smirnov told his handler that an executive claimed to have hired Hunter Biden to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems,” according to court documents.

Prosecutors say Smirnov in fact had only routine business dealings with the company in 2017 and made the bribery allegations after he “expressed bias” against Joe Biden while he was a presidential candidate.

One lie falls apart and they just move on to the next lie
An FBI informant has been charged with fabricating a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and a Ukrainian energy company, a claim that is central to the Republican impeachment inquiry in Congress.

Alexander Smirnov falsely reported to the FBI in June 2020 that executives associated with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million each in 2015 or 2016, prosecutors said in an indictment. Smirnov told his handler that an executive claimed to have hired Hunter Biden to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems,” according to court documents.

Prosecutors say Smirnov in fact had only routine business dealings with the company in 2017 and made the bribery allegations after he “expressed bias” against Joe Biden while he was a presidential candidate.

Still won't excuse Joe from having to explain where all of his families incomes came from, and this is beyond what he could legally make or explain as legal down to the penny by having record's and trail's available for the audit's that he will be receiving throughout this entire investigation and ordeal.
Lets start with 3 east ones,

1) Americore Health wrote a check to Jim Biden for $600k. 3 checks of $200k. $200k went to Joe. No loan paperwork.

2) 20 shell companies. Why? If everything is legit, why did the Biden’s make 20 companies with no employees, investments, products, services, or payrolls.

3) Suspicious Acitivity reports from bank to DOJ on Biden’s: 170 SARS.

Rarely does anyone get more than 1 or 2. This is 170 SARS over 6 banks and dozens of accounts.



This is what we call


Ok, let’s discuss. Just these 3 seem like enough to investigate.

Shell companies are easy because I did a lot of this work after the fall of the Berlin Wall. There was a real Wild Wild West atmosphere at the time with everybody wanting to get in first, make their contacts and tie up markets. Any time you have nations in flux, there are opportunities if you're on the right side of things when they go down.

You need one shell company, per investor, for every country you're investing in. There were 9 Biden family members with investments in 3 different countries. 20 shell companies is actually a low number but I assume that not all family members are investing in all three countries.

The shell companies are to shield these investments from taking down any other part of your portfolio, if anything goes wrong in one jurisidiction or with one investment. It's also easier to keep your taxes straight. The income received in one country is usually taxed there, and then returned to your home country. Keeping investments and income segregated by country is easier for record keeping and calculating taxes.

Last but not least, foreign investments are risky, unless you're dealing with a stable first world nation with good police protections. Corrupt or unstable governments or dodgy business partners are more the rule of the day. The more legal walls you can put up to protect yourself and your money, the better.

I have a friend who moved from Australia to Beijing when the Chinese turned to capitalism, and spent 10 years there building a school for autistic children. At some point, my friend was given 6 months to sell her business to a Chinese person, or the government would revoke her charter. She did manage to sell and moved back to Australia with the time limit, but the Russians and the Chinese are really big about doing business with the West, but they don't want foreigners owning businesses there.
Lets start with 3 east ones,

1) Americore Health wrote a check to Jim Biden for $600k. 3 checks of $200k. $200k went to Joe. No loan paperwork.
I"ve loaned relatives money many times in the course of my life, never once did I have 'papers'. So, this one is a dud.

Daily mail is not a reliable sources. Dismissed.
2) 20 shell companies. Why? If everything is legit, why did the Biden’s make 20 companies with no employees, investments, products, services, or payrolls.
Trump has what, 500 shells? Shells are legal entities, and there are about a dozen legit reasons for them. so, unless yiu can eliminate all the legit reasons, and prove an illegit reason, this one is a dud. FYI, none of those shells have Joe as a signatory, nor do any of the payments go to Joe Biden. Another dud.
3) Suspicious Acitivity reports from bank to DOJ on Biden’s: 170 SARS.
SARs are not prima facie evidence of a crime. Says so right on the gov site. They are only the basis for inquiry nothing more.
Rarely does anyone get more than 1 or 2. This is 170 SARS over 6 banks and dozens of accounts.
That's nonsense, if you are doing business in large amounts with foreign entities, they are common and in no way are they proof of wrongdoing. Another dud. I'll be calling you 'dudley do-wrong' from now on. Hah!
Weiss has been investigatingt for 6 years, Comer for over a year.

So far, nothing.

insofar as evidence that proves wrong doing, your score is zero.

Got something else?
For you assholes who claim “NO EVIDENCE”….what I posted is absolutely evidence.

As dumb as I think cult fucks are, they are in fact, even more dumb than I suspected.

170 SARS from 6 banks and dozens of accounts. How is that not evidence?

There is evidence that proves, and there is evidence that causes suspicion.

Yours is the latter, and guess what, the only persons 'suspicious' are partisan assholes like YOU.

How about ton of evidence on Trump, you ignoring that?
No one believes that Hunter knows enough about China oil to get millions for "consulting fees".
And Jared knows enough shit about investing to get a murderous Mohammed Bin Salman to give him $2,000,000,000 big ones?

Give me a break. Hunter has an impressive resume, have you ever looked?

Thats an absurd claim and it reeks of corruption. This is why Jowle WILL pardon his family as soon as he loses the election.

Your ignorance reeks of stupidity.

Did you stop to think about the fact that Trump got Barr to appoint Special Counsel Weiss to investigate Hunter Biden, and when Joe Biden became president, he didn't squash the investigation of his own son?

You think Trump would have done that ? hell no. Hell, Trump pardoned a bunch of his convicted cronies. Do you see any Biden assoicates convicted?

hell no.

You guys are living in la la land. Trump is the scumbag criminal, not Joe.
Right, but it is still EVIDENCE.
Evidence of a loan. BFD.
There are levels of evidence. You have the various kinds of evidence except the kind of evidence that is conclusive or 'strong' (such as a hunter biden biz org with Joe as signatory, that would be 'strong'). In short, you got shit.

For your edification:
  1. Strong Evidence: This type of evidence is robust, well-supported, and often comes from multiple high-quality studies or experiments. It significantly supports a particular conclusion or hypothesis. Think of it as a sturdy pillar in a logical argument.
  2. Moderate Evidence: Moderately strong evidence provides reasonable support for a conclusion but may have some limitations. It might come from fewer studies or less rigorous research. While not as solid as strong evidence, it still contributes to our understanding.
  3. Limited Evidence: Limited evidence is weaker and less reliable. It might arise from small studies, conflicting results, or methodological flaws. While it suggests a certain direction, we should interpret it cautiously.
  4. Conflicting Evidence: Sometimes, different studies or sources provide contradictory findings. This conflicting evidence makes it challenging to draw a firm conclusion. Researchers need to investigate further to resolve the discrepancies.
  5. Anecdotal Evidence: Anecdotal evidence relies on personal experiences, stories, or individual cases. While it can be compelling, it lacks scientific rigor and generalizability. Anecdotes alone are not sufficient for strong conclusions.
  6. Expert Opinion: Expert opinions come from knowledgeable individuals in a field. While valuable, they are subjective and not always based on empirical evidence. Relying solely on expert opinion can be risky.
  7. Null Evidence (Lack of Evidence): When there’s no significant evidence supporting a claim, we consider it null evidence. It doesn’t prove or disprove anything—it simply highlights the absence of substantial data.

All I've seen from you is #3 and #5 and #7. #1 is the minimum that matters for BARD. A preponderance of #2 might get you a win in a civil suit.
Because the Democrat's have a bad habit of creating government over reach, and it does so for government control or weaponizing purposes, and that usually comes back to bite them in their dumb ace's in the end... 😂

Welcome once again to a Democrat end.

WEASEL WORDS are a non argument.

In other words, your comment is shit.


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