let's elect a new president in 2024! let's replace Grandpa Simpson (Joe Biden) with Lisa Simpson (Pete Buttigieg)

If Trump announces on 11/14/22 that he’s running for President in 2024, Biden has already lost. Time to withdraw President Biden, so a more formidable opponent can enter— Not Kamala Not Bernie... the young Buttigieg!

Not incuriously unreported is the fact that this Version of
a Rhobes Scholar { Like Bill Clinton and Rachel Maddow even
General Wesley Clark [Promoted to 4 star by buddy Clinton ] }
are ALL committed Viral democrats.And prospective Potus.All
but Maddow.Clark running for Potus in 2004.
I remember back a couple years ago something very interesting
about this Buttigieg.It might have been in the spring of 2020.
That Buttigieg was quite active in a group that were coordinating
talking pts. and consulting with Obama in private.
It was in a leaked article.The True Buttigieg.Not some chummy
Mayor from South Bend,Ind.But a real diehard committed
Progressive.An Obama democrat.
Pretty much explains all that need be.

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