Lets end the "pro-life" "pro-choice" bullshit shall we

In addition to being un-Constitutional, one should oppose laws banning abortion because they will do nothing to end the practice, as abortion is in fact a symptom of much more serious, deeper problems facing society that can’t be solved by jeopardizing our civil liberties.

This specious argument has been debunked time and time again.

Actually, its spot on.

The radica right wants the state to control the most basic right of all - the right to control your own body. Except, of course, their rabid hatred is only for women because they believe them thar sluts are having way too much fun with that sex stuff.

All of you anti-freedom, anti-rights, anti-Constituion meddlers, answer this question - What state agency controls your body? What bodily functions do you willingly give up?


The radical anti-Constitution rw's will yammer about this forever but nothing will ever make it your business.

And you will never stop abortions.
In addition to being un-Constitutional, one should oppose laws banning abortion because they will do nothing to end the practice, as abortion is in fact a symptom of much more serious, deeper problems facing society that can’t be solved by jeopardizing our civil liberties.

This specious argument has been debunked time and time again.

Actually, its [sic] spot on.

Actually, it's utterly irrational. By that reasoning, laws against murder and assault are illegitimate since those things still take place and always will. In fact, by your fallacious reasoning virtually no laws are ever legitimate.
In addition to being un-Constitutional, one should oppose laws banning abortion because they will do nothing to end the practice, as abortion is in fact a symptom of much more serious, deeper problems facing society that can’t be solved by jeopardizing our civil liberties.

This specious argument has been debunked time and time again.

Actually, its spot on.

The radica right wants the state to control the most basic right of all - the right to control your own body. Except, of course, their rabid hatred is only for women because they believe them thar sluts are having way too much fun with that sex stuff.

All of you anti-freedom, anti-rights, anti-Constituion meddlers, answer this question - What state agency controls your body? What bodily functions do you willingly give up?


The radical anti-Constitution rw's will yammer about this forever but nothing will ever make it your business.

And you will never stop abortions.

"All of you anti-freedom, anti-rights, anti-Constituion meddlers, answer this question - What state agency controls your body? What bodily functions do you willingly give up?"
Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the NYC Council
Abortion somehow became a political issue. One where simply being for or against it automatically puts you into one of the "camps" Dem or Repub.

Lets be honest. No one "Likes" abortion and no one thinks a woman should have an abortion under any and all circumstances. There may be those types but they are the fringe.

The topic we should be discussing is Abortion is legal. Because its legal it is available legally and should be. Having something be legal while making it hard as hell to get is interfering with something that is legal for a reason that has nothing to do with legality.

Restricting access is about morals. Whats moral and whats legal are 2 diff things. While I understand how someone can see it as morally wrong I don't see how hiding or restricting or making hoops to jump through helps legally.

Its like someone hiding traffic lights because they don't like them. The result is accidents will happen because someone didn't like or agree with it.H

So while you might not agree with the act of getting an abortion....making it harder, more painful etc does nothing to change the legality its just being a nuisance really.

This board has lost its ability to say "Con on one issue and Dem on another" now its either all or nothing and nothing is "all or nothing"

I fall on the right side of the isle, but I believe in abortion rights during the 1st trimester and limited exceptions thereafter (2nd - victim of incest or rape) and 3rd (birth defects or mother's life is in danger). I think it's morally wrong and I see it as killing a baby, but I don't agree with child getting pregant having a baby, a rape or incest victim forced to have a baby etc.

And you do not see it is as morally wrong to cut the viable baby into pieces inflicting a torturous pain on the innocent human child instead of delivering her via c-section? What is wrong with you, people?! Why should it be abortion after the 22 weeks?!? Nowhere else it is torture and the murder of the baby( when there are instances of medical problems with the mother) except in the US.
Abortion at the advanced gestational age is also extremely dangerous to the mother - much more dangerous than c-section :rolleyes:

I am for abortion in the first trimester and limited exceptions thereafter. I find abortion as wrong, but I see forcing certain people to have a baby as wrong. Rape and incest victims are the easy choices, but children having children and a fetus with birth defect are others where choice should matter.
Politically, it's a loser for the GOP so I hope they keep bringing it up. Some GOP members here realize their party is wrong on this issue but most do not. Hopefully it will keep the GOP out of the oval in 2016 since the women's vote is rapidly becoming the only one that matters.
How did I know that was a Gallup poll before even touching the link... :lol:
When you can't reply, discredit the source. Tie up your sneakers tight before you start running.
Abortion somehow became a political issue. One where simply being for or against it automatically puts you into one of the "camps" Dem or Repub.

Lets be honest. No one "Likes" abortion and no one thinks a woman should have an abortion under any and all circumstances. There may be those types but they are the fringe.

The topic we should be discussing is Abortion is legal. Because its legal it is available legally and should be. Having something be legal while making it hard as hell to get is interfering with something that is legal for a reason that has nothing to do with legality.

Restricting access is about morals. Whats moral and whats legal are 2 diff things. While I understand how someone can see it as morally wrong I don't see how hiding or restricting or making hoops to jump through helps legally.

Its like someone hiding traffic lights because they don't like them. The result is accidents will happen because someone didn't like or agree with it.

So while you might not agree with the act of getting an abortion....making it harder, more painful etc does nothing to change the legality its just being a nuisance really.

This board has lost its ability to say "Con on one issue and Dem on another" now its either all or nothing and nothing is "all or nothing"
Sorry, freedom of speech means that people can still say what they think is the truth, and freedom of religion means that people can still read their Bibles and believe in God in the manner that they see fit.

You're really after destroying the First Amendment if by wishing, you mean to pass a law against people saying what they think in order to shut them up.

It ain't gonna happen.
When you can't reply, discredit the source. Tie up your sneakers tight before you start running.

"Can't reply"? I'm not even part of this thread, Zippy. I just happened to click in, yours was the last post showing, and I said to myself, "self, I betcha that's a Gallup".
And sure enough, I won that bet. :thup:

You wanna blame me for your being predictable huh? Okay then...
When you can't reply, discredit the source. Tie up your sneakers tight before you start running.

"Can't reply"? I'm not even part of this thread, Zippy. I just happened to click in, yours was the last post showing, and I said to myself, "self, I betcha that's a Gallup".
And sure enough, I won that bet. :thup:

You wanna blame me for your being predictable huh? Okay then...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlT6owR5Ytg]Run, Forrest, run! (Forrest Gump) - YouTube[/ame]
In addition to being un-Constitutional, one should oppose laws banning abortion because they will do nothing to end the practice, as abortion is in fact a symptom of much more serious, deeper problems facing society that can’t be solved by jeopardizing our civil liberties.

This specious argument has been debunked time and time again.

Actually, its spot on.

The radica right wants the state to control the most basic right of all - the right to control your own body. Except, of course, their rabid hatred is only for women because they believe them thar sluts are having way too much fun with that sex stuff.

All of you anti-freedom, anti-rights, anti-Constituion meddlers, answer this question - What state agency controls your body? What bodily functions do you willingly give up?


The radical anti-Constitution rw's will yammer about this forever but nothing will ever make it your business.

And you will never stop abortions.

Conservatives want to assert the most basic right: the right to life.
Liberals want to control your life, from what you eat and drink to what you buy.
Another lie by the Left. It's all they've got.
Abortion somehow became a political issue. One where simply being for or against it automatically puts you into one of the "camps" Dem or Repub.

Lets be honest. No one "Likes" abortion and no one thinks a woman should have an abortion under any and all circumstances. There may be those types but they are the fringe.

The topic we should be discussing is Abortion is legal. Because its legal it is available legally and should be. Having something be legal while making it hard as hell to get is interfering with something that is legal for a reason that has nothing to do with legality.

Restricting access is about morals. Whats moral and whats legal are 2 diff things. While I understand how someone can see it as morally wrong I don't see how hiding or restricting or making hoops to jump through helps legally.

Its like someone hiding traffic lights because they don't like them. The result is accidents will happen because someone didn't like or agree with it.

So while you might not agree with the act of getting an abortion....making it harder, more painful etc does nothing to change the legality its just being a nuisance really.

This board has lost its ability to say "Con on one issue and Dem on another" now its either all or nothing and nothing is "all or nothing"
Sorry, freedom of speech means that people can still say what they think is the truth, and freedom of religion means that people can still read their Bibles and believe in God in the manner that they see fit.

You're really after destroying the First Amendment if by wishing, you mean to pass a law against people saying what they think in order to shut them up.

It ain't gonna happen.

How in the world did you get anti freedom of speech fro...

Nevermind...Its nonsense and I don't try to make sense from non sense.
It isn't "pro-life" or "pro-choice"
It is BABY-KILLERS vs people who believe in LAWS, MORALS, and HONESTY

If you were honest you wouldn't put it that way oh Honest one.

I see this topic has too many gray areas for some people so they say stupid shit like this
Abortion somehow became a political issue. One where simply being for or against it automatically puts you into one of the "camps" Dem or Repub.

Lets be honest. No one "Likes" abortion and no one thinks a woman should have an abortion under any and all circumstances. There may be those types but they are the fringe.

The topic we should be discussing is Abortion is legal. Because its legal it is available legally and should be. Having something be legal while making it hard as hell to get is interfering with something that is legal for a reason that has nothing to do with legality.

Restricting access is about morals. Whats moral and whats legal are 2 diff things. While I understand how someone can see it as morally wrong I don't see how hiding or restricting or making hoops to jump through helps legally.

Its like someone hiding traffic lights because they don't like them. The result is accidents will happen because someone didn't like or agree with it.

So while you might not agree with the act of getting an abortion....making it harder, more painful etc does nothing to change the legality its just being a nuisance really.

This board has lost its ability to say "Con on one issue and Dem on another" now its either all or nothing and nothing is "all or nothing"

I fall on the right side of the isle, but I believe in abortion rights during the 1st trimester and limited exceptions thereafter (2nd - victim of incest or rape) and 3rd (birth defects or mother's life is in danger). I think it's morally wrong and I see it as killing a baby, but I don't agree with child getting pregant having a baby, a rape or incest victim forced to have a baby etc.

I assume your referring to the Texas law. First, if you can't figure out after 5 month whether to terminate your pregancy or not, then I you should lose that choice outside of two exceptions (baby has birth defects or mother's life is in danger). Second, why shouldn't abortion clinics be close to hospitals and have admitting rights. If the baby survives and is born alive, then the execursioner must transition to savior and do what is necessary to save the baby, including admitting the baby to the hospital. Third, if current clinics aren't up to code fuck them! They either get up to code or move to a place they can get up to code. There is a market for abortion, therefore, if some go down because they don't want to get up to code, others will pop up to replace them!

The Texas law makes sense, liberals opposition to it makes NONE!

See I think everyone can agree with the bolded for the most part.

Now the 2nd paragraph I agree on 5 months way too late unless serious problems are there. Your question is why not, but my question was Why in the first place..There is a reason to move them into out of the way areas, waaaaay away from the people who access it most. Its like putting Midget supplies on the top shelf. No you aren't technically stopping anyone but you know the effect it will have. Midgets cant reach 'em!

Ya know

Not the same. They need admitting facilitities to hospitals. Are you seriously saying that poor areas don't have hospitals in close proximity. It's a baseless argument, just like the ones against voter ID!
I fall on the right side of the isle, but I believe in abortion rights during the 1st trimester and limited exceptions thereafter (2nd - victim of incest or rape) and 3rd (birth defects or mother's life is in danger). I think it's morally wrong and I see it as killing a baby, but I don't agree with child getting pregant having a baby, a rape or incest victim forced to have a baby etc.

I assume your referring to the Texas law. First, if you can't figure out after 5 month whether to terminate your pregancy or not, then I you should lose that choice outside of two exceptions (baby has birth defects or mother's life is in danger). Second, why shouldn't abortion clinics be close to hospitals and have admitting rights. If the baby survives and is born alive, then the execursioner must transition to savior and do what is necessary to save the baby, including admitting the baby to the hospital. Third, if current clinics aren't up to code fuck them! They either get up to code or move to a place they can get up to code. There is a market for abortion, therefore, if some go down because they don't want to get up to code, others will pop up to replace them!

The Texas law makes sense, liberals opposition to it makes NONE!

See I think everyone can agree with the bolded for the most part.

Now the 2nd paragraph I agree on 5 months way too late unless serious problems are there. Your question is why not, but my question was Why in the first place..There is a reason to move them into out of the way areas, waaaaay away from the people who access it most. Its like putting Midget supplies on the top shelf. No you aren't technically stopping anyone but you know the effect it will have. Midgets cant reach 'em!

Ya know

Not the same. They need admitting facilitities to hospitals. Are you seriously saying that poor areas don't have hospitals in close proximity. It's a baseless argument, just like the ones against voter ID!

I think you are assuming there are hospitals in close prox so that makes your opinion easier to have. Instead of assuming its super easy...way convienient...right there. We should look first.

You cannot tell me that you haven't seen or heard of hospitals and dmvs a MAJORTIY of the time in poor areas being shut down.

You might see that as a coincidence. I don't believe it is
In addition to being un-Constitutional, one should oppose laws banning abortion because they will do nothing to end the practice, as abortion is in fact a symptom of much more serious, deeper problems facing society that can’t be solved by jeopardizing our civil liberties.

This specious argument has been debunked time and time again.

Actually, its spot on.

The radica right wants the state to control the most basic right of all - the right to control your own body. Except, of course, their rabid hatred is only for women because they believe them thar sluts are having way too much fun with that sex stuff.

All of you anti-freedom, anti-rights, anti-Constituion meddlers, answer this question - What state agency controls your body? What bodily functions do you willingly give up?


The radical anti-Constitution rw's will yammer about this forever but nothing will ever make it your business.

And you will never stop abortions.

The extremist leftist death cultists want you to believe that only a minority desire strict restrictions on abortion..when in reality, the MAJORITY of American citizens want abortion to be legal only in the most limited circumstances.

You can tell how mainstream is the desire for restrictions on baby killing by the hysterical lies that the baby killers screech...first amongst them is that abortion restriction is a "radical" view. The more extreme their language, the more certain you can be of their dishonesty.

The MAJORITY of Americans WANT restrictions on abortion. Enforced restrictions on how late a person can get abortion, and records which can confirm that these restrictions are being met.

The reason the extremist baby killers are squawking is that they know that baby killing as it stands now consists of infanticide and human rights abuses of the poor women wo are exploited by them and the rest of the abortion industry. When a man is screaming about how we must have unlimited abortion or ELSE, look at him to be a man who #1, hates women, and #2, sees nothing wrong with killing the most vulnerable people of our population...the very poor, the very young.
Funny how Kosher Girl doesn't consider everyone who wants to continue abortion in the US "death cultist"

The MAJORITY of American citizens want abortion to be legal only in the most limited circumstances. But they aren't death cultist they are anti life...wait...unlife activists?

She champions "restrictions" on what she calls baby killings. See she's cool with baby killings as long as its restricted.

See what happens when you use hyperbole...it comes back to bite you
The death cultists are the people who maintain that we must have unrestricted, unlimited abortion. People like you, who maintain it's a violation of "privacy" to insist upon concise and accurate testing prior to scheduled abortions to determine exactly how far along in a pregnancy a woman is, so she can be fully informed when she consents to an abortion, so so the practioners can know EXACTLY how far along she is...which increases safety and reduces the likelihood of atrocities committed by unethical late-term abortionists...who get away with it because there are no precise records. People like you who maintain abortion clinics should not be required to meet the same standard that any other clinic is required to meet, with regards to licensed practitioners with admitting rights to local hospitals. People like you who lie and claim that abortion is necessary to prevent child abuse, hunger, a variety of other things which are in no way related to abortion.

Death cultists are the people who maintain that women are not entitled to the same standard of care that, say, men receive in clinics that specialize in vasectomies. Death cultists lie to the poor, the young, the abused women about the safety of abortion, and fight tooth and nail to protect the men who abuse these women by way of double-blind reporting practices....that hide abuse and protect abusers by their very anonymity.

That makes you a death cultist.
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