Let's face it: America kind of sucks

Republicans like to pretend that the US is the best country in the world in every way because they cannot stand the thought of other countries doing something better than us. However, the main flaws the US has are much of less of issues in other first world countries.

1) Our healthcare system is garbage with or without ObamaCare.

Republicans like to harp on ObamaCare and pretend that it is rhe reason why our system sucks, but when you ask them the simple of question of "well, was our system good before ObamaCare?", they will refuse to answer. Secretly they know that our healthcare system has always sucked but they will not admit that out loud. But hell, at least ACA improved it to some degree. Republicans secretly like the idea of their healthcare coverage not being denied because of pre-existing conditions, but its another thing they will not admit out loud. Obama came up with it so the knee jerk reaction is that it is terrible.

I also want to point out the myth that republicans have about other first world healthcare systems. They pretend that wait lists run rampant for basic care and that these people suffer. That's of course not true. Systems in Western Europe, Australia, Japan, South Korea are all quite high functioning even if they are not perfect.

Here's all the ways comparable, first world national healthcare systems are superior to the US's:

A. Life expectancy is better
B. Premature death rates are lower.
C. Less suffering with long term chronic diseases
D. Healthcare quality and access is far better
E. Maternal morality rates are better.
G. Hospital rates are lower for chronic diseases.
H. Post-operative complications are lower in prevalence.
I. Medication and procedure errors are lower.

And oh yeah, this is thanks to socialized medicine rather than shitty for-profit healthcare very few people can afford.

Now you say that the US does have state of the art treatments in some examples, but this hardly matters if the large majority of the population does not have access to this ridiculously expensive care and the overall nation suffers in areas where it matters most.

2. Infrastructure systems are better in comparable nations.

A. The US ranks 13th in infrastructure quality in the world.
B. Only 2% of our GDP spending goes to infrastructure.
C. Airports in other countries are better.
D. High speed rail in the US is half of the speed of comparable countries.
E. Internet connection is much better in other countries.
F. Our roads are shitty in comparison to these other nations. Traffic jams are less severe in such nations.

That's far from "American exceptionalism." Hell, Biden gets credit for at least passing a law making improvements even if it was not enough.

3. Gun violence in the US is far greater than in other countries like Australia, the UK, and Canada.

A. Mass shootings are far more common in the US than other politically stable countries.
B. Gun murders account for 79% of all murders in the US. In Canada it is 37%, Australia 13%, and the UK is 4%
C. Gun deaths per capita are FAR higher than in other countries.

4) Wealth inequality is one of the worst in the world.

In 2020, the top 20% of the population earned 52.2% of all U.S. income. The median household income fell significantly for the first time since 2011 to $67,521. That's 2.9% down from 2019's number. The richest of the rich, the top 5%, earned 23% of all income.

5) Poverty rates are lower in other counties.

Conclusion: America kind of sucks.
I know inevitably the response I am going to get to this thread will be somewhere along the lines of "if you don't like it here, leave!" Well see the truth of the matter is that I think America is great in some ways and I would rather stay here and fix what is wrong with it.


This is evident to any American willing to be honest and refuse to accept the propaganda pushed by the media, elite, and ruling class.​

Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy​

A new study from Princeton spells bad news for American democracy—namely, that it no longer exists.

Asking “[w]ho really rules?” researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page arguesthat over the past few decades America’s political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where wealthy elites wield most power.

Using data drawn from over 1,800 different policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, the two conclude that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of or even against the will of the majority of voters.

Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy
Your BS Princeton article in no way address anything in my post.
They're fine, this is about the middle and working classes...tax the rich again and invest in America again.

The Democratic Party does little to support anyone that works. In totality, their policies help the ultra-wealthy(power) and the poor. Any middle-upper class person that votes for Democrats is wasting their vote provided they have their economic self-interest in mind. I do think many middle-upper class Democrats vote more on social issues than the economy, at least I would like to think they aren’t dumb enough to believe they are helping their economic status.
I prefer adults governing rather than transgender, queers, freaks and demented old bureaucrats.
If you can't figure out there are only two genders and that men cannot get pregnant and have babies you are not qualified for any elected, appointed, or rank and file position with the gov't.
I prefer adults governing rather than transgender, queers, freaks and demented old bureaucrats.
Yet D politicians aren’t any of those things, though Old Joe certainly is demented.

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