Let's face it: America kind of sucks

I know you wish I would but you will miss me and say “ What happened with that wonderful and chipper guy Bruce “….

Oh, leaving the country was happening for retirement but we just decided we wanted out sooner, so I am glad you want me home for good…

Maybe a Mexican can replace me and make White Majority disappear quicker…
It was your idea not mine
America is obviously one of the best countries in the world, as people come here from all over, including Western nations, to live and not just visit. No one living in a better country would do that. I wouldn't want to move to Europe.

Better than socialized medicine.

My infrastructure is fine. NYC subway, roads and airports are 2nd-world because of Dems, no doubt.

Chicago and Baltimore come to mind, but what really matters is this, right? The term "gun violence is only meant to demonize guns. Guns don't commit violent crimes, people do.


That's probably a sign of a working economy, where the successful get rich.

Wealth inequality is a political metric. What matters more is average standard of living, which to some extent can be measured by per capita GDP.

Goodness grief....


Yes, if you dislike America so much, there are options which are more feasible than pretending to be able to fix it yourself by turning it into Venezuela which would screw us freedom-loving Americans.
Hey, idiot, those countries who have better healthcare systems have socialized medicine. Quit pretending you understand this subject.

No one cares about your anecdotal opinion on infrastructure lol.

What point are you even frying to make with this homicide graph of yours? We are talking about comparing gun violence to other first world countries. No one ever fucking said murder was the most common in the US.

Wealth inequality is a political metric huh? Republicans always think they are smarter than economists but they are so clearly stupid. If the rich are getting richer while the poor get more poor, obviously that’s a problem.

What point are you even trying to make with that last graphic? We aren’t talking about comparing the US to third world nations idiot.
I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. I never suggested there weren’t things to be proud of.
I agree! You just didn't balance it out though and some of your suggestions are the reasons millions of people
WANT to leave their countries for the USA. You've fallen for the biased MSM reporting all the bad elements of the USA and you fell for it because YOU like bad news. I'll prove my point!

News coverage of current affairs is predominantly negative.
American accounts of this tendency tend to focus on journalistic practices, but this cannot easily account for negative news content around the world.
It is more likely that negativity in news is a product of a human tendency to be more attentive to negative news content. Just how widespread is this tendency?
Our evidence suggest that, all around the world, the average human is more physiologically activated by negative than by positive news stories. Even so, there is a great deal of variation across individuals. The latter finding is of real significance for newsmakers: Especially in a diversified media environment, news producers should not underestimate the audience for positive news content.
Hey, idiot, those countries who have better healthcare systems have socialized medicine. Quit pretending you understand this subject.

No one cares about your anecdotal opinion on infrastructure lol.

What point are you even frying to make with this homicide graph of yours? We are talking about comparing gun violence to other first world countries. No one ever fucking said murder was the most common in the US.

Wealth inequality is a political metric huh? Republicans always think they are smarter than economists but they are so clearly stupid. If the rich are getting richer while the poor get more poor, obviously that’s a problem.

What point are you even trying to make with that last graphic? We aren’t talking about comparing the US to third world nations idiot.

Shuttup sissy boy
Hey, idiot, those countries who have better healthcare systems have socialized medicine. Quit pretending you understand this subject.

No one cares about your anecdotal opinion on infrastructure lol.

What point are you even frying to make with this homicide graph of yours? We are talking about comparing gun violence to other first world countries. No one ever fucking said murder was the most common in the US.

Wealth inequality is a political metric huh? Republicans always think they are smarter than economists but they are so clearly stupid. If the rich are getting richer while the poor get more poor, obviously that’s a problem.

What point are you even trying to make with that last graphic? We aren’t talking about comparing the US to third world nations idiot.
Where is your proof that as you write m "the poor get more poor,"
Now here are the FACTS! You were writing is an exaggeration and downright wrong!..

In 1990, there were 1.9 billion peopleliving in extreme poverty. With a reduction to 735 million in 2015,
The percentage of people living in extreme poverty globally fell to a new low of 10 percent in 2015 — the latest number available — down from 11 percent in 2013, reflecting steady but slowing progress, World Bank data show. The number of people living on less than $1.90 a day fell during this period by 68 million to 736 million.
Pandemic-era benefits may have helped drive poverty in 2021 lower than in 2020, according to researchers at Columbia University’s Center on Poverty & Social Policy and at the nonprofit Urban Institute. By one measure, last year was already a notable low, with the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 supplemental poverty rate — which factors in families’ expenses, as well as government assistance like stimulus checks — falling to its lowest since the estimate was first published, in 2009.
Do as I am doing and leave…
Say rhe word - I'll help you pack.

Please don't be like all those other douchebags who say they're leaving then stay ... GTFO.

Might I suggest you go to one of tbe countries millions of illegals are fleeing to come here. There is lots of room now there
Where is your proof that as you write m "the poor get more poor,"
Now here are the FACTS! You were writing is an exaggeration and downright wrong!..

In 1990, there were 1.9 billion peopleliving in extreme poverty. With a reduction to 735 million in 2015,
The percentage of people living in extreme poverty globally fell to a new low of 10 percent in 2015 — the latest number available — down from 11 percent in 2013, reflecting steady but slowing progress, World Bank data show. The number of people living on less than $1.90 a day fell during this period by 68 million to 736 million.
Pandemic-era benefits may have helped drive poverty in 2021 lower than in 2020, according to researchers at Columbia University’s Center on Poverty & Social Policy and at the nonprofit Urban Institute. By one measure, last year was already a notable low, with the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 supplemental poverty rate — which factors in families’ expenses, as well as government assistance like stimulus checks — falling to its lowest since the estimate was first published, in 2009.
I’m sorry are you comparing global poverty? I’m talking about the US. In the US, poverty has gotten worse.
Almost 1 in 5 families in Germany live in poverty.
In France it is at 15%.
In Britain it is 22%
Meanwhile in the United States - it is 11.4%

Like I said - you are steeped in Kool Aid
How convenient you didn’t provide a source lol. Meanwhile, I already gave you a source for how American poverty compares to other first world poverty.
Hey, idiot, those countries who have better healthcare systems have socialized medicine. Quit pretending you understand this subject.

No one cares about your anecdotal opinion on infrastructure lol.

What point are you even frying to make with this homicide graph of yours? We are talking about comparing gun violence to other first world countries. No one ever fucking said murder was the most common in the US.

Wealth inequality is a political metric huh? Republicans always think they are smarter than economists but they are so clearly stupid. If the rich are getting richer while the poor get more poor, obviously that’s a problem.

What point are you even trying to make with that last graphic? We aren’t talking about comparing the US to third world nations idiot.
Your insults show you really have nothing constructive to say.
Biden all but invited them in. He has ignored the problem at our border. Border Patrol is overwhelmed.
If I was living in a HELL HOLE like Central America
Where my daughters are raped
And my sons are forced into the army

I would get to America any way I could
I’m sorry are you comparing global poverty? I’m talking about the US. In the US, poverty has gotten worse.
DECEMBER 22, 2021
Priyanka Boghani
When it comes to tracking how poverty impacts American families, and especially children, estimates for 2021 reveal something noteworthy.

Pandemic-era benefits may have helped drive poverty in 2021 lower than in 2020, according to researchers at Columbia University’s Center on Poverty & Social Policy and at the nonprofit Urban Institute. By one measure, last year was already a notable low, with the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 supplemental poverty rate — which factors in families’ expenses, as well as government assistance like stimulus checks — falling to its lowest since the estimate was first published, in 2009.
How convenient you didn’t provide a source lol. Meanwhile, I already gave you a source for how American poverty compares to other first world poverty.

DECEMBER 22, 2021
Priyanka Boghani
When it comes to tracking how poverty impacts American families, and especially children, estimates for 2021 reveal something noteworthy.

Pandemic-era benefits may have helped drive poverty in 2021 lower than in 2020, according to researchers at Columbia University’s Center on Poverty & Social Policy and at the nonprofit Urban Institute. By one measure, last year was already a notable low, with the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 supplemental poverty rate — which factors in families’ expenses, as well as government assistance like stimulus checks — falling to its lowest since the estimate was first published, in 2009.
Lol all this article is saying is that those temporary economic policies passed during the pandemic gave unusual economic relief to the country. The implication is that this only happened for that reason and that poverty will be as it usually is once these economic aids expire.
If I was living in a HELL HOLE like Central America
Where my daughters are raped
And my sons are forced into the army

I would get to America any way I could
I don't blame them for wanting to come here either but, we need sensible border policies. We don't even know who we are letting in this country. I am not naive enough to believe there are no criminals among them. If you want to let all these people in, then provide Border Patrol with more assets instead of claiming they are whipping migrants. Maybe the National Guard? Re-establish 'stay in Mexico', finish the wall, show these people that our border is not porous. We want vetted, legal immigrants. We need to know who they are. We can't just capture them, put them on planes and send them into the interior of the U.S. with a promise they will go to court.

As my post pointed out, poverty is better in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. So no, America does not have lowest poverty metrics.

As my post pointed out, poverty is better in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. So no, America does not have lowest poverty metrics.

99% White, schmuck.

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