Let’s Face it……Trump will be convicted

If you wrongly put out of commission the candidate half the nation wants, and then jail him in something like house arrest, you think things might not hit a tipping point?

Keep pushing.
^^everything is wrong. amazing accomplishment.
Didn’t at the time…and still don’t see you calling for the arrest and prosecution of the George Floyd rioters. You know…That killed over 25 people,destroyed historical monuments and buildings,attacked the WH,police etc. Or screaming for the prosecution of the Democrats that cheered and egged them on either.

Enough with your fake outrage and concern over J6.

some 10K arrests were made. anyhoo -

deflection denied.jpg
^^ sound more like a page out of a lefties playbook.

' fake news ' ~ DJT

' don't believe what you see & hear, stick with us ' ~ DJT

'truth isn't truth ' ~ squid boy guliani

' alternative facts ' ~ kelly anne CONway
For starters the VP

Kamala Harris said on Stephen Colbert that she wants the riots to continue and not let up, not now not even after the election.

apparently you played hooky the day they taught the difference between the constitutional 1st amendment right to protest & rioting.

seems kamala attended & knows.
Wrong question. Not wrong, but horridly wrong.

That's like when the abuser says "Yeah, well, she lipped off at me, so she deserved it." Meanwhile her entire body is battered.

You're battering him because you're Butthurt, and trampling the Constitution with it. Not that you all give two craps about that.

he's being 'battered' because he is a fucking criminal.
That is dropping. Check all of the polls the last month.

And you know his mouth will put him down another 10% by the end of the mouth.

It ain't 25%, so that number is bullshit.

And there is a chance more people see this as political persecution, and his numbers go up.

The law of unintended consequences doesn't follow SJW guidelines.
Let’s face it…..the SCOTUS will negate this libtard wet dream.

The 6-3 Conservative Court can only do so much to rescue Trump

On one indictment, they could come up with a technicality to overrule

As partisan as they are, they are not going to completely sell out their credibility.
Especially to save Trumps ass

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