Lets have a war on cancer!!

Let's have a war on cancer! Let's use the entire medical research infrastructure of this country to kill this disgusting and evil monster once and for all. It is the second most deadly disease and cost our nation tens of billion dollars of healthcare dollars each and every year.

It would be cheaper over the longer term to go all the way and spend big on killing it. No one else needs to freaking suffer.

Will there be torture? A war is no fun without torture.
On the other hand the population of the world is too large, we don't need everyone living until they're 100, we'd collapse under the weight.
Spoken like a true inner city Leftard who never steps outside of his tiny apartment.

Oh, and you know something about me, do you?

No you don't. You're just making an attack based on almost nothing.
No one who travels believes the world is overpopulated.
Only you inner city rats who never crawl out of your nests believe such garbage.

Well, I travel. I mean, this year isn't going to be much of a traveling year, so far only 2 countries, but then again I've racked up like 50 something countries in my life on five continents. I think the world is over populated.

So, you're talking nonsense.
No, a person who thinks the world is overpopulated and has no capacity for growth is talking nonsense. Who would that be?

Well you can attempt this insulting all you like, but you don't know me, don't know anything about me.

So this isn't going anywhere, is it? The world is still overpopulated.
Spoken like a true inner city Leftard who never steps outside of his tiny apartment.

Oh, and you know something about me, do you?

No you don't. You're just making an attack based on almost nothing.
No one who travels believes the world is overpopulated.
Only you inner city rats who never crawl out of your nests believe such garbage.

Well, I travel. I mean, this year isn't going to be much of a traveling year, so far only 2 countries, but then again I've racked up like 50 something countries in my life on five continents. I think the world is over populated.

So, you're talking nonsense.
No, a person who thinks the world is overpopulated and has no capacity for growth is talking nonsense. Who would that be?

Well you can attempt this insulting all you like, but you don't know me, don't know anything about me.

So this isn't going anywhere, is it? The world is still overpopulated.
And who tells you the world is overpopulated?
It doesn't surprise me that you loserterians think this is a joke..But, this is one of the few areas I feel that removing some regs and red tape could help speed things up a little and is part of the solution of getting a cure onto the market.Anyways, this disease cost our society over a million people per year and takes up a shit load of our healthcare cost yearly. Over the long term it would be so much cheaper to just attempt to speed up the process to cure or minimize it as much as possible.

20 to 30 billion dollars worth of investment yearly is what I am talking about. Not going to break this country one bit! Of course, we can spend that much on roads and schools for iraqi's and that isn't a problem with some people.
Let's have a war on cancer! Let's use the entire medical research infrastructure of this country to kill this disgusting and evil monster once and for all. It is the second most deadly disease and cost our nation tens of billion dollars of healthcare dollars each and every year.

It would be cheaper over the longer term to go all the way and spend big on killing it. No one else needs to freaking suffer.
I'd love a cure for cancer but do you really think the Pharmaceutical companies are going to allow that?? You just said they make billions of dollars a year on treatment, just think what a cure would do to their bottom line... They've been blocking research for decades, it's quite sickening if you really look into it.
The cost of drugs is crazy expensive .but if it works,the money means nothing. The money dosnt concern most cancer patients,i know I don't ,and my bill is right now just under a million.two years of chemo surgeries scans tests traveling .
A good friend of mine broke his neck years back and despite his doctors telling him he would never walk again he fought through it and can now walk with a cane and he is now a huge activist traveling the country speaking and spreading awareness about spinal chord injury, he is a truly inspirational guy. He even rode a tandem bike from coast to coast. From my discussions with him, he told me what he has learned about massive obstruction and corruption in the big pharmaceutical companies against spinal chord research, would make most people sick. He truly believes that there would be a cure to paralysis if not for this obstruction. But then what becomes of wheelchair sales?? I can't back this up with links or proof, all I have is the information passed on to me from a friend who I trust and who lives and breaths this stuff. If this is happening in one area of medicine I have little doubt that it is happening in many other areas.

With that said, I stood by my Grandmother who fought and beat 5 different cancers over a 20 year period. She did receive amazing medical care and I have the upmost respect for the fight these people endure and the people providing care for them. I'd love to see an overwhelming effort by our entire nation to support further development on our cancer research and care... how amazing would it be to find a cure or effective prevention method?!
Cancer is disgusting. Is it more disgusting than the respiratory deseases that were the standard terminators 100 years ago? Now that you will end cancer, something even worse will have to take its place. The Book of Revelations writes that people will "wish to die but death will run away from them". Bravo, good job.
Cancer is disgusting. Is it more disgusting than the respiratory deseases that were the standard terminators 100 years ago? Now that you will end cancer, something even worse will have to take its place. The Book of Revelations writes that people will "wish to die but death will run away from them". Bravo, good job.
Are you saying don't end cancer because the bible says something worse will come in its place?? Am I reading that right?
Cancer is disgusting. Is it more disgusting than the respiratory deseases that were the standard terminators 100 years ago? Now that you will end cancer, something even worse will have to take its place. The Book of Revelations writes that people will "wish to die but death will run away from them". Bravo, good job.
Are you saying don't end cancer because the bible says something worse will come in its place?? Am I reading that right?
I think it is debatable that most if not every achievement of geriatric medicine such as cancer or heart attack or other has ultimately resulted in more suffering not less.
Cancer is disgusting. Is it more disgusting than the respiratory deseases that were the standard terminators 100 years ago? Now that you will end cancer, something even worse will have to take its place. The Book of Revelations writes that people will "wish to die but death will run away from them". Bravo, good job.
Are you saying don't end cancer because the bible says something worse will come in its place?? Am I reading that right?
I think it is debatable that most if not every achievement of geriatric medicine such as cancer or heart attack or other has ultimately resulted in more suffering not less.
As a result of the research and medical trials or from new illnesses from Devine intervention?
Oh, and you know something about me, do you?

No you don't. You're just making an attack based on almost nothing.
No one who travels believes the world is overpopulated.
Only you inner city rats who never crawl out of your nests believe such garbage.

Well, I travel. I mean, this year isn't going to be much of a traveling year, so far only 2 countries, but then again I've racked up like 50 something countries in my life on five continents. I think the world is over populated.

So, you're talking nonsense.
No, a person who thinks the world is overpopulated and has no capacity for growth is talking nonsense. Who would that be?

Well you can attempt this insulting all you like, but you don't know me, don't know anything about me.

So this isn't going anywhere, is it? The world is still overpopulated.
And who tells you the world is overpopulated?

I tell me the world is over populated.
Cancer is disgusting. Is it more disgusting than the respiratory deseases that were the standard terminators 100 years ago? Now that you will end cancer, something even worse will have to take its place. The Book of Revelations writes that people will "wish to die but death will run away from them". Bravo, good job.
Are you saying don't end cancer because the bible says something worse will come in its place?? Am I reading that right?
I think it is debatable that most if not every achievement of geriatric medicine such as cancer or heart attack or other has ultimately resulted in more suffering not less.
As a result of the research and medical trials or from new illnesses from Devine intervention?
Or from the wheelchair and the disgruntled Muslim male nurse who slaps your face for not saying Allah Akbar for the last 50 years of your life above 100. Or, even simpler, because of the collapse of your 401k annuities that the Chinese decide to terminate on you when they corner away the last US job. Would you like to see more? You want a free lunch and you hate that there isn't one.
Cancer is disgusting. Is it more disgusting than the respiratory deseases that were the standard terminators 100 years ago? Now that you will end cancer, something even worse will have to take its place. The Book of Revelations writes that people will "wish to die but death will run away from them". Bravo, good job.
Are you saying don't end cancer because the bible says something worse will come in its place?? Am I reading that right?
I think it is debatable that most if not every achievement of geriatric medicine such as cancer or heart attack or other has ultimately resulted in more suffering not less.
As a result of the research and medical trials or from new illnesses from Devine intervention?
Or from the wheelchair and the disgruntled Muslim male nurse who slaps your face for not saying Allah Akbar for the last 50 years of your life above 100. Or, even simpler, because of the collapse of your 401k annuities that the Chinese decide to terminate on you when they corner away the last US job. Would you like to see more? You want a free lunch and you hate that there isn't one.
What are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your pill today? Try slowing down and actually making coherent and relevant points when you post
Cancer is disgusting. Is it more disgusting than the respiratory deseases that were the standard terminators 100 years ago? Now that you will end cancer, something even worse will have to take its place. The Book of Revelations writes that people will "wish to die but death will run away from them". Bravo, good job.
Are you saying don't end cancer because the bible says something worse will come in its place?? Am I reading that right?
I think it is debatable that most if not every achievement of geriatric medicine such as cancer or heart attack or other has ultimately resulted in more suffering not less.
As a result of the research and medical trials or from new illnesses from Devine intervention?
Or from the wheelchair and the disgruntled Muslim male nurse who slaps your face for not saying Allah Akbar for the last 50 years of your life above 100. Or, even simpler, because of the collapse of your 401k annuities that the Chinese decide to terminate on you when they corner away the last US job. Would you like to see more? You want a free lunch and you hate that there isn't one.
What are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your pill today? Try slowing down and actually making coherent and relevant points when you post
Okay, then how about this. If they manage to slow down every geriatric deseases, such as cancer, to the point that you never die from it only get progressively worse slowly forever, then what is the value in such medical achievement?
Are you saying don't end cancer because the bible says something worse will come in its place?? Am I reading that right?
I think it is debatable that most if not every achievement of geriatric medicine such as cancer or heart attack or other has ultimately resulted in more suffering not less.
As a result of the research and medical trials or from new illnesses from Devine intervention?
Or from the wheelchair and the disgruntled Muslim male nurse who slaps your face for not saying Allah Akbar for the last 50 years of your life above 100. Or, even simpler, because of the collapse of your 401k annuities that the Chinese decide to terminate on you when they corner away the last US job. Would you like to see more? You want a free lunch and you hate that there isn't one.
What are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your pill today? Try slowing down and actually making coherent and relevant points when you post
Okay, then how about this. If they manage to slow down every geriatric deseases, such as cancer, to the point that you never die from it only get progressively worse slowly forever, then what is the value in such medical achievement?
I guess that all depends on the quality of life. If it is a slow painful drawn out process then I'd say there is little value and the goal has not been achieved. If a cure, preventive medicine or better treatment process is developed for cancer to eliminate, reduce or delay the effects providing a better standard of life, then how in the world can you object to that. Why are you even arguing about this?
I think it is debatable that most if not every achievement of geriatric medicine such as cancer or heart attack or other has ultimately resulted in more suffering not less.
As a result of the research and medical trials or from new illnesses from Devine intervention?
Or from the wheelchair and the disgruntled Muslim male nurse who slaps your face for not saying Allah Akbar for the last 50 years of your life above 100. Or, even simpler, because of the collapse of your 401k annuities that the Chinese decide to terminate on you when they corner away the last US job. Would you like to see more? You want a free lunch and you hate that there isn't one.
What are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your pill today? Try slowing down and actually making coherent and relevant points when you post
Okay, then how about this. If they manage to slow down every geriatric deseases, such as cancer, to the point that you never die from it only get progressively worse slowly forever, then what is the value in such medical achievement?
I guess that all depends on the quality of life. If it is a slow painful drawn out process then I'd say there is little value and the goal has not been achieved. If a cure, preventive medicine or better treatment process is developed for cancer to eliminate, reduce or delay the effects providing a better standard of life, then how in the world can you object to that. Why are you even arguing about this?
I need to present the counter point, because without death no slave gets freed, so to speak. Why do you want to live forever?
As a result of the research and medical trials or from new illnesses from Devine intervention?
Or from the wheelchair and the disgruntled Muslim male nurse who slaps your face for not saying Allah Akbar for the last 50 years of your life above 100. Or, even simpler, because of the collapse of your 401k annuities that the Chinese decide to terminate on you when they corner away the last US job. Would you like to see more? You want a free lunch and you hate that there isn't one.
What are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your pill today? Try slowing down and actually making coherent and relevant points when you post
Okay, then how about this. If they manage to slow down every geriatric deseases, such as cancer, to the point that you never die from it only get progressively worse slowly forever, then what is the value in such medical achievement?
I guess that all depends on the quality of life. If it is a slow painful drawn out process then I'd say there is little value and the goal has not been achieved. If a cure, preventive medicine or better treatment process is developed for cancer to eliminate, reduce or delay the effects providing a better standard of life, then how in the world can you object to that. Why are you even arguing about this?
I need to present the counter point, because without death no slave gets freed, so to speak. Why do you want to live forever?
I don't want to live forever, i want to go at a ripe early age before i need to hire somebody to wipe my own butt. I think we should do everything we can to help cure disease and treat pain and medical conditions... why not? Do you like seeing people suffer? I would have done anything in the world to have gotten a few more years with my grandparents or father.
Or from the wheelchair and the disgruntled Muslim male nurse who slaps your face for not saying Allah Akbar for the last 50 years of your life above 100. Or, even simpler, because of the collapse of your 401k annuities that the Chinese decide to terminate on you when they corner away the last US job. Would you like to see more? You want a free lunch and you hate that there isn't one.
What are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your pill today? Try slowing down and actually making coherent and relevant points when you post
Okay, then how about this. If they manage to slow down every geriatric deseases, such as cancer, to the point that you never die from it only get progressively worse slowly forever, then what is the value in such medical achievement?
I guess that all depends on the quality of life. If it is a slow painful drawn out process then I'd say there is little value and the goal has not been achieved. If a cure, preventive medicine or better treatment process is developed for cancer to eliminate, reduce or delay the effects providing a better standard of life, then how in the world can you object to that. Why are you even arguing about this?
I need to present the counter point, because without death no slave gets freed, so to speak. Why do you want to live forever?
I don't want to live forever, i want to go at a ripe early age before i need to hire somebody to wipe my own butt. I think we should do everything we can to help cure disease and treat pain and medical conditions... why not? Do you like seeing people suffer? I would have done anything in the world to have gotten a few more years with my grandparents or father.
Very interesting. This kind of reasoning inspired Mary Wostoncraft Shelley too when she wrote her book titled Frankenstein.
What are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your pill today? Try slowing down and actually making coherent and relevant points when you post
Okay, then how about this. If they manage to slow down every geriatric deseases, such as cancer, to the point that you never die from it only get progressively worse slowly forever, then what is the value in such medical achievement?
I guess that all depends on the quality of life. If it is a slow painful drawn out process then I'd say there is little value and the goal has not been achieved. If a cure, preventive medicine or better treatment process is developed for cancer to eliminate, reduce or delay the effects providing a better standard of life, then how in the world can you object to that. Why are you even arguing about this?
I need to present the counter point, because without death no slave gets freed, so to speak. Why do you want to live forever?
I don't want to live forever, i want to go at a ripe early age before i need to hire somebody to wipe my own butt. I think we should do everything we can to help cure disease and treat pain and medical conditions... why not? Do you like seeing people suffer? I would have done anything in the world to have gotten a few more years with my grandparents or father.
Very interesting. This kind of reasoning inspired Mary Wostoncraft Shelley too when she wrote her book titled Frankenstein.
So whats your point?
Okay, then how about this. If they manage to slow down every geriatric deseases, such as cancer, to the point that you never die from it only get progressively worse slowly forever, then what is the value in such medical achievement?
I guess that all depends on the quality of life. If it is a slow painful drawn out process then I'd say there is little value and the goal has not been achieved. If a cure, preventive medicine or better treatment process is developed for cancer to eliminate, reduce or delay the effects providing a better standard of life, then how in the world can you object to that. Why are you even arguing about this?
I need to present the counter point, because without death no slave gets freed, so to speak. Why do you want to live forever?
I don't want to live forever, i want to go at a ripe early age before i need to hire somebody to wipe my own butt. I think we should do everything we can to help cure disease and treat pain and medical conditions... why not? Do you like seeing people suffer? I would have done anything in the world to have gotten a few more years with my grandparents or father.
Very interesting. This kind of reasoning inspired Mary Wostoncraft Shelley too when she wrote her book titled Frankenstein.
So whats your point?
I am not sure what my point is, but I think the unintended consequence of the Frankenstein story is something like die whilst you can or worse will happen to you.
I guess that all depends on the quality of life. If it is a slow painful drawn out process then I'd say there is little value and the goal has not been achieved. If a cure, preventive medicine or better treatment process is developed for cancer to eliminate, reduce or delay the effects providing a better standard of life, then how in the world can you object to that. Why are you even arguing about this?
I need to present the counter point, because without death no slave gets freed, so to speak. Why do you want to live forever?
I don't want to live forever, i want to go at a ripe early age before i need to hire somebody to wipe my own butt. I think we should do everything we can to help cure disease and treat pain and medical conditions... why not? Do you like seeing people suffer? I would have done anything in the world to have gotten a few more years with my grandparents or father.
Very interesting. This kind of reasoning inspired Mary Wostoncraft Shelley too when she wrote her book titled Frankenstein.
So whats your point?
I am not sure what my point is, but I think the unintended consequence of the Frankenstein story is something like die whilst you can or worse will happen to you.
That's not a very smart message. I guess we could all die right now if we wanted to. Go jump off the nearest bridge. Don't see the logic in that one. We never know what the future may hold. Good or bad. That's the mystery of life. Make the most out of what we have here, then off to the next adventure

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