Let's hear a Liberal propose a solution to the Tijuana crisis.

All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?

Send me down there!

Well, I dunno if I count as your usual liberal or whatever, but I have an idea.

I'm going to stand arm in arm with our National Guard troops,

-register these folks at the border,
-send them to some depopulated rust belt city
-GIVE/force them to live in, a city owned house that the city can't even sell at auction
-Force them to work for a decade and stay there
-Keep track of them so if they go to jail we can deport them again
-Give them citizenship after a decade.

Welcome to America folks, get to work and let's fix our property demand problems.
Liberals would open the door wide and welcome the criminals in.....thereby being criminals themselves by being accessories and aiding & abetting. Lock em up, lock em all up!

Those immigrants knew they weren't wanted or welcomed here before they left home. They've created their own 'crisis' because of it.

Six months ago was May 27; was there someone trying to come across the border on that day? Likely yes. What likely happened was that the Border Patrol caught whoever it was, detained them, and deported them. This probably happened about 900 times on that day according to the chart below:

View attachment 231093

There was no volley of tear gas, no TV cameras, no threads about it....

The only reason there is a supposed crisis there is because of the blob.

Of course you are just a liar.

Obama used tear gas on illegals 94 times.


So I see your invasion force is using the same tactics as Hamas and Hezbollah. You have taught them well.



Nonsense. If you look at the graphic we’ve had very busy years of border activity and we didn’t have this manufactured crisis atmosphere.

Why did you of Hamas West create this caravan? Yassar Soros ordered you to, and as a good Hamas soldier you do as you are ordered, but what is the purpose of the caravan?
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?
There is no crisis. Trump has created a crisis through making a major deal about a problem that can be dealt with using reasoning, intelligence and diplomacy. He has screeched about this problem so much and in so many ways, it has become hysteria. Ridiculous.
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?
There is no crisis. Trump has created a crisis through making a major deal about a problem that can be dealt with using reasoning, intelligence and diplomacy. He has screeched about this problem so much and in so many ways, it has become hysteria. Ridiculous.

Then why did faggot Obama use teargas 94 times?

If you Stalinists are in the right, why do you incessantly lie? You lied about the child separations, using pictures from 2014 and claiming they were Trump, you lie now about the teargas, Obama used it constantly.

Yet you Marxists and the little Goebbels of the lying fuck press continue to lie.
Liberals would open the door wide and welcome the criminals in.....thereby being criminals themselves by being accessories and aiding & abetting. Lock em up, lock em all up!

Those immigrants knew they weren't wanted or welcomed here before they left home. They've created their own 'crisis' because of it.

Six months ago was May 27; was there someone trying to come across the border on that day? Likely yes. What likely happened was that the Border Patrol caught whoever it was, detained them, and deported them. This probably happened about 900 times on that day according to the chart below:

View attachment 231093

There was no volley of tear gas, no TV cameras, no threads about it....

The only reason there is a supposed crisis there is because of the blob.

Of course you are just a liar.

Obama used tear gas on illegals 94 times.


So I see your invasion force is using the same tactics as Hamas and Hezbollah. You have taught them well.



Liberals would open the door wide and welcome the criminals in.....thereby being criminals themselves by being accessories and aiding & abetting. Lock em up, lock em all up!

Those immigrants knew they weren't wanted or welcomed here before they left home. They've created their own 'crisis' because of it.

Six months ago was May 27; was there someone trying to come across the border on that day? Likely yes. What likely happened was that the Border Patrol caught whoever it was, detained them, and deported them. This probably happened about 900 times on that day according to the chart below:

View attachment 231093

There was no volley of tear gas, no TV cameras, no threads about it....

The only reason there is a supposed crisis there is because of the blob.

Of course you are just a liar.

Obama used tear gas on illegals 94 times.


So I see your invasion force is using the same tactics as Hamas and Hezbollah. You have taught them well.




Prove water is wet Hamas gurl?

Just this once.

The same tear-gas agent that the Trump administration is taking heat for deploying against a border mob this weekend is actually used fairly frequently — including more than once a month during the later years of President Barack Obama’s administration, according to Homeland Security data.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has used 2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile, or CS, since 2010, and deployed it 26 times in fiscal 2012 and 27 times in 2013. The use dropped after that, but was still deployed three times in 2016, Mr. Obama’s final full year in office.

Use of CS rose again in fiscal 2017, which was split between Mr. Obama and Mr. Trump, and reached 29 deployments in fiscal 2018, which ended two months ago, according to CBP data seen by The Washington Times.

Border authorities also use another agent, pepper spray, frequently — including a decade-high record of 151 instances in 2013, also under Mr. Obama. Pepper spray, officially known as Pava Capsaicin, was used 43 times in fiscal year 2018, according to the CBP numbers.

The data poses a challenge to the current anger over the Border Patrol’s use of tear gas Sunday to prevent a mob from busting through sections of old border fence in California.}

Obama administration used tear gas at border once a month
Liberals would open the door wide and welcome the criminals in.....thereby being criminals themselves by being accessories and aiding & abetting. Lock em up, lock em all up!

Those immigrants knew they weren't wanted or welcomed here before they left home. They've created their own 'crisis' because of it.

Six months ago was May 27; was there someone trying to come across the border on that day? Likely yes. What likely happened was that the Border Patrol caught whoever it was, detained them, and deported them. This probably happened about 900 times on that day according to the chart below:

View attachment 231093

There was no volley of tear gas, no TV cameras, no threads about it....

The only reason there is a supposed crisis there is because of the blob.

Of course you are just a liar.

Obama used tear gas on illegals 94 times.


So I see your invasion force is using the same tactics as Hamas and Hezbollah. You have taught them well.




Prove water is wet Hamas gurl?

Just this once.

The same tear-gas agent that the Trump administration is taking heat for deploying against a border mob this weekend is actually used fairly frequently — including more than once a month during the later years of President Barack Obama’s administration, according to Homeland Security data.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has used 2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile, or CS, since 2010, and deployed it 26 times in fiscal 2012 and 27 times in 2013. The use dropped after that, but was still deployed three times in 2016, Mr. Obama’s final full year in office.

Use of CS rose again in fiscal 2017, which was split between Mr. Obama and Mr. Trump, and reached 29 deployments in fiscal 2018, which ended two months ago, according to CBP data seen by The Washington Times.

Border authorities also use another agent, pepper spray, frequently — including a decade-high record of 151 instances in 2013, also under Mr. Obama. Pepper spray, officially known as Pava Capsaicin, was used 43 times in fiscal year 2018, according to the CBP numbers.

The data poses a challenge to the current anger over the Border Patrol’s use of tear gas Sunday to prevent a mob from busting through sections of old border fence in California.}

Obama administration used tear gas at border once a month
Deployed doesn’t necessarily mean usage.

Try again
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?
The solution is simple. Keep the border secure, follow asylum law and ICE procedures, and treat applicants humanly. There is nothing new about these caravans coming to the US. This has been going on for at least 18 years. What is new is politicize the events in an attempt to create a crisis.

Where the US is missing the boat, is not spending the money in Central American countries to tell people how long and difficult the trip to the US border is and what is in store for them once they reach the border. There chance of legal admission to the US through asylum is about 1 in 10 and there chance for successful illegal admission is no better and more dangerous.

The asylum law needs to be changed. Petitions for asylum should be accepted by consulates and embassies in the countries eliminating the need for all these people to travel to the US border.
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We just have to ban together as American's and understand we cannot be 911 for the world. All kinds of humanitarian needs in this world. Let Mexico deal with them.
The United States ranks 78 in world in acceptance of asylum seekers and that ranking will surely fall due the Trump initiatives. This is pretty disgraceful since it was the United States leadership that established Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and supported the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and was a key participate in setting up the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. How can the US expect other nations to follow the guidelines for asylum seekers and refugees when we ignore them ourselves.
Liberals would open the door wide and welcome the criminals in.....thereby being criminals themselves by being accessories and aiding & abetting. Lock em up, lock em all up!

Those immigrants knew they weren't wanted or welcomed here before they left home. They've created their own 'crisis' because of it.

Six months ago was May 27; was there someone trying to come across the border on that day? Likely yes. What likely happened was that the Border Patrol caught whoever it was, detained them, and deported them. This probably happened about 900 times on that day according to the chart below:

View attachment 231093

There was no volley of tear gas, no TV cameras, no threads about it....

The only reason there is a supposed crisis there is because of the blob.

Of course you are just a liar.

Obama used tear gas on illegals 94 times.


So I see your invasion force is using the same tactics as Hamas and Hezbollah. You have taught them well.




Prove water is wet Hamas gurl?

Just this once.

The same tear-gas agent that the Trump administration is taking heat for deploying against a border mob this weekend is actually used fairly frequently — including more than once a month during the later years of President Barack Obama’s administration, according to Homeland Security data.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has used 2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile, or CS, since 2010, and deployed it 26 times in fiscal 2012 and 27 times in 2013. The use dropped after that, but was still deployed three times in 2016, Mr. Obama’s final full year in office.

Use of CS rose again in fiscal 2017, which was split between Mr. Obama and Mr. Trump, and reached 29 deployments in fiscal 2018, which ended two months ago, according to CBP data seen by The Washington Times.

Border authorities also use another agent, pepper spray, frequently — including a decade-high record of 151 instances in 2013, also under Mr. Obama. Pepper spray, officially known as Pava Capsaicin, was used 43 times in fiscal year 2018, according to the CBP numbers.

The data poses a challenge to the current anger over the Border Patrol’s use of tear gas Sunday to prevent a mob from busting through sections of old border fence in California.}

Obama administration used tear gas at border once a month
Deployed doesn’t necessarily mean usage.

Try again

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has used 2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile, or CS, since 2010, and deployed it 26 times in fiscal 2012 and 27 times in 2013.

Lie some more Hamas gurl.
Liberals would open the door wide and welcome the criminals in.....thereby being criminals themselves by being accessories and aiding & abetting. Lock em up, lock em all up!

Those immigrants knew they weren't wanted or welcomed here before they left home. They've created their own 'crisis' because of it.

Six months ago was May 27; was there someone trying to come across the border on that day? Likely yes. What likely happened was that the Border Patrol caught whoever it was, detained them, and deported them. This probably happened about 900 times on that day according to the chart below:

View attachment 231093

There was no volley of tear gas, no TV cameras, no threads about it....

The only reason there is a supposed crisis there is because of the blob.
Was that before OBamma wrote a new Law or DACA or just catch and release.
We just have to ban together as American's and understand we cannot be 911 for the world. All kinds of humanitarian needs in this world. Let Mexico deal with them.
The United States ranks 78 in world in acceptance of asylum seekers and that ranking will surely fall due the Trump initiatives. This is pretty disgraceful since it was the United States leadership that established Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and supported the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and was a key participate in setting up the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. How can the US expect other nations to follow the guidelines for asylum seekers and refugees when we ignore them ourselves.
That was a long time ago and not in todays world.
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?

Send me down there!

Well, I dunno if I count as your usual liberal or whatever, but I have an idea.

I'm going to stand arm in arm with our National Guard troops,

-register these folks at the border,
-send them to some depopulated rust belt city
-GIVE/force them to live in, a city owned house that the city can't even sell at auction
-Force them to work for a decade and stay there
-Keep track of them so if they go to jail we can deport them again
-Give them citizenship after a decade.

Welcome to America folks, get to work and let's fix our property demand problems.
For most of those coming from Honduras and Guatemala, that would certainly be step up and many would volunteer.


Low Income neighborhood in the Honduran capital where the murder rate is 20 times greater than the US rate and public executions by the police and gangs are common.
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?
I would have the caravan elect a couple of representatives to meet with US and Mexico Reps and then have discussions about the situation. Listen to the needs and wants of people in the caravan. Weigh their wants against the injustice of granting them status in America when others who go through the legal process have been waiting for years. Do our best to process legit asylum claims. And hopefully reach a solution like adults used to be able to do.
We just have to ban together as American's and understand we cannot be 911 for the world. All kinds of humanitarian needs in this world. Let Mexico deal with them.
The United States ranks 78 in world in acceptance of asylum seekers and that ranking will surely fall due the Trump initiatives. This is pretty disgraceful since it was the United States leadership that established Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and supported the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and was a key participate in setting up the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. How can the US expect other nations to follow the guidelines for asylum seekers and refugees when we ignore them ourselves.
That was a long time ago and not in todays world.
So are our immigration laws.
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?
I would have the caravan elect a couple of representatives to meet with US and Mexico Reps and then have discussions about the situation. Listen to the needs and wants of people in the caravan. Weigh their wants against the injustice of granting them status in America when others who go through the legal process have been waiting for years. Do our best to process legit asylum claims. And hopefully reach a solution like adults used to be able to do.
I agree with you mostly. However, Mexico has no obligation to do anything. We would get a lot more help from Mexico by asking and not demanding.

Mexico has doubled the number of deportations of Central Americans, now up to 25,000. However, most of these deportations are for crimes such as violation of border crossing rules such as working without a permit or not crossing through a border station. Mexico has an open border with Guatemala and agreements with Central American countries which means no visa is required to cross the border. Legally, they can enter Mexico and stay for 6 months just like Americans can. Furthermore, much of the economy of southern Mexico depends on open borders. Expecting Mexico to change their law and agreements with other countries because the US can't or won't enforce their laws is a bit much. After all it is our border to protect and it's our asylum laws that attract these people, not Mexico.
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?
I would have the caravan elect a couple of representatives to meet with US and Mexico Reps and then have discussions about the situation. Listen to the needs and wants of people in the caravan. Weigh their wants against the injustice of granting them status in America when others who go through the legal process have been waiting for years. Do our best to process legit asylum claims. And hopefully reach a solution like adults used to be able to do.
I agree with you mostly. However, Mexico has no obligation to do anything. We would get a lot more help from Mexico by asking and not demanding.

Mexico has doubled the number of deportations of Central Americans, now up to 25,000. However, most of these deportations are for crimes such as violation of border crossing rules such as working without a permit or not crossing through a border station. Mexico has an open border with Guatemala and agreements with Central American countries which means no visa is required to cross the border. Legally, they can enter Mexico and stay for 6 months just like Americans can. Furthermore, much of the economy of southern Mexico depends on open borders. Expecting Mexico to change their law and agreements with other countries because the US can't or won't enforce their laws is a bit much. After all it is our border to protect and it's our asylum laws that attract these people, not Mexico.
I agree that the discussions should in the spirit of corporation and not strong arm demand tactics... Obvioisly, mexico is a definite player as the caravan is in their country. Who knows how this thing is going to shake out. Unfortunately, I fear both side are going to continue to use this to their political advantage. And these poor people are stuck in the middle
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?
The solution is simple. Keep the border secure, follow asylum law and ICE procedures, and treat applicants humanly. There is nothing new about these caravans coming to the US. This has been going on for at least 18 years. What is new is politicize the events in an attempt to create a crisis.

Where the US is missing the boat, is not spending the money in Central American countries to tell people how long and difficult the trip to the US border is and what is in store for them once they reach the border. There chance of legal admission to the US through asylum is about 1 in 10 and there chance for successful illegal admission is no better and more dangerous.

The asylum law needs to be changed. Petitions for asylum should be accepted by consulates and embassies in the countries eliminating the need for all these people to travel to the US border.

What is new is the size and frequency of the caravans. I've lived in Arizona since the early 80s and am very familiar with the constant inflow of immigrants from Mexico, Central America and elsewhere. I have never seen a single group even 1/10th the size of the one massing in Tijuana. As desperate as those people are, most will not be brought into the US. I would say they CAN'T be if for no other reason that you will be encouraging wave after wave after wave of these caravans.

No one is disputing that Honduras is hell on Earth but so is Somalia, so is Yemen, so is Syria and a dozen more countries at least. Our resources are not limitless, hell we're broke for that matter. And the resources these immigrants will require affect our poorest citizens. Is that fair? I don't think so. IMO Mexico created the current crisis in Tijuana and they need to solve it. And they need to control their Southern border or we will go down there and help them control it. This cannot be how we process asylum claims, with thousands of desperate (some violent) people pounding at the fence throwing rocks and bottles at border agents. This is madness.

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