Let's list the many ways Republicans help American children after they are born



When people start threads about how Republicans work to protect the fetus, but do nothing for the born, USMB Republicans become outraged. They insist that's not true. Someone just explained how they support alternate schools in DC. Someone else said they gave some poor kids a "charity basket" with canned goods and blankets.

Please, USMB Republicans, explain the many ways Republicans help children after they born. We are very interested.
We've adopted two....and you?
Did you find it hard to adopt them?
My cousin went to China to adopt because it was too hard in the US back in 1992

I am trying to help a girl who is homeless with 3 children.. in a city of wealth there is only 4 family homeless shelters with a 4 month waiting list...
I did my internship helping addicted moms get on their feet and have healthy babies, it is a christian home.

I don't see any homes run by the government to help moms who had their babies.
We've adopted two....and you?
Did you find it hard to adopt them?
My cousin went to China to adopt because it was too hard in the US back in 1992

I am trying to help a girl who is homeless with 3 children.. in a city of wealth there is only 4 family homeless shelters with a 4 month waiting list...
I did my internship helping addicted moms get on their feet and have healthy babies, it is a christian home.

I don't see any homes run by the government to help moms who had their babies.

Not really hard, our adopted girl is Chinese and we had no problems getting it done, actually we were approached and asked if we would be interested.

It's tough out there for mother's with children, I don't know what city you're in or close to but the Salvation Army here has a women's program, there is also a faith based shelter but the last I heard it has a four month waiting list, domestic violence fills a women's shelter up very quickly.

Good luck with the mother and kids, I wish I had an answer for you but it sounds like you're doing what you can
We've adopted two....and you?
Did you find it hard to adopt them?
My cousin went to China to adopt because it was too hard in the US back in 1992

I am trying to help a girl who is homeless with 3 children.. in a city of wealth there is only 4 family homeless shelters with a 4 month waiting list...
I did my internship helping addicted moms get on their feet and have healthy babies, it is a christian home.

I don't see any homes run by the government to help moms who had their babies.
What city are you talking about?
We've adopted two....and you?
Did you find it hard to adopt them?
My cousin went to China to adopt because it was too hard in the US back in 1992

I am trying to help a girl who is homeless with 3 children.. in a city of wealth there is only 4 family homeless shelters with a 4 month waiting list...
I did my internship helping addicted moms get on their feet and have healthy babies, it is a christian home.

I don't see any homes run by the government to help moms who had their babies.

Not really hard, our adopted girl is Chinese and we had no problems getting it done, actually we were approached and asked if we would be interested.

It's tough out there for mother's with children, I don't know what city you're in or close to but the Salvation Army here has a women's program, there is also a faith based shelter but the last I heard it has a four month waiting list, domestic violence fills a women's shelter up very quickly.

Good luck with the mother and kids, I wish I had an answer for you but it sounds like you're doing what you can
You adopted a girl from China? Very, very unusual. Because of the one child policy, many female babies were killed or aborted because of the conservative idea that men are more valuable than women. Some areas of China have such an imbalance, especially in rural areas, there are up to 30 men for one woman. The last I heard it was much easier to adopt a boy than a girl. It's amazing you were able when so many aren't.
You can see all the answers from conservatives are all based on emotion. None answer the question. Its just a little too uncomfortable.
We raise them. It's kind of the common sense alternative to murdering them
Uh huh. Helping them one child at a time. What about poor families who don't want to get rid of their kids. What are you doing for them?



Thought so.
We've adopted two....and you?
Did you find it hard to adopt them?
My cousin went to China to adopt because it was too hard in the US back in 1992

I am trying to help a girl who is homeless with 3 children.. in a city of wealth there is only 4 family homeless shelters with a 4 month waiting list...
I did my internship helping addicted moms get on their feet and have healthy babies, it is a christian home.

I don't see any homes run by the government to help moms who had their babies.

Not really hard, our adopted girl is Chinese and we had no problems getting it done, actually we were approached and asked if we would be interested.

It's tough out there for mother's with children, I don't know what city you're in or close to but the Salvation Army here has a women's program, there is also a faith based shelter but the last I heard it has a four month waiting list, domestic violence fills a women's shelter up very quickly.

Good luck with the mother and kids, I wish I had an answer for you but it sounds like you're doing what you can
You adopted a girl from China? Very, very unusual. Because of the one child policy, many female babies were killed or aborted because of the conservative idea that men are more valuable than women. Some areas of China have such an imbalance, especially in rural areas, there are up to 30 men for one woman. The last I heard it was much easier to adopt a boy than a girl. It's amazing you were able when so many aren't.

Sure did, we've had her for nearly six years now and she's bright, articulate and wants to make music her career. You're right about the fact girls are killed or aborted, she's a very, very lucky little girl. I know four other couples who have adopted Chinese girls, many end up in orphanages and that is where it begins
You can see all the answers from conservatives are all based on emotion. None answer the question. Its just a little too uncomfortable.

What are you doing Newt? I mean other than expecting the government to do it....or just kill the unwanted bastids.....right? Get off your horse
What a silly thread. So I guess you believe that Republicans do little or nothing for kids after they're born. Wow.
Aint there nothing made in America that is good enough for Republicans? Ole Repub Sassy had to go to China to find a kid to adopt.

What the hells wrong with American kids? They cost to much or what?
You can see all the answers from conservatives are all based on emotion. None answer the question. Its just a little too uncomfortable.

What are you doing Newt? I mean other than expecting the government to do it....or just kill the unwanted bastids.....right? Get off your horse
As I said before, I worked at the Jane Addams Center here in Chicago for 15 years until I just got too old. I organized Scout Troops and a 3rd and a 5th grade class to tour where I work so they can get exposed to engineering. Creating something in 3d is much more fun than playing a 3d game. The kids were amazed.
After I retire in a couple more years, I was considering math tutoring or tutoring Inventor or some other 3d software package. I've tutored many of nieces and nephews. I'm not 60 anymore. I don't have the same energy. Nothing more rewarding than helping people. Something most hard hearted Republicans think is a total waste of time.
What a silly thread. So I guess you believe that Republicans do little or nothing for kids after they're born. Wow.
Educate us. Tell us how they support education, daycare, health care, nutrition, and so on. We are very interested in knowing.
Aint there nothing made in America that is good enough for Republicans? Ole Repub Sassy had to go to China to find a kid to adopt.

What the hells wrong with American kids? They cost to much or what?
I'm guessing that they couldn't get a white one so they got one as close as possible.
You can see all the answers from conservatives are all based on emotion. None answer the question. Its just a little too uncomfortable.

What are you doing Newt? I mean other than expecting the government to do it....or just kill the unwanted bastids.....right? Get off your horse
As I said before, I worked at the Jane Addams Center here in Chicago for 15 years until I just got too old. I organized Scout Troops and a 3rd and a 5th grade class to tour where I work so they can get exposed to engineering. Creating something in 3d is much more fun than playing a 3d game. The kids were amazed.
After I retire in a couple more years, I was considering math tutoring or tutoring Inventor or some other 3d software package. I've tutored many of nieces and nephews. I'm not 60 anymore. I don't have the same energy. Nothing more rewarding than helping people. Something most hard hearted Republicans think is a total waste of time.

Why does it all have to be political for you? I work with many volunteers and to be honest I don't care what their political leanings are, I care they take the time to help those that need it. Jesus wasn't political and He could care less what "party" anyone belongs to, it's what is in their heart
We raise them. It's kind of the common sense alternative to murdering them
Uh huh. Helping them one child at a time. What about poor families who don't want to get rid of their kids. What are you doing for them?



Thought so.

I pay my taxes so that do-gooders can give my hard-earned money to other people who made poor choices, choices like having children they can't afford.

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