Let's make something clear.

Historical precedent also confirms that a criminal conviction is not required for an individual to be disqualified under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. No one who has been formally disqualified under Section 3 was charged under the criminal “rebellion or insurrection” statute (18 U.S.C. § 2383) or its predecessors. This fact is consistent with Section 3’s text, legislative history, and precedent, all of which make clear that a criminal conviction for any offense is not required for disqualification. Section 3 is not a criminal penalty, but rather is a qualification for holding public office in the United States that can be and has been enforced through civil lawsuits in state courts, among other means.

Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment does not expressly require a criminal conviction, and historically, one was not necessary. Reconstruction Era federal prosecutors brought civil actions in court to oust officials linked to the Confederacy, and Congress in some cases took action to refuse to seat Members. Congress last used Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1919 to refuse to seat a socialist Congressman accused of having given aid and comfort to Germany during the First World War, irrespective of the Amnesty Act. The Congressman, Victor Berger, was eventually seated at a subsequent Congress after the Supreme Court threw out his espionage conviction for judicial bias. Recently, various groups and organizations have challenged the eligibility of certain candidates running for Congress, arguing that the candidates’ alleged involvement in the events surrounding the January 6, 2021, breach of the Capitol render them ineligible for office. No challenges have to date resulted in the disqualification of any congressional candidate. A New Mexico state court, however, has removed Otero County Commissioner County Griffin from office and prohibited him from seeking or holding any future office based on his participation in, and preparation for, the January 6 interruption of the election certification.

Absent evidence in contradiction of CREW's assertion I suspect Trumpleton's will ineffectually attack CREW and or the CRS. It is the Trumpian way. When facts and evidence fail them they rely on what amounts to character assassination. Which is why Trump attacks the media, anyone who opposes him, and most especially those like Jack Smith who are working to hold Don accountable for his illegal actions.

Furthermore, quite a bit has been made about the removal of a candidate's name from the ballot being anti-democratic. Yet the Constitution itself tells us that it is the conduct that gives rise to disqualification under the 14th Amendment that is anti-democratic. From the moment Trump began the anti-democratic act of conspiring to steal the election he violated his oath of office and forfeited his right to once again run to be the prez.
What? You're not clear.
I think so sparky. They need the populace to war against each other. I'm of the mind to secede from our federal tyranny peacefully.
You'd be in good company up my way LBT>>


He is a Repub who engaged in the seditious act of insurrection. Glad I could help.
Then why were there not ANY CONVICTIONS for an insurrection? Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, because it was a rhetorical question. Of course you are that stupid, to actually believe someone like Nancy Piglosi.

Rational debate is not possible with someone who still holds to the deluded belief that Trump won the election.
I saw first hand what Marxists/Demofascists do when they really want to steal an election. This bitch was pulling out bogus ballots out of gym lockers and the trunk of her car...

due process >>>

The Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause guarantees procedural due process, meaning that government actors must follow certain procedures before they may deprive a person of a protected life, liberty, or property interest.

allowing ONE entity to impart judgement is not this^^^^

Those still incarcerated, many who even werent on Capitol grounds have not receive Due Process. Nancy Piglosi once President Trump 47 is back in office, can do the same thing to her, because she set the precedence.
His followers would do anything for him, rule of law or not IM2

They love the idea of Trump as dictator
View attachment 881346
Accuse others of what you are doing, while you yourself are doing it...Mantra of the Marxists/Demofascists.

A progressive activist is warning voters against reelecting President Joe Biden, whom she describes as a "dictator" and being "worse than Trump."
"Biden is already a dictator, folks. Fascism is already here under Biden," Bree Newsome said in a Wednesday post on X (formerly Twitter). "Please pay attention to how popular will is being completely ignored because Biden doesn't give af what the public thinks if he can maintain his grip on power."
Another ridiculous "fuck you" thread from the leftard liars.

Well you know what? I can fuck harder than you can. You want to play that game? Let's roll. Just shut the fuck up and cut to the chase, that's what you want anyway, right?

The OP is a leftard liar. A complete POS. AS IS ANYONE ON A SIMILAR PAGE. It's time to provide these idiots with some serious and meaningful negative feedback.

I'm tired of ARGUING with these dumb fuckers, it's a waste of time.
Another ridiculous "fuck you" thread from the leftard liars.

Well you know what? I can fuck harder than you can. You want to play that game? Let's roll. Just shut the fuck up and cut to the chase, that's what you want anyway, right?

The OP is a leftard liar. A complete POS. AS IS ANYONE ON A SIMILAR PAGE. It's time to provide these idiots with some serious and meaningful negative feedback.

I'm tired of ARGUING with these dumb fuckers, it's a waste of time.
You don't have to comment. No one cares about your content anyway. Thus, you can just shut the fuck up.

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