Let's make something clear.

For the zillionth time: The Insurrection was the event. It's called that by normal people because it so closely fits the dictionary description. Which I provided and you quoted.

The manipulated rubes who were charged with crimes were charged with the various specific, individual crimes they committed DURING the Insurrection.

The George Floyd riots did not fit the dictionary definition of Insurrection. Like the Insurrection did.

I can write this out in crayon if it helps.
It won't help. Magaturd shitlords will cover for their own bag O' shit ex *pResident regardless of any facts.
He wasn’t. He was trying to ensure the election was legitimate, and there was plenty of evidence of unprecedented “shenanigans” - like the simultaneous halts to six swing states where Trump was leading- by seeking to delay certification.

And don’t tell me you’re PROUD you got away with it? The country is in the worst shape of my entire adult life, thanks to the compromised and demented man you voted for.
No, he wasn't trying to ensure the election was legitimate, he was trying to win by any means necessary.

Trump calling state officials and telling them what votes to count and not count isn't legitimate, it's corrupt and undemocratic. Trump calling state legislatures and telling them to take away the voter's electors and make their own isn't legitimate, it's corrupt and undemocratic. Trump trying to get Pence to discount electors and swing the election to Trump isn't legitimate, it's corrupt an undemocratic.

There was no simultaneous halting in six swing states where Trump was leading. That didn't happen. The election was not stolen. What you call "shenanigans" is actually a combination of lies or at best half truths by people who either don't know any better or know better and are corrupt.

Trump didn't get away with it because the country stood strong. I don't understand why you guys want to test the strength of the country again with Trump's corrupt and undemocratic instincts.
You are either lying or too much of a partisan hack to understand the truth anymore.

We did not change the definition of words.
Ah, the puerile personal insult when rational debate eludes you. Who coulda seen that coming from Marener. LOL
Among other things, Trump would reportedly invoke the Insurrection Act — a law that gives the president nearly unchecked powers to use the military as a domestic police force — on his first day in office, so that he could quash any public protests against him.
Just as rump could have done his last day in office Clay

Don’t keep claiming it’s due process when it’s not just because that was your original claim – just acknowledge you’re wrong.

As to the thread topic, when the Supreme Court rules in a manner that places Trump on all state ballots, it won’t be because he wasn’t convicted of a crime.

I am not wrong, it is due process.
due process >>>

The Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause guarantees procedural due process, meaning that government actors must follow certain procedures before they may deprive a person of a protected life, liberty, or property interest.

allowing ONE entity to impart judgement is not this^^^^

It won't help. Magaturd shitlords will cover for their own bag O' shit ex *pResident regardless of any facts.
I'd love to know why they're so drama queenie about the word. They just don't stop.

My guess is that MAGA media is bitching, and these folks are just doing their traditional mindless regurgitation.
All it takes is a Federal -level declaration of a State of Insurrection from an authoritative Federal source.

Having incited or participated in such an Insurrection is all that is required... no formal indictment or conviction is needed.

One need look no further than the thousands of Confederates - never charged or convicted - to realize the truth in that.

Legal Precedent is everything under such circumstances.

Fortunately for the Orange Baboon-God and his a$$-licking minions, no such formal Federal-level Declaration exists.

So.... You're OK with Dem/Socialist hacks presuming the role of "authoritative federal source",

What need is there for a USSC?

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