Let's make something clear.

I don’t know if it amounted to insurrection exactly, but it’s at least in the ballpark.
Yet you are on record on this board as saying it did. It did not. There was no insurrection. The riot on J6 was absolutely no different than the multiple democrat-backed riots of 2020 except there were no government officials that endorsed J6. As for undermining the electoral system--it is incumbent upon all Americans to ensure that an election is carried out freely, fairly and devoid of fraud. Your opposition to that suggests YOU are undermining the electoral system.
Please explain how those amendments have an effect on disqualification by the 14th.
DUE PROCESS. Research it. The CO supreme court FINALLY did.
Done and done. Hence the ruling in Colorado.

Trump did indeed attempt to undermine the electoral system in 2020. It was brazen and unprecedented. I don’t know if it amounted to insurrection exactly, but it’s at least in the ballpark.
And you are GOD?? Your feeling or upset stomach doesnt mean shit.

Show me a conviction or STFU
How about allowing the entry of 10 million illegal aliens and acting as the last mile delivery service for the cartels? Then providing work permits to legally ineligible illegals. I think that's enough for starters.

Hardly in the same ballpark as insurrection. The court isn’t going to allow it based on mere policy differences.
Doesn’t change the fact that Republicans used this tactic first.

What goes around comes around.
Oh I don't care who tried it first.... We could go all the way back to the civil war on that one I suppose. I just don't think it's going to go anywhere any more than the case against Obama went anywhere. This is the kind of thing that the supreme Court absolutely despises... Being dragged into politics.
How about allowing the entry of 10 million illegal aliens and acting as the last mile delivery service for the cartels? Then providing work permits to legally ineligible illegals. I think that's enough for starters.

I have a better solution. Eliminate payroll taxes and an act a national sales tax. Everyone then becomes a taxpayer and has some skin in the game. I think it would change everything overnight.
fake news
I have a better solution. Eliminate payroll taxes and an act a national sales tax. Everyone then becomes a taxpayer and has some skin in the game. I think it would change everything overnight.

Better yet, how about we punish everyone who violates current US law. xiden knows exactly what he's doing.

I'm waiting for a Trumpleton to make an informed argument against the assertion "Historical precedent also confirms that a criminal conviction is not required for an individual to be disqualified under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment," but I'm not expecting one. Theirs is the way of invectives, not reason.
I am waiting for you to explain how a person who did not take an oath to an entity hostile to the United States and has not been legally accused of a crime is equivalent to those who swore allegiance to the Confederacy and operated against the United States.
Better yet, how about we punish everyone who violates current US law. xiden knows exactly what he's doing.

They keep calling it a conspiracy theory and yet all the components are lining up.

Import an entire army of foreign Nationals, arm them.... and then send them out into the neighborhoods to displace the current population with the promise that they can keep any property they can take.
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Everyone is a taxpayer.
The poor pay the most tax.
Good God, this is one stupid site.
Yes I understand that.... I still think that eliminating the payroll tax and going over to a 100% sales tax system would be far Superior. There doesn't seem to be any successful method to even out the burden between the rich and the poor. So why fight it? You're not going to get it anyway. Might as well try something different at least it would allow market forces to dictate the take. I believe it will increase revenue many fold and that in time people would hardly notice it was there. By the way illegal aliens who enter this country pay nothing for taxes until they go to work and probably receive far more back than they pay in. They may not be citizens but they are consumers.
The poor pay the most tax.
Please research your statements before posting. You are exhibiting your ignorance for all to see.
Yes I understand that.... I still think that eliminating the payroll tax and going over to a 100% sales tax system would be far Superior. There doesn't seem to be any successful method to even out the burden between the rich and the poor. So why fight it? You're not going to get it anyway. Might as well try something different at least it would allow market forces to dictate the take. I believe it will increase revenue many fold and that in time people would hardly notice it was there. By the way illegal aliens who enter this country pay nothing for taxes until they go to work and probably receive far more back than they pay in. They may not be citizens but they are consumers.
I don't agree but respect your opinion.
One correction illegal aliens are expelled or never allowed in to out country.
As to legal immigrants, they pay the same sales tax as you and I.
American or immigrant with for a work card who does not work pays no tax but sales tax.

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