Let's not forget the real reason for gun rights

Two is to keep ourselves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

Lol. I find this funny. You're as perfidious as they come Jake. You seem to think guns are for protecting you from people whose opinions you disagree with. What are you going to do? Kill them? When have they come beating down your door wanting to force their social and cultural taboos on you?

Why do you lie about the purpose of the Second Amendment, Jake?
I uncover snakes in the woods like you, Etherion. You fool no one. You fascists of the alt right will not take American back to the sixties. One of the purposes of the 2dA is to protect all Americans from extremism of the far right and the far left.
One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.

Alt-Right is a fake ass boogie man Jake, but if the sister humpers get uppity then you damn right you can shoot them.
I uncover snakes in the woods like you, Etherion. You fool no one.

You are mistaken. I am the fox lying in wait for the snake that you are to rear his little head up out of the grass, so that I may devour you. Your overconfidence will destroy you.

You fascists of the alt right will not take American back to the sixties.

Sorry, the liberals did that when they started making everything about race. Welcome to America, circa 1960.

One of the purposes of the 2dA is to protect all Americans from extremism of the far right and the far left.

The 2nd Amendment allows you to bear arms in defense from violence, not from opinions.
Last edited:
One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.

Alt-Right is a fake ass boogie man Jake, but if the sister humpers get uppity then you damn right you can shoot them.
Breitbart says you are stupid, then. We all knew that.

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right in . . . Breitbart. March 29, 2016.
I uncover snakes in the woods like you, Etherion. You fool no one.

You are mistaken. I am the fox lying in wait for the snake that you are to rear his little head up out of the grass, so that I may devour you. Your overconfidence will destroy you.

You fascists of the alt right will not take American back to the sixties.

Sorry, the liberals did that when they started making everything about race. Welcome to America, circa 1960.

One of the purposes of the 2dA is to protect all Americans from extremism of the far right and the far left.

The 2nd Amendment allows you to bear arms in defense from violence, not from opinions.
You are a typical alt right bong dreamer!

Opinionate all you want, but violence will be your doom. The left and center and responsible far right beat down your predecessors more than fifty years ago, and now you are snowflakes, nothing more. The campaign proved that.
Opinionate all you want, but violence will be your doom.

Uh, who said I want to be violent? You're the one suggesting that you need a firearm to protect yourself from an opinion. Coward.
That is your cowardly words, not mine. :lol:
Your words:

One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep ourselves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.
No American has the right to use violence to force others to share their opinion.

We the People through our government and 2dA rights are protected against those who would try to violently impose on others their political, social, and cultural opinions.
:) The OP remains standing: Americans cherish our 2dA rights despite what trolls have to troll.

Your deflection to "contrary opinions" is noted and discarded.
One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.
And three, so you can shoot black people.
One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.
And three, so you can shoot black people.
Etherion seems to be making that argument but does not want to come out and say so.
One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.
And three, so you can shoot black people.
Etherion seems to be making that argument but does not want to come out and say so.

So where did I say I wanted to shoot black people?
One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.

Alt-Right is a fake ass boogie man Jake, but if the sister humpers get uppity then you damn right you can shoot them.
Breitbart says you are stupid, then. We all knew that.

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right in . . . Breitbart. March 29, 2016.

Breitbart, yeah who cares. Re-branded meth heads dont impress me. outside of message boards no one even knows what the hell they are. But you are right. The 2nd is indeed in place to resist a government if it were to go all white power. Kind of makes one question the democrat and liberal republican agenda a bit as they are heavily invested in keeping poor minorities unarmed. Anway, Breitbart aint nothing but alex jones to me. So fuck'em.
One is to keep our selves safe from a tyrannical government and LEO.

Two is to keep our selves safe from the Alt Right with its perfidious social and cultural taboos.

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

'Guns Kept People Alive' During The Civil Rights Movement

  • This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed
    How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

    by Charles E., Jr. Cobb

    Hardcover, 294 pages

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of many pivotal events in the civil rights movement, and to commemorate "Freedom Summer," Tell Me More is diving into books that explore that theme.

Alt-Right is a fake ass boogie man Jake, but if the sister humpers get uppity then you damn right you can shoot them.
Breitbart says you are stupid, then. We all knew that.

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right in . . . Breitbart. March 29, 2016.

Breitbart, yeah who cares. Re-branded meth heads dont impress me. outside of message boards no one even knows what the hell they are. But you are right. The 2nd is indeed in place to resist a government if it were to go all white power. Kind of makes one question the democrat and liberal republican agenda a bit as they are heavily invested in keeping poor minorities unarmed. Anway, Breitbart aint nothing but alex jones to me. So fuck'em.
You are not expert, not the decider, so what impresses you does not matter.

Breitbart talking about what is the alt right, though, has merit, although most of it is "fake news."
Yup. Ask the Dakota protesters how non-violent protesting is going. How many of the lunatics at the bird sanctuary in Oregon were hospitalized by rubber bullets? Caught hypothermia from thugs blasting them with freezing water?

Liberals, drop your gun control bullshit and arm up. A powerful minority in the country just voted in a man to the Presidency in the hopes that he'll come after you and yours. Know your rights and use them.

Did you get a gun?
Already had 2. I've barely used either in years. I'm thinking it's time to start practicing again.

Interesting. Yeah, I kick around the idea here and there about getting one myself. Hell, if Dan Bilzerian owns guns maybe it's not so bad after all! I could go shootin' drones here in the desert and maybe get some of them hot bitches in bikinis
As long as you're not an irresponsible gun owner who buys a bazillion of them, keeps them in places where they can be easily accessed by children or stolen by criminals, or sell them to people without knowing their background, it can be a good thing to have a gun. Remember, we have more guns than citizens in this country, and it's easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere else in the world, so you might as well protect yourself. That's the best argument there is against gun control.
There you go again, thinking guns kill people - when it's people that kill people. And by the way it does not matter how many firearms an individual buys… They have every right to. shit for brains

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